OSMO-PREP FOR COLONOSCOPY Important Note: If you have kidney disease, congestive heart failure or colitis, talk to us about an alternative preparation that is safer for you. PRIOR TO YOUR PROCEDURE: FILL THE OSMO-PREP PRESCRIPTION THAT YOU WERE GIVEN BY YOUR DOCTOR FOR 32 OSMO TABLETS. FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO COLONOSCOPY Stop all iron, aspirin, Advil, Alleve, Bufferin, Coumadin, Ecotrin, Eliquis, Ibuprofen, Persantine, Plavix, Pradaxa, Xarelto or Ticlid five (5) days prior to your procedure. Tylenol is permitted. Stop all arthritis medication five (5) days prior to your procedure. Tylenol is permitted. If you are diabetic, especially if you take insulin, discuss your diabetic medication with us prior to the day of your procedure. TWO DAYS PRIOR TO COLONOSCOPY If you are usually constipated or constipated that day, take a laxative such as milk of magnesia, lactulose or half a bottle of citrate of magnesia. The prep will be easier the next day if you relieve your constipation first. ONE DAY PRIOR TO COLONOSCOPY You may have only clear liquids the day prior to your procedure. Clear liquids are liquids you can see through such as juice, jello, broth or tea. Avoid milk products. Do not ingest orange, red or grape colored liquids or jello. Starting at 4:00 PM the day before your procedure take 4 Osmo-Prep tablets every 15 minutes with at least 8 oz. of clear liquid with every 4 tablets. Continue until you have taken 20 Osmo-Prep tablets. Drink additional clear liquids as follows: 6 pm (8 oz) 7pm (8 oz) 8 pm (8 oz) At 9:00 PM the day before your procedure take 4 Osmo-Prep tablets every 15 minutes with at least 8 oz. of clear liquid with every 4 tablets until the remaining 12 tablets are consumed. Drink additional clear liquids as follows: 10 pm (8 oz) DAY OF COLONOSCOPY Do not eat anything in preparation for a morning procedure. If your procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, you may have a small amount of clear liquid if you complete it at least 6 hours before your scheduled procedure time. (Note: Coffee is NOT a clear liquid). If you are taking medication for a medical condition, especially cardiac or pulmonary or for hypertension, medication should be taken as prescribed. Take with as little water as possible. Someone MUST accompany you to your procedure as you will not be allowed to drive yourself home. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR SCHEDULING OFFICE AT 856-547-1212 EXT 130 OR 123 OR VISIT OUT WEBSITE AT www.alliedgastro.com