PUBLICATIONS OF TOM WHITHAM - A Thousand Invisible Cords

Axelsson, E.P., J. Hjältén, C.J. LeRoy, T.G. Whitham, R. Julkunen-Tiitto, and A. Wennström. 2011. Leaf litter from
insect-resistant transgenic trees causes changes in aquatic insect community composition. JOURNAL OF
APPLIED ECOLOGY 48:1472–1479.
Axelsson, E.P., J. Hjältén, T.G. Whitham, R. Julkunen-Tiitto, G. Pilate, and A. Wennström. 2011. Leaf ontogeny
interacts with Bt modification to affect innate resistance in GM aspens. CHEMOECOLOGY 21:161-169.
Bailey, J.K., and T.G. Whitham. 2007. Biodiversity is related to indirect interactions among species of large effect.
Pages 306-328 in Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs (T. Ohgushi, T.P.
Craig, and P.W. Price, eds.). Cambridge University Press, UK.
Bailey, J.K., J.A. Schweitzer, B.J. Rehill, R.L. Lindroth, G.D. Martinsen, and T.G. Whitham. 2004. Beavers as
molecular geneticists: A genetic basis to the foraging of an ecosystem engineer. ECOLOGY 85:603-608.
Bailey, J.K., J.A. Schweitzer, F. Úbeda, M. Zinkgraf, B.M. Fitzpatrick, J. O’Reilly-Wapstra, B.J. Rehill, C.J.
LeRoy, B.M. Potts, T.G. Whitham, M.A. Genung, D.G. Fischer, C.C. Pregitzer, and A.R. Keith. 2012.
From genes to ecosystems: Emerging concepts bridging ecological and evolutionary dynamics.
ECOLOGICAL REVIEWS. In The Ecology of Plant Secondary Metabolites: From Genes to Global
Processes (G.R. Iason, M. Dicke, and S.E. Hartley). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in
Bailey, J.K., R. Deckert, J.A. Schweitzer, B.J. Rehill, R.L. Lindroth, C.A. Gehring, and T.G. Whitham. 2005. Host plant
genetics affect hidden ecological players: Links among Populus, condensed tannins and fungal endophyte
infection. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 83:356-361.
Bailey, J.K., S.C. Wooley, R.L. Lindroth, and T.G. Whitham. 2006. Importance of species interactions to community
heritability: A genetic basis to trophic-level interactions. ECOLOGY LETTERS 9:78-85.
Bangert, R.K., E.V. Lonsdorf, G.M. Wimp, S.M. Shuster, D. Fischer, J.A. Schweitzer, G.J. Allan, J.K. Bailey, and T.G.
Whitham. 2008. Genetic structure of a foundation species: scaling community phenotypes from the individual
to the region. HEREDITY 100:121-131.
Barbour, R.C., J.M. O'Reilly-Wapstra, D.W. De Little, G.J. Jordan, D.A. Steane, J.R. Humphreys, J.K. Bailey, T.G.
Whitham, and B.M. Potts. 2009. A geographic mosaic of genetic variation within a foundation tree species and
its community-level consequences. ECOLOGY 90:1762-1772.
Brown, J.H., T.G. Whitham, S.K. Morgan Ernest, and C.A. Gehring. 2001. Complex species interactions and the
dynamics of ecological systems: long-term experiments. SCIENCE 293:643-650.
Chadde, S.W., and C. E. Kay. 1991. Tall willow communities on Yellowstone’s northern range: a test of the ‘‘natural
regulation’’ paradigm. Pages 231–262 in R. B. Keiter and M. S. Boyce, editors. The Greater Yellowstone
ecosystem. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Dayton, P.K. 1972. Toward an understanding of community resilience and the potential effects of enrichments to the
benthos at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. In Proceedings of the colloquium on conservation problems. Edited
by B.C. Parker. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kans. pp. 81–96.
Driebe, E., and T.G. Whitham. 2000. Cottonwood hybridization affects tannin and nitrogen content of leaf litter and
alters decomposition. OECOLOGIA 123:99-107.
Evans, L.M., G.J. Allan, S.M. Shuster, S.A. Woolbright, and T.G. Whitham. 2008. Tree hybridization and genotypic
variation drive cryptic speciation of a specialist mite herbivore. EVOLUTION 62:3027-3040.
Evans, L.M., Gerard J. Allan, Nashelly Meneses, Tamara L. Max, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Herbivore host-associated
genetic differentiation depends on the scale of plant genetic variation examined. EVOLUTIONARY
ECOLOGY (in press).
Ferrier, S.M., R.K. Bangert, E. Hersch-Green, J.K. Bailey, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Unique arthropod
communities on different host-plant genotypes results in greater arthropod diversity. ARTHROPOD-PLANT
Fischer, D.G., S.C. Hart, B.J. Rehill, R.L. Lindroth, P. Keim, and T.G. Whitham. 2006. Do high-tannin leaves require
more roots? OECOLOGIA 149:668-675.
Floate, K.D., and T.G. Whitham. 1995. Insects as traits in plant systematics: Their use in discriminating between hybrid
cottonwoods. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 73:1-13.
Gitlin, A.R., C.M. Sthultz, M.A. Bowker, S. Stumpf, K.L. Paxton, K. Kennedy, A. Munoz, J.K. Bailey, and T.G.
Whitham. 2006. Mortality gradients within and among dominant plant populations as barometers of ecosystem
change during extreme drought. CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 20:1477-1486.
Grady, K., D.C Laughlin, S.M. Ferrier, T.E. Kolb, S.C. Hart, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Adaptive trait
recognition: Genotypic variation in leaf economic traits is related to climate change adaptation of a foundation
riparian tree. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY (accepted with revision).
Grady, K.C., S.M. Ferrier, T.G. Whitham, T.E. Kolb, S.C. Hart, and G.J. Allan. 2011. Genetic variation in productivity
of foundation riparian species at the edge of their distribution: implications for restoration and assisted migration
in a warming climate. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 17:3724–3735.
Holeski, L.M., M.L. Hillstrom, T.G. Whitham, and R.L. Lindroth. 2012. Relative importance of genetic, ontogenetic,
induction and seasonal variation in producing a multivariate defense phenotype in a foundation tree species.
OECOLOGIA (in press).
Keim, P., K.N. Paige, T.G. Whitham, and K.G. Lark. 1989. Genetic analysis of an interspecific hybrid swarm of
Populus: Occurrence of unidirectional introgression. GENETICS 123:557-565.
Keith, A.R., J.K. Bailey, and T.G. Whitham. 2010. A genetic basis to community repeatability and stability.
ECOLOGY 11:3398-3406.
LeRoy, C.J., T.G. Whitham, P. Keim, and J.C. Marks. 2006. Plant genes link forests and streams. ECOLOGY 87:255261.
LeRoy, C.J., T.G. Whitham, S.C. Wooley, J.C. Marks. 2007. Within-species variation in foliar chemistry influences
Michalet, R., S. Xiao, B. Touzard, D.S. Smith, L.A. Cavieres, R.M. Callaway, and T.G. Whitham. 2011. Phenotypic
variation in nurse traits and community feedbacks define an alpine community. ECOLOGY LETTERS 14:433443.
Orians, C.M., and R.S. Fritz. 1996. Genetic and soil-nutrient effects on the abundance of herbivores on willow.
Oecologia 105:388-396.
Rehfeldt, G.E., N.L. Crookston, M.V. Warwell, and J.S. Evans. 2006. Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships
for the western United States. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167:1123–1150.
Rosi-Marshall, E.J., J.L.Tank, T.V. Royer, M.R.Whiles, M. Evans-White, C. Chambers, N.A. Griffiths, J. Pokelsek, and
M.L. Stephen. 2007. Toxins in transgenic crop byproducts may affect headwater stream ecosystems.
Schweitzer, J.A., J.K. Bailey, B.J. Rehill, G.D. Martinsen, S.C. Hart, R.L. Lindroth, P. Keim, and T.G. Whitham. 2004.
Genetically based trait in a dominant tree affects ecosystem processes. ECOLOGY LETTERS 7:127-134.
Schweitzer, J.A., J.K. Bailey, D.G. Fischer, C.J. LeRoy, E.V. Lonsdorf, T.G. Whitham, and S.C. Hart. 2008. Plant-soil
microorganism interactions: A heritable relationship between plant genotype and associated soil
microorganisms. ECOLOGY 89:773-781.
Schweitzer, J.A., J.K. Bailey, D.G. Fischer, C.J. LeRoy, T.G. Whitham, and S.C. Hart. 2012. Functional and heritable
consequences of plant genotype on community composition and ecosystem processes. In Interaction Richness
and Complexity: Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects of Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions. (T. Ohgushi, O.
Schmitz & R. D. Holt, eds.). Cambridge University Press (in press).
Shuster, S.M., E.V. Lonsdorf, G.M. Wimp, J.K. Bailey, and T.G. Whitham. 2006. Community heritability measures the
evolutionary consequences of indirect genetic effects on community structure. EVOLUTION 60:991-1003.
Smith, D.S., J.A. Schweitzer, P. Turk, J.K. Bailey, S.C. Hart, S.M. Shuster, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Soil-mediated
local adaptation alters seedling survival and performance. PLANT AND SOIL 352:243–251.
Sthultz, C.M., C.A. Gehring, and T.G. Whitham. 2009. Deadly combination of genes and drought: Increased mortality
of herbivore-resistant trees in a foundation species. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 15:1949-1961.
Sthultz, C.M., T.G. Whitham, K. Kennedy, R. Deckert, and C.A. Gehring. 2009. Genetically-based susceptibility to
herbivory influences the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of a foundation tree species. NEW
PHYTOLOGIST 184:657–667.
Whitham, T.G, J.K. Bailey, J.A. Schweitzer, S.M. Shuster, R.K. Bangert, C.J. LeRoy, E. Lonsdorf, G.J. Allan, S.P.
DiFazio, B.M. Potts, D.G. Fischer, C.A. Gehring, R.L. Lindroth, J.C. Marks, S.C. Hart, G.M. Wimp, and S.C.
Wooley. 2006. A framework for community and ecosystem genetics: From genes to ecosystems. NATURE
Whitham, T.G, S.P. DiFazio, J.A. Schweitzer, S.M. Shuster, G.J. Allan, J.K. Bailey, and S.A. Woolbright. 2008.
Extending genomics to natural communities and ecosystems. SCIENCE 320:492-495.
Whitham, T.G., C.A. Gehring, L.J. Lamit, T. Wojtowicz, L.M. Evans, A.R. Keith, and D.S. Smith. 2012. Community
specificity: life and afterlife effects of genes. TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE 17:271-281.
Whitham, T.G., C.A. Gehring, L.M. Evans, C.J. LeRoy, R.K. Bangert, J.A. Schweitzer, G.J. Allan, R.C. Barbour, D.G.
Fischer, B.M. Potts, and J.K. Bailey. 2010. A community and ecosystem genetics approach to conservation
biology and management. Pages 50-73 in Molecular Approaches in Natural Resource Conservation and
Management (A. DeWoody, J. Bickham, C. Michler, K. Nichols, G. Rhodes and K. Woeste, eds.). Cambridge
University Press.
Whitham, T.G., W.P. Young, G.D. Martinsen, C.A. Gehring, J.A. Schweitzer, S.M. Shuster, G.M. Wimp, D.G. Fischer,
J.K. Bailey, R.L. Lindroth, S. Woolbright, and C.R. Kuske. 2003. Community and ecosystem genetics: A
consequence of the extended phenotype. ECOLOGY 84:559-573.
Wimp, G.M., G.D. Martinsen, K.D. Floate, R.K. Bangert, and T.G. Whitham. 2005. Plant genetic determinants of
arthropod community structure and diversity. EVOLUTION 59:61-69.
Wimp, G.M., W.P. Young, S.A. Woolbright, G.D. Martinsen, P. Keim, and T.G. Whitham. 2004. Conserving plant
genetic diversity for dependent animal communities. ECOLOGY LETTERS 7:776-780.
Woolbright, S.A., S.P. DiFazio, T. Yin, G.D. Martinsen, X. Zhang, G.J. Allan, T.G. Whitham, and P. Keim. 2008. A
dense linkage map of a hybrid (Populus fremontii x P. angustifolia) BC1 family contributes to long-term
ecological research and comparison mapping in a model forest tree. HEREDITY 100:59-70.