Disability Resource Center TESTING ACCOMMODATION GUIDELINES Purpose of Testing Accommodations Testing accommodations provide the student with a disability the opportunity to demonstrate his/her knowledge of course material on an equal basis with his/her peers without a disability. The goal of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) staff is to ensure that the examination process accurately measures the student’s knowledge and abilities in a specific subject matter rather than reflecting limitations due to the student’s disability. Process of Providing Accommodations It is the practice of the DRC to provide testing accommodations in cooperation with the instructor and the student to ensure that the student receives his/her mandated accommodations. The Testing Coordinator, in consultation with the Director, may need to use judgment on a case-by-case basis that differs from our guidelines and standards of practice, but is necessary to meet service provision mandates. During this process the DRC office will make a good-faith effort to ensure that all accommodations are provided in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The following guidelines outline how the office provides testing accommodations. Academic Integrity In order to preserve the integrity of the testing environment, DRC adheres to the university’s Academic Integrity Policy as stated in the University Catalog. Consistent proctoring and monitoring of exams will be enforced. If a student is caught cheating or is suspected of cheating, the incident will be reported to the instructor and to Judicial Affairs. Students are responsible for the following: To bring only approved items into the testing area. Items that should not be brought into the testing area include, but are not limited to, pagers, cell phones, personal digital assistants, programmable calculators (unless approved by the instructor and all memory registers are cleared), hats, backpacks or large bags of any kind. DRC recommends that the student not bring these items to the office. The DRC will provide storage for items, but are not responsible for them. To treat staff members with courtesy and respect at all times. This includes providing/showing materials when asked. To immediately stop testing and provide DRC staff testing materials when the testing time has ended. If there is any suspicion of academic dishonesty: Any unauthorized materials found, or suspected, in the student’s possession will be collected and reported to the instructor. A copy of the exam will be made at the point of discovery. The student will then be allowed to complete the exam. The exam along with copies of any unauthorized materials will be returned to the instructor and to Judicial Affairs. The instructor and Judicial Affairs will determine the consequences according to the University’s Academic Integrity policy. The student will be required to meet with the Testing Coordinator and/or DRC counselor before receiving accommodations for the next scheduled exam. Two strikes rule: If a student is caught or suspected of cheating a second time, he/she loses their privilege to take all future exams in the DRC office. The student is responsible for making his/her own alternate testing arrangements to fulfill prescribed accommodations. Information as to the reason for the student’s need to make his/her own testing accommodation arrangements will be shared with faculty and the Test Center upon inquiry. 1 Student Responsibilities Faculty Notification of Testing Accommodations o The student is required to submit a Faculty Notification Request form to the DRC at least two weeks prior to the first exam each quarter. Upon receipt, a notification letter will be prepared for each identified instructor, verifying the student’s approved testing accommodations. o It is the student’s responsibility to deliver these notification letters to their instructors. The instructor must receive this notification at least one week prior to an exam and two weeks prior to finals’ week. o It is strongly recommended that the student discuss his/her testing accommodation needs with the instructor prior to the first exam. It is important that the student ask the instructor or DRC if the instructor has elected to provide the student’s accommodations. Scheduling an Exam with DRC o Submission of Test Requests: It is the student’s responsibility to submit all Test Requests to DRC & to the Professor according to the following timelines: Regular exams – Three (3) working days prior to the class’ scheduled exam date Final exams - By the close of business, Friday the 8th week of the quarter A student will be allowed up to three (3) late requests per quarter*. Additional Test Requests will not be accepted by the DRC for the remainder of the quarter. If a student is not notified by the professor within the timeline, the request will not be counted as a late request against the student. *Please Note: Due to the volume of exams administered during Finals’ week, late Finals test requests will be accepted on a case by case. For Test Requests submitted electronically, the student is required to use their Cal Poly e-mail address and is responsible for e-mailing a copy of the confirmation e-mail to the instructor. o Scheduling an Exam: Exams taken with DRC must be completed during the office hours which, unless otherwise posted, are as follows: Regular Quarter M-F 8am – 4:30pm Finals Week M-Th 7am – 6:30pm, Friday 7am – 4:30pm Exams for night classes must be taken during regular DRC office hours if the instructor is unable to accommodate the student’s needs during class time. Unless approved in advance by the instructor three (3) working days prior to the class’s scheduled date, it is expected that the student will start the exam in the DRC office on the same day and time that the instructor gives the exam to the class. It may be acceptable to start an exam earlier than the class time in order to allow for the extended time (e.g., If the class is taking the exam from 3-5pm, the student may take the test from 1:30–4:30 in order to receive their 1.5x time accommodation). The student must indicate on the Test Request whether the exam is at the same date/time as the class. In either case, the instructor will be notified regarding the date/time the student has indicated. If there is suspicion that the student has deliberately provided incorrect information, the student may be referred for disciplinary action. The instructor’s approval is required for all tests taken at a different date/time than the class. For classes with weekly quizzes, the student should complete a single Test Request for the quarter. The student should indicate on the form that it is a weekly quiz and list the dates on which the quizzes will be taken each week. For classes that include pop quizzes, the student should complete a single Test Request with the days/times during which the class meets. DRC will contact the instructor to find out specifics for the quiz administration. Based on these specifics, the best approach to providing the accommodations is determined. Canceling & Rescheduling an Exam o If the student is not able to take an exam, he/she is responsible for notifying the instructor and the DRC office so that the space can be utilized for other students. o To reschedule an exam, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the instructor’s approval (per their standard classroom policy as it applies to all students) and to submit a request for the rescheduled date and time to the DRC. 2 Prompt Arrival Time, Taking the Exam, & Breaks o It is recommended that the student arrive ten minutes before each scheduled exam. Extra study time is not permitted. o The student is expected to start at the scheduled time. Any start time beyond the scheduled time will be deducted from the total testing time. The DRC will notify the instructor of a start time beyond thirty minutes of the scheduled time. o The student must inform DRC staff immediately if any problems or questions arise regarding either the content of the exam or the equipment/software authorized for use during the exam. o One five-minute break is allowed for each two hours of scheduled exam time. The student may be asked to empty his/her pockets upon leaving and again upon returning from the break(s). The use of electronic devices including but not limited to, pagers, cell phones, and personal digital assistants are not permitted during breaks. A student will only be allowed longer or more frequent breaks based upon his/her approved test accommodations. Unavailable Exam If an exam is not at the DRC office when the student is scheduled to start, the DRC staff will make a reasonable effort to locate the exam. The student is expected to be available to assist the DRC in facilitating exam pick-up. If efforts to locate the exam and to contact the instructor fail, then it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor regarding rescheduling the exam. Instructor Responsibilities It is the goal of the DRC to work in partnership with the instructor to ensure that the student’s accommodative needs are met. The following information is provided to instructors to familiarize them with the process of accommodating students with disabilities. Verification of Eligibility for Testing Accommodations Depending on the student’s disability-related needs, the student may choose whether or not to use accommodations in each class and/or for each exam. If the student elects to utilize accommodative services, the student is required to submit a Faculty Notification Request form to DRC, one week prior to the first exam each quarter. DRC will generate a Notification of Testing Accommodations letter for each of the professors indicated on the form. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver this letter to their instructors. The instructor is asked to carefully review the information detailed on the notification letter. If there is concern regarding an approved accommodation, the instructor should contact the office to discuss the situation with the Testing Coordinator. When discussing a student’s disability and status with the department, the instructor must do so privately as the information is confidential. Providing Accommodations o If the instructor elects to accommodate the student, he/she is expected to provide all accommodations as prescribed by the DRC. o If the instructor elects to have the DRC provide the accommodations: In order to schedule a quiz, exam, or final, the student is required to submit a Test Request to both the professor and to the DRC. If the student wants to take the exam at a different date/time than the class, he/she must receive the instructor’s signature of approval to do so. If the instructor gives pop quizzes, he/she should contact the DRC office prior to each pop quiz regarding its scheduled date, time, and delivery method. When providing an exam to DRC, the instructor should state how he/she would like the test to be administered by completing a Test Proctoring form. This will provide the proctor the information necessary to properly administer the exam. Test Proctoring forms are available in the DRC office and on the department website www.dsa.csupomona.edu/drc/forms.asp. If this form is not provided with each exam, the Testing Coordinator or proctor, in consultation with the student, will use good faith judgment regarding which materials will be allowed for the exam. In this event, a list of materials used will be returned to the instructor with the completed exam. 3 The DRC prefers to receive exams using one of the following methods: The instructor can deliver the exam directly to the DRC (9/103) The exam can be e-mailed to drc@csupomona.edu A DRC test runner can pick up the exam from the instructor’s department office It is expected that the instructor will provide the same exam that is administered to the class. If, for any reason, it is not the same exam as administered to the class, please discuss with the Testing Coordinator prior to the exam’s scheduled date. If there are corrections, clarifications, and/or additional information shared with the class during the administration of the exam, it is expected that the instructor will contact the DRC (x3269) at the time at which the information is shared with the class. The instructor has the option to approve or not to approve a student to take a test at a different time than the scheduled class time for non-disability reasons. Decisions should be made in accordance with standards of practice with non-disabled students in the course (e.g., if a student wants to reschedule an exam due to an illness, the same consideration should be made for a student with a disability as would be made for a student without a disability.) In order to ensure that the student’s accommodative needs are met, the DRC asks that the instructor provide all exams no less than 48 hours in advance of any scheduled exam or final. Exceptions may be made for pop quizzes at the discretion of the Testing Coordinator. DRC Responsibilities Logistics: o o o o o For exams accommodated by the DRC office it is their responsibility to facilitate the exam process. The DRC will contact instructors via email and/or phone calls, requesting the exam materials The DRC will facilitate the pick-up and delivery of exams, based upon written instructions from instructors If an exam is not at the DRC office when the student is scheduled to start, the student and DRC staff is expected to make a reasonable effort to contact the instructor in order to obtain the exam. If there are multiple students taking the same exam, the DRC will not duplicate any exam materials unless written or verbal authorization is obtained from the instructor. Equipment & Accommodative Services: o The DRC will transfer exams into alternate format (e.g., Kurzweil, enlarged) as needed. o For exams during which a live-reader is used, the reader will only read what is on the printed page. o For exams where a scribe is used, the scribe will write down exactly what the student dictates. Complaints & Appeals If concerns arise regarding the testing process, initial assistance with complaints should be discussed with the Testing Coordinator at the DRC to determine how the student, instructor, and the DRC can best resolve disagreement with guidelines practices, or individuals. Resolutions through preventative intervention rather than formal complaints can, in most cases, result in a positive outcome. If satisfaction cannot be reached or a more thorough intervention process is in order, the student or instructor will then meet with the DRC Director. If a complaint is determined to be a clear violation of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Director will refer the student to the Manager of Diversity and Compliance. If you have further questions, please contact the Disability Resource Center at x3269. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in facilitating the provision of testing accommodations for Cal Poly Pomona students. 4