Tier 4 (General) Student Information The following information is for

Tier 4 (General) Student Information
The following information is for students who will be making a visa application for a Tier 4 (General)
student visa from within their home country or abroad.
Information on whether you require a Tier 4 (General) Student visas to study in the UK, information on
applying, guidance notes and application forms can be found on the UK Border Agency Website.
Time Limits
Limit on time you can spend studying at degree level
The UK Border Agency introduced some time limits on 6 April 2012 for degree level study. Any new Tier 4
application must lead to you spending no more than five years on courses at degree level. All time you
have spent in the UK under Tier 4 (or as a pre-Tier 4 student) counts towards the 5 years, except for the
short extra time you are given before the course (maximum one month) and after a course (maximum
four months).
If you are studying, or have completed, a 3 year undergraduate degree your total time limit is 5
If you are studying, or have completed, a 4 year undergraduate degree your total time limit is 6
If you are, or have been, studying a 3 year undergraduate degree course but you have taken, or
will take, longer than 3 years to complete it, for example because of retaking modules, your limit
is still 5 years and so you would not then be able to study for a 2 year masters as this would take
you over the 5 year limit.
If you are, or have been, studying a 4 year undergraduate degree course but you have taken, or
will take, longer than 4 years to complete it, for example because of retaking modules, your limit
is still 6 years and so you would not then be able to study for a 2 year masters as this would take
you over the 6 year limit.
This change affects all Tier 4 applications made from 6 April 2012 and any visa application from
this date will be refused if it would mean you going over your maximum limit at degree level.
Any study at degree level before the 6 April 2012 will still count towards your total.
There are some exceptions to the 5-year cap:
If you have successfully completed a UK degree course which was at least four years long, and
your Tier 4 application is to study a Master's degree at a higher education institution (recognised
body or institution in receipt of public funding), the limit is six years.
If your Tier 4 application is to study a PhD at a higher education institution, there is no limit while
you are studying the PhD
If you have already completed a PhD, any new Tier 4 application is subject to an 8-year limit
(including courses below degree level).
Courses in architecture, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and science, or music at a
conservatoire, are exempt from the limit.
If you have completed a UK degree, and your current Tier 4 application is to study certain legal
qualifications (CPE, GDL/LPC or BPTC), the legal qualification is exempt from the limit
The UK Border Agency will not grant further leave to someone whose current Tier 4 application
means they will exceed these limits, unless there are "compelling and compassionate
circumstances", such as injury or disability
Calculating the cap
UKCISA have created a flowchart to help students and institutions calculate whether an application for a
further period of study will be possible under the cap:
This can be viewed here.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have provided answers to some frequently asked questions below:
Which visa application form should I use?
You may need to use the VAF9 application form or complete the application form online. Which method
of application you use will depend on the country where you live. You can find up to date information on
the method of application on the UK Border Agency Applying for a student visa from outside the UK
You cannot apply for your Tier 4 student visa more than three months before your course start date. You
may receive your CAS earlier than this, but the application can only be made within three months of the
start date stated on your CAS statement.
As part of your visa application process, you will need to supply biometric data. This includes scans of
your fingers and a full face digital photo. This may be done at a UK visa office or visa application centre in
person. Your application will not be processed until you provide the required biometric information.
What should I include with my visa application form?
You will need to include the following documents with your application:
1. Passport/ Travel document
2. A recent passport-sized photograph
3. You Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies Statement (CAS Statement)
4. Original certificates(s) or transcript(s) of results for any qualification Roehampton has used to
assess your application to a course. These are listed on your CAS
5. Evidence of your English language ability as stated in your CAS statement
6. Evidence of funds available to you showing you can meet the costs of the tuition fees and
7. Students under 18 will require a letter of consent from their parents
8. TB Screening certificate (if required)
You are required to submit all original documents along with a photocopy of each. If any documents are
not in English or Welsh the original documents need to be accompanied by a fully certified translation
that can be verified by the UK Border Agency.
For more information on documents require please visit the Documents Required section of the UKBA
You will be required to pay a £289 non-refundable application fee in your local currency.
Am I a “low risk” country national?
At present nationals* of the following countries are “low risk”:
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Korea
Trinidad and Tobago
United States of America
British National Overseas
*Your passport will determine your nationality.
Low risk nationals are required to show fewer documents when applying for a Tier 4 student to
undertake a course at Roehampton. The document(s) you are exempt from showing are specified in the
Tier 4 Guidance. It is important that all students read the guidance as it will ensure you understand the
rules and evidence required for applying for a student visa.
Although low risk students are exempt from supplying certain documents, the UK Border Agency may still
requests these documents from you and you will need to supply them within a specified period of time if
requested. If you do not supply these when requested, your visa application will be refused.
The list of countries is reviewed annually.
What are the UK Border Agency’s English Language requirements?
Roehampton needs to assess the English language ability of all students entering the UK on a Tier 4 visas
as part of the admissions process. We will state how we have assessed your English language ability on
your CAS statement and also the level of ability you have obtained in reading, writing, speaking and
We will only issue a CAS to you if you are able to demonstrate that your English language ability meets
the minimum required level. For courses at degree level or above the minimum required is CEFR
(Common European Framework of Reference) Level B2 in each of the four language learning
components. For courses below degree level, the minimum required level is CEFR Level B1.
You may be required to take one of the UK Border Agency’s approved secure English Language tests. The
current list is available on the UKBA website.
We will not need to assess your English language ability if:
 You are a national of a majority English speaking country*
You have completed an academic qualification at degree level or above, which was taught in a
majority English speaking country (including the UK and Ireland but excluding Canada)
*The current majority English-speaking countries are:
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
New Zealand
St. Kitts
St. Lucia
St. Vincent and the
Trinidad and Tobago
What is a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)?
A CAS is a unique 14 digit alphanumeric reference number that is given to you by Roehampton and
confirms to the UKBA that you are a genuine student. Your CAS is valid for 6 months from the date it is
assigned. You should use your CAS to accompany your Tier 4 student visa application no earlier than 3
months before the start of your course at Roehampton.
Only students who have firmly accepted an unconditional offer to study at Roehampton will be given a
CAS. In some cases you will also need to pay a deposit.
How can I get a CAS?
Once you have accepted your unconditional offer, you will be sent a CAS Request form to complete. You
will need to confirm personal information about yourself as well as your previous UK Immigration and UK
study history. If you have previously studied in the UK, we may require copies of your previous UK
student Visas.
Once we receive your CAS request form, a CAS will be assigned by our International Admissions team and
an email with your CAS statement will be issued to you.
It is essential that you check that the information contained in your CAS is correct. If anything is incorrect,
please contact our International Admissions team to have this corrected as soon as possible.
It is essential to remember that it is your responsibility to make sure you fully understand and meet the
UK immigration requirements. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this
site; however you are required to refer to the information provided by UK Border Agency and note it
overrides any other immigration information you may read on these webpages.
How much money will I need to show is available to me?
The UKBA requires Tier 4 students to be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to cover
their tuition cost and maintenance (living and accommodation costs) within the UK.
Your tuition fees are stated on your CAS statement. If you are starting a new programme, the fees stated
will be the fees for the first academic year or the entire programme if the duration is a year or less.
Roehampton comes falls within ‘Inner London’ and you will need to show that you have £1,000 for each
month of your programme, up to a maximum of nine months. Therefore you must show £9,000 in total
for your maintenance.
In some circumstances where you have previously studied in the UK and are applying for entry clearance
to continue to study in the UK, you may qualify for a reduced maintenance requirement due to having
‘establish presence’ in the UK.
For more information on established presence, refer to the Tier 4 Guidance .
If you will be receiving official financial sponsorship, you can use this as evidence of the money you have
available. The UKBA consider the following as Official sponsors:
The UK Government
Your home government
The British Council
Any international organisation or international company
A university or
An independent school
More detailed information on maintenance can be found in the Tier 4 Guidance. We cannot stress
enough the important of reading the Tier 4 Guidance and the information on the UK Border Agency
website. It will ensure you make a correct and complete application and minimize the possibility of your
visa application being rejected or refused.
The following personal evidence can be used to show money available to you. For the full list (including
scholarships etc., refer to the Tier 4 Guidance.
1. Personal bank or building society statements covering a consecutive 28 day period ending no more
than 1 month before the date of the student’s application:
The student’s personal bank or building society statements must show:
The student’s or their parents(s)/legal guardians name; and
The account number; and
The date of the statement; and
The financial institution’s name and logo; and
The amount of money available.
Ad hoc bank statements printed on the bank’s letterhead are admissible as evidence (this excludes ministatements from cash points).
If the student wishes to submit electronic bank statements from an online account these must contain all
of the details listed above. In addition, the student will need to provide a supporting letter from his/her
bank, on company headed paper, confirming the authenticity of the statements provided.
Alternatively an electronic bank statement bearing the official stamp of the bank in question will be
accepted. This stamp must appear on every page of the statement.
The UKBA will not accept statements which show the balance in the account on a particular day as these
documents do not show that the applicant holds enough funds for the full period needed.
If a student wants to use a joint account as proof of his/her money, he/she must be named on the
account along with one or more other person.
2. Building society pass book covering a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 1 month
before the date of the student’s application.
The student’s building society pass book must show:
The student’s or their parents(s)/legal guardians name; and
The account number; and
The financial institution’s name and logo; and
The amount of money available.
3. Letter from the student’s bank confirming funds have been held for a consecutive 28 day period
ending no more than 1 month before the date of the application.
The student’s letter from a bank or building society must show:
The student’s or their parents(s)/legal guardians name; and
The account number; and
The date of the letter; and
The financial institution’s name and logo; and
The money in the student’s account; and
That there is enough money in the account (to cover your course fees and living costs).
If a Tier 4 (General) student is relying on money held by his/her parents(s)/legal guardian, he/she must
show that he/she is related to his/her parent(s)/legal guardian. Tier 4 (General) students must provide
one of:
The student’s birth certificate showing names of his/her parent(s);
The student’s certificate of adoption showing names of both parent(s) or legal guardian;
A Court document naming the legal guardian of the student
The document use must be the original legal document or a notarised copy.
If a Tier 4 (General) student is relying on money held by his/her parents(s)/legal guardian, he/she must
also show that his/her parent(s)/legal guardian has given their permission for the Tier 4 (General) student
to use this money. The Tier 4 (General) students must provide:
A letter from his/her parent(s) or legal guardian
The letter must confirm:
The relationship between the student and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian; and
That the parent(s) or legal guardian has given their consent to the student using their funds to
study in the UK.
Link for example of a consent letter (see below) Parents can use this letter to create their own by filling in
the blanks in italics: Example Letter
How long will I get on my visa?
If you are coming to Roehampton on a programme which will last 6 months or more, or a pre-sessional
course which will last for less than 6 months – your entry clearance will start once month before the start
of your programme.
Type of course
Length of course
Length of stay allowed
Main course of study (including student
union sabbatical officers)
12 months or more
The full length of the
four months after the end
of the course
Main course of study (including student
union sabbatical officers)
At least six months but less
than 12 months
The full length of the
two months after the end
of the course
Main course of study (including student
union sabbatical officers)
Less than six months
The full length of the
seven days after the end
of the course
Short course to prepare you for study
12 months or more
The full length of the
four months after the end
of the course
Short course to prepare you for study
At least six months but less
than 12 months
The full length of the
two months after the end
of the course
Short course to prepare you for study
Less than six months
The full length of the
one month after the end
of the course
It is important that you check your entry clearance carefully when it is issued to ensure that you have
been given the correct amount of leave and that your information is correct.
If any information is incorrect, request that it be changed before you travel to the UK. There is quite a
lengthy process when trying to get it corrected in the UK and you could be without your passport for
several weeks if you opt to get it corrected once you arrive.
Am I subject to Tuberculosis (TB) screening?
Students from certain countries coming to study in the UK for more than 6 months now need a certificate
to evidence that they are free from TB. These countries are:
Burkina Faso
Cote d'Ivoire
Democratic Republic of
the Congo
Further information can be found on the UKBA Applying for Visa webpages.
Can I bring my dependents to the UK?
You can only bring your dependents with you if you are coming to Roehampton to study on a
postgraduate programme lasting 12 months or longer.
You are also entitled to bring your dependents if are Government-sponsored students on a course lasting
6 months or longer.
For more information on this, visit the Can you bring your family webpage on the UKBA site
Do I need to register with the Police?
If you are required to register with the police, this will be indicated on your student visa. You are
expected to register with the police within 7 days of arriving in the UK.
Failure to register with the police when required is a criminal offence and could lead to prosecution.
For more information on Registering with the police, visit the Overseas Visitors Records Office.
How long will my visa application take to be processed?
The visa processing times vary depending on where you are applying.
You can find processing times for different application types in each country around the world on
the UKBA website.
Protecting your immigration status
Once you have been granted a Tier 4 student visa it is important that you adhere to the conditions of this
visa in order to protect your immigration status. You can find detailed information about these conditions
on the UKCISA website.
What happens if my visa application is refused?
If your visa application is refused, it is important that you contact our Admissions team.
If your application has been refused, you will receive a refusal notice titled ‘NOTICE OF IMMIGRATION
DECISION’ document detailing why your application has been refused.
Administrative Review
If you believe that UK Border Agency made a mistake with your application, you can submit an
administrative review. (If you made a mistake, an administrative review will not be granted). An
administrative review involves an Entry Clearance Manager in the embassy or a nearby embassy (who did
not make the original decision) reviewing your original application. The UK Border Agency states that
they will make decisions within 28 days. However, it can take much longer.
Even if you do not have time to wait 28 days for a decision, it is advisable to submit an administrative
review while applying again. (The embassy may advise you that you have to choose to do an admin
review or apply again, but we have been advised by the UK Border Agency and by UKCISA, that you
can do both at the same time). If it is successful, you will not get a refund for the application fee but it
will be recorded on your immigration record that your administrative review was successful.
Even if the administrative review is successful, you will have to declare the refusal each time you apply
to the UK Border Agency for a visa.
For more information applying for an administrative review go to the UKBA website.
Make another application
If you made a mistake with your application or submitted incorrect documents and are refused, you can
apply again, provided you can arrive within the registration period at Roehampton.
You will need a new CAS to make a new application. You must request one from the International
Admissions team. You can do this by replying to the e-mail address that was sent to you from
Roehampton. It is important that you explain why your visa application was refused and attach a copy of
the refusal notice. If the International Admissions team think that you need more advice, they will refer
your message our Immigration Officer or Admissions and Enquiries Manager.
You need to read the refusal notice carefully and gather new documents that meet the requirements and
guidance. I
If you have any visa related question, you can contact our Immigration Officer here or on +44 208 392