Mystery Book Report Directions and Rubric

Mystery Book Report Directions and Rubric
Due Thursday, November 15, 2012
Paper Person: Design a paper person of the main character. List five
descriptive and expanded sentences about him/her on the back. You may
add fabric, yarn, buttons, or any other material to add life to your
character. 50 points
a. Neatness and creativity, do quality artwork that you can be proud to display
in the classroom! 15 points
b. Five (5) sentences each describing the main character. Each sentence is
worth 7 points for a total of 35 points. Make sure they have been checked
for spelling, grammar, and neatness. If writing space is an issue, you may
choose to write your sentences on a separate piece of paper and attach them
to your paper doll.
Question 1: Name an important problem in the story. Tell how it was
solved. Think of another solution, and tell how it would have changed the
outcome of the story. 30 points
a. Paragraph 1: Name or identify an important problem in the story and tell
how this problem was solved.
b. Paragraph 2: Think of another good solution to the problem maybe by
identifying how you would have done things differently.
c. Paragraph 3: Explain how the new solution you identified would have
changed the outcome of the story.
Question 2: How does the title relate to the story? 20 points (use story
a. One paragraph response. This will take critical thinking.
Note: Both of your questions responses should follow these rules: A good
paragraph consists of a topic sentence, 2-3 expanded and detailed sentences, and a
closing sentence. Be sure to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Work must
be neat (something you can take pride in!). You may type your responses if you wish.
Total points possible for this writing portion is 50 points
Total Report Project = 100 points