October 11, 2007 F. Joel Fodrie CURRICULUM VITAE - FREDRICK JOEL FODRIE Dauphin Island Sea Lab 101 Bienville Boulevard Dauphin Island, AL 36528 Tel #: 251 861 7503 Email: jfodrie@disl.org FAMILY: Spouse Children Lindsey Willis Fodrie (married 04-22-2000) Hubert Glenn “Rafe” Fodrie (born 04-04-2006) EDUCATION: 2006 1999 1995 Ph.D. Biological Oceanography (Dr. Lisa A Levin, Advisor) Scripps Institution of Oceanography; University of California, San Diego B.A. Biology with Highest Honors, and History University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill East Carteret High School; Beaufort, North Carolina (Valedictorian) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 20062000-2006 1999-2000 1998 Post-Doctoral Researcher (Dr. KL Heck, Jr; Co-mentored by Dr. Sean P. Powers), Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL Graduate Research Assistant, Biological Oceanography (Dr. LA Levin), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA Marine Biology Technician, Benthic Ecology Laboratory (Dr. CH Peterson), Institute of Marine Sciences, UNC-CH, Morehead City, NC Marine Biology Technician, Coastal Environmental and Microbiological Laboratory (Dr. HW Paerl), Institute of Marine Sciences, UNC-CH, Morehead City, NC AWARDS: 2006 2006 20012001 1999 1998 1995-1998 E.W. Fager Memorial Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Contributions to Scripps Institution of Oceanography Texas Institute of Oceanography Postdoctoral Fellow - Declined National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship - Declined R.E. Coker Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Ecology: “Site-specific test of source-sink dynamics of a bay scallop population” Phi Beta Kappa James M. Johnston Scholar; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill GRANTS: 2006-2009 2005-2006 National Marine Fishery Service ($382,044) “Estimating the relative importance of northern Gulf nursery habitats to adult fish populations: studies of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) and gag grouper (Mycteroperca microlepis)” California Sea Grant Rapid Response ($9,999) “Development of LA-ICPMS methods to chart movements of fish” 1 October 11, 2007 2004-2006 2003-2004 2002 2001 F. Joel Fodrie California Department of Boating and Waterways ($70,000) “Assessing the ecological value of southern California marinas as nursery habitat” UC MEXUS Dissertation Research Grant ($11,500) “Tracking movements of juvenile fish via elemental fingerprinting and stable isotope analyses” California Coastal Environmental Quality Initiative Graduate Research Award ($10,000) “Evaluating the relative importance of coastal habitat types as productive nursery grounds for the California halibut” California Coastal Environmental Quality Initiative Graduate Research Award ($10,000) “Retroactive tracking of nursery habitat use by California halibut” PUBLICATIONS: Fodrie, FJ and LA Levin (In press) Linking juvenile habitat utilization to population dynamics of the California halibut. Limnology and Oceanography Fodrie, FJ, MD Kenworthy and SP Powers (submitted to Ecology) Facilitation generates enhanced risk for a shared prey in an oyster-reef community despite intraguild predation. Fodrie, FJ, LA Levin and AJ Lucas (submitted to Ecology) Role of population demography in evaluating the nursery function of juvenile habitats Rathburn, AE, LA Levin, M Tryon, W Ziebis, JM Gieskes, JB Martin, ME Pérez, FJ Fodrie, C Neira, G Mendoza, PA McMillan, J Adamic and J Kluesner (submitted to Progress in Oceanography) Geological and biological heterogeneity of the Aleutian Margin (2000-4800 m). SZ Herzka, R Griffiths, FJ Fodrie and ID McCarthy (submitted to Transactions of the American Fisheries Society) Size-specific distribution and movement patterns of juvenile flatfish in a Pacific estuary derived through length-frequency and mark-recapture data. Fodrie, FJ, and SH Herzka (revised manuscript with Marine Ecology Progress Series) Tracking juvenile fish movement and nursery contribution within arid coastal embayments via otolith microchemistry. Becker, BJ, LA Levin, FJ Fodrie and PA McMillan (2007) Population connectivity patterns differ in closely related coastal bivalve species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(9): 32673272. Fodrie, FJ, SZ Herzka, AJ Lucas and V Francisco (2007) Intraspecific density regulates positioning and feeding mode selection of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 340: 169-183. Fodrie, FJ and G Mendoza (2006) Availability, usage and expected contribution of potential nursery habitats for the California halibut. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68(1-2): 149-164. Becker, BJ, FJ Fodrie, P McMillan and LA Levin (2005) Spatial and temporal variability in trace elemental fingerprints of Mytilid mussel shells: A precursor to invertebrate larval tracking. Limnology and Oceanography 50(1): 48-61. Craig, MT, FJ Fodrie and PA Hastings (2004) The nearshore fish assemblage of the Scripps Coastal Reserve, San Diego, California. Coastal Management 32: 341-351. 2 October 11, 2007 F. Joel Fodrie Peterson CH, FJ Fodrie, HC Summerson & SP Powers (2001) Site-specific and density-dependent extinction of prey by schooling rays: generation of a population sink in top-quality habitat for bay scallops. Oecologia 129:349-356. PUBLICATIONS (COMPLETED DATASETS IN PREP): Fodrie, FJ, BJ Becker, LA Levin, K Gruenthal and PA McMillan (completed manuscript) Short-term variability in settlement and elemental fingerprints of bay and open coast Mytilid mussels. Journal of Shellfish Research Fodrie, FJ, LA Levin and AE Rathburn (completed manuscript) Photographic observations of bathyal megafaunal density and composition along the Aleutian Margin. Marine Biology Fodrie, FJ (in prep) Trophic function and recovery of ichthyofauna in natural and restored southern California wetlands inferred via stable isotope analyses. Estuaries and Coasts Fodrie, FJ, SP Powers and KH Heck (in prep) Ichthyofaunal community structure and nursery potential of northern Gulf of Mexico seagrass meadows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Fodrie, FJ, KW Heck, SP Powers, K Park and WM Graham (in prep) Thirty-year change in northern Gulf of Mexico seagrass ichthyofauna represents addition of tropical species. Climate Change Fodrie, FJ, SZ Herzka and GS Cook (in prep) Can post-settlement immigration expand a bottleneck in the life history of estuarine-dependent finfish: a comparative approach using trace element and stable isotope data? Fisheries Oceanography Craig, MT and FJ Fodrie (in prep) Fish without borders: negligible population structure for California halibut across three coastal providences of North America. TBD PUBLICATIONS (NON-REVIEWED): Levin, LA, P McMillan, G Mendoza, J Gonzalez, S Moseman, C Janousek, and J Fodrie (2003) Restoration of coastal wetlands: Methods for colonization enhancement and evaluation of trophic function. CICEET Final Report. 22 pgs. Herzka, SZ, DE Conklin, M Drawbridge, FJ Fodrie, JP Lazo, R Piedrahita (2003) Current research efforts on California halibut focus on aquaculture practices and utilization of nursery habitat. California Bight Bulletin 7: 4-9. PRESENTATIONS (*: leading presenter): 2007 2007 2007 2006 “Multiple metrics of habitat connectivity and value: Nursery utilization and population dynamics of California halibut” (Oral) Estuarine Research Federation, Providence, RI. * “Demographic consequences of nursery habitat selection by California halibut” (Oral) Benthic Ecology Meetings, Atlanta, GA.* “Multiple predator effects within oyster reefs: foraging behavior of oyster drills and stone crabs on a common resource” (Oral) Benthic Ecology Meetings, Atlanta, GA. “Distribution, Abundance and Movement Patterns of Juvenile Flatfishes in the Punta Banda Estuary, Baja California, Mexico” (Poster) American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, NY. 3 October 11, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2004 2001 2000 F. Joel Fodrie “Combining fingerprinting and physics to assess patterns and mechanisms of larval connectivity” (Oral) International Larval Biology Conference, Coos Bay, OR. “Three ‘seas’ of nursery habitat utilization: contribution, concentration and connectivity” Invited Talk (Oral) Dauphin Island Sea Lab, AL.* “A generalist nursery habitat strategy by California halibut connects coastal seascapes” (Poster) ALSO, Honolulu, HI.* “Availability, suitability and contribution of potential nursery habitats for the California halibut” (Oral) CAERS, Santa Barbara, CA..* “Trace element fingerprinting to infer larval trajectories: implications and benefits of highfrequency field collections” (Oral) International Larval Biology Conference, Hong Kong, China.* “Assessing Larval Dispersal Using Trace Elemental Concentrations in Mytilid Larval Shells” (Poster) ASLO, Victoria, BC, Canada. “Metapopulation dynamics in the bay scallop: Mechanisms creating population sinks where least expected” (Oral) Benthic Ecology Meetings, Wilmington, NC.* TEACHING: 2007 2007 2006 2004 2003 Instructor: Graduate course “Techniques for Examining Connectivity in Marine Systems” Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Lecturer: “Otolith Analyses and Growth Estimation” and “Transition Matrices as a Fisheries Tool”, Graduate course “Quantitative Methods in Fisheries and Ecology” Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Co-Creator, Organizer and Lecturer: Graduate seminar course “Nearshore Physical Processes” Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Teaching Assistant: Undergraduate course “Biological Oceanography” University of California, San Diego. Lecturer: “Wetlands Fish Ecology”, Graduate course “Wetlands Ecology and Conservation” Scripps Institution of Oceanography. SERVICE: Manuscript and Proposal Reviewer: Marine Ecology Progress Series (4), Fisheries Oceanography (1), Marine Ecology (1), California Fish and Game (1), Cheasapeake Bay Trust, Living Shore Proceedings (1), Gulf of Mexico Science (1), US-Israel BARD (2), Maine Sea Grant (1) 2006 2006 2005-2006 2003, 2005 2001-2002 Presenter: “How Can Fish Have Fingerprints?” Expanding Your Horizons Conference to Foster Interest of Young Women for Science. University of South Alabama. Mobile, AL. Presenter: “Keys to Identifying the Fish of the Cabrillo National Monument.” Given to park rangers to aid in the enforcement of CNM regulations. San Diego, CA. Student Representative: Director’s Committee for the SIO Analytical Facility. La Jolla, CA. Presenter: “Population Connectivity in Coastal Ecosystems of San Diego County.” E.W. Scripps Associates Science Series. La Jolla, CA. Organizer: Scripps Ecology Luncheon Seminar Series. La Jolla, CA. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Fish and bivalve ecology, with emphasis on 1) ecosystem function in relation to habitat quality, availability and utilization; 2) complex trophic interactions in estuarine ecosystems; and 3) connectivity of marine populations and ecosystems. Additionally, I have conducted experiments related to processes and mechanisms, and wetlands restoration ecology. Research tools have included manipulative field 4 October 11, 2007 F. Joel Fodrie experiments, intensive field surveys, GIS simulations, ROVs, stable isotope analyses, population projection matrix models and trace element fingerprinting. RESEARCH SETTINGS: The benthic environments of lagoonal estuaries, protected sounds, coastal embayments, seagrasses, salt marshes, tidal flats, the rocky intertidal, exposed coastlines, and the continental shelf. COLLABORATORS: BJ Becker, MT Craig, KL Heck, Jr., SA Herzka, LA Levin, AJ Lucas, P McMillian, G Mendoza, CH Peterson, SP Powers, AE Rathburn MEMBERSHIPS: 2007200520012001-2004 Estuarine Research Federation American Fisheries Society Ecological Society of America Sigma Xi REFERENCES: Dr. Lisa A Levin; llevin@ucsd.edu; SIO Dr. Kenneth L Heck, Jr.; kheck@disl.org; DISL Dr. Charles H Peterson; cpeters@email.unc.edu; UNC-CH Dr. Sharon Z Herzka; sherzka@cicese.mx; CICESE 5