AWA Meting September, 13, 2010 Secretary: Ashley Nimtz Meeting

AWA Meting
September, 13, 2010
Secretary: Ashley Nimtz
Meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm following the potential Dinner
Abbie Holig—Reminded members present to be sure to pick up sheets at the front table.
Secretary’s report:
Ashley took attendance and there were 55 members present. Members were asked to fill out the member information
sheet and return it to Ashley by the end of the night so that she can have the necessary information for the composite
picture. The composite picture will be held on October 28. Ashley also received a letter from Alpha Gama Rho asking
for a donation to their Hog Roast/Luau in support of the South Central Wisconsin Chapter for the Alzheimer’s
Association. They also asked that as many active members attend the event as possible to help support their cause.
There was no secretary’s report from previous meetings. Ashley went over what would be required for members to be
in good standing.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jessica has just recently received the information about the office and installed a new program to keep track of the
records. The active member dues will be $60 and they will be due by the third membership meeting on October 18th.
The current balance is: $13,502.61. The treasurer’s report was approved by acclamation.
Vice President’s Report:
Melissa reminded the members to be sure to check their emails. She explained that there are also many committees for
members to sign up for and encouraged them to do so. She reminded members to send emails about excused absences,
inactive member/ early alumni requests to Ashley Nimtz. Send her an email if you need or would like something to be
put in the AWA emails.
President’s Report:
Abbie reminded members that September is going to be a busy month and to be sure to pick up and check out the AWA
calendar frequently. She also reminded us that eh next meeting is going to be October 4th during homecoming week and
to wear your badger gear to attend the badger games following the meeting. She gave a few ideas for fundraising and
service ideas. She said that the next Corp Board meeting is Sept 21 at the AWA House. Abbie spoke about the
successful officer retreat and gave the members the officer team’s goals for the semester. Finally Abbie spoke about her
new committee (the Ag Awareness Committee) and encouraged members to sign up for it.
Membership Report:
Chelsea reported that the Potential Dinner was held tonight and that about 20 girls came with an interest in joining
AWA. She is hoping to plan 5 sister bonding events. She encouraged the members to say hi and welcome the new
potentials if we see them around campus.
Activities Report:
Claire reminded us that September is extremely busy. This Thursday Sept 16 is the AGR/AWA dinner at the AWA House.
She said to be sure to sign up so that we can have enough food for the event. There are going to be 32 AGR boys
attending. Sign up for the homecoming runs o that she can get you registered. There will be a sister bonding event Oct
15th. It will probably be a movie and dinner. The AWA/AGR hayride will be Oct 29 with a location to be determined. An
AWA/Babcock dinner is being planned for sometime in October. The Homecoming events are listed on the backs of the
calendars. AWA will be pairing with Babcock and Sigma Alpha for the homecoming events this year.
Public Relation’s Report:
Connie informed us that the CALS fall picnic will be held on Sept 22 in Microbial Science. She asked the membership to
sign up to work the booth. She also reported that at the Student Council meeting they asked for help at the WALSA Fire
Up on this Saturday Sept 18th. They are also selling Bucky books if anyone would like them. The Career Fair is
Wednesday, September 15 in the Kohl’s Center.
Alumni Report:
Danielle encouraged everyone to sign up for the alumni partnership program. They are a great resource to the active
members. Please have the sheets filed out and returned by the next meeting Oct 4th. The next Corp Board meeting will
be held Sept 21. The Ag women’s Leadership summit will be held Oct 22. Please sign up if you would like to help with
the mailing list.
Fundraising Report:
Chelsea Brander gave Rebecca Keel’s report tonight because she was at a Swine show in Minnesota. She is planning on
having a fundraising survey at the next meeting. Please sign up for parking cars for the football games. The more
people that help the faster the lot is parked. She is trying to get the gift wrapping at the West Town Mall for December
10, 11, 12.
Scholarship Report:
Sonia has been cleaning and going through the test file. If you would like some items please take them after the
meeting tonight. There are only exams, quizzes, etc. in the test file now. No notes. She asked members to nominate
other members for Member of the Month and explained what kind of members should be nominated. She handed out
treats for rewards to the members who were on the Dean’s list this past semester.
Sentinel Report:
Amanda explained that there would be a guest speaker at the second meeting in October. She is planning on having
Alice in Dairyland. She asked for members to sign up for her committee to help her set up and tear down the great
room for the meeting. She also reminded the members that she would be taking many pictures of events and posting
them on the website.
Sunshine Report:
Elizabeth informed the members that she sent cards to the families of those who passed on this summer and had a huge
influence on AWA. She handed out cards for the birthdays and informed the members that she would also be handing
out accomplishment cards this year.
AWA Wear Report:
Christine said that she has already contacted Main Street Promotions about the AWA wear for the fall semester. They
are going to be putting up examples of the products on an online website for us to view soon. Christine will let Melissa
know when they website is up for the membership to view.
Website Report:
Kelsey asked members to send her their resume’s to be put up on the website so that they can be seen by alumni and
other employers. The application for the scholarship in honor of Dr. Dave Dickson is on the website. Please send her
any ideas for articles and let her know if you would like to write any articles.
Service Report:
Dana reminded AWA of the first service project the WALSA Fire Up Tailgate. Be sure to sign up if you are interested.
She also gave dates of other service activities: Zoo Run Run Sept 26, Literacy run/walk Oct 3, homecoming blood drive,
hunger fight, can tabs, and yogurt labels would be included in the service projects for the semester.
Communication Report:
Laruen is working on the next e-alert. It will be sent out next week. Let her know of any ideas for articles, if you have
pictures, or if you would like to write an article. She is also updating the list of who it is sent to in order to make sure
everyone is included in it.
House Manager Report:
Olivia informed AWA that WALSA would be housing some of their items on the back table in the great room Friday night
for their event on Saturday. She asked members not to park in the lot next to the house if you are not paying for it.
Rent for in-house members is due Sept 15 of $946. The fire alarm will be tested at 8:00am on Thursday morning. The
washer is in the process of being fixed.
House Steward Report:
Paula reminded in-house members that their food checks are due on Sept 15 of $200. She encouraged all members to
come and use their 5 free meals for the semester. The dish sanitizer for the sanitizer will be arriving on Wednesday or
There was no old business.
New business included:
Motion passed to donate $50 to the Alpha Gama Rho Hog Roast/Luau
Saddle and Sirloin is holding a Speed Show and asked for a donation. A motion to donate $50 to the show was made. 1st
Kelsi R 2nd Dana E motion passed.
A motion was made to allow the said AWA Members to go early alumni or inactive for the semester. 1st Maura W 2nd
Chelsea B motion passed.
A few announcements were given of upcoming events and activities in various other organizations.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:21pm