EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOL WEEKLY LESSON PLAN FORM Teacher: GLE(s) Standards Week of: Date Day One Day Two Grade: Guiding Questions: Delivery of Instruction Daily Objective: The students will Do Now: Anticipatory: Modeling (I Do): Guided Practice (We Do): Independent Practice (You Do): Activities for Tier 1: Activities for Tier 2: Activities for Tier 3: Specific Plans for Individual Differences/Accommodations (Lower/Higher): __Test Read Aloud __Extended Time __Shorten Assignments __Small Group __Repeated Directions __Preferential Seating __Study Guide __Think, Pair, Share __Teacher Assistance __Para Tutor __Fewer Test Questions __Taped Lessons __Allow Breaks __Use of Calculator/Spell checker __Monitor Students Progress __Provide Concrete Models of Writing Assignments Closure/Review: Use of Pacing Guides? Y N Use of LCC? Y N What data was used to plan and implement this lesson? Daily Objective: The students will Do Now: Anticipatory: Modeling (I Do): Guided Practice (We Do): Independent Practice (You Do): Activities for Tier 1: Activities for Tier 2: Activities for Tier 3: Specific Plans for Individual Differences/Accommodations (Lower Higher): __Test Read Aloud __Extended Time __Shorten Assignments __Small Group __Repeated Directions __Preferential Seating __Study Guide __Think, Pair, Share __Teacher Assistance __Para Tutor __Fewer Test Questions __Taped Lessons __Allow Breaks __Use of Calculator/Spell checker __Monitor Students Progress __Provide Concrete Models of Writing Assignments Closure/Review: Use of Pacing Guides? Y N Use of LCC? Y N Subject Materials ___Workbook ___Kidz Biz ___Overhead ___Achieve 3000 ___Board ___Star Reading ___Computer ___Star Math ___Manipulative ___Performance ___Worksheet ___Crayons ___TV(Video) ___Pencil ___Paper ___Other ___Project Read ___Practice Planet ___Listening Center ___Learning Today ___Poster Boards ___Coach Practice Book ___Reading in a Flash Unit: Assessment ___Observation ___Test/Quiz ___Rubric ___Projects ___Participation ___Group Activities ___Other HOTS 1. 2. 3. __Louisiana Pass ___Compass Learning ___Textbook Materials ___Workbook ___Kidz Biz ___Overhead ___Achieve 3000 ___Board ___Star Reading ___Computer ___Star Math ___Manipulative ___Performance ___Worksheet ___Crayon ___TV(Video) ___Pencil ___Paper ___Other ___Project Read ___Practice Planet ___Listening Center ___Learning Today ___Poster Boards ___Coach Practice Book ___Reading in a Flash __Louisiana Pass ___Compass Learning Assessment ___Observation ___Test/Quiz ___Rubric ___Projects ___Participation ___Group Activities ___Other HOTS 1. 2. 3. Day Three Day Four Day Five What data was used to plan and implement this lesson? __Textbook Daily Objective: The students will Do Now: Anticipatory: Modeling (I Do): Guided Practice (We Do): Independent Practice (You Do): Activities for Tier 1: Activities for Tier 2: Activities for Tier 3: Specific Plans for Individual Differences/Accommodations (Lower Higher): __Test Read Aloud __Extended Time __Shorten Assignments __Small Group __Repeated Directions __Preferential Seating __Study Guide __Think, Pair, Share __Teacher Assistance __Para Tutor __Fewer Test Questions __Taped Lessons __Allow Breaks __Use of Calculator/Spell checker __Monitor Students Progress __Provide Concrete Models of Writing Assignments Closure/Review: Use of Pacing Guides? Y N Use of LCC? Y N What data was used to plan and implement this lesson? Daily Objective: The students will Do Now: Anticipatory: Modeling (I Do): Guided Practice (We Do): Independent Practice (You Do): Activities for Tier 1: Activities for Tier 2: Activities for Tier 3: Specific Plans for Individual Differences/Accommodations (Lower Higher): __Test Read Aloud __Extended Time __Shorten Assignments __Small Group __Repeated Directions __Preferential Seating __Study Guide __Think, Pair, Share __Teacher Assistance __Para Tutor __Fewer Test Questions __Taped Lessons __Allow Breaks __Use of Calculator/Spell checker __Monitor Students Progress __Provide Concrete Models of Writing Assignments Closure/Review: Use of Pacing Guides? Y N Use of LCC? Y N What data was used to plan and implement this lesson? Daily Objective: The students will Do Now: Anticipatory: Modeling (I Do): Guided Practice (We Do): Independent Practice (You Do): Activities for Tier 1: Activities for Tier 2: Activities for Tier 3: Materials ___Workbook ___Kidz Biz ___Overhead ___Achieve 3000 ___Board ___Star Reading ___Computer ___Star Math ___Manipulative ___Performance ___Worksheet ___Crayons ___TV(Video) ___Pencil ___Paper ___Other ___Project Read ___Practice Planet ___Listening Center ___Learning Today ___Poster Boards ___Coach Practice Book ___Reading in a Flash Assessment ___Observation ___Test/Quiz ___Rubric ___Projects ___Participation ___Group Activities ___Other HOTS 1. 2. 3. __Louisiana Pass ___Compass Learning __Textbook Materials ___Workbook ___Kidz Biz ___Overhead ___Achieve 3000 ___Board ___Star Reading ___Computer ___Star Math ___Manipulative ___Performance ___Worksheet ___Crayons ___TV(Video) ___Pencil ___Paper ___Other ___Project Read ___Practice Planet ___Listening Center ___Learning Today ___Poster Boards ___Coach Practice Book ___Reading in a Flash Assessment ___Observation ___Test/Quiz ___Rubric ___Projects ___Participation ___Group Activities ___Other HOTS 1. 2. 3. __Louisiana Pass ___Compass Learning ___Textbook Materials ___Workbook ___Overhead ___Board ___Computer ___Manipulative ___Worksheet ___TV(Video) ___Paper ___Kidz Biz ___Achieve 3000 ___Star Reading ___Star Math ___Performance ___Crayons ___Pencil ___Other Assessment ___Observation ___Test/Quiz ___Rubric ___Projects ___Participation ___Group Activities ___Other HOTS Specific Plans for Individual Differences/Accommodations (Lower Higher): __Test Read Aloud __Extended Time __Shorten Assignments __Small Group __Repeated Directions __Preferential Seating __Study Guide __Think, Pair, Share __Teacher Assistance __Para Tutor __Fewer Test Questions __Taped Lessons __Allow Breaks __Use of Calculator/Spell checker __Monitor Students Progress __Provide Concrete Models of Writing Assignments Closure/Review: Use of Pacing Guides? Y N Use of LCC? Y N What data was used to plan and implement this lesson? ___Project Read ___Practice Planet ___Listening Center ___Learning Today ___Poster Boards ___Coach Practice Book ___Reading in a Flash 1. 2. 3. __Louisiana Pass ___Compass Learning ___Textbook *Please note that additional space can be created by hitting enter. * Lesson Plans are to be submitted electronically to ann_divencenti@nops.k12.la.us on the Friday prior to implementation.