I. EDUC 7782 Applied Linguistics for the ESOL/Bilingual Teacher


Professional Teacher Education Unit


Development of Expertise

In Teaching and Learning

Kennesaw State University

I. EDUC 7781 Cultural Issues for ESOL Teachers

Department of Special Education

Kennesaw State University

Summer 2004

II. Instructor:

Judy Holzman, Ph.D.

Office: Pilcher 131

Phone: 770-423-6146 e-mail: jholzman@kennesaw.edu

III. Class Sessions:

June 23,24,28,29,30, July 1

IV. Text : Communicating With Strangers

V. Catalogue Description:

This course is designed to develop a knowledge base about culture, its influence on learning and teaching, and its role in intercultural classroom settings. In this course, prospective ESOL teachers will examine major theories related to educating a culturally diverse student body, and teachers will develop strategies for ensuring that ESOL students develop knowledge of mainstream culture as they become proficient in English

VI. Purpose/Rationale:

The purpose of this course is for students to increase their understanding of the impact of

culture on teaching and learning in the ESOL classroom. Students will study and utilize

terms and theories from intercultural communication that will help them to be effective

teachers of English to students of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Conceptual Framework Summary:

Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching and Learning

The Kennesaw State University teacher education faculty is committed to preparing teachers who demonstrate expertise in facilitating learning in all students. Toward that end, the KSU teacher education community strongly upholds the concept of collaborative

2 preparation requiring guidance from professionals inside and outside the university. In tandem with this belief is the understanding that teacher expertise develops along a continuum which includes the stages of preservice, induction, in-service, and renewal; further, as candidates develop a strong research-based knowledge of content and pedagogy, they develop their professional expertise in recognizing, facilitating, assessing, and evaluating student learning.

Knowledge Base:

Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: preservice, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as

Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching-learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believes that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders.

Researchers describe how during the continuum phases teachers progress from being

Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an endstate but a process of continued development.

Use of technology:

Opportunities will be provided for students to demonstrate appropriate incorporation of technology in the teaching of English as a Second Language as well as to use technology for continued professional development. Demonstrations of proficiency in technology are part of the requirements for all courses in the College of Education.

Diversity Statement:

Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to help disabled students with their academic work. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office of Disabled Student Support Services (ext. 6443) and arrange an individual assistance plan. In some cases, certification of disability is required.

Learning about second language acquisition, the role of culture in language development, and general linguistics provides an excellent opportunity for students to understand the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world and how this impacts mainstream and ESL classrooms.

VII. Goals and Objectives:

The KSU teacher preparation faculty is strongly committed to the concept of teacher preparation as a developmental and collaborative process. Research for the past 25 years as described this process in increasingly complex terms. Universities and schools must work together to successfully prepare teachers who are capable of developing successful learners in today’s schools and who choose to continue their professional development.


Coure Ojective NCATE

Understand general intercultural communication terminology and theories

Understand how culture impacts teaching and learning

Standard 1 and 4

Candidate knowledge

Candidate develops inclusive environment and creates a support environment

Standard 1 and 4

Candidate knowledge

Candidate develops inclusive environment and creates a support environment

Candidate Performance Inst. Evidence

Outcome 1

Are committed to all students and their learning


Short essay answers

Group project

Outcome 2

Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students



Individual/group activities

Develop strategies for identifying, analyzing, and comparing culture

Outcome 2

Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students


Short answer essays

Group project

Individual projects

Develop strategies for analyzing immigrant/subcultures as they relate to school culture

Understand the linguistic and cultural challenges of language minority students

Examine teaching strategies during field observations

Standard 1 and 4

Candidate knowledge

Candidate develops inclusive environment and creates a support environment

Standard 1 and 4

Candidate knowledge

Candidate develops inclusive environment and creates a support environment

Standard 1 and 4

Candidate knowledge

Candidate develops inclusive environment and creates a support environment

Standard 1 and 2

Candidate knowledge

Candidate uses multiple methods

Outcome 2

Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students

Outcome 2

Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students

Outcome 2

Know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students

Short answer essays

Written paper



Written paper

Group project


Observation reflections

VIII. Course Requirements:


Quizzes (2)

Reflection responses

Group project

Participation/Field Experience

Points Assessed






Quizzes will consist of short definitions or short questions.

Reflection Papers

Students will respond to questions from specific reading and class discussions

Group Project

This project is divided into two specific areas. Each group will choose a specific culture and present an overview of the culture. Students will then choose appropriate methods and materials and teach a model class, demonstrating best practices that offer the most effective strategies for educating students from the target culture. The professor will model this project during the first class.

Field Experience (During the summer session, professor will assign field experience)

While completing your graduate program at Kennesaw State University, you are required to be involved in a variety of leadership and school-based activities directed at the improvement of teaching and learning. Appropriate activities may include, but are not limited to, attending and presenting at professional conferences, actively serving on or chairing school-based committees, attending PTA/school board meetings, leading or presenting professional development activities at the school or district level, and participating in education-related community events. As you continue your educational experiences, you are encouraged to explore every opportunity to learn by doing.

IX. Evaluation and Grading:

A 100 to 90

B 89 to 80

C 79 to 70

D 69 to 60

F 59 and below

X. Academic Honesty Statement

Page 116 of the KSU Graduate catalog (2000 - 2001) states: KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Any work that students present in fulfillment of program or course requirements should represent their own efforts, achieved without giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance. Any student who is found to have violated these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action.


Class Attendance Policy

Since we only have six class days, it is vital that you attend each day.


Course Outline

This is a tentative outline. The reading assignments assigned as homework are to be completed before coming to class on the assigned day (except for the first day and those marked “during class”).



First Class




Overview/What is Culture?

What is your ethnic backgound? To what extent do you feel your ethnic background influences who you are? If you hink it has little influence, what other variables do you feel have a significant influence on your behavior? To what


Read Chapter 1

Second Class extent do you think people are aware of your background? Do you think this influences how people communicate with you?

What is Intercultural

Communication? Why study Intercultural communication?

Facts/Fiction about


Hispanics in the U.S., Ga., and Cobb County

Identity: The dialectical approach

Chapter 2

Reflection: How have notions of high/low culture influenced people’s perspective of culture?

Third Class What are the advantages of a dialectical approach to intercultural communication?

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Forth Class

Fifth Class

Sixth Class(virtual)

Applying Cultural Theory to

ESOL students

Class Presentations

Class Presentations

Chapter 5

XIII. Bibliography

Conceptual Framework Summary References:

Asant, M.F. and Gudykunst, W. B. (Eds.) (1998) Handbook of International Communication.



Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Baldwin, J.R. and Lindsley, S.L. (1994) Conceptualizations of Culture. Tempe: Arizona State

University Urban Studies Center.

Gergen, K. (1991). The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life. New York:

Harper Collins Basic Books.

Hatch. E. (1983). Culture and Morality: The Relativity of Values in Anthropology. New York:

Columbia University Press.

Hirschberg, Stuart, and Hirschberg, Terry.(1998) One World, Many Cultures. Needham


MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Kroeber, A.L. and Luckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and


New York: Vintage.

Nakayama, Martin, and Flores, L.A. (1998). Reading in Cultural Contexts. Mountain View, CA:


Paz, Octavio. (1985). The Labyrinth of Solitude. New York: Grove Press.

Philipsen, G. (1992). Speaking Culturally: Exploration in Social Communication. Albany: State

University of New York Press.

Romo, Harriett. (1999). Reaching Out: Best Practices for Educating Mexican-Origin Children and

Youth. Charleston, West Virginia: Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools.

.Singer, M.R. (1987). Inte4rcultural Communication: A Perceptual Approach. Englewood


NJ: Prentice-hall.

Tajfel, H. (1982). Social Identity and Intergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University

