Template for NFO-9

One-Page Abstract Format(Times New Roman, 14pt)
First Author1,2 and Second Author1 (11pt)
Department of applied Physics, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan,
studen_chaptert@parc.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp; 2 Photonics Advanced Research Center, 2-1 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka
565-0871, Japan (10pt)
Abstracts should describe novel work and be concise yet
complete, containing objectives, methods, results, a
conclusion and references in English. All text should be
written in Times New Roman font. The font size should
be set to 14 pt for the title (bolded), 11 pt for the author
list, 10 pt for the author affiliations (italicised), and 10
pt for everything else (text, figure captions, table
captions, references). The abstract must not be longer
than 1 page (A4) including the reference. Margins must
be set to 1 inch (2.5 cm) all around. A two-column
format must be used where each column is 8 cm wide.
Figures and tables must be embedded in the document
either as .gif or .jpg objects. Abbreviations must be
defined upon first use and avoided in the title.
References should be called out in the text in square
brackets [1, 2, 3]. This document was prepared
according to these formatting rules and serves as the
Abstract template. Your abstract must be submitted in
Word (.doc or .docx). (This will assist in the production
of the abstract book).
be set to 14 pt for the title (bolded), 11 pt for the author
list, 10 pt for the author affiliations (italicised), and 10
pt for everything else (text, figure captions, table
captions, references). The abstract must not be longer
than 1 page (A4) including the reference. Margins must
be set to 1 inch (2.5 cm) all around. A two-column
format must be used where each column is 8 cm wide.
Figures and tables must be embedded in the document
either as .gif or .jpg objects. Abbreviations must be
defined upon first use and avoided in the title.
References should be called out in the text in square
brackets [1, 2, 3]. This document was prepared
according to these formatting rules and serves as the
Abstract template. Your abstract must be submitted in
Word (.doc or .docx). (This will assist in the production
of the abstract book).
*Please let us know your preference, Oral presentation
or Poster presentation, on the next page.
*Please let us know your preference, Oral presentation
or Poster presentation, on the next page.
Fig. 2: Osaka is a city in west region of Japan and
easily accessible by direct flight from several
Fig. 1: The Asian CORE Student Meeting on
Photonics & Optics (ACORE2015) will be
held in Osaka Japan in December 2015.
Abstracts should describe novel work and be concise yet
complete, containing objectives, methods, results, a
conclusion and references in English. All text should be
written in Times New Roman font. The font size should
[1] A. Author and B. Author, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12,
[2] C. Author et al., Nano Lett. 7, 8912(2011)
[3] D. Author, Opt. Express 34, 5678 (2012)
*Please answer the following question on the next page.
Please let us know your preference.
(Please understand if we cannot take up to your request.
In that case, we will contact you again to discuss the
□Oral Presentation
□Poster Presentation