WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION _______________ COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS MEETING OF EXPERT TEAM ON ENSEMBLE PREDICTION SYSTEMS TOKYO, JAPAN, 15-19 OCTOBER 2001 CBS ET/EPS/Doc.9(5) (4.X.2001) ______ ITEM: 9 Original: ENGLISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF USERS OF ENSEMBLE PRODUCTS (Submitted by the Secretariat) ____________________________________________________ Summary and purpose of document The recommendations of CBS and EC for training on EPS products are recalled. Required training seminars and guidance material are considered. _____________________________________________________ Action proposed The expert team is invited to take into account the information given in this document and to make appropriate recommendations. References: - WMO/TD No. 1065, WWW Technical Report No. 21. Proceedings of the Workshop on Use of Ensemble Prediction. - CBS XII, Geneva, 29 November-8 December 2000, Abridged final report. - EC LIII, Geneva, 5-15 June 2001, Abridged final report. CBS ET/EPS/Doc. 9(5), p. 2 DISCUSSION Background 1. The last WMO Executive Council (EC LIII) particularly welcomed that the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), in collaboration with regional associations, put emphasis on training in severe weather forecasting and enhanced use of EPS products and definition of related regional requirements. 2. The CBS recommended four types of EPS training as follows: Regional WMO workshops to explain the EPS approach, its usefulness, and its limitations. It should concentrate on the products, which are available. These workshops would be mainly useful for those who intend to use EPS end products; Technical cooperation type of training for those who intend to make their own products and/or who will need more specific training about products or the methodology of the forecast. Training could be organized on individual request or through WMO voluntary cooperation arrangements; Workshops or seminars developed by Centres running EPS. These centres are encouraged to open them to a wide range of participants. Co-sponsorship with WMO should be considered. Universities engaged in the training in meteorology, should be encouraged by Members to include topics related to EPS in their programme. 3. To assure coordinated implementation of initial procedures for making available EPS products, the CBS endorsed the idea that the WMO Secretariat should plan for regional workshops with focus on EPS training under the appropriate programme of WMO. Training and guidance material 4. In parallel to the project of dissemination of ensemble products, training of forecasters to make the best use of these new products is necessary. Forecasters will have to change their habit of dealing with only deterministic forecast products and to adapt to the EPS products and the ensemble system terminology, like the attributes to probability forecast (see Table 1). Therefore training is a must. There are ample needs for training world-wide. Forecasters have to understand that EPS is applicable to all ranges and that it is the future way of doing forecasting. CAL learning modules should be built. Roving seminars and training workshops should be organized. 5. WMO is already programming an introduction to the Ensemble Prediction subject in its usual GDPS regional training seminars (half to one day). Now, in addition, five days or eleven days seminars entirely devoted to EPS would have to be organized with a lot of practical sessions on case studies. Products tailored to the specific regions related to the seminar will have to be generated. 6. The production of guidance material on use of Ensemble Prediction products by forecasters, which could be a new chapter in the Guide on the Global Data Processing System, is also required. CBS ET/EPS/Doc. 9(5), p. 3 Table 1 ATTRIBUTE 1. Bias DEFINITION Correspondence between mean forecast and mean observation 2. Association Strength of linear relationship between pairs of forecasts and observations 3. Accuracy Average correspondence between individual pairs of observations and forecasts 4. Skill Accuracy of forecasts relative to accuracy of forecasts produced by a standard method 5. Reliability Correspondence of conditional mean observation and conditioning forecasts, averaged over all forecasts 6. Resolution Difference between conditional mean observation and unconditional mean observation, averaged over all forecasts 7. Sharpness Variability of forecasts as described by distribution forecasts 8. Discrimination Difference between conditional mean forecast and unconditional mean forecast, averaged over all observations 9. Uncertainty Variability of observations as described by the distribution of observations RELATED MEASURES bias (mean forecast probabilitysample observed frequency) covariance, correlation mean absolute error (MAE), mean squarred error (MSE), root mean squared error, Brier score (BS) Brier skill score, others in the usual format Reliability component of BS, MAE, MSE of binned data from reliability table Resolution component of BS Variance of forecasts Area under ROC, measures of separation of conditional distribution; MAE, MSE of scatter plot, binned by observation value Variance of observations ________________________________