
Wednesday, March 4, 2009; MER B Opportunity planning Sols 1818 and 1819
SOWG Chair: Matt Golombek
SOWG Doc: Pamela Smith
KOP: Alicia Vaughan
LTP: Dave Mittlefehldt
TAP: Matt VanKirk
TDL: Jake Matijevic
TUL: Pauline Hwang
MM: Dan Gaines
RP: Kevin Talley
Pancam PUL: Emily Dean
ECAM PUL: Justin Maki
APXS PUL: Mariek Schmidt
Meeting Schedule:
MER-B Science Planning Sols 1820-1821: Friday, March 6: 8:00 PST
Science Kick-Off/SOWG:
We had an excellent drive and have received data from both ODY and MRO. Rover
Planners reported that we drove 40 meters to the southwest, are on hard soil and there are
no concerns. For today’s drive, we will head south and stop near a small crater we are
calling "Resolution." The second sol will be remote sensing.
From the TDL report using sol 1816 data from two UHF passes: 497 Whrs on the arrays;
505 Whr predict; 2575 data products in flash; 1008 mbits available; 151 mbit delete.
The TUL said we could do an 80 meter drive (backwards) today -- possibly do a QFA,
but it will take time out of the drive. She decided to put a QFA in the plan, but will
remove it downstairs if needed.
The sol 1819 pass will not come down in time for Friday planning, so we have to be
careful with priorities as our critical exceeds the first sol’s 52 mbit downlink.
Rob Sullivan suggested we take a look at a dark patch that is northeast of our current
location. He asked for a 4x1 Pancam at L1 without a caltarget, but not if it is going to
take time out of the drive. The Chair said color would help distinguish the materials in
that area. The L1 was changed to an L257. Rob also suggested we bump up the rearward
Navcam to 3bpp since we have the bits.
Tim Parker suggested imaging a patch of cobbles seen in a HiRISE image which might
be outcrop fragments from a buried impact crater. It is to the east of us located 22.5
meters from our present position. The Chair said we should add this to the plan as a 3
filter single frame.
LTP Report:
We had an approximately 40 meter drive on sol 1816 and will continue driving from this
point farther south. There are some ripples to cross and some outcrop to go by. The dark
object in the post-drive imaging might be the rim of a crater – a possible target for a
drive-by shooting. There are a couple cobbles in the field of view of the foreground
survey, but mostly typical Meridiani surface. We will concentrate on driving in the sols
ahead. We will plan two sols on Friday and return to nominal planning on Monday. Per
the TUL, we will start using MRO on Monday and will not be relying on ODY for the
next three planning sols. We are in good shape in flash. The recommendation is 160
mbits, but we can go higher.
Long Term Liens:
-MI Sky Flats (after 15:00 LST – 2 lossless images, ~10 mbits total)
-Seismology Observation (last done sol 1809)
-Cobbles (IDD, Pancam 13F loco 1/16 subframe)
-IDD (APXS) typical (spherule-poor) soil
-IDD fine soil (thick dust deposit)
-MTES dust mitigation
-Bedrock pavement (IDD, multi-filter Pancam)
-Atmospheric observations, including Ar
-Pancam albedo pan (last done sol 1798)
PDL Reports:
PC: Healthy; all products down including the 4x1 drive direction mosaic and full
resolution frames from the sol 1814 foreground survey.
MT: No new data.
MI: Healthy; received five full frame products from sol 1755; will redo anaglyph for that
sol number.
APXS: Healthy; argon data from sols 1811 and 1814 down and complete.
MB: Nothing to report.
RAT: Nothing to report.
Sol Path:
1811-1812 R9.3 Flight Software build & save, APXS Ar; R/S
1813-1814-1815 Drive R9.3 Flight Software build, R9.2 to R9.3, cont R/S
1816-1817 MRO Pass; Drive; APXS-Ar R/S
1818-1819 Drive; APXS Ar; R/S
1820-1821 Drive, R/S
1822 Drive, R/S
Data products in flash, Sol 1816: 2575 DP (keep < 6000)
Flash available, Sol 1816: 1008 mbits (< 200 is trouble)
Unsent data in flash, Sol 1816: 155 mbits (1130 DP)
Expected deletes, Sol 1818: 152 mbits (792 DP)
Expected downlink, Sols 1818-1819: 152 mbits
Recommended, Sols 1818-1819: ~160 mbits
Sol 1818
Start End
HGA 28180 12:25
Eng Keepout 12:47
Comm Blip 12:49
Pre-Drive Imaging
13:16 0:15
Mobility Heating (TBD)
13:16 13:21
Drive + QFA 13:21 15:06 1:45
Post-Drive Imaging 15:06 15:36 0:30
Margin + Cleanup
15:36 15:53 0:17
BCB History 15:53 15:57 0:04
ODY Prep
15:57 16:05 0:08
RUHF 48183 ( 52Mb @ 0 az & 128k)
Start Post ODY APXS
16:23 16:26
APXS Integration
16:26 23:18 6:50
Margin + Cleanup
16:26 16:31 0:05
NAP 16:31 23:18 6:46
Wake for Deep Sleep + STOP APXS 23:18
Deep Sleep 23:30 7:00 7:30
NAP 7:00 9:30 2:30
SA Wakeup for Power Model 9:30 10:45
SA Stomp
10:45 10:50 0:05
NAP 10:50 13:10 2:20
AM Science 13:10 13:34 0:24
HGA 28190 13:14 13:34 0:20
16:05 16:20 0:15
23:30 0:12
Sol 1819
Remote Sensing
Start End DUR
HGA 28190 13:15 13:35 0:20
Eng Keepout 13:37 13:50 0:13
Comm Blip 13:39 13:44 0:05
Margin + Cleanup
13:50 13:55 0:05
NAP 13:55 14:44 0:49
FSW Keepout 14:44 14:58 0:14
BCB History + PreODY Tau 14:58 15:02 0:04
ODY Prep
15:02 15:10 0:08
RUHF 48191 ( 100Mb @ 0 az & 256k)
15:10 15:25 0:15
Margin + Cleanup
15:29 15:32 0:03
NAP 15:32 18:18 2:45
Wake for Deep Sleep 18:18 18:30 0:12
Deep Sleep 18:30 7:00 12:30
NAP 7:00 9:30 2:30
SA Wakeup (for power modeling) 9:30 10:15 0:45
SA Stomp
10:15 10:20 0:05
NAP 10:20 12:00 1:40
AM Science 12:00 12:24 0:24
HGA 28200 12:05 12:25 0:20
Science Requested Activities:
Sol 1818 Pre drive pancam 4x1 L257 dark pit
Sol 1818 Pre drive Pancam cobble L257
Sol 1818 Drive
Sol 1818 Get Quick Fine Attitude
Set QFA Exposure time parameters
Sol 1818 Ultimate Imaging
Ultimate Front Haz 2bpp
Ulitmate Rear Hazcam 2bpp
Navcam movie frame 1bpp
Sol 1818 Ultimate Front NCam 2x1 RVRAZ 0 1bpp
Sol 1818 Post drive NCam 5x1 standard tier 3bpp
Sol 1818 Post drive NCam 5x1 complete 360 3bpp
Sol 1818 Post drive pancam 4x1 L6R1 3bpp
Sol 1818 PostODY APXS Integration Argon
Sol 1819 PreODY Pancam Standard Tau
AM 1820 Pancam Tau
AM 1819 Pancam Tau
APAM (11:00)
Before APAM, priorities for the Navcam 5x1 were center frames at 22, wings at 29 taken
left to right, then the four Pancams at 26 left to right. Later, the Chair notified the ECAM
PUL the left three Navcams should come down before the right two. Priorities are now
Before APAM, The Pancam PUL notified the Chair that the total time for the pre-drive
Pancams with color added is 14.2 minutes.
The RPs said that today we will head south to set up for a drive-by shooting of the crater
“Resolution” on Friday. The rover will travel 20 meters and then turn due south and
proceed another 60 meters. The Chair said “Resolution” is a “fresh” crater that might be
part of a crater cluster.
At the end of APAM, there was an extensive discussion about the elevated currents on
the right front wheel. RPs said we saw an improvement when we took a week off. We
have not seen an improvement now that we are driving every day, so there is interest to
do a prolonged rest. If we do not drive Friday, we would have three sols of rest, then
drive on Monday and check the currents to see if that strategy made any difference. The
remainder of the discussion was offline.
What’s In/What’s Out
Everything is in the plan.
Start of Plan SOL 1818 12:47:37
Battery SOC
18.72 A-hr
Bus Voltage
32.80 V
End of Plan SOL 1820 12:27:00
Battery SOC
18.68 A-hr
Bus Voltage
32.80 V
Data Summary:
Data acquired in today’s plan:
80.50 mbits
143.05 mbits
151.62 mbits
Master Submaster Walkthrough (14:15)
Before Master Submaster, the PI spoke with the Chair about the issue of the right front
wheel. He also consulted with Jake Matijevic offline.
The drive will be 80 meters of blind driving with 3 slip checks.
After Master Submaster, RPs raised the issue of something in the sol 1816 downlink rear
hazcams (right eye) that looks like a loose cable tie. Matt H. went to the testbed and
found it to be a piece of material held in place with lacing cord. It looks like the lacing
cord frayed open and he feels it is not a concern.
Sequence Report Walkthrough (16:15)