Chm.Unit4.Periodic Table and Trends

Time frame Needed for Completion: 6 Days
Grade Level: 10
Unit Title: Periodic Table and Trends
Grading Period: 1st 9wks
New 2009 objectives in red
Big Idea/Theme: Analyze periodic trends and use the Periodic Table to predict properties of elements. Additional focus is on the theory and
structure of the atom along with nuclear decay.
Understandings: Students will be able to
Periodic Table
 Identify groups/families as vertical columns on the periodic table
 Identify periods as horizontal rows on the periodic table
 Know that main group elements in the same family have similar properties, the same number of valence electrons, and the same
oxidation number
 Understand that reactivity increases down in a group of metals and decrease down in a group of nonmetals
 Identify main group elements as A groups or as groups 1, 2, 13-18
 Identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noble gases based on location on the periodic table
 Identify transition metals as B groups or as groups 3-12
Atomic and ionic radii
Define atomic radius and ionic radius
Know group and period general trends for atomic radius
Apply trends to arrange elements in order of increasing or decreasing atomic radius
Explain the reasoning for the trends
Compare cation radius to neutral ion
Compare anion radius to neutral ion
Define electronegativity
Know group and period general trends for electronegativity
Apply trends to arrange elements in order of increasing or decreasing electronegativity
Explain the reasoning for the trends
Essential Questions:
1.How would you describe the arrangement of the periodic table in
reference to groups and periods?
2. How are elements arranged on the periodic table?
3. How would you describe the trend in ionization energy,
electronegativity, atomic radii, and ionic radii as it relates to the
periodic table?
4. How would you describe the trend in ionization energy,
electronegativity, atomic radii, and ionic radii as it relates to the
periodic table?
5. How would you describe the trend in ionization energy,
electronegativity, atomic radii, and ionic radii as it relates to the
periodic table?
Curriculum Goals/Objectives (to be assessed at the end of the
Chm.1.3.1 Classify the components of a periodic table(Period, group,
metal, metalloid, nonmetal, transition).
Groups (families)
• Identify groups as vertical columns on the periodic table.
• Know that main group elements in the same group have similar
properties, the same number of valence electrons, and the same oxidation
• Summarize that reactivity increases as you go down within a group for
metals and decreases for nonmetals.
• Identify periods as horizontal rows on the periodic table.
• Identify regions of the periodic table where metals, nonmetals, and
metalloids are located.
Classify elements as metals/nonmetals/metalloids based on location.
Representative elements (main group) and transition elements
• Identify representative (main group) elements as A groups or as groups
1, 2, 13-18.
• Identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noble gases
based on location on periodic table.
• Identify transition elements as B groups or as groups 3-12.
Chm.1.3.2 Infer the physical properties (atomic radius, metallic and
nonmetallic characteristics) of an element based on its position on the
Periodic Table.
Classify elements as metals/nonmetals/metalloids based on location.
Representative elements (main group) and transition elements
• Identify representative (main group) elements as A groups or as groups
1, 2, 13-18.
• Identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noble gases
based on location on periodic table.
• Identify transition elements as B groups or as groups 3-12.
Define electronegativity and know group and period general trends for
electronegativity. Explain the reasoning behind the trend.
• Apply trends to arrange elements in order of increasing or decreasing
Chm.1.3.3 Infer the atomic size, reactivity, electronegativity, and
ionization energy of an element from its position on the Periodic
 Essential Skills/Vocabulary:
Analyze periodic trends in chemical properties and use the periodic
table to predict properties of elements.
 Groups (families).
 Periods.
 Representative elements (main group) and transition elements.
 Ionization energy.
 Atomic and ionic radii.
 Electronegativity.
21st Century Skills
Communication Skills
Conveying thought or opinions
When presenting information,
distinguishing between relevant and
irrelevant information
Explaining a concept to others
Interviewing others or being
Assessment Tasks:
1. major test, quizzes, homework
2. Organizing the Elements worksheet
3. Discovering Periodic Trends
4. Periodic Table Puzzle
Organizing the Elements
Discovering Periodic Trends
Periodic Trends Puzzle
Discovering Periodic Trends
Organizing the Elements
Discovering Periodic Trends
Periodic Trends Puzzle
Computer Knowledge
Using word-processing and database
Developing visual aides for
Using a computer for communication
Learning new software programs
Employability Skills
Assuming responsibility for own
Persisting until job is completed
Working independently
Developing career interest/goals
Responding to criticism or questions
Information-retrieval Skills
Searching for information via the
Searching for print information
Searching for information using
community members
Language Skills - Reading
Following written directions
Identifying cause and effect
Summarizing main points after reading
Locating and choosing appropriate
reference materials
Reading for personal learning
 Organizing the Elements
 Discovering Periodic Trends
 Periodic Trends Puzzle
All activities
WIZARD assessment questions
Most of the activities can be presented
as opportunities for students to follow
written directions. The teacher will
have to work with most students to
develop this skill over time. The
following activities are well suited to
developing skills in following
 Organizing the Elements
 Discovering Periodic Trends
 Periodic Trends Puzzle
Language Skill - Writing
Using language accurately
Organizing and relating ideas when
Proofing and Editing
Synthesizing information from several
Discovering Periodic Trends
All activities