On Procedure of Servicing Citizens on Railway Transport

of March 19, 1997, No. 252
On Procedure of servicing citizens on railway transport
{With amendments introduced according to Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers
No. 1919 (1919-99-п) of 18.10.99
No. 1178 (1178-2002-п) of 17.08.2002
No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002
No. 976 (976-2004-п) of 28.07.2004
No. 1329 (1329-2004-п) of 08.10.2004
No. 1248 (1248-2005-п) of 21.12.2005
No. 781 (781-2007-п) of 30.05.2007
No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007
No. 80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
According to Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Rights Protection” (1023-12) and
Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On Railway Transport" (273/96-ВР) The Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine hereby r e s o l v e s:
To approve the Procedure of servicing citizens on railway transport (attached).
The Prime Minister of Ukraine
by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
of March 19, 1997 No. 252
of servicing citizens on railway transport
{In the Procedure text the words “subject of entrepreneurial activity” and “economic
agent” in all cases and numbers are replaced with the words “economic agent” in the respective
case and number in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1178 (11782002-п) of 17.08.2002}
{In the Procedure text the word “ticket” in all cases and numbers is replaced with the
words “travel document” in the respective case and number in accordance with Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
General provisions
1. This Procedure determines the general conditions of servicing citizens performing trips,
conveying luggage or cargo-luggage within the borders of Ukraine in the rolling stock of the
railway of Ukraine and in carriages of economic agents not belonging to the railways, and it is
obligatory for railways of enterprises, establishments and organizations irrespective of their
forms of ownership if they conduct entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Ukraine in the area
of servicing and conveyance of passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage (hereinafter referred to as
“economic agents”) and for citizens.
{Subparagraph 1 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
2. Servicing of citizens on railway transport is regulated by the Laws of Ukraine “On
Transport” (232/94-ВР), “On Railway Transport” (273/96-ВР), “On Entrepreneurship” (698-12),
“On Consumer Rights Protection” (1023-12), “On Enterprises in Ukraine” (887-12), “On
Provision of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (4004-12), other
legislative acts and this Procedure.
3. According to this Procedure and the Statute of railways the Rules of conveyance of
passengers, luggage, cargo-luggage and mail by railway transport (hereinafter referred to as the
Rules) shall be developed and approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communication as
agreed with the Anti-monopoly Committee and the State Committee of Ukraine on the Affairs of
Technical Regulations and Consumer Policy.
{Subparagraph 3 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolutions of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1178 (1178-2002-п) of 17.08.2002, No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of
The right for performing carriage and servicing of passengers on railway transport
4. Economic agents created and registered in accordance with the effective legislation of
Ukraine in order to perform domestic and international conveyance of passengers by railway
transport shall obtain a license in accordance with the procedure established by law.
{Subparagraph 4 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 1919 (1919-99-п) of 18.10.99}
Carriages owned by economic agents not belonging to the railway are included to the
rolling stock of railway transport for running on the basis of contracts concluded between the
economic agents and the respective railway. {A indent was added to subparagraph 4 according to
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
5. The economic agents shall have:
For conveying passengers – rolling stock (carriages, railway engines, multiple-unit rolling
stock, diesel trains, rail motor cars etc.);
For servicing passengers – premises for selling travel documents, waiting rooms equipped
according to the established norms, luggage offices, luggage and cargo-luggage storages,
personnel facilities, rooms for passengers' long term rest, as well as technical means for selling
travel documents, storing carry-on luggage, carriages loading and unloading, special equipment
for unimpeded use of the railway transport services by disabled citizens and citizens with
At multiple junctions the economic agent shall have, in the cases envisaged by the Rules,
rooms for passengers’ long-term rest and parenting rooms.
Obligations of an economic agent
6. Economic agents engaged in conveyance and servicing of passengers shall provide for:
Sale of travel documents for trains where there are vacant places to any destination station
where the train stops, and acceptance of luggage to any station open for luggage operations at the
request of citizens;{The second indent of subparagraph 6 is given with the amendments
introduced according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of
Conveyance of passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage according to the schedule of trains
to and from all stations open for operations;
Conveyance of employees of working shifts living in the suburban area and working in
Kyiv, Simferopol, Sevastopol, the regional centres and cities of regional subordination to and
from their place of work;
* The suburban area for railway transportation is determined by the railways’
administrations as agreed with the regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations.
Conformity of the production premises, buildings and rolling stock to the effective
legislation as well as other regulatory documents as to operation thereof;
Providing users with information on the trains schedule, travel fares, cost of luggage and
cargo-luggage conveyance, list and cost of services, presence of vacant places in trains free of
Operation of ticket offices and other objects for passengers’ service in accordance with the
established working hours;
Providing passengers with a set of bed linen in all carriages of passenger and express trains
(except day coaches) for a separate fee paid in accordance with subparagraph 63 of the
{The eighth indent of subparagraph 6 is given with the amendments introduced in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 781 (781-2007-п) of 30.05.2007}
Timely informing of passengers and welcomers on delays, changes of arrival or departure
line of a train and arrangement of carriages therein;
Providing passengers with premises to wait for trains in accordance with the established
Possibility of organized passenger groups conveyance;
Possibility for passengers to make a stop and resume the trip, change their route and travel
conditions on the way;
Announcing stops and the rules of travel through the radiowarning network of a suburban
Reissuance of a travel document for a train departing earlier than the one specified in the
travel document;
Renewal of travel documents in case of a train arriving to the point of a passenger’s
transshipment with delay;
Restoration of a travel document’s validity, except the reserved accommodation, in case of
a passenger being late for the train within the established time and in other cases envisaged by
the Rules;
Possibility for passengers to convey carry-on luggage in accordance with the established
Possibility to resend luggage at a passenger’s request;
Providing privileges for persons entitled thereto according to the laws of Ukraine;
Passengers’ safety during use of railway transport;
Sale of permanent tickets (full, privileged, for children, students, and weekend tickets) for
suburban trains; {The twenty first indent of subparagraph 6 as reworded by Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002; with amendments introduced in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
Control of correct use of the means of railway transport and compliance with the
Procedure and Rules;
Full or partial return of payments in case of refusal from a trip of luggage conveyance
according to the conditions established in the Rules;
Preservation of passengers’ carry-on luggage in the luggage offices;
Preservation of luggage and cargo-luggage in storages and during conveyance;
Obligatory personal insurance of passengers from accidents in transport;
Replacement of travel documents or full reimbursement of cost thereof in case of
discovering any inaccuracies in their execution through the fault of the railway;
Providing passengers with drinking water during the trip.
7. The procedure of opening and closing stations for luggage and cargo-luggage operations
and passengers boarding and alighting shall be determined by the Statute of the railways.
8. Officers of the economic agents in accordance with the procedure established in the
Rules shall perform personal reception of citizens on the issues of provision for departure,
luggage and cargo-luggage conveyance and other issues of passengers’ service.
Sale of travel and conveyance documents, settlements for services
{Title of section as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (13462002-п) of 12.09.2002}
9. The document for the right of travel by railway transport is a travel document executed
on a proper printed form or in electronic format, the form and patterns of which are approved by
the Ministry of Transport and Communications according to the procedure established by the
{The first indent of subparagraph 9 is given with amendments introduced in accordance
with Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002, No. 80 (802009-п) of 11.02.2009}
In cases envisaged by the laws officers of the state authorities are eligible for free of
charge travel with their service certificates without acquiring travel documents.
10. Conclusion of a passenger conveyance contract is certified with the travel document
and of luggage conveyance contract – with the conveyance document, the procedure of
execution of which is approved by the Ministry of Transport and the State Tax Inspection. {The
first indent of subparagraph 10 is given as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
According to the contract of conveyance of a passenger, luggage (cargo-luggage) the
railway undertakes to convey the passenger and his/her luggage (cargo-luggage) to the
destination point in accordance with the acquired travel and conveyance document. {The second
indent of subparagraph 10 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
11. The travel document is the evidence of the passenger’s personal insurance, based on
which the latter is entitled to receipt of the insurance amount in case of an accident according to
the procedure determined in the active legislation.
{Subparagraph 11 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
12. Sale of travel documents is conducted, as a rule, in railways’ ticket offices. Sale of
travel documents can also be performed with the use of stationary and mobile communication,
the Internet, specialized self-service machines etc. according to the procedure established in the
Rules. Software components of automated systems providing for execution of travel and
conveyance documents shall meet the established requirements and have a certificate of
conformity in accordance with the active standards of Ukraine. Sale of travel documents by other
legal and natural persons is conducted only on the base of agreements properly concluded with
the carriers. In all cases sale of travel documents for passengers’ conveyance within the borders
of Ukraine shall be conducted in hryvnyas.
{Subparagraph 12 is given with amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
13. Sale of travel documents for conveyance of passenger groups is conducted by
preliminary orders of enterprises, organizations and establishments organizing the groups for
14. In all cases of return of travel documents, except for the cases which occurred through
the fault of the railway, the passenger shall pay for the services. The funds paid for services
related to booking places and sale of travel documents are nit returned unless the return is
conducted through the fault of the railway. {The first indent of subparagraph 14 is given with
amendments introduced is accordance with resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346
(1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
In case of return of travel documents through the fault of the railway the money paid by
the passenger upon acquiring the travel document, including for services related to booking
places are returned to him/her in the full amount. {Indent was added to subparagraph 14 in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
15. Ticket offices of stations and halt platforms open for sale of travel documents for local
trains and long-distance trains, sell travel documents to all stations and halt platforms situated
along the route of trains that stop at these stations and halt platforms. Sale of travel documents,
as a rule, begins 45 days prior to the train departure. Time of end of travel documents sale prior
to the train departure is determined by the station master taking into consideration the local
conditions and the time necessary for passengers to safely pass from the ticket office to the train.
In the period from September 1 to May 1 preliminary sale of travel documents may be
conducted less than 45 days prior, but at least 30 days prior to the train departure.
16. The working hours of ticket offices for preliminary sale of travel documents is
determined by economic agents as agreed with respective local state administrations or selfgoverning authorities.
The working hours of twenty-four-hour and suburban ticket offices is determined by
economic agents depending on trains schedule and local conditions provided uninterrupted
execution of travel documents.
Ticket offices working hours are noted directly above the office window or next to it.
In case of unscheduled interruption of a ticket office and another passenger service object
operation the economic agent shall timely inform passengers about it. Such interruption shalln’t
interfere with the process of servicing of passengers.
17. Working hours of luggage offices are determined by the economic agent depending on
the trains schedule and local conditions.
18. It is prohibited to favor one passenger over another for acquiring travel documents,
sending luggage or cargo-luggage except persons who are entitled to out-of-turn and priority
service according to the legislation of Ukraine. Specific procedure of servicing of such persons is
determined in the Rules.
19. Execution of travel documents, except the ones giving right for privileged or free
travel, is conducted without presentation of a passport or other ID.
{Subparagraph 19 is given as reworded by Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No.
1329 (1329-2004-п) of 08.10.2004, No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
20. A travel document entitles the passenger to occupy a place according to the one
specified in the travel document.
According to the procedure established by the Rules one passenger may be provided with
more vacant places in sleeping salons (compartment and soft carriages with double-berth
21. Execution of a travel document giving right for privileged or free travel is conducted
with presentation of original documents confirming such right and with inclusion of the surname
and initials of the person and number of the document confirming the right for privileged and
free travel to the travel document.
The surname and initials of a person are not included to travel documents for trips in
suburban trains.
{Subparagraph 21 is given as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320
(1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
22. Having received a travel document the passenger should check the correctness of data
specified in the travel document and the received change not leaving the ticket office.
23. Travel and conveyance documents with corrections, additional inscriptions made by
persons not qualified to do so, as well as forged documents are deemed invalid, and money for
them is not returned, as well as for lost documents.
A damaged travel document (glued, soaked, burned, torn etc.) is renewed by the economic
agent who sold it in case of enough information for identification of the travel document being
preserved thereon. The procedure of renewal of a travel document and return of cost for the
unused renewed travel document is established in the Rules. (z0310-07). Lost or stolen travel
and conveyance documents are not renewed. {The second indent of subparagraph 23 is given
with the amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.
80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
{Subparagraph 23 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002; as reworded by Resolution of
the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
24. Travel documents issued to passengers are valid through the time of the train or non-
transfer car running to the destination point specified in the travel document. {The first
indent of subparagraph 23 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
The terms of travel document prolongation and renewal are established in the Rules.
25. Consumers’ settlements for the transportation and other additional services related
thereto are conducted with the service renderers in cash, by non-cash transfer, with banks’
cheques with issuing to the users documents certifying the cost and fact of rendering the
services, and with registration of the incoming amounts according to the procedure established
by law.
26. The cashier or another employee receiving the money during settlement with the
passenger shall find out whether the passenger agrees to pay for the use of bed linen in the
carriage, clearly inform the passenger on the amount of fee for use thereof, total traveling fare,
amount of cash received from the passenger, number of the train, departure date, type and
number of carriage, place category, and the change amount due. {subparagraph 26 is given as
reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 781 (781-2007-п) of 30.05.2007}
27. Cashiers and other employees of the economic agent entitled to receive money from
passengers, are obliged to accept worn out banknotes from them.
Tariffs for conveyance. Prices for services
28. Conveyance of passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage in passenger and suburban
trains by common-use lines is conducted at the tariffs approved in accordance with the law.
29. Prices for services related to passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage conveyance not
covered with state regulation shall be established by the service renderers according to the
procedure not contradicting anti-monopoly legislation.
{Subparagraph 30 is deleted based on Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346
(1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
31. Fare for passengers in local and long-distance trains with places in salons or
compartments numeration is paid at passenger tariffs, including the trips in the suburban areas.
{Subparagraph 31 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
32. Fare for passengers in local trains without places in carriages numeration within
suburban zones is paid at suburban tariffs.
The privileges for free travel acting in suburban communication are preserved in local
trains without places in carriages numeration.
Service at railway stations
33. Passengers with travel documents are entitled to unimpeded and free passage to
waiting rooms, operation floor, use of underground and overground passages or other equipment
for passengers.
34. Economic agents may implement as agreed with local state administrations paid
entrance to waiting rooms and other premises of railway stations for persons without travel
documents at the railway stations. Specific terms for paid entrance implementation are
established in the Rules.
{Subparagraph 34 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
35. The economic agent shall provide for functioning water closets for free use by the
passengers inside the railway station and in the immediate vicinity of the railway station
(passengers’ platform).
36. Paid toilets and paid waiting rooms with enhanced comfort or additional services at
railway stations may be open for functioning only provided there are free ones. Opening paid
toilets instead of free ones, reduction of free waiting rooms area which might lead to
deterioration of conditions of passengers’ stay at the railway stations is forbidden.
37. Premises of railway stations intended for passengers and staff shall be supplied with
sufficient amount of drinking water corresponding to the state standards, per maximum
passenger traffic.
38. Retail sale of juices, beverages, beer, customer-size packed products and other goods
may be conducted at railway stations and in trains, additional services (communication, ordering
taxi, booking hotel rooms, conveyance of separate mail items with passenger trains etc.) may be
rendered there, and should there be the necessity, separate premises may be equipped for these
purposes. (The first indent of subparagraph 38 is given as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002)
Responsible officers of hygiene authorities shall check quality of the products and
beverages, cleanliness of kitchen utensils etc. systematically.
39. Medical posts at railway stations, rooms for passengers’ long-term rest, parenting
rooms, catering and trading points servicing passengers shall meet the requirements of sanitary
Luggage and cargo-luggage conveyance
40. Acceptance of luggage and cargo-luggage is conducted directly at railway stations in
accordance with the procedure established in the Rules.
After acceptance of luggage of cargo-luggage the economic agent shall issue a conveyance
document to the sender.
{The second indent of subparagraph 40 is given with amendments introduced in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
41. Belongings and items that can be loaded to a luggage carriage by their dimensions,
package and parameters and won’t damage the luggage of other passengers are accepted for
conveyance as luggage from passengers. Limitations as to weight or dimensions of luggage or
cargo-luggage during acceptance thereof are established in the Rules.
42. The following is not allowed to be conveyed as luggage and cargo-luggage:
Belongings the state of which does not correspond to sanitary norms;
Highly flammable (petrol, gas, acetone, etc.), self-igniting, explosive, radioactive, caustic
and poisonous substances, firearms, ammunition;
Used gas tanks;
Gold, silver, platinum and products from them, securities, metal and paper money, pearls,
precious stones and other valuables, works of art.
43. Conveyance of animals is conducted in accordance with the requirements of veterinary
and sanitary legislation. The procedure of animals’ conveyance is established by the Rules.
44. Checking the contents of luggage (cargo-luggage) can be performed only during its
acceptance and conveyance in the presence of the sender.
45. The railway does not bear responsibility before the owner of the luggage for damage or
unsatisfactory state of perishable products and fragile items contained among other luggage
items, as well as separately packed items that are breakable (glass, porcelain, TV sets, radios), if
no external damage to the package is present, except the cases envisaged by the Rules.
46. The term of luggage delivery is established in the Rules.
47. Luggage is handed out at the destination station to the bearer of the conveyance
document. Handing out luggage is conducted within the working hours of the luggage room.
{Subparagraph 47 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of 12.09.2002}
48. Should the luggage be not delivered to the destination station within 10 days after end
of the delivery term, it is deemed lost and its cost is due to return to the passenger. Return of the
lost luggage cost is performed according to the procedure established in the Rules.
49. Luggage not received by a passenger within 30 days not including the day of arrival is
subject to realization according to the procedure established in the Rules.
50. In the premises of railway stations passengers shall be provided with visual
information as to:
Passenger trains schedule, fare, and cost of luggage and cargo-luggage conveyance from
the departure station to stations with the largest passenger traffic;
Rules of conveyance of passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage;
Working hours and specialization of ticket and luggage offices, luggage rooms, luggage
and cargo-luggage storages, storage of carry-on luggage;
Services rendered at the railway station and cost thereof;
Location of railway station premises;
Locations of book of complaints, claims and propositions, places and hours of reception of
passengers by the railway station officers;
Addresses and phone numbers of organizations to which the railway station is
subordinated and of local executive authorities conducting consumer rights protection.
51. Reference information is provided to passengers by employees of railway transport, as
a rule, in oral form. The procedure of providing written references is established in the Rules.
52. Each station where a passenger train stops shall be equipped with means of
announcement and communication. The procedure for use of these means for informing the
passengers is established in the Rules.
53. The carriage conductor who keeps the travel documents shall inform the passenger on
approaching to the destination point not later than 30 minutes before the train arrival and return
the travel documents to him/her.
54. In each carriage there shall be present tables with information as to the train schedule,
cost of paid services, extracts from the traveling rules and fire prevention rules. At the discretion
of the economic agent other information is provided.
55. Any information for passengers at railway stations and in trains shall correspond to the
language legislation of Ukraine.
56. In the points of international trains’ primary departure information for passengers as to
the train being delivered for boarding, start of boarding and train departure is announced in
Ukrainian and in the language of the train destination country. In the points of primary departure
of trains going to the countries of the CIS and the Baltic, such information shall be announced in
Ukrainian and Russian.
57. All passenger trains shall be equipped with means of announcement and
communication through which the names of stopping points, time of stop, time of passing the
sanitary zones and the rules of fire-prevention and epidemiological safety are announced during
Traveling in carriages
58. The procedure of traveling in carriages of passenger trains sorted in the railways of
Ukraine and within the borders of Ukraine is established by the Rules of citizens’ behaviour on
railway transport approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
59. In exceptional instances in case of failure to provide a place in the carriage with the
acquired travel document the railway is obliged to provide the passenger with a place in another
carriage upon his/her consent, possibly in a carriage of a higher category, but without additional
payment. If the passenger is provided with a lower category place, he/she shall be returned the
overpaid amount of fare. The procedure of payments return in case of the passenger’s refusal
from the place offered to him is established in the Rules.
60. Children under six years old who don’t occupy a separate place are entitled to free
travel without a travel document. Children between six and fourteen years old are entitled to
travel with children’s travel documents with provision of a place. The procedure of children
traveling is established in the Rules. {subparagraph 60 is given with the amendments introduced
in accordance with Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of
12.09.2002; as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 976 (976-2004-п) of
61. A passenger is entitled to make a stop along the route of a passenger train with
continuation of the travel document validity according to the procedure established in the Rules.
{Subparagraph 61 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 976 (976-2004-п) of 28.07.2004}
62. In compartment, couchette and soft carriages passengers of all trains shall be provided
with tea at least thrice a day, with boiled hot and cold water round the clock, and with drinking
water in day couches.
63. Bed linen in a passenger carriage (a mattress, a pillow, a pillowcase, a blanket, a
coverlet and a towel) are handed out by the carriage conductor in case of payment therefor by the
passenger at the ticket office. Delivery of the bed linen to the passenger’s berth and its cleanup
30 minutes prior to the passenger’s arrival to the destination point is a duty of the carriage
conductor. {The first indent of subparagraph 63 is given with the amendments introduced in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 781 (781-2007-п) of 30.05.2007}
The carriage conductor shall assist the disabled, sick and elderly people and passengers
with little children in laying their beds.
In certain cases specified in the Rules (z0310-07) the payment for use of bed linen in
passenger carriage can be taken by the conductor. {Subparagraph 63 is supplemented with a
indent in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of
12.09.2002, as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 781 (781-2007-п) of
64. Sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-technical state of carriages of passenger trains, diningcars, carriages of suburban trains shall comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation.
Denied boarding
65. A railway is entitled to deny conveying a passenger or his/her luggage or debarka
passenger form a train in the following cases:
а) if a passenger is clearly inebriated and violates the rules of traveling and public order
and troubles other passengers. Deny in boarding or debarkation of such a passenger is performed
by the carriage conductor or officers fulfilling their duties, and in case of disobedience – by
officers of transit police;
b) if a passenger is suffering with a disease troubling other passengers and there is no
possibility to accommodate him/her separately, with obligatory participation of representatives
of the medical staff and only on a station where there are respective medical establishments.
The procedure of returning (or not returning) travel documents for the not-performed trip
in such cases is established in the Rules.
Control. Civil order protection
66. Protection of civil order and passengers’ safety on railway transport is conducted by
officers of transit police. All the workers of railway transport shall assist the workers of law
enforcement agencies in fulfilling their duties and immediately notify them on discovered facts
of violation of law.
67. Passengers are obliged to comply with the rules of civil order, the rules of use for
ticket offices, carriages and railway station premises and treat the railway property with care.
68. Control of sanitary, technical, fire-prevention state, compliance with this Procedure
and the Rules at railway station and in trains is carried out by the respective officers of railways
and respective authorities qualified to carry out the control.
At this the traveling control is carried out only by the respective services of railways
subject to presentation of a document (certificate) in the established standard form. {The second
indent of subparagraph 68 is given with the amendments introduced in accordance with
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 80 (80-2009-п) of 11.02.2009}
The persons carrying out control, in case of discovery of defects in organization of travel
documents sale and passengers’ service at railway stations and in trains, shall assume the
measures for removal thereof or notify the respective authorities of railway transport
Trains schedule
69. Conveyance of passengers by common-use railway lines is conducted in passenger
trains of different categories depending on the speed, distance, type of communication and
traveling comfort. The categories of trains and carriages are established in the Rules.
(z0310-07). {The first indent of subparagraph 69 is given with amendments introduced in
accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
{The second indent of subparagraph 69 is deleted on the grounds of Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
70. The schedule of passenger and suburban trains within one railway is established by the
head of the railway, within two or more railways – by Ukrzaliznytsya (Ukrainian Railway),
within two or more states – by international treaties.
71. The procedure of establishing the number of passenger trains in each direction, the
frequency of their running and minimum number of carriages, volume of passenger traffic for
determining stops at intermediate station is established by Ukrzaliznytsya as agreed with the
Ministry of Transport. {The first indent of subparagraph 71 is given with amendments
introduced in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1346 (1346-2002-п) of
Additional number of trains and their additional frequency, establishing additional stops,
as well as the need to construct additional halt platforms is determined in agreements between
the respective economic agents and concerned local state administrations.
Claims. Dispute settlement
72. At each station and in each passenger train a book of complaints, claims and
suggestions the sheets of which shall be numbered, stitched and sealed with the seal of the
economic agent head is kept. At enterprises where servicing passengers takes place in different
premises located at significant distance from each other there shall be several such books. At this
announcements on location of the book of complaints shall be situated in conspicuous places.
The procedure of books handing out and officers response to the entries thereto is established in
the Rules.
{The first indent of subparagraph 72 is given with amendments introduced in accordance
with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1320 (1320-2007-п) of 14.11.2007}
73. All disputes and misunderstandings arising among passengers and employees of a
railway shall be settled at a railway station by the station master, in trains during movement – by
the train master.
If a passenger does not agree with the station or train master decision, the decision may be
objected to in accordance with the Rules and legislation.
74. Carriers bear responsibility before the receiver for non-preservation, loss, spoiling,
damage, untimely delivery of luggage and cargo-luggage in accordance with the Law of Ukraine
“On railway transport” (273/96-ВР) and the Statute of railways. Other responsibility of
economic agents before passengers and service renderers before consumers is established in the
effective legislation of Ukraine.
75. Passengers and other service users bear responsibility before the service renderers for
damage to rolling equipment, carriage equipment and property of other service users, as well as
for non-compliance with subparagraph 42 hereof in accordance with the effective legislation of
76. The railway does not bear responsibility before passengers for consequences of
acquiring travel documents from persons not entitled to sell them, if they are deemed invalid
during the trip or before boarding.