Name:___________________________ Date:______________ Period:_____ Complex Inheritance Study Guide Directions: Show all the work and answers to each study guide question directly on this sheet. NOTE: The textbook pages that correspond to this unit are PH text pp. 144-150. _____ 1. Can you solve genetic problems involving the inheritance pattern called polygenic inheritance? Work through problems #1-2 below and write your answers on this sheet. If you need help look at the study hints at the end of this guide. #1 A farmer notices that the length of his watermelons ranges from very long (dominant) to very short (recessive) with many watermelons falling in-between at average lengths. a. The trait of watermelon length is called polygenic inheritance? What does this term mean? Write the definition. b. Let’s say this trait is controlled by 4 different genes. Write the genotype (letter combinations) of a very long watermelon. c. Write the genotype (letter combinations) of a very short watermelon. d. Write the genotype (letter combinations) of an average length watermelon. #2. A person with black hair has the genotype AABBCC. A person with dirty blonde hair has the genotype AAbbcc. If these two individuals mate. What will the genotype of their offspring be? Remember, each parent can only contribute 1 allele (letter) per gene. _____ 2. Can you solve simple genetic problems involving the inheritance of blood type (multiple alleles)? Work through problem #1below and write you answers on this sheet. If you need help look at the study hints at the end of this guide. #1 If a type O person (recessive) marries a type AB person, what blood types could occur in their children? Write the percent for each type. %A ________ %B ________ %AB________ %O _________ Appendix_Science7 Name:___________________________ Date:______________ Period:_____ _____3. Can you solve more challenging genetic problems involving the inheritance of blood type (multiple alleles)? Work through problems #1-3 below and write you answers on this sheet. If you need help look at the study hints at the end of this guide. #1 If a person heterozygous for type A blood marries a person homozygous for type B blood, what blood types could occur in their children? Write the percent for each type. %A ________ %B ________ %AB________ %O _________ #2 Jimmy has type A blood. Jimmy is about to undergo a routine operation, but the doctors still want some blood on hand in case a transfusion is necessary. Jimmy’s mother has type A blood. Jimmy’s father has type AB blood. His two cousins have type O and type B. a. List the individuals that can give blood to Jimmy. b. List the individuals can’t give blood to Jimmy. #3 Two parents do not know their blood type. However, the couple has a 50% chance of having a child with type B blood and a 50% chance of having a child with type O. Use a Punnett square to figure out the genotypes of the parents. Mom genotype - _____ Dad genotype - ______ Appendix_Science7 Name:___________________________ Date:______________ Period:_____ _____4. Can you solve simple genetic problems involving the inheritance of sex linked inheritance? Work through problem #1 below and write you answers on this sheet. If you need help look at the study hints at the end of this guide. #1 Hemophilia (h) is a recessive disease caused by a gene found on the X chromosome. Therefore, it is referred to as a sex – linked disease. The recessive allele (h) causes the disease. A normal man marries a woman that is heterozygous for the trait. What is the chance that they will have a child with hemophilia? Chance of child with hemophilia: ______% _____ 5. Can you solve more complex genetic problems involving the inheritance of sex linked inheritance? Work through problem #1 below and write your answers on this sheet. If you need help look at the study hints at the end of this guide. #1 Colorblindness (c) is a recessive, sex-linked trait. There is a 100% chance that two parents will have a normal vision son and a 100% chance they will have a daughter who will carry the trait for colorblindness (a sex-linked recessive trait). What are the genotypes of the parents? Mom genotype - _____ Dad genotype - ______ _____6. Define the following genetic disorders,list the TREATMENTS, and say if it is recessive or Sex-linked. Cystic Fibrosis - ____________________________________________________ Sickle Cell Anemia - __________________________________________________ Hemophilia - ________________________________________________________ Tay Sachs - _________________________________________________________ Appendix_Science7 Name:___________________________ Date:______________ Period:_____ Study Hints: Complex Inheritance Test --------------------------------------------------------------POLYGENIC PROBLEMS When a problem says “many different genes” it is polygenic. REMEMBER: Upper case letters = Dominant Lower case letters = Recessive Look for the # of genes. For example: If height is controlled by 4 genes. . . A person who is extremely tall would have the genotype AABBCCDD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MULTIPLE ALLELES (BLOOD TYPE PROBLEMS) When you are solving Blood Type problems REMEMBER multiple alleles (many ice cream flavors, only 2 scoops!) and use I’s in the Punnett Squares: IA IA , IB IB Heterozygous for Blood Type A or Blood Type B: IAi, IBi Blood Type O = ii Blood Type AB = IAIB Homozygous for Blood Type A or Blood Type B: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEX-LINKED PROBLEMS When solving Sex-linked Problems REMEMBER to make an XX x XY Punnett Square first: Females = XX Males = XY The gene is ALWAYS on the X chromosome. For eg: A woman with hemophilia (h) is Xh Xh and a man with hemophilia is Xh Y (No gene on “Y”) --------------------------------------------------------------MENDEL PROBLEMS FLASHBACK! When solving problems that follow Mendel’s Pattern REMEMBER: You only need to use uppercase (dominant) or Lowercase (recessive) letters. T t TT Tt T t Tt tt Appendix_Science7