Europhys. Lett., 61 (6), p. 762 (2003) Time-resolved X-ray diffraction on laser-excited metal nanoparticles A. Plech 1 - S. Kürbitz 2 - K.-J. Berg 2 - H. Graener 2 - G. Berg 2 S. Grésillon 3 - M. Kaempfe 4 - J. Feldmann 4 M. Wulff 1 - G. von Plessen 5 1 ESRF - BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble, France Fachbereich Physik der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6, D-06108 Halle, Germany 3 ESPCI - 10 rue Vauquelin, F-75005 Paris, France 4 Physics Department and CeNS, University of Munich Amalienstrasse 54, D-80799 München, Germany 5 I. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen - D-52056 Aachen, Germany 2 (Received 9 August 2002; accepted in final form 3 January 2003) Abstract The lattice expansion and relaxation of noble-metal nanoparticles heated by intense femtosecond laser pulses are measured by pump-probe time-resolved X-ray scattering. Following the laser pulse, shape and angular shift of the (111) Bragg reflection from crystalline silver and gold particles with diameters from 20 to 100 are resolved stroboscopically using 100 X-ray pulses from a synchrotron. We observe a transient lattice expansion that corresponds to a laser-induced temperature rise of up to 200 , and a subsequent lattice relaxation. The relaxation occurs within several hundred picoseconds for embedded silver particles, and several nanoseconds for supported free gold particles. The relaxation time shows a strong dependence on particle size. The relaxation rate appears to be limited by the thermal coupling of the particles to the matrix and substrate, respectively, rather than by bulk thermal diffusion. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction can resolve the internal strain state of the nanoparticles to separate non-thermal from thermal motion of the lattice. PACS 61.10.Nz - Single-crystal and powder diffraction 65.80.+n - Thermal properties of small particles, nanocrystals, nanotubes 78.47.+p - Time-resolved optical spectroscopies and other ultrafast optical measurements in condensed matter Introduction The vibrational properties of nanocrystalline materials, such as the vibrational density of states, can substantially differ from those of bulk crystals, with significant implications for their thermodynamics [1]. One interesting issue is what effects such different vibrational properties may have on the rate of heat transfer across nanostructure interfaces [2]. In comparison to macroscopic situations, heat transfer processes may be considerably modified as structure sizes approach the length scales of electron and phonon wavelengths and mean free paths. Relatively little is known experimentally on the rate of heat transfer from two- or three-dimensionally confined nanostructures, presumably due to difficulties in measuring such rates on extremely small length scales [3]. From an applied point of view, an improved knowledge and understanding of heat transfer processes from such nanostructures appears desirable, as feature sizes of microelectronic devices continue to shrink to nanometer dimensions, leading to increased power dissipation per unit volume and aggravated cooling problems, with the risk of device failure if local overheating occurs. Here we investigate the thermal dynamics of metal nanoparticles that are heated by femtosecond laser pulses and subsequently cool down via heat transfer to the environment. The electron and lattice dynamics of this model system has previously been investigated in a number of timeresolved optical pump-probe experiments [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. It is known to be controlled, on femto- and picosecond time scales, by thermalization of the laser-excited electrons and subsequent electron cooling concomitant with lattice heating. The lattice expansion associated with the lattice heating triggers coherent particle vibrations observable as picosecond periodic signal modulations [11,12,13,14]. However, the heat transfer from the nanoparticles into the embedding material, which usually occurs on much longer time scales, has attracted little attention. For example, it is unclear whether the heat transfer rate is limited by the thermal coupling of the nanoparticles to the embedding matrix, or by bulk thermal diffusion in the embedding material. In the present work, we address this and related issues, using a novel time-resolved optical pump/Xray probe technique [17]. It gives us much more direct access to the lattice dynamics in the nanoparticles than was available from previous all-optical experiments. The advantage of X-ray scattering methods is that they directly probe the lattice parameter and strain state of the metal particles. Therefore they give direct access to structural properties such as lattice temperature and coherent motion, as recently shown in the case of semiconductor surfaces [18]. Experimental Figure 1: Debye-Scherrer ring profiles for a) embedded silver particles of 79 diameter and b) supported gold particles of 20 diameter at different delay times after excitation. Full circles: non-excited profile; open circles in a): ; crosses: . Open circles in b): . Insets: absorbance of the samples. Sketches: experimental geometries, i.e. transmission geometry for embedded particles and reflection geometry for supported particles (X denoting incoming X-ray beam, L laser beam, S sample and X-rays scattered under twice the Bragg angle onto the area detector D). We study spherical silver and gold nanoparticles of various sizes. The silver particles are prepared in flat glass by ion exchange and subsequent tempering. The particle size is controllable by the preparation conditions; it is derived from absorbance measurements (see inset of fig. 1a)) and TEM analysis [19]. We investigate mean diameters from 24 to 100 , with size dispersions of below 10%. The analysis of the Scherrer width of the particles reveals that the small particles (diameter < 48 ) are essentially single crystals, whereas the average grain size for the larger particles is less than the particle size. For example, the average grain size in 100 particles is found to be about 57 . The second set of samples is prepared by self-assembly of gold colloids onto a polyelectrolyte surface from aqueous solution as described in [20,21]. Commercial solutions (BBInternational) containing spherical gold particles with defined diameters (20, 60, 80 and 100 ) and dispersion ( ) are used to deposit monolayered colloid films on polyelectrolytecoated silicon substrates, with surface coverages of around 10%. By synchronizing a femtosecond laser to the pulse structure of X-rays emitted from the synchrotron radiation source ESRF (Grenoble), we resolve the (111) Bragg reflection of the metal lattice as a function of delay time between exciting laser pulse and probing X-ray pulse, [17]. The laser system at the station ID09B is an amplified Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser that is phase-locked to the RF clock of the storage ring. The laser delivers pulses of 150 duration at a wavelength of 800 , which are frequency doubled in a BBO crystal to excite the plasmon resonance of the particles (see insets of fig. 1). The chirped pulse amplifier runs at a repetition rate of 896.6 , the 392832th subharmonic of the RF clock. The X-ray pulses are diluted to the same 896.6 repetition rate by a ultrasonic mechanical chopper wheel. The powder scattering from the samples of the monochromatic X-rays (16.45 , (111) double monochromator, toroidal mirror) is collected on a two-dimensional CCD camera (Mar Research) [22]. The resulting Debye-Scherrer rings are integrated azimuthally and corrected for polarization and geometry effects [23]. The X-ray pulse length lies between 90 and 110 (FWHM), depending on the ring current. The delay time is varied by means of electronic delay units, with a typical jitter of 10 (RMS), which is small compared to the X-ray pulse duration. The scattering from X-ray probe pulses is accumulated on the detector at each . As the volume filling factor of the embedded particles is only of the order of 10-4, the Scherrer rings have an intensity of about 5 to 10% of the scattering from the glass matrix. This background is used for a normalization of the profiles prior to baseline subtraction. The embedded particles are excited and probed in transmission geometry through the 0.1-0.2 thick glass substrates, whereas the supported particles are excited and probed in reflection geometry (see insets of figs. 1a) and b)). Grazing angles of 8 degrees for X-rays and 30 degrees for the laser are used in the latter geometry. Results and discussion Azimuthally integrated profiles of the Debye-Scherrer rings are presented in fig. 1 for various time delays of the X-ray probe pulses with respect to the laser excitation pulses, . A shift of the peak position is observed for small positive . This shift is a direct measure of the lattice expansion caused by the laser heating of the particles. Peaks split in position at times around 0 , where the earlier part of the X-ray pulse probes the non-excited sample and the later part the excited sample. This splitting allows a determination of the shift even at times shorter than the X-ray pulse duration. The effective time resolution for measuring the onset of the laser-induced lattice expansion is therefore lowered to about 80 . The laser fluence on the silver samples is optimized for highest lattice expansion without noticeable damage of the sample on the time scale of the experiment (several hours of exposure, corresponding to approximately 107 laser pulses). We note that irreversible damage at higher fluences shows itself as a gradual decrease of the Bragg intensity, followed by Scherrer profile changes. It is known that the particles can be deformed upon excitation with intense laser pulses [9] by an accumulative effect that can reduce the size of the particles and create small precipitates around them. Figure 2: a) Relative lattice expansion for 86 embedded silver particles (full circles) and 100 supported gold particles. The solid lines represent exponential fits to the data as explained in the text. b) Peak widths for the silver (full circles) and gold (open circles) particles in a). Figure 2a) displays the time evolution of the relative lattice expansion derived from the peak shift of embedded silver particles of 86 diameter and supported gold particles of 100 diameter at a laser fluence of 13 per pulse, corresponding to a peak irradiance of . The expansion sets in around zero time delay. The true rise time of is expected to be much shorter [14] than the finite X-ray probe-pulse duration and thus cannot be resolved in our experiment. This rise is followed by a relaxation indicating particle cooling. Finally, the lattice parameters return to their room temperature values after several hundred picoseconds for embedded silver particles, and several nanoseconds for supported gold particles. We will first discuss the magnitude of the expansion immediately after the heating. In the regime studied here, the maximal lattice expansion increases almost linearly with the applied power. From the maximal in fig. 2a) and the bulk expansion coefficients we calculate lattice temperature rises of and 197 for the silver and gold particles, respectively. In comparison, an estimate of the energy absorbed by each silver particle per pulse yields a temperature rise, i.e., slightly higher than derived from the measured expansion. Similar slight deviations of experimental results from estimates are also observed at different pulse energies and may be caused by the constraint exerted by the glass matrix, which is expected to somewhat reduce the particle expansion [24]. Figure 3: Relaxation times as a function of particle diameter. The full circles represent the embedded silver particles. The solid line shows a fit based on eq. (1). The broken line represents a simulation according to ref. [8]. The crosses correspond to cooling times of embedded particles taken from refs. [4,6,7,8]. The inset compares the relaxation times of the embedded silver particles to those for the supported gold colloids (open circles). The lattice relaxation displays a strong dependence on the particle size. This is shown in fig. 3, where the relaxation time determined from an exponential decay fit taking into account the 80 probe time resolution around time zero (solid lines in fig. 2a)) is plotted vs. the particle diameter. This dependence can be explained if one assumes that the heat transfer from the particles to the glass matrix is limited by an interface resistance due to phonon-phonon coupling at the metal-glass interface. Following standard macroscopic approaches [26], one obtains for the relative lattice expansion as a function of time t: (1) where , , c are the linear-expansion coefficient, density and heat capacity of silver (gold), respectively, and Vand A are the particle volume and surface. The parameter hdenotes the heat transfer coefficient of the boundary. In this approach the relaxation time, i.e. cooling time, will be a linear function of the ratio V/A, therefore depending linearly on the particle diameter. Indeed this relationship is found for a large range of sizes of the embedded silver particles, as shown by the straight line in fig. 3. The heat transfer coefficient determined from the slope of the straight line lies at the upper edge of the range 0.2known from planar solid-solid interfaces [3]. For comparison, fig. 3 also shows the cooling times for embedded metal particles determined from all-optical time-resolved experiments in the literature (crosses) [15,6,16,4,7]. The data in the particle size range 5-10 have been measured on silver and gold particles in water using optical pump-probe or ultrafast lensing techniques [27,28,16,4]. They show cooling times between 20 and 150 , with relatively large deviations from each other. The largest particles whose cooling times were reported in the literature (sol-gel embedded gold particles of 30 diameter [7]) agree well with our results even for a slightly different system. Alternatively to the scenario described above, the particle cooling could be limited by the bulk thermal resistivity of the glass matrix, rather than by the interface resistance. For this scenario the heat diffusion equation has been solved by Inouye et al. [8], leading to an algebraic expression where the cooling time depends essentially on the square of the particle radius. The 1/e decay times calculated using this approach are plotted as a dashed line in fig. 3, where a thermal diffusivity of for glass has been assumed to fit the experimental data. Clearly, the fit is not as good as in the first scenario. Another aspect casts additional doubt on the second scenario: Our fit result of disagrees with the literature value for flat glass of about [26]. If we used this latter value for the calculation, the expected cooling times would increase by a factor of 3, which is in clear contradiction to our findings. The second scenario can only be saved by speculating that heat conduction in the glass is not entirely diffusive, but also involves ballistic phonon transport, as the typical length scales approach the mean free path of phonons in glass. Ballistic contributions to heat transport should be expected to accelerate the particle cooling. Clearly, this issue requires further study in the future. The inset of fig. 3 shows that the relaxation times for the supported gold colloids are about 5 to 10 times longer than for the embedded silver particles. This remarkable difference can be explained by the reduced contact area between the supporting substrate and the particles, and thus by reduced cooling. It is difficult to estimate the contact area quantitatively due to uncertainties in the faceting of the particles and in the colloid-polyelectrolyte interaction, and due to a possible water wetting meniscus. The line width of the Scherrer ring also displays characteristic reactions upon laser excitation. Generally, we find an increase in width immediately after excitation, which relaxes within hundreds of picoseconds. In the case of embedded silver particles, the width relaxation (see fig. 2b)) occurs on the time scale of the lattice cooling and can be fitted with the same relaxation time. We attribute this Scherrer ring broadening to non-uniform laser heating of the particle ensemble due to the finite optical extinction depth of the sample. In addition, the particles may be heated non-uniformly due to particle-to-particle variations of their individual absorption spectra. Summing up the scattering contributions from particles with different relative lattice expansions is then expected to lead to an inhomogeneous broadening of the peak. A different picture is present in the case of supported particles. Here we observe a relaxation of the broadening that occurs on a time scale much smaller than the cooling time (see fig. 2b)). For instance, we observe a width relaxation time of 800 vs. a cooling time of 18 for 100 particles, and 160 vs. 1.5 for 60 particles. Here we cannot ascribe the broadening to a finite optical extinction depth, since the sample consists of a monolayer of colloids. Theoretically a lattice in thermal equilibrium should not show broadening in the absence of lattice strain. On the other hand, coherent lattice vibrations exert strain and are therefore expected to manifest themselves as a broadening if the time resolution is insufficient to resolve individual vibration periods. We therefore interpret the broadening of the Scherrer rings from the supported particles as due to coherent lattice vibrations. Such lattice vibrations have previously been observed in alloptical experiments on metal nanoparticles [11,12,13,14]. They usually have picosecond time periods and, in embedded particles, very short damping times below approximately 100 [29,11], due to an efficient damping of oscillations at the particle-matrix contact. In the case of supported particles the contact area is strongly reduced and hence the damping should be much weaker, thus making plausible the long relaxation times of the Scherrer width observed here for the supported gold particles. Non-thermal contributions are apparent for the embedded particles only for short time delays of -100 (not shown here) from the analysis of the line shape of the Scherrer rings. A shoulder at low angle appears in the Scherrer profiles for the smallest resolvable positive time delays. This shoulder indicates a scattering contribution from an overshoot of the lattice expansion as compared to adiabatic thermal expansion. The expansion determined from a fit to this shoulder is, for instance, visible in the curve of the embedded 88 particles at a time delay of 100 in fig. 2a), where a relative lattice expansion of is reached. This data point represents a strong deviation of the expansion from the assumed exponential decay and was therefore not included in the fitting procedure used to determine the relaxation times. It indicates, however, that coherent particle vibrations with amplitudes considerably exceeding the adiabatic thermal expansion occur initially. This non-thermal motion seems to be damped out within the X-ray probepulse duration (i.e. within ). Conclusion In summary, we have investigated the lattice expansion and relaxation of noble-metal nanoparticles heated by femtosecond laser pulses, using time-resolved X-ray diffraction. 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