1 Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 2. The normative basis: a measure of riskiness................................................................. 5 2.1 Introduction to the operational measure of riskiness ................................................ 5 2.2 A special class of strategies ...................................................................................... 6 3. Approximating riskiness ............................................................................................... 8 3.1 A Taylor-based approximation of R ......................................................................... 8 3.2 From approximating riskiness to defining a decision rule ...................................... 11 3.3 A final refinement of the decision rule ................................................................... 14 4. Fair compensation theory............................................................................................ 15 4.1 Following the decision rule ..................................................................................... 16 4.2 Alternative interpretations of the decision rule ....................................................... 18 4.2.1 Gain and riskiness ............................................................................................ 18 4.2.2 The mechanism interpretation.......................................................................... 20 4.3 Compensation as an expected payoff ...................................................................... 21 4.3.1 The p-root transformation ................................................................................ 21 4.3.2 From riskiness measure to attractiveness measure .......................................... 23 5. Data analysis ............................................................................................................... 24 5.1 Analysis of the results ............................................................................................. 27 5.1.1 Loss probabilities up to 0.8 .............................................................................. 28 5.1.2 The 50-50 case ................................................................................................. 29 5.1.3 High loss probabilities (above 0.8) .................................................................. 30 6. Properties of the fair compensation rate ..................................................................... 32 6.1 Homogeneity ........................................................................................................... 32 6.2 Globality ................................................................................................................. 33 6.3 Stochastic dominance.............................................................................................. 33 6.4 Decomposing compensation into its components ................................................... 33 7. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 35 8. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 37 Appendix A: Wealth considerations in prospect theory results ........................................ 39 Appendix B: Proofs........................................................................................................... 40 Appendix C: Expansion to “non-simple” gambles ........................................................... 42 References ......................................................................................................................... 46 2 Figure 1 ............................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 ............................................................................................................................. 11 Figure 3 ............................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 4 ............................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 5 ............................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 6 ............................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 7 ............................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 8 ............................................................................................................................. 32 Table 1: Compensation rate as a function of loss probability ........................................... 17 Table 2: A cross-theory comparison of indifference points.............................................. 27 Table 3: A test of loss aversion with mixed prospects...................................................... 40 3 Abstract Prospect Theory, and more specifically Cumulative Prospect Theory, has challenged the assumption that expected utility theory describes observed decision behavior in the real world. Moreover, prospect theory has challenged the assumption, common in economics, that the decision maker is rational. However, maximizing expected utility may not be the one and only measure of rationality, and other normative theories of decision under risk may be considered. Recently there has been progress in the development of the concept of riskiness, which opens routes to a stricter definition of rational decision making. In this paper we suggest that decision making under risk, as reported and analyzed in (cumulative) prospect theory, can be explained as an approximation of a normative set of rules based on the concept of riskiness measures. The approximation of fully rational behavior can be thought of as a form of bounded rationality, where the sub optimality of cognitive procedures finds expression in the substitution of complex formulas with their simplified approximations. We then calculate an indifference threshold for the median decision maker1 which is consistent with both riskiness considerations and evidence from the lab, and which captures loss aversion and other descriptive attributes of common decision making. This indifference threshold is interpreted as a fair compensation level for accepting risky gambles, and its characteristics and implications are examined. Finally, using the indifference threshold we build a new measure for the attractiveness of gambles. 1. Introduction Loss aversion, diminishing sensitivity, and overweighting of small probabilities have been three essential characteristics widely regarded as explaining observed human decision making ever since Tversky and Kahneman first articulated them in their seminal work (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; Tversky & Kahneman, 1991 and 1992). Prospect Theory, and in particular Cumulative Prospect Theory, strives to describe these properties by suggesting a two-stage formulation, whose first stage translates probabilities into 1 Throughout this paper, we use the term "median decision maker" to indicate a decision maker whose attitude towards risk places him at the median of the population. 4 decision weights, and whose second stage translates payoffs into utilities using a value function that is concave for gains and convex for losses. The nonlinear transformation of probabilities contradicts the axioms of von Neumann and Morgenstern’s Expected Utility Theory (von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944), the most firmly established and widely used decision theory in economics, and the dependency on a reference point contradicts the common assumption in economics that utility is a function of total wealth. As a result of this contradiction, there ensued a long and lasting debate on the extent to which expected utility theory can explain observed behavior, and although the normative character of expected utility theory is usually agreed upon, its positive (or descriptive) character remains in doubt. A route seldom taken toward resolving the contradiction is to look for an alternative normative theory of decision making under risk that would explain real-world behavior better than expected utility theory and thus reaffirm the rationality of the decision maker. We suggest that such an alternative theory can be found in the growing body of literature on riskiness and measures of riskiness. In chapter 2 we present the alternative normative theory to be discussed here—the operational measure of riskiness suggested by Foster and Hart (2007)—and discuss a class of strategies of a potentially descriptive nature that follow from this riskiness measure. Chapter 3 raises some bounded rationality considerations that lead to a new approximate measure of riskiness, and based on this new measure a decision rule is suggested. Chapter 4 discusses the attributes of the decision rule, such as how it is used and what interpretations can be given to it, which form the theoretical basis for our Fair Compensation Theory. Chapter 5 checks the validity of the predictions of this fair compensation theory against the results of cumulative prospect theory. Chapter 6 investigates the mathematical characteristics of the approximate measure of riskiness used in this theory. In section 7 we discuss possible extensions of the fair compensation theory. Section 8 concludes. 5 2. The normative basis: a measure of riskiness 2.1 Introduction to the operational measure of riskiness Decision theory analyzes human decision making under risk, while sometimes presenting such decisions as gambles. The statistical moments of a gamble’s outcomes (e.g., the mean and the variance) can imply its level of risk, but there is no agreed-on measure of riskiness, despite various attempts to define one. For a survey of measures of riskiness, see Foster & Hart, 2007, Section 6.4; Aumann & Serrano, 2007, Section 7; Machina & Rothschild, 2007. There is an ongoing literature on measures of riskiness for gambles. Two fruitful measures were recently suggested by Foster and Hart (2007) and Aumann and Serrano (2007). Although these two measures originate from totally distinct hypotheses, and are quite different in their agendas, both reach very similar results for a large class of gambles,2 since their mathematical formulas are similar. Foster and Hart’s model is of particular interest, since a decision rule that guarantees no bankruptcy can be based upon their operational measure of riskiness. Their model suggests that in order to avoid bankruptcy, one should compare one's “reserve wealth” (“wealth” for short, i.e., the whole wealth or the fraction thereof dedicated to gambles) to the riskiness of the gamble (measured in monetary terms), and reject the gamble if wealth is lower than riskiness (henceforth the F&H rejection rule). On the other hand, accepting a gamble when wealth is greater than riskiness is not mandatory. The following notations and definitions are based on Foster and Hart (2007). A gamble g is a real-valued random variable having some negative values (losses are possible) and positive expectation, i.e., Pg 0 0 and Eg 0 . The probability of loss is strictly positive because otherwise the gamble would be degenerated: any gamble whose outcomes are all positive must be accepted by a rational decision maker, and is assumed to be accepted in practice by practically everyone.3 The expected payoff of the gamble is restricted to positive values because every gamble with a negative expectation 2 The class of gambles with payoffs that are relatively small compared to the riskiness measure. Rationality cannot be a requirement in a positive theory of decision making (as opposed to a normative one), but this extremely weak sense of rationality—a preference for a positive amount of money over none—is a reasonable characteristic for the ordinary decision maker. 3 6 is assumed to be rejected by the common decision maker, as most people are risk-averse. We can assign a measure of riskiness RFH g to each gamble g, such that the greater the risk involved in the gamble, the greater the value of RFH g . RFH g is homogeneous of degree I, i.e., RFH g RFH g for every 0 . For each gamble g and wealth W, a strategy s either accepts g at W, or rejects g at W. Hence we can write the F&H rejection rule as follows: A strategy s guarantees no bankruptcy if and only if for every gamble g and wealth W>0, whenever W< RFH g s rejects g at W. The value of RFH g (hereafter g simply R) is obtained by solving the equation E ln 1 0 (R has no explicit R expression). 2.2 A special class of strategies Definition: A “simple” gamble g is a two-outcome gamble yielding a strictly negative payoff -L with positive probability p, and a positive payoff G otherwise: Figure 1 For the sake of simplicity we will restrict our discussion in this paper to “simple” gambles (i.e., two-outcome gambles). This restriction should not weaken our analysis, as prospect theory and cumulative prospect theory are completely based on evaluations of two-outcome gambles (see Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1992). We refer to “non-simple” gambles in Appendix C. Next, we define vs g : inf W 0 : s accepts gat W . Thus vs g indicates the minimal wealth needed in order to accept g when using s. Let us now look at a class of strategies S* defined over the set of all “simple” gambles, that satisfy the F&H rejection 7 rule in the following manner: each s* S * corresponds to a unique probabilitydependent threshold Th(p), such that: , v s g R , if G L Th( p) if G L Th( p) We let ε be some positive number arbitrarily small. In words, a strategy s* accepts a gamble g if and only if the gain-to-loss ratio is above some threshold Th(p) and the wealth is greater than the riskiness measure R. This decision rule can be written in a simpler form: Accept a gamble g if and only if: (1) G/L>Th(p) AND (2) W>R. Th(p) is a non-decreasing function of the loss probability p; this implies that the greater the probability of losing (p), the higher is the threshold for acceptance (the gain-to-loss ratio (G/L) needed to transfer a gamble from the upper group of gambles (whose v s g ) to the lower group (whose vs g R )). Clearly, s* guarantees no bankruptcy as R vs g for every gamble g. A strategy s* separates the space of gambles into two clusters: one contains gambles that are rejected at all wealth levels, and the other contains gambles that are accepted whenever R W . This clustering of gambles suggests that the class S* can be described as a family of “compensation” strategies, where each strategy s* is characterized by a compensation level, indicated by the threshold Th(p), such that a gamble that offers a gain-to-loss ratio (G/L) below this level is always rejected (reward not compensating for the risk taken), while a gamble that offers a gain-to-loss ratio above this level is accepted as long as no bankruptcy is guaranteed (i.e., as long as R W ). It is immediately evident that “compensation” strategies incorporate two plausible attributes. First, they capture a naïve but powerful “rule of thumb” according to which probabilities translate into risk and gain-to-loss ratio translates into compensation, while Th(p) functions as a “price tag” of the required compensation for each level of risk. Second, risk aversion becomes more dominant as the stakes grow, as reflected by the fact that it is possible to skew up any gamble with “compensating” G/L (multiply both G and L by λ>1) until its riskiness R surpasses the 8 wealth W, and as a result the gamble is rejected. The first property is a characteristic of a CARA utility function,4 while the second is supported both theoretically and empirically by numerous studies, such as Holt & Laury (2002), Smith and Walker (1993), PalaciosHuerta and Serrano (2006), and Fullenkamp et al. (2003, p. 219). The focus on the class of strategies S* is motivated by their high descriptive ability, which will become much more apparent in Chapter 5, where the predictions of an s*-based decision rule are compared to the results of cumulative prospect theory. 3. Approximating riskiness 3.1 A Taylor-based approximation of R In this section we take the first step from normative to positive decision theory. The motivation for seeking riskiness-based decision making in real life stems partly from evolutionary considerations: people whose behavior violates the F&H rejection rule are prone to bankruptcy and therefore perhaps at an evolutionary disadvantage as bankruptcy may lead to no living offspring. The adoption of decision rules (such as the F&H rejection rule) through an evolutionary process is guided partly by their direct fitnessenhancing character and partly by their lack of complexity. The decision maker may not be aware of using these rules, but he is nevertheless guided by them if his mind is capable of being “programmed” to follow them. Such rules may be regarded as instances of rule rationality, a term coined by Robert Aumann to describe unconscious “rules of thumb” that work in general and evolve like genes: if they work well, they are fruitful and multiply; if they work poorly, they become rare and eventually extinct (Aumann, 1997). We just saw that “compensation level”-based strategies may guarantee no bankruptcy, thus enhance fitness, but in order to be regarded rule rational they must not be too complex. Let us examine the feasibility of an evolutionary process leading to adoption of a compensation level-based strategy s* for decision making. Finding an arbitrary monotonic threshold function Th(p) with which to compare the gain-to-loss ratio is an easy mental task (e.g., one can demand, as one’s compensation level, a ratio G/L equal to 4 In the sense that a person with CARA utility evaluates the gamble regardless of his own wealth: he either accepts it at all wealth levels or rejects it at all wealth levels. We describe this behavior as putting a “price tag” on the risk involved in a gamble, and judging the payoffs relative to this “price tag,” while ignoring wealth considerations. 9 the reciprocal of the gain probability, so that G:L equals 2:1 if the chance to win is 1/2, G:L equals 4:1 if the chance to win is 1/4, and so on). However, how can one compare his wealth W to RFH g , when the evaluation of the latter involves an implicit function whose treatment is beyond the ability of an ordinary person, even if this treatment does not involve solving equations but rather following an “evolutionarily programmed” rule? It may prove a task too complicated for the human mind. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that people who used decision rules that were based on a more accurate estimation of R had an evolutionary advantage over their peers.5 Thus, there may have been an evolutionary pressure to approximate R, the implicit expression of riskiness given by Foster and Hart. In a way, approximating R may be regarded as a form of bounded rationality, that is to say, a method used by a brain with limited calculation abilities to reach what Herbert Simon coined “satisficing” results (Herbert Simon, 1972, 1982). In order to find a simple explicit expression that approximates the F&H. measure of riskiness RFH g and can be used as its substitute, we turn now to examine the mathematical aspects of the implicit formulation of R. g For the F&H measure of riskiness R we have E ln 1 0 . A Taylor series R development of the 2 expression 3 in parentheses is 4 g g 1g 1g 1g ln 1 . Approximating this infinite series using R R 2 R 3 R 4 R g g 2 0 , from which a new approximated measure of the first two terms yields E 2 R 2R riskiness can be derived, namely R(g ) : E g2 . R(g) is a good approximation as long as 2 Eg g is small enough (uniformly). From a bounded rationality perspective, R(g) has an R explicit expression that may substitute the implicit F&H measure of riskiness, while giving the requested “satisficing” results. In addition, since R(g) is a ratio of the dispersion and the mean, it reflects the intuition-driven convention that riskiness should 5 Accurate estimation of R is required in order to avoid bankruptcy. 10 rise with increased dispersion and fall with increased expectation (this may recall the logic behind the Sharpe Ratio). Therefore, if there was an evolutionary pressure to base decision rules on RFH g , it is possible that R(g) was used instead, thanks to its relative simplicity. Another interesting feature of R(g) is that it is also the Taylor-based approximation to the measure of riskiness of Aumann and Serrano (henceforth the A&S g measure of riskiness): the A&S measure of riskiness solves the equation E 1 e R 0 , while 1 exp x x g 1 2 1 3 1 4 x x x . Substituting x with and again taking 2 6 24 R only the first two terms of the Taylor series we get R(g), just as was shown with the F&H measure of riskiness. Thus, even if the A&S measure has certain advantages over the F&H measure as a normative guideline, R(g) nevertheless approximates it just as well. Holding L and p constant, RFH g declines monotonically to zero as the gain G grows to infinity. For small values of G the ratio g is also small, and therefore R(g) R behaves very similar to RFH g . However, as G keeps growing, g grows too, and R(g) R gradually draws away from RFH g . Unlike RFH g , its approximation R(g) does have a minimum point as a function of G (while L and p are fixed). Define the gain at this minimum point G'. Then obviously R(g) at the gain G' is min R(g). Since beyond G' R(g) gradually rises, while RFH g keeps decreasing, we get that for values of G above G' min R(g) is a better approximation to RFH g than R(g) itself. This fact is demonstrated in Figure 2, and will be used now for a refinement of the decision rule. 11 Foster-Hart riskiness measure vs. its approximation - R(g) 1400 1200 Riskiness 1000 800 600 G’ 400 200 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 The Gain - G Foster-Hart riskiness measure R(g) - approximated measure of riskiness G - the gain of the gamble Min R(g) Figure 2 The graph illustrates the relations between RFH g , R(g), min R(g), and G, for L=100 and p=0.5. The X-axis is G. The blue line indicates RFH g , which decreases monotonically with G. The orange line is R(g), which reaches its minimum at the point G', where G (green line) crosses it. The purple line shows min R(g). It can be noticed that beyond the crossing point G', min R(g) approximates RFH g better than R(g). 3.2 From approximating riskiness to defining a decision rule The fact that min R(g) approximates RFH g for G>G' better than R(g) does indicates that R(g) can be replaced with an improved approximation to RFH g for all G. Define R* as follows: Rg R* min Rg , if G G ' , if G G ' Therefore, R* is preferred to R(g) in order to approximate RFH g for all values of G. This is demonstrated graphically in Figure 3. 12 Foster-Hart riskiness measure vs. its approximation - R(g) 1400 1200 Riskiness 1000 800 600 400 200 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 The Gain - G Foster-Hart riskiness measure R* - approximated measure of riskiness G - the gain of the gamble Figure 3 The graph illustrates the relations between RFH g , R*, and G, for L=100 and p=0.5. The orange line is R*, which is composed of R(g) up to the point where it reaches its minimum, and a horizontal continuation from this point on (indicating the minimal value of R(g)). In addition to reducing computational complexity, the substitution of the F&H riskiness measure with its approximation R* achieves two other goals. First, R* smoothens the behavior of the riskiness measure for small loss probabilities. In the original F&H riskiness measure, the loss L is the lower bound on RFH g . Thus, for example, the gamble A, which yields -100 with 1% probability and 10,000 with 99% probability, has the same riskiness as gamble B, which yields -100 with 5% probability and 100 with 95% probability; the RFH g for both is 100 (which is the absolute value of the loss L), though the former is definitely more attractive than the latter, regardless of one’s attitude to risk. Allowing the riskiness measure to be lower than L captures the fact that people may be willing to accept such low-risk gambles as gamble A even when their own capital is lower than the possible loss (i.e., when W<L). This relaxation of the lower bound restriction is achieved by substituting RFH g with R*. Second, and more important for 13 this paper, the substitution of RFH g with R* enables us to set a non-arbitrary compensation level Th(p) to the strategy s*, based on R* itself. As mentioned, the compensation level for a strategy s* is a non-decreasing function of the loss probability Th(p), which represents the threshold to which the gain-to-loss ratio of the gamble is compared. In order to show how R* can dictate a specific Th(p) we need to examine the properties of G', which is the point where R(g) reaches its minimum. R(g) can be written explicitly for a “simple” gamble in the following way: E g2 1 1 p G 2 pL R(g ) . By deriving this particular expression of R(g) with 2 E g 2 1 p G pL 2 respect to G, we find that the gain that minimizes R(g) is G', such that G ' L p 1 p . Since at this point the gain G' equals the riskiness R(g) (see Appendix B for a proof), we get * G' L p 1 p Rg G G ' min Rg . Now define Th( p) p 1 p (this is a non- decreasing monotonic function of p). Hence, G' can be written as L Th( p) , and a compensation-level strategy s* with Th( p) p 1 p accepts a gamble if and only if the gain G is greater than G' (equivalent to G/L>Th(p)) and the wealth W is greater than the riskiness. The requirement that the gain be greater than G' follows from the significance of G' in the definition of R*: if by using R*, RFH g can be assessed only approximately, risk aversion might take the form of minimizing R* by accepting gambles only in the horizontal part of R*, where riskiness is constant and at a minimum (this can also be described as minimizing a second-order approximation of the accurate riskiness RFH g ). Since the value of G for which R(g) reaches its minimum (and the horizontal part of R* begins) is G', minimizing R* is equivalent to demanding the gain G to be greater than G'. In conclusion, the compensation level can be based upon min R*, such that by setting Th( p ) p 1 p as a lower threshold on G/L, only gambles whose gain-to-loss ratio minimizes R* are considered. 14 3.3 A final refinement of the decision rule In Section 2.2, we defined the class of strategies S*, such that each s* S * has a unique probability-dependent threshold Th(p), for which it accepts a gamble g if and only if two conditions are satisfied: W RFH g G L Th( p) To adjust such a strategy to the bounded capability of the human mind, “evolution” had to approximate RFH g . As we showed, a natural candidate for that approximation is R*. We were also led to concentrating on one specific s* that followed from using R* instead of RFH g . When we update the general characteristic conditions of S* strategies to that of the specific R*-based strategy s*, we see that acceptance of g is dependent on satisfying two conditions: W R * p G L 1 p where R* is defined as Rg R* min Rg , if G G ' , if G G ' Bearing in mind that G>G' and G L p 1 p are equivalent conditions, we notice that condition (II) restricts R* to the region where it equals min R(g). This allows for a slight manipulation in the writing of the decision rule, such that W min Rg p G L 1 p And finally, recalling from (*) that G' L p 1 p min Rg , we can write the decision rule in its final form: Define Th( p) p 1 p . The compensation-based decision rule is: 15 g Accept if and only if W Th p L AND G Th p L , that is, Th p L min W , G. Moreover, this decision rule is homogeneous; i.e,. if g is accepted at wealth W, then λg is accepted at λW for every λ>0.6 F.H. riskiness measure, its approximation (R*), and the gain condition in the decision rule 1400 The condition on the gain in the decision rule: G>G’ ≡ G>R(g) ≡ G>min R(g) ≡ G>R* ≡ G>L∙Th(p) ≡ {R*|R*=min R(g)} 1200 Riskiness 1000 800 600 G’ 400 200 0 200 150 100 250 350 300 400 The Gain - G Foster-Hart riskiness measure Approximated measure of riskiness G Figure 4 The graph illustrates the area of acceptance according to the condition on the gain in the decision rule, while presenting its varied formulations. The illustration is done for L=100 and p=0.5. 4. Fair compensation theory Fair compensation theory (compensation theory for short) is the name we suggest for the decision theory described in this paper, according to which people follow the two-part 6 If g is accepted at wealth W, then it follows that: 1) W > R(g) => W > λW > E g 2Eg => λW > R(λg) 2 2) G > R(g) => G > E g 2 2Eg => λW > λ E g 2 2Eg => λW > 2 E g 2 2Eg => E g 2 2Eg => λG > λ E g 2 2Eg => λG > 2 E g 2 2Eg => λG > E g 2 E g => λG > R(λg) and therefore λg is accepted at wealth λW. 2 16 decision rule stated above, while doing their best in terms of bounded rationality to avoid bankruptcy and guarantee growth of wealth. The critical gain G' is the fair compensation for making a decision at the risk of losing L with probability p, such that the decision maker is indifferent between accepting and rejecting the gamble (L,G';p,1-p). Our reason for using the term “fair compensation” has to do with the way we often interpret risky (as well as non-risky) offers. Once we have a notion of the gain needed to induce us to accept a certain risk (even if the notion is merely an “evolutionarily programmed” hunch), one may interpret offers of lower gains as unfair or as uncompensating for the risk involved (unfairness is a common motive in the literature for rejecting otherwise attractive offers, e.g., in ultimatum games; see Fehr & Schmidt (1999), Fehr & Gachter (2000), Rabin (1993), Kahneman, Knetsch & Thaler (1986)). In the following sections we describe the logic behind the theory, and in particular how the decision rule can be followed by boundedly rational agents, how this rule can be interpreted, and how it relates to the demand for a positive expected payoff. 4.1 Following the decision rule The whole procedure of approximating the original riskiness measure suggested by Foster and Hart was driven by the motivation to find how riskiness can be assessed by everyone, and to make sure that the s*-based decision rule can be followed (before claiming that empirically it is followed). Was this goal achieved? Let us start with the condition G Th p L , where Th( p) p 1 p . Note that the condition on G is linear with respect to the loss L. This means that we expect the decision maker to be able to assess the gamble’s compensation rate G/L (clearly an easy task) and the required compensation level Th(p), as a function of p. Assessing Th(p) does not require solving root equations, but merely acquiring a sense of the size of Th(p) as a function of p. For example, the compensation level Th(p) for a 50-50 gamble over L and some G is 2.41, and so “feeling” that a fair compensation rate in a coin flipping is a bit below 2.5 is enough to guarantee that the decision maker follows the rule quite closely: every gamble 17 offering a smaller compensation rate G/L will be rejected, and every gamble offering a higher compensation rate may be accepted. The descriptive capabilities of the decision rule are analyzed in Chapter 5, but we will note here that this number 2.41 is inside the range of the loss aversion coefficient estimations of Tversky and Kahneman: between 2 and 2.5 (Tversky & Kahneman, 1991), and is backed up empirically by the ratio that characterizes the asymmetric effects of price increases and decreases (Putler, 1988; Kalawani, Yim, Rinne, and Sugita, 1990). In a similar manner, by having merely the sense of the magnitude of compensation rate needed for only a few loss probabilities, one can follow the decision rule quite closely. Like the value function in prospect theory, Th(p) is a function that emphasizes losses more than gains. This “loss aversion” attribute of the fair compensation rate is illustrated in Table 1 for a few loss probabilities: p(Loss) G'/L 0.5 2.4 0.9 18.5 0.75 6.5 0.25 1 0.1 0.46 Table 1: Compensation rate as a function of loss probability With such a table or a slightly more detailed one encoded in our brain, we are guaranteed a small margin of error when following the condition G Th p L . The second condition, W Th p L , is very similar in structure, and so can be followed in a very similar way, namely, by replacing G by W, and demanding a “wealthto-loss” ratio W/L greater than the compensation level Th(p) (which is evaluated in any case). Though less intuitive, this “wealth” condition is as easy to follow as the “gain” condition. 18 4.2 Alternative interpretations of the decision rule In Chapter 5 we will use Cumulative Prospect Theory (Tversky & Kahneman, 1992) as a reference for observed decision making under risk to show that decision making can be described quite accurately with the decision rule suggested above (accept a gamble if and only if Th p L min W , G). As mentioned, this decision rule is based on a strategy s* that satisfies the necessary condition for no bankruptcy (W>R for every accepted gamble), except that R* is used instead of the original RFH g to reflect bounded rationality. Therefore, if the accuracy of RFH g is not too crucial for this condition, then the principal goal of this paper—finding a normative rule that fits observed behavior and thus can serve as an alternative explanation to the heuristics-based explanation of Prospect Theory—is already achieved. Nevertheless, though one element in the decision rule is directly connected to Foster and Hart’s normative assertions (which require W>R), the other element (which requires G Th p L ) may appear out of place. Therefore, we devote the next section to suggesting some interpretations of this part of the rule, in the hopes that at least one of them will shed light on the true reason for its evolution. 4.2.1 Gain and riskiness To better understand the “gain” condition G Th p L , we need to return to two earlier and equivalent definitions of this condition: (I) R* = min R(g) and (II) G>R* (Figure 4). The fact that condition (I) requires that only gambles with a riskiness R* that is constant and at a minimum be accepted suggests a very simplistic and straightforward form of risk aversion. We shall refer to it as the minimum riskiness condition. On the other hand, condition (II) is based on the fact that G' is the only point where G=R* (Figure 3), and for greater values of G the gain remains above the riskiness, i.e., G>R*. Viewed this way, condition (II) implies that the gain is compared to the riskiness, and that acceptance follows from the fact that the gain is greater than the riskiness measure. We can think of condition (II) as a simplistic compensation-based rule, where a gamble’s riskiness R* should be compensated by a gain greater than R*. We shall refer to it as the gain greater than riskiness condition. 19 Recall that Foster and Hart state that it is possible but not necessary to accept a gamble when W>R, whereas it is detrimental to accept a gamble when W<R, since it guarantees bankruptcy in the long run. As a result, for each level of wealth W, gambles may be partitioned into affordable (i.e., acceptable) and unaffordable risks (i.e., leading to bankruptcy if accepted). We will now try to demonstrate how an intelligent use of the riskiness measure may lessen the danger of bankruptcy and even lead to enhanced growth. To do so, we will suggest an evolutionarily based intuition to the proposed decision rule. Evolutionary considerations are often used to explain heuristics of judgment and decision making. This kind of reasoning is based on the assertion that human behavior was shaped, in the long process of evolution, for the most part while human beings lived in nomadic hunting and gathering tribes, under conditions that merely enabled subsistence. Thus, a behavior that makes no apparent sense today can sometimes be understood by the advantage in fitness it may have conferred to hunting and gathering societies. In these societies, consumption reduces to its narrow conception of consumption of calories, and the payoff currency that sets preferences is calories rather than money. The “reserve wealth” from the Foster–Hart model may then be interpreted as the calories at your disposal (in your stomach or stored in your cave), and the gamble may be the decision whether to exert energy on a risky venture, e.g., going on a hunting expedition (or wandering to a new location, etc.). One interesting observation can already be made: while in the Foster–Hart model having a large initial wealth translates to the possible acceptance of gambles with very small positive expectations (since both W and R are large), from an evolutionary point of view it nonetheless makes more sense to avoid hunting expeditions with only small positive expectation if you already have many calories at your disposal. So the fact that you can afford to take the risk does not mean that you should go ahead and take it. But what affordable risks are worth taking? Here we wish to demonstrate the logic of the “minimum riskiness” and “gain greater than riskiness” conditions as guidelines for decision making. Under the “minimum riskiness” condition, one goes on a hunting expedition only if the possible gain is at least the gain that minimizes the riskiness. Minimizing the riskiness is therefore a heuristic that dispenses with the affordable but unnecessary ventures, including opportunities to marginally improve an already satisfying nutrition. Under the “gain greater than 20 riskiness” condition, one goes hunting only if the possible gain is greater than the riskiness. Remember that the rejection rule (reject if R>W) implies that one should reject gambles one cannot afford, where the measure for affordability is the riskiness R. Hence, the rejection rule implies that riskiness serves as a measure of the amount of calories that the hunter stands to lose in a hunting expedition (so that R>W means that the amount of calories that the hunter stands to lose on an expedition is greater than the amount at his disposal). Therefore, “gain greater than riskiness” can be understood to mean that the hunter should go on the hunting expedition only if the hunt holds the promise of gaining more calories than those he will lose by going out (and the same is true of wandering to a new location). More generally, the no-bankruptcy condition W>R instructs us to keep the level of riskiness below the initial wealth, and the “gain greater than riskiness” condition instructs us to keep the level of riskiness below the possible gain. Taken together, these conditions tell us to avoid taking actions whose riskiness is either greater than what we already have or greater than what we can expect to achieve by taking them. 4.2.2 The mechanism interpretation Unlike the previous two interpretations, the mechanism interpretation to be presented here seeks to explain the plausibility of the condition not through its direct consequences, but rather as an indirect mechanism for avoiding bankruptcy, without any need to compare wealth to riskiness. For this interpretation, the condition may be written simply as G>G', where the significance of the point G' lies in the fact that it separates R* into two parts as follows: Rg R* min Rg , if G G ' , if G G ' While assessing R(g ) E g2 1 1 p G 2 pL 2 E g 2 1 p G pL 2 is too complicated a task for a boundedly rational agent, we showed in Section 4.1 that assessing min Rg L p 1 p (see (*) in Section 3.2) is not. Therefore, assessing riskiness using R* is almost impossible when G≤G', while quite feasible when G>G'. Since a good assessment of R* is crucial to avoid bankruptcy (by following the “wealth” condition W>R*), a 21 psychological mechanism that rejects “uncompensating” gambles (i.e., gambles with G≤G') can guarantee that only gambles whose riskiness measure is estimable will be considered, which enables the decision maker to follow the “wealth” condition required for avoiding bankruptcy. A psychological mechanism can take the form of emotions or expectations, while a physical mechanism takes the form of a chemically based stimulation. Two principal physical mechanisms are hunger and sexual attraction: hunger is a mechanism for guaranteeing a supply of energy to our body through food consumption; sexual attraction is a mechanism for the genes’ reproduction through intercourse. Insult or the demand for fairness (as in the Ultimatum Game) are psychological mechanisms for safeguarding against a reputation that one is a “sucker” (Aumann, 1997). In a similar way, we suggest that seeking compensation for risk is a mechanism for preventing bankruptcy: demanding a compensation rate G/L greater than the threshold Th(p) leads to considering only gambles with G>G', whose riskiness R* is estimable; thus wealth can be compared to riskiness and bankruptcy can be easily avoided. This mechanism of “seeking compensation” is well known to investors: every investment bears a risk, but only investments where the risk of failure is believed to be well compensated for by the expected revenues are eventually taken. 4.3 Compensation as an expected payoff 4.3.1 The p-root transformation Let us now consider only the “gain” condition of the decision rule, namely, G L p 1 p . G', the value of G that makes the decision maker indifferent to the gamble g, solves the equation 1 p G p L 0 . But this is exactly the point of zero expected payoff of a transformed gamble, such that p p and 1 p 1 p . When we define this transformation as a “p-root transformation,” it follows that the decision maker’s behavior can be interpreted as demanding a positive expected payoff in the proot transformed gamble. 22 Two main attributes of judgment in prospect theory are the emphasis on losses and the non-linear weighting of probabilities. In prospect theory these two are modeled separately: the emphasis on losses is modeled with the parameter λ in the value function; the non-linear weighting of probabilities, i.e., the overweighting of low probabilities and the underweighting of high probabilities, is modeled with an inverse S-shaped weighting function. Analyzed together, these two effects accumulate in a gamble with low probability of loss, since both magnify the effect of this possible loss, one through overweighting its size (compared to the gain), and the other through overweighting its low probability of being realized. On the other hand, these two effects tend to cancel each other out in a gamble with a high probability of loss, since the size of the loss is overweighted while the probability of its realization is underweighted. However, since the loss-emphasizing parameter λ is greater than 2, its effect suppresses the diminishing effect of the high probability, i.e., a possible loss is always overemphasized, no matter how high its probability. The p-root transformation incorporates both effects solely through its transformation of the probabilities. The superiority of the effect of the loss-emphasizing parameter λ over the effect of the magnitude of the probability is reflected by the fact that the p-root transformation always increases the loss probability and always decreases the gain probability. The second-order effect—overweighting of low probabilities and underweighting of high probabilities—is reflected in the intensity of its emphasis on losses. As demonstrated in Figure 5, the p-root transformation always overweights the probability of loss, but it does so appreciably for low probabilities and only slightly for high ones. Similarly, it always underweights the probabilities of gain, but it does so appreciably for high probabilities (since both the gain and the high probability are underweighted) and only slightly for low ones. 23 p -root transformation of probabilities Transformed probability 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Original probability Loss probability Gain probability Non-transformed probability Figure 5 This is a graphic illustration of the p-root transformation. Loss probabilities are always magnified, but the extent of magnification is diminished as the probability increaes. Gain probabilities are always reduced, but the extent of reduction is increased as the probability increases. This is a superposition of two effects known in Prospect Theory: loss aversion and non-linear weighting of probabilities. As a result, the p-root transformation may substitute prospect theory’s compound structure of a weighting function multiplied by a value function, while embodying the same implications for decision making under risk. 4.3.2 From riskiness measure to attractiveness measure We now suggest a characterization of an attractiveness scale of gambles based on the expectations of their p-root transformations. Define the attractiveness of a gamble g to be the expected payoff of the p-root transformation of g. By definition, we get zero attractiveness for gambles toward which the median decision maker is indifferent. Moreover, a gamble with G>G' always has a positive index of attractiveness, and a gamble with G<G' has a negative index of attractiveness. Therefore, the “gain” condition of the decision rule may be substituted by a demand for a positive index of attractiveness. Incorporating attractiveness into the model of decision making, we can now talk about 24 each gamble’s level of attractiveness and compare all kinds of gambles, rather than settling for a rule that can only distinguish between participation and avoidance. In so doing, we render attractiveness an objective measure that substitutes the subjective measure of utility. The empirical question of whether a more attractive gamble indeed has a higher chance of being accepted by the median decision maker is left for future investigation, as is the theoretical appeal of its properties (clearly it violates the expected utility hypothesis, and therefore new axiomatization needs to be done to support it as an index). Therefore, the index of attractiveness will not be used for analyzing the predictions of compensation theory. 5. Data analysis Tversky and Kahneman present cumulative prospect theory as “a new version of prospect theory that… allows different weighting functions for gains and for losses.” They further state that “the key elements of this theory are 1) a value function that is concave for gains, convex for losses, and steeper for losses than for gains, and 2) a nonlinear transformation of the probability scale, which overweights small probabilities and underweights moderate and high probabilities” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1992). The value function and weighting functions are the following: Their theory is backed up by experimental data gathered in the lab. From the experimental results they compute the numerical values for the parameters of the functions: α = β = 0.88, λ = 2.25, γ = 0.61, and δ = 0.69 (Tversky & Kahneman, 1992). The fact that the parameters α and β of the value function are found to be equal is significant to this paper. In fair compensation theory, the equation G/L=Th(p), which 25 describes the indifference point of the “gain” condition in the decision rule, is characterized by a property of “scale independence”; i.e., for given probabilities to gain or to lose, only the ratio G/L matters, so that multiplying both G and L by the same constant has no effect. In cumulative prospect theory, the indifference point can be vG w (1 p) v L w p 0 . Substituting the derived from the equation expressions for the value function and weighting functions in this equation, and replacing β with α (since they are equal), we get the following equation for the indifference point: G p p 1 p L 1 p p 1 p 1 . 1 1 We shall refer to it as the “indifference point” representation of prospect theory. As can be easily seen, the indifference point in prospect theory bears the same “scale independence” property as the indifference point of the decision rule in fair compensation theory. This makes them easy to compare, since the comparison is independent of the scale of gains and losses: for each couple of win-lose probabilities (characterized solely by the value of p), the G/L ratio that makes the decision maker indifferent to the gamble according to one theory can be compared to the G/L ratio that makes him indifferent according to the other. The “wealth” condition of the decision rule, i.e., W/L>Th(p), cannot be compared to the results of prospect theory since the wealth of the subjects in the experiments is unknown. Nevertheless, as analyzed in Appendix A, it can be assumed that the wealth condition was not violated by the vast majority of the subjects (because the condition was satisfied for all gambles for most subjects), and so the wealth condition is redundant for the comparative analysis presented here. A broader discussion of wealth considerations in analyzing prospect theory results appears in the Conclusion. We are using the “indifference point” representation with the explicit numerical values of the parameters to get prospect theory’s estimations on decision making, and comparing them to the “gain” condition of the decision rule in fair compensation theory. Both theories are further compared to estimates based on the F&H and the A&S measure of riskiness. These two measures are both monotonic w.r.t. first-order stochastic dominance (Section 6.3) and therefore have no point of minimum riskiness for a given 26 possible loss (which is a desirable property for a measure of riskiness). However, each of them has a unique point where riskiness equals gain (for a “simple” gamble), and this equity point is used for the comparison. The purpose of entering estimates based on these riskiness measures, despite the fact that none of them attempts to suggest a wealthindependent indifference point as a function of the ratio G/L, is to create a scale that enables us to notice just how close the predictions of fair compensation theory are to those of prospect theory. The usual graphic representation of prospect theory is separated into a value function that is concave for gains and convex for losses, and two inverse S-shaped weighting functions. However, for the sake of comparison with other alternatives, we represent the function as assigning a gain value to a vector (p,L) (a possible loss and its probability), which indicates the gain needed to make the median decision maker indifferent to the gamble (G,1-p;L,p). This is a graphic illustration of the “indifference point” defined above. Furthermore, asking for the gain that makes one indifferent to a suggested gamble is a method used by Tversky & Kahneman to derive the parameters of the functions of prospect theory.7 In a similar manner, each of the other theories and measures provides an estimation of the gain G that makes the median decision maker indifferent to the same vector (p,L).8 Table 2 summarizes the results for a loss of $100 with probabilities at the range [0.01, 0.99]. Prob. of Loss (p) 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9 0.95 0.99 Prob. of Gain (1-p) 0.99 0.95 0.9 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 0.01 The gain (G) required for indifference: Prospect Theory 7.13 27.02 49.43 118.6 274.1 601.2 1270 2093 6329 Fair Compensation 11.11 28.80 46.25 100.0 241.4 646.4 1849 3849 19850 Theory F&H measure of 100.0 100.0 100.2 114.3 200.0 484.7 1349 2791 14333 riskiness “[T]he subjects made choices regarding the acceptability of a set of mixed prospects (e.g., 50% chance to lose $100 and 50% chance to win x) in which x was systematically varied” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1992). 8 As mentioned, the “estimate” of the F&H and the A&S index of riskiness is the point where R=G. 7 27 A.S. measure of 24.08 38.98 52.62 94.0 204.2 523.1 1473 3056 15715 riskiness Table 2: A cross-theory comparison of indifference points 5.1 Analysis of the results Since the ratio G/L is not dependent on the size of L for any of the theories and measures presented, one can simply divide all values by 100 (the size of loss in the numerical example) to obtain the compensation rate suggested by each of them. Figure 6 shows for each of the theories and riskiness measures defined above the compensation rate (i.e., the G/L ratio) required to make a decision maker indifferent to a gamble g as a function of the loss probability. In addition, the compensation rate needed for a risk-neutral agent is drawn as a reference (a risk-neutral agent will accept any gamble with a positive expected payoff and reject any gamble with a negative expected payoff). Hence, he is indifferent to g whenever 1 p G p L 0 , i.e., when G L p 1 p .9 It can be observed from the graphs that a risk-neutral agent is the least sensitive of all to the risk of losing (as we would have expected), while compensation theory describes the most risk-averse decision maker, with very similar results to prospect theory for most of the range (see detailed analysis below). 9 Similarly, in fair compensation theory one is indifferent to a gamble whenever the expected payoff of its p-root transformation is zero (as illustrated in Section 4.3). 28 Comparative Graph of Compensation Rates 35.0 30.0 Compensation rate 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 p (Loss) Compensation Theory Risk-Neutrality Prospect Theory Foster-Hart Aumann-Serrano Figure 6 5.1.1 Loss probabilities up to 0.8 For loss probabilities up to ~0.8, the compensation rates predicted by Compensation Theory (C-T) are similar to those predicted by Prospect Theory (P-T), outperforming even the F&H and A&S riskiness measures to which it approximates (Figure 7). This is true even for very small probabilities, such as p=0.05 (2.7 in P-T, 2.9 in C-T) and p=0.01 (0.07 in P-T, 0.11 in C-T). Therefore, at least in this range of loss probabilities, the simple “fair compensation rate,” G L p 1 p , manages to capture all three attributes of decision making in prospect theory: loss aversion, diminishing sensitivity, and the non-linear weighting of probabilities (since all three are embedded in prospect theory’s predictions). The fact that a decision rule based on R*, which is only an approximation to the riskiness measures of Foster and Hart and of Aumann and Serrano, predicts observed behavior better than the equivalent decision rules that are based on them directly (at least according to the prospect theory standard), can be ascribed to its greater conformity to the real-life behavior of boundedly rational agents. 29 Comparative Graph of Compensation Rates 9.0 8.0 Compensation rate 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 p (Loss) Compensation Theory Risk-Neutrality Prospect Theory Foster-Hart Aumann-Serrano Figure 7 5.1.2 The 50-50 case Of particular interest is the point where winning and losing are equally likely. The behavior at this point can be used to infer “pure” loss aversion, i.e., the exact size of the gain needed to cancel out an equally likely loss. The equal likelihood case has been investigated more than other cases, and it enabled Tversky & Kahneman to conclude that the loss aversion coefficient is 2–2.510: “Such estimates [of the coefficient of loss aversion] can be obtained by observing the ratio G/L that makes an even chance to gain G or lose L just acceptable. We have observed a ratio of just over 2:1 in several experiments. In one gambling experiment with real payoffs, for example, a 50–50 bet to win $25 or lose $10 was barely acceptable, yielding a ratio of 2.5:l. Similar values were obtained from hypothetical choices regarding the acceptability of larger gambles, over a range of several hundred dollars” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1991). In their next, 1992 article Tversky and Kahneman present cumulative prospect theory, and supply 10 Tversky & Kahneman indicate that loss aversion coefficient could vary across dimensions, e.g. when moving from money to safety issues. Here I am only concerned with monetary payoffs, and leave these extensions to other disciplines outside the scope of this paper. 30 experimental results that enable them to estimate the loss aversion coefficient directly from subjects’ indifference to participation in an equal likelihood gamble. Faced with a 50% chance to lose a predetermined amount (-$25, -$50, -$100, or -$150), the median subject demanded a 50% chance to win $61, $101, $202, or $280, respectively, in order to be indifferent to taking the gamble. These results suggest a loss aversion coefficient of 1.87-2.44, which matches the 1:2 - 1:2.5 ratio Tversky & Kahneman indicated in their previous paper. Compensation theory suggests a loss aversion coefficient of 2.41, which not only falls within the range of the results just mentioned, but is also a better fit for these experimental results than the value of 2.7411 obtained from multiplying the value function and weighting functions as suggested by cumulative prospect theory. It is worth noting that the extent of loss aversion is believed to be testable in real-life markets: “The response to changes is expected to be more intense when the changes are unfavorable (losses) than when they are for the better” (Tversky and Kahneman, 1991). An empirical study aimed to assess loss aversion in real markets is Putler (1988), which found that the estimated elasticity of price increases was 2.4412 times stronger than the estimated elasticity of price decreases. This value is very close to the value of 2.41 estimated by compensation theory. 5.1.3 High loss probabilities (above 0.8) As the probability of loss grows and approaches 1, the prediction of prospect theory draws away from that of compensation theory, until it even crosses that of a risk-neutral agent, when prospect theory predicts that the median decision maker will accept a gamble with a negative expected payoff if the probability of winning is very small and the potential gain is very large relative to the potential loss (Figure 8). In prospect theory this phenomenon is attributed to the underweighting of high probabilities and the overweighting of small probabilities, and is known as risk-seeking in the domain of small Tversky & Kahneman estimate the loss aversion parameter λ of the value function as 2.25, but after translating probabilities to weights the loss aversion coefficient obtained is 2.74, larger than the 2-2.5 coefficient widely quoted. 12 Putler tested his model by estimating separately demand elasticities for increases and for decreases in the retail price of shell eggs, relative to a reference price estimated from a series of earlier prices. The estimated elasticities were -1.10 for price increases and -0.45 for price decreases, implying a 2.44 ratio of elasticities. 11 31 probabilities of winning large gains. Yet it would be more precise to say that the behavior observed in the laboratory is a preference for a very risky but high-yield gamble (a small probability of winning a large amount or nothing) over its expected monetary payoff. This cannot be easily extrapolated to a preference for a gamble with negative expected payoff over avoidance. In fact, these attributes describe most real-life casino-style gambles, and the median decision maker avoids them more regularly than he participates in them. It is unlikely that a subject in a laboratory experiment will ever be asked to take a 99% chance of losing his own $100 for a 1% chance of winning a lot more, but it is reasonable to expect that were he asked to do so, the median subject would be willing to accept only a gamble with positive expectation, for a gain at least as large as required by the risk-neutral agent (and according to compensation theory the gain would have to be about twice as large as that required by a risk-neutral agent). Therefore, if one accepts the claim that risk-seeking in the sense of taking gambles with negative expectation is not characteristic of the median decision maker, then one should favor the predictions of compensation theory over those of prospect theory for risky decisions with high loss probabilities.13 13 This is not to say that there are no people who would risk $100 for a 1% chance of winning $6,300 (as predicted by prospect theory), while ignoring the negative expectation of such a gamble. However, compensation theory predicts that the median person will be willing to engage in such a risky prospect only for prizes of $20,000 and up. 32 Comparative Graph of Compensation Rates 100.0 Compensation rate 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 p (Loss) Compensation Theory Risk-Neutrality Prospect Theory Foster-Hart Aumann-Serrano Figure 8 6. Properties of the fair compensation rate A fair compensation is a positive value function G'(p,L), which describes the gain G' that makes the median decision maker indifferent to the gamble g = (G', -L ; 1-p,p) for given values of p and L. Since the fair compensation G' is linear with respect to L, it can be replaced by the fair compensation rate G'/L, which is a function of the loss probability p alone, such that p G' . L 1 p 6.1 Homogeneity The fair compensation needed to compensate for a risk of losing L with probability p (in a “simple” gamble) is homogeneous of degree I with respect to the loss L, i.e., G ' ( p, tL) tG' ( p, L) . It can be shown that R* is also homogeneous of degree I (proved in Appendix B). Homogeneity of degree I is a property shared by the riskiness measures of Foster–Hart and Aumann–Serrano as well. Aumann and Serrano claim that homogeneity of degree I embodies the cardinal nature of riskiness, since it captures the intuitive logic 33 that riskiness must grow at the same rate as the stakes (Aumann & Serrano, 2007). In a similar way, homogeneity of degree I embodies the fundamental nature of compensation, in the sense that doubling the possible loss requires doubling the gain needed to compensate for it. 6.2 Globality Some riskiness measures, such as Pratt (1964) and Arrow (1965), are criticized for their inapplicability to gambles of large amounts; their “local” character arises from their being based on derivatives of the utility function (Aumann & Serrano, 2007; Eisenhauer, 2006). By contrast, compensation theory is not based on derivatives, and is therefore applicable to all two-outcomes gambles, regardless of the size of their payoffs. This makes the theory globally applicable. 6.3 Stochastic dominance One of the most important concepts of riskiness is stochastic dominance (see, e.g., Rothschild and Stiglitz, 1970; Hadar and Russell, 1969). Say that a gamble g first-order (stochastically) dominates (FOD) g', if g g ' for sure, and g g ' with some positive probability. A measure of riskiness R is called first-order monotonic if R(g)<R(g') whenever g FOD g'. Some of the most prominent measures of riskiness violate monotonicity with respect to FOD, e.g., standard deviation/mean (sharp ratio), variance/mean, and “value at risk” (VaR, common in portfolio risk management). R* violates FOD in the strict sense, though it can be said to satisfy “quasi-FOD,” i.e., R*(g)≤R*(g') whenever g FOD g'. In addition, the fair compensation G'(p,L) is strictly monotonic with respect to p and L, thus making a strict compliance of R* with stochastic dominance not obligatory. 6.4 Decomposing compensation into its components Let us decompose the decision rule suggested by compensation theory into its two original components: W R * p G L 1 p 34 Consider now a hypothetical decision process that yields this decision rule in the following way: When faced with a gamble, or more generally, with the need to decide under risk, two distinct decision processes, one for each condition in the decision rule, are running in parallel in two separate parts of the brain. One process evaluates the properties of the gamble alone (regardless of current wealth considerations) and sends a positive signal to the decision center of the brain if and only if G L p 1 p . The other process evaluates the level of risk imposed on the gambler due to his current “liquidity constraints” and sends a positive signal to the decision center of the brain if and only if W>R*. Finally, the decision center of the brain rules in favor of the risky decision if both signals are positive, and against it otherwise. Now examine the characteristics of these two separate decision processes. The first one embodies the main characteristic of a CARA decision maker: it is indifferent to wealth and cares only about the properties of the gamble. The second process, were it using the original RFH g instead of its approximation R*, would have imitated a logarithmic utility decision maker, a person with a CRRA utility function of ux log x 14 (since R* is used instead of RFH g , it may be regarded as “boundedly rational” CRRA decision making). Described in this way, the decision rule is an intersection of the outputs of CARA-like and CRRA-like decision processes.15 The description of two distinct decision processes captures another aspect of “bounded rationality,” namely, the aspect of computational limitations, reflected in the decomposition of a complex task into simple modules that can be analyzed more easily, though not yet optimally. 14 15 Foster and Hart (2007) contains an extensive discussion of this characteristic. RFH g and RAS g share the first two terms in their Taylor development (on which R* as an RFH g and RAS g , Foster and Hart write: “ RAS g looks for the critical risk aversion coefficient regardless of wealth, whereas RFH g looks for the critical approximated measure is based). Comparing wealth regardless of risk aversion” (Foster and Hart, 2007). By incorporating the characteristics of both riskiness measures, the R*-based decision rule may be seen as a heuristic that considers both the critical risk aversion coefficient regardless of wealth and the critical wealth regardless of risk aversion. 35 7. Discussion It has become common in recent years to try and trace the evolutionary reasoning for a range of typical human practices (see, e.g., Gintis, 2007; Jones, 2001; Robson, 2002). According to this school of thought, practices that violate the normative theory of judgment and decision making are analyzed in a prehistorical context, and are often claimed to have conferred survival advantage to small nomadic groups. However, we find it more appealing to forgo the vague past, which is open to too many hypotheses, and instead to seek support for normative theories in the contemporary human behavior. To this end, we interpret the decision behavior reported in prospect theory as stemming from a “boundedly rational” usage of a normative measure of riskiness. While Foster and Hart base their guideline for avoiding bankruptcy on an implicit measure of riskiness, a boundedly rational human mind may use a simple threshold-based bankruptcy-proof strategy, which approximates the implicit measure of riskiness to an estimable explicit expression. Three conceptual layers of explanations for human behavior can be distinguished: the bottom layer is in fact more descriptive than explanatory, since it models observed behavior patterns and suggests their formulation; the middle layer adds a principal explanation to observed patterns, but lacks insight into the prevalence of this explanation; the top layer supplies the reasoning for the existence, and in the case of behavior the fitness-enhancing character, of the behavior described by the bottom layer and explained by the middle layer. In the light of this multilayered conception, we suggest that prospect theory be viewed as the bottom layer of modeling decision making behavior. The theory describes observed patterns, such as loss aversion and overweighting of small probabilities, and suggests their formulation in the form of a characteristic value function and inverse S-shaped weighting functions. Compensation theory seeks to provide a principal explanation to the patterns observed by prospect theory of people estimating the riskiness measure of a suggested gamble, and accepting it if and only if the gain and their wealth are both higher than the estimated riskiness. The top layer of this argument is supplied by Foster and Hart (2007), where they prove that using their measure of riskiness for decision making is the only way to avoid bankruptcy and guarantee sustained growth. 36 The main emphasis in Foster and Hart (2007) is put on the necessity for rejecting gambles whose riskiness measure RFH g exceeds W. We incorporated this condition into the decision rule of compensation theory (with R* instead of RFH g ), but kept it subordinate to the condition that guarantees a gain-to-loss ratio greater than the fair compensation rate. In fact, we do not claim that this paper gives any supporting evidence, whether direct, implicit, or approximate, that people actually compare their reserve wealth to the riskiness of gambles. What we do claim is that the fair compensation-based decision rule introduced in this paper (with its wealth-dependent property) is an approximation to a strategy that guarantees “infinite wealth” in the long run, and is as capable of explaining decision making as cumulative prospect theory is. Thus, our decision rule provides (an approximation to) a normative one that suits allegedly irrational decision making. The inability to give a descriptive proof of the wealth part of the decision rule stems from the fact that the gambles that were used by Cumulative Prospect Theory to evaluate loss aversion had R* values of no more than a few hundred dollars, far less than the wealth that students from industrialized societies assume they posses when relating to a hypothetical gamble (see a detailed calculation in Appendix A). As a result, it is hard to identify cases where subjects reject otherwise attractive gambles due to their wealth limitations. However, unlike cumulative prospect theory, compensation theory assumes that each decision maker has a certain level of riskiness—the level equal to his wealth— above which he will refuse to participate in the gamble. The intuition is that people tend to avoid risking their entire savings to the same extent that they are willing to risk small amounts of money.16 For example, it is reasonable to assume that most people will reject a real-life gamble of two equally likely alternatives where one alternative is to lose $5M, no matter how much they stand to gain by the other alternative. Indeed, Foster and Hart (2007) imply that people who ignored their wealth constraints were prone to bankruptcy (a similar logic is suggested in footnote 23 in Foster and Hart, 2007). Tversky and Kahneman empirically demonstrated the irrelevance of wealth considerations in gambles whose riskiness measure is below the W=R* threshold by showing that it is possible to calculate one loss aversion coefficient that holds for a wide 16 I.e., wealthier people are less risk-averse. 37 range of payoffs, thereby implying that the reference point for decision making is current wealth rather than zero wealth.17 Others have corroborated this claim with the high extent of risk aversion found in low-payoff gambles, which suggests that wealth considerations are widely ignored in such decision situations. For example, Rabin (2000) demonstrates the exaggerated risk aversion needed to justify wealth considerations in these situations. 8. Conclusion Prospect theory is based on experiments that became famous for demonstrating irrationality in decision making. In this context, rationality is interpreted as following the set of axioms that form the basis of expected utility theory, the most prominent normative theory of decision making. The unbridgeable gap between these two competing theories has led me to a quest for a different normative decision theory that may explain the observed decision behavior better, while endorsing the rationality of the decision makers. In fact, all that is needed is to show that real observed decision making behavior does not contradict a decision rule that is rational. One of the active fields of research in normative decision theory deals with defining measures of riskiness in order to find one coherent measure for assessing the risk inherent in different lotteries (the “gambles” of this paper). In a recent paper in this field Foster and Hart (2007) introduce “an operational measure of riskiness” RFH g , which is “operational” in the sense that in addition to ranking all gambles on one scale according to their riskiness (as all measures of riskiness do), it enables us to derive operational recommendations about the advisability of accepting or rejecting a gamble. In fact, Foster and Hart base a normative guideline for decision making on their measure of riskiness by showing that a decision maker who rejects all gambles whose measure of riskiness exceeds his reserve wealth guarantees himself no-bankruptcy. Based on these concepts, Fair compensation theory introduced in this paper raises the hypothesis that decision making as observed in the experiments of prospect theory may be explained as the result of following a bankruptcy-proof strategy, while using R* instead of RFH g as the 17 In other words, there is no concave utility function of wealth, U(W), such that U(W)=0.5U(W+tG)+0.5U(W-tL) for all values of t in a certain range, as required by a wealth-dependent function with a constant loss-aversion coefficient. 38 riskiness measure (where R* is an approximation to RFH g based on its Taylor development). The substitution of RFH g with R* is justified as a form of bounded rationality, as R* is a much simpler measure than RFH g . This specific strategy is chosen from among other potential strategies because it is assumed to be simple enough to be used by everyone, it fits the main patterns of observed decision behavior (as described in Tversky and Kahneman, 1992), and it has several appealing properties. A “simple” gamble g is a two-outcome gamble yielding a strictly negative payoff -L with probability p, and a positive payoff G otherwise. According to compensation theory, whenever the median decision maker is faced with a “simple” gamble whose riskiness measure R* is below his reserve wealth W, the gamble is accepted if and only if the gain G exceeds R* too (we show that this is equivalent to accepting a gamble only if the gain is greater than G', the gain that minimizes R*). We then demonstrate that G' is linear with respect to L, and rephrase the decision rule as accepting a gamble whose riskiness measure R* is below W if and only if the ratio G to L exceeds a fair compensation rate, which is a function of the loss probability p alone, and equals p 1 p . An index of attractiveness based on this fair compensation rate is then suggested for ranking the attractiveness of gambles. 39 Appendix A: Wealth considerations in prospect theory results The experimental data of cumulative prospect theory naturally does not contain information on the wealth of the subjects. However, in order to test the plausibility of assumptions on the relationship between the financial state and the willingness to take risks, one must overcome this obstacle. The decision rule presented in this paper contains an assumption of that kind, the assumption that people reject gambles when their wealth W is below L p 1 p min Rg . By calculating the maximal value of L p 1 p for each of the accepted gambles in the data, we can retrieve a lower limit on the wealth that a median subject must have possessed in order not to violate this rule. If it is reasonable enough to assume that the median subject did possess such an amount, then the data does not refute the decision rule suggested. Since most of the data in prospect theory consists of prospects that are all positive or all negative (where the risk refers to the exact amount to be won or lost), it cannot be analyzed directly by compensation theory.18 The raw data from prospect theory that can be analyzed directly by compensation theory consists of four problems that included mixed prospects. In these problems subjects were asked to specify the positive amount G that would make them indifferent to an equal chance of obtaining gain G or loss L. Multiplying L by p 1 p we get the minimal wealth W needed in order for the subject not to reject the gamble due to wealth constraints (according to the decision rule). The results, taken from Tverski and Kahneman (1992), are presented in Table 3.19 18 This data is nevertheless integrated into the comparative analysis in chapter 5 through its influence on the values of the parameters of the value function and the weighting functions. 19 The values in the column c indicate the possible losses introduced to subjects, the values in the column x indicate the gains required to make the median subject indifferent to an equal chance of obtaining gain x or loss c, and the values in the column θ represent the resulted gain-to-loss ratio, representing the degree of loss aversion. 40 Table 3: A test of loss aversion with mixed prospects In all four problems the probability of losing is the same (p=0.5); hence the value of the expression L p 1 p grows linearly with L. The maximal value of L in these questions is 150 (problem 4 in the table), and the wealth needed to make it acceptable is: W L p 1 p 150 0.5 1 - 0.5 362 . Was the wealth of the median subject in the experiments conducted by Tversky and Kahneman (1992) greater than $362? One would assume so, considering that the subjects were students from top U.S. universities, where the cost of one week’s tuition exceeds $362. Moreover, since the problems were hypothetical, the subjects knew that they could not lose real money in these gambles, so that even if they did not really possess the whole amount needed to take the gamble in real life, they could still accept it in the lab. However, by accepting a gamble in the lab, subjects indicate that they find the gamble’s ratio of gain-to-loss attractive, and that they would accept it in real life if they had enough money in their possession. The possibility that when dealing with hypothetical problems in the lab subjects ignore their real-life limitations raises the supposition that people refer to the properties of the gamble itself without considering their own financial state. In such a case, researchers' attempts to improve the validity of their experiments by raising significantly the payoffs of the gambles may still fail to reveal the effect of current wealth on the willingness to accept gambles. Appendix B: Proofs (1) G = R(g) min R(g) We prove here that in “simple” gambles, R(g) gets its minimum at the only value of G that satisfies G = R(g). 41 R(g) is expressed as follows: E g2 1 1 p G 2 pL 2 E g 2 1 p G pL R(g ) 2 Solving G = R(g): 1 1 p G 2 pL G 21 p G 2 2 pLG 1 p G 2 pL2 2 1 p G pL 2 1 p G 2 2 pLG pL2 0 G1, 2 pL p 2 L2 1 p pL2 p p L 1 p 1 p pL p 1 1 p 1 p G must be positive; therefore we get: G pL 1 p 1 p 1 p G p 1 p L F.O.C. for R(g) with regard to G: E g2 1 1 p G 2 pL R(g ) 2 E g 2 1 p G pL 2 21 p G 1 p G pL 1 p 1 p G 2 pL2 21 p G 2 2 pLG 1 p G 2 pL2 1 p G 2 2 pLG pL2 0 This is the same equation that was used to solve G = R(g); therefore it leads to the same value of G: G p 1 p L S.O.C. for R(g) with regard to G: 1 p G s.t. G 2 2 pLG pL2 p 1 p L ' G 21 p G 2 pL 42 21 p G 2 pL 2 1 p p L pL 2 p L 0 Therefore, this is a minimum point. (2) Homogeneity of degree 1 of the approximated riskiness measure R* Rg R* min Rg , if G G ' , if G G ' Or in an explicit representation: 1 1 p G 2 pL 2 2 1 p G pL R* p 1 p L , if G p 1 p , if G L p 1 p L Homogeneity of degree 1 of R* implies that R*(tg) = tR*(g) for every t>0 and all possible gambles. To prove it, we need to examine each part of R* separately: (i) G p 1 p L in the gamble g. This implies that tG p 1 p tL in the gamble tg. 1 1 p t 2 G 2 pt 2 L 1 1 p G 2 pL t = tR*(g). Therefore we get R*(tg) = = 1 p tG ptL 2 2 1 p G pL 2 (ii) G p 1 p L in the gamble g. This implies that tG Therefore we get R*(tg) = p 1 p tL = p 1 p 2 p 1 p tL in the gamble tg. L t = tR*(g). Appendix C: Expansion to “non-simple” gambles The theory presented in this paper can be generalized in various ways to include “general” gambles, i.e., gambles with no restrictions on the outcomes and with any number of payoffs (i.e., more than two). We will discuss here the plausibility and the shortcomings of several possible expansions. A gamble g is a real-valued random variable having some negative values (losses are possible) and positive expectation, i.e., Pg 0 0 and Eg 0 (Foster & Hart, 2007). Foster and Hart start with these two 43 restrictions ( Pg 0 0 and Eg 0 ), but later expand their riskiness measure to include gambles with no possibility of loss (leading to zero riskiness) and to gambles with negative expectation (leading to infinite riskiness). Maintaining these two restrictions does not limit in any way a descriptive decision theory such as fair compensation theory. First, the expectation of an accepted gamble cannot be negative since the gain required to compensate a risk-averse person for any loss induces a positive expectation, by the definition of risk aversion (note that risk-seeking was reported by Tversky and Kahneman (1979, 1992) only when the non-risky alternative was sure loss, i.e., never when a gamble with negative expectation can be simply rejected with no loss). This is reflected in the condition G L p 1 p , which cannot be satisfied by a gamble with negative expectation. Second, the probability of loss must be strictly positive, because when there is no possibility of loss there is no positive compensation that can force indifference: the gamble is always favorable. The generalization of the decision rule to include gambles of multiple outcomes is done in the following manner: first the point G' should be redefined; then the “gain” condition for acceptance is a redefinition of G>G', while the “wealth” condition becomes W>R(G'), where R(G') is the value of the measure of riskiness R(g) at the point G=G' (this condition was stated originally as W>R*, but for G>G' the riskiness R* is constant and equals R*(G'); moreover, it is simpler to use here the Taylor-based approximation R(g) than to use R*, and the result is not affected due to the fact that in the point G' the riskiness measures R(g) and R* are equal). When moving from discussing “simple” gambles to discussing “general” gambles, the indifference point of the decision rule can continue to fill its dual role as the minimum R(g) and the point where riskiness equals the gain (see Section 3.2), if the appropriate adjustments are made. Define the set Gi to be the set of all positive payoffs with probability greater than 0 in the “general” gamble. Then the equality R(g)=G has no unequivocal meaning when there are two or more positive outcomes. Nevertheless, minimizing R(g) with respect to any of the positive payoffs Gi of the gamble is equivalent to forcing that payoff to be equal to R(g) while fixing all other payoffs 44 G j j i . Therefore, all the Gi ’s (and maybe even all linear combinations thereof) are equally viable candidates on which to base the rule, and so there are too many degrees of freedom for generalizing the decision rule. Two possible generalizations seem nonarbitrary and mark the boundaries for discussion: one is to accept the gamble g if max Gi is larger than R(g), and the other is to accept g if the weighted average of Gi is larger than R(g). The first generalization is based on the same logic as Regret Theory (Loomes & Sugden, 1982): just as in regret theory receiving any payoff other than the maximal payoff bears a sense of regret, the risk in fair compensation theory of receiving any payoff other than the maximal must be “compensated for.” In fact, under this generalization, both regret theory and compensation theory recognize the same psychological effect, namely, that the disappointment from missing the best reward overpowers the satisfaction or relief from being spared the worst outcome. The shortcoming of this generalization is that it turns an otherwise rejected gamble into an accepted one if a gain with a very low probability of being won is added to the gamble’s set of outcomes, a transition in preferences that is hardly likely to occur in reality. While this max Gi -based generalization is the most discriminating between gains (treating all other gains as losses), the second generalization, based on the weighted average of Gi , i.e., p i Gi Gi p Gi , does not discriminate between gains at all. It suggests that people i use the expectation of gains as their target gain for comparison, a practice that can be described as risk-neutral in the domain of gains. Between these two generalizations lies a range of alternative generalizations that balance between these extreme attitudes. Another approach might be to try to generalize the p-root transformation and base the decision rule upon it. Here again there is more than one way of doing it. One way is to relate to all possible outcomes other than max Gi as losses (as in regret theory), and then transform each probability p j of losing L j and each probability p i of gaining G G i i max Gi to p j and gaining max Gi to 1 j pi respectively, while transforming the probability of p j i pi . Another way is to transform the loss 45 probabilities p j to p j , and the gain probabilities p i to 1 1 pi .20 Since the point of indifference is based on the point of zero expectation, there is no need to normalize the sum of transformed probabilities to 1, and there is no need to transform the probability to get a zero outcome. Clearly, as our theory is a descriptive one, the generalized decision rule must suit real human behavior. In fact it should have been based upon prospect theory data. Indeed, prospect theory has no restrictions in terms of the number of payoffs, and provides predictions of decision making in complex gambles. However, in prospect theory the experimental data used for the evaluation of the numerical values of the parameters of the value function and the weighting functions do not include gambles with more than two outcomes. Therefore, generalizing the decision rule of compensation theory according to the functions of Prospect Theory cannot guarantee valid predictions. .Nevertheless, the “intuitive” sense of fair compensation, i.e. the idea that people sense the magnitude of compensation they “deserve”, can no longer comply with any of the suggested generalizations: while estimating the fair compensation for a “simple” gamble is a rather simple task (since only the probability matters; see Table 1), the complexity of estimating the compensation for a gamble with two possible losses is higher in orders of magnitude.21 This renders our idea of a simple table encoded in the brain (see section 4.1) inapplicable when dealing with a gamble with as few as three choices. 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