Document 15665007

Co-teaching is
◦ two teachers (teacher candidate and cooperating
teacher) working together with groups of students
◦ sharing the planning, organization, delivery, and
assessment of instruction, as well as the physical
space (Bacharach, Heck & Dank, 2004)
Co-teaching is not
◦ one person teaching one subject followed by another
who teaches a different subject.
◦ one person teaching one subject while another person
prepares instructional materials, corrects papers or just
◦ the assignment of someone to act as a tutor.
“Relationship building is at the
center of everything we do as coteachers. If we are going to help
all students be successful, we
have to be intentional and
positive. We must make the time
to create positive co-teaching
relationships. No exceptions.”
Elizabeth Stein
It is important to know yourself – so you can
share with and know your co-teaching partner
Levels of Communication Include
Chit Chat
It’s like throwing a ball. Purpose is to learn how well others catch
information and throw it back.
We develop and build relationships by practicing chit chat – what’s
your name…where do you live… what are your hobbies…
As relationships develop and deeper communication is desired - it
becomes more like tossing a slippery egg.
Toss the “slippery egg” carefully, gently, and slowly.
Watch body language
Tell the truth in a caring manner
As an experienced teacher, you make several
decisions every class period without even
thinking about them.
 Don’t assume that teacher candidates know the
“whys” behind what you do or what goes on in a
typical day in a classroom
 Don’t be threatened or uneasy if teacher
candidates question you about why you chose to
do something or why you chose the strategies you
did; they often are only looking to understand your
One Teach, One Observe
One teacher has primary instructional responsibility while the other
gathers specific observational information on students or the
(instructing) teacher. The key is to focus the observation. It is
important to remember that either (teacher candidate or cooperating
teacher) could take on both roles.
One Teach, One Assist
One teacher has primary instructional responsibility while the other
assists students’ with their work, monitors behaviors, or corrects
assignments. The teacher assisting often lends a voice to students
or groups who would hesitate to participate or add comments.
One teacher works with students at their expected grade level,
while the other teacher works with those students who need
the information and/or materials extended or remediated.
Each teacher uses a different approach to teaching the same
information. The learning outcome is the same for all
students however the avenue for getting there is different.
Parallel Teaching
Each teacher instructs half the students. The two teachers are
addressing the same instructional material and presenting
the material using the same teaching strategies.
Station Teaching
The co-teaching pair divides the instructional content into parts. Each
teacher instructs one of the groups, groups then rotate or spend a
designated amount of time at each station – often an independent
stations will be used along with the teacher led stations.
Team Teaching
Both teachers are actively involved in the lesson, exhibits an
invisible flow of instruction with no prescribed division of
authority. Both teachers share the instruction, are free to
interject information, and available to assist students and
answer questions.
Gettin' good players is easy. Gettin' 'em
to play together is the hard part.
—Casey Stengel
Many ideas grow better when
transplanted into another mind
than the one where they sprang up.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
If everyone is moving forward
together, then success takes care
of itself. —Henry Ford
Have a learning-rich semester --- together!