6th Grade Language Arts Syllabus

Ms. McNair’s 7th Grade Class
Language Arts Syllabus
Avalanche Team – 2013-2014
Room 202
Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts!
Class Requirements: I require that each student come to class every day prepared for class. The supplies you
need every single day are: pencils (please have at least two in case one breaks), a reading book that you have
not already read, notebook paper, your notebook and journal (two composition notebooks, different colors or
designs, not spiral notebooks), your binder (should be ½” or a sturdy pocket folder), your planner, and any
pages you have from our textbook. I would also suggest a set of colored pencils and a highlighter, and you
may wish to have a pencil sharpener. Please keep this syllabus someplace safe, so you will not forget any of
this information, and are able to go back and review. Remember, you should bring your journal and your
notebook every day.
Book Checks/Planner Checks: We will be having novel checks frequently throughout the year, and you will
lose points if you do not have a book that you haven’t already read, to read at that time. (This means do not
keep the same book in your backpack for the entire year if you want to receive full credit for these book
checks). Whenever you finish your work early you will be expected to pull out your book to read. You will not
be able to make up this assignment if you do not have a book or if you are absent. You will also be expected
to have your planner with you every day, no exceptions. If you do not have your planner, you will not be able
to leave the room for any reason, so please keep this in mind.
SpringBoard: We will be using a curriculum called SpringBoard this year, and you will also be required to have
that book every day unless you are told otherwise. (It will mostly remain in the classroom, but if it does go
home you’ll need it every day). We are giving the consumable textbook to you, but you are required to keep it
neat and clean the entire year. The first copy we provide for you, but if you need to replace it, you will have to
purchase it. We will be removing parts of the Springboard curriculum from the book and putting it in your
folder, so you will only need the removed parts most days. If you do not have the pages that are required for
that day, you will lose points. I will tell you any time you do not need it; otherwise, bring it every day.
Grades: Grades are based on the point system. Every assignment will be worth a certain number of points,
and you can keep track of how many points you have missed to keep track of your grades (you may also do
this online once you receive your logon information. If you lose your ProgressBook login information, please
contact the 7th grade secretary at 407-207-7839 ext. 2701 to have it reset). Generally, homework will be
worth 5-10 points, so at the end of the semester all of the homework will be worth approximately two test
grades. You will a homework assignment almost every night for the entire school year. Quizzes are generally
50 to 200 points, and tests are from 100 to 600 points. This may be different for specific quizzes/tests, but you
will be warned in advance if it will be considered a big quiz or test. Essays are generally worth the same as
quizzes, but may be worth more or less depending upon the length. We will also have exams throughout the
year, but you will be given plenty of time to prepare for the exam, as well as in class reviews.
Grading Scale:
Homework/Reading Logs: Throughout the year, you will be expected to complete your homework, which will
be various exercises and reading logs. The reading logs may take many forms, including a project sheet, a
simple paper where you write down how much you have read, or a full-fledged essay. If you do not keep up
with your work, I will be contacting your parents, then sending you to ICU, where you will complete your work.
(Please keep in mind, if the work you complete in ICU is not of good quality, you will go back and do the same
work over again, as many times as it takes.) You are expected to have your work ready to turn in at the
beginning of class, not dropped off midway through by a parent or completed in class then turned it in at the
end. If you are found completing your work in another class or during my class, you will lose it and be
expected to start over. If you don’t understand your assignment, please see me before leaving the classroom,
or if you are working on it at home and are confused, email me or contact me on Edmodo. You might also
want to contact a friend who is also in your class. Do not come to class having done nothing to try to
understand your assignment and empty handed. If you contact me from home, and I do not get back to you in
time, you will have extra time to complete your assignment without penalty.
Late Work/Absences: Late work is not accepted for full credit. You will not receive full credit for anything
that is late unless you were absent. If you are sent to ICU to complete an assignment, you will not receive full
credit, but I will drop it at least one letter grade from what you earned, once the assignment was graded, each
time you are sent to ICU for that assignment. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me and get your
make up work. I will not remind you, nor give you the work. Telling me that you went to visit your
grandmother does not mean you’ve asked for your make up work. Asking for your make up work means you
come up to me and let me know you were absent, and you want to make up your work. Please also turn in
any outstanding work that was due while you were absent. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMESTER
TO ASK FOR YOUR MAKE UP WORK. You get one day to complete the work per day you were absent, plus one.
ALWAYS ask on your first day back for any work you missed! Once those days are up, you will not be able to
make up the work. Please remember you will owe your makeup work plus your regular work. You will not get
extra time to complete your regular assignments. This means if you had a project that was assigned on
Wednesday and would be due on the following Tuesday, if you were then absent Monday, you still must turn
in your project on Tuesday, your first day back. You know the date before you leave = you are responsible for
the work when you return. Please also remember that you may not make up bellwork.
Extra Credit: I do not give extra credit on request. Do not lose points on assignments making careless
mistakes throughout the semester and then hope to catch up using extra credit. Several times throughout the
year extra credit opportunities will be offered, and it is up to you to decide if you wish to complete the
assignment at that time. NO LATE EXTRA CREDIT WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. EVER. Please take advantage of
any opportunity for extra credit, since there may not be another chance.
ICU Information: Every Husky Does Every Assignment! If you do not complete an assignment, regardless of
whether it was homework or classwork, we will first contact your parents to let them know, and give you
another chance to turn in the work (for reduced credit). If you still do not turn your work in, I will then assign
you to the ICU room (during your elective class) to complete the work. Once it is completed to my
satisfaction, I will let the ICU teacher know and you can return to your elective. Please complete your
assignments properly the first time to avoid this! You will do EVERYTHING, correctly, all year, so please get
into the habit of excellence immediately and avoid this!
Classroom Library: I have a classroom library that you may use to check out books between our school library
visits for your personal reading or for your projects. I have many books in many genres for you to choose
from. To check them out, you simply need to ask if you are allowed to look in the library, and choose the book
that you want to read. (If you take it upon yourself to go over to the library without asking, you will not be
allowed to check out a book). Once you have chosen a book, bring it to me so that I can check it out to you.
When you’re finished with the book, just return it in the box in my classroom. DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE
SCHOOL LIBRARY! You must have a parent signature to check out books. If you lose my book or damage it in
any way (writing in it, spilling something on it, ripping it, younger sibling or pet destroying it, etc) you must
replace it or pay to replace it. Please be very careful with my books. This includes while it is in your backpack,
since it is easy to rip pages and lose the cover if you just shove it into your bag. If you find some damage to my
book, please bring it to me immediately to avoid being blamed for the damage. If you return the book directly
to the shelf without putting in the box, you may have to replace the book if someone else takes it. Always
return books to the box.
I maintain a classroom library that has some of the most popular juvenile literature books, and I allow my
students to check out materials. I keep track of which student has which novel, but I do not enforce late fines
or due dates, as long as the book is returned. However, I am asking that the parent/guardian sign for
responsibility for any book that your child checks out, including damage and lost books. An identical book may
be used to replace any damaged or lost books, or an appropriate substitution may be made with my approval.
If you wish your child to be allowed to check out materials from this library for use in school projects and
pleasure reading, please sign on the line below.
**Note: I strive to have only novels and collections in my library that are appropriate to your child’s age.
However, some books may contain things that you find inappropriate for your child/family. Please ask your
child about what he/she is reading so that you can help with their choices. If you wish to be given veto
approval over anything your child checks out, please let me know.**