Rights and Responsibilities Christianity Only Key Words Bible Church Conscience The Decalogue Democratic Processes Electoral Processes The Golden Rule Human Rights Political Party Pressure Group Situation Ethics Social Change The holy book of Christians The community of Christians (with a small c it means place of worship) An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action The ten commandments The way in which all citizens take part in government (usually through elections) The way in which voting is organised The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as they would like them to treat you The rights and freedoms to which everyone is entitled A group which tries to be elected into power on the basis of its policies (e.g labour, conservative) A group formed to influence government policy on a particular issue The idea that Christians should base their moral decisions on what is the most loving thing to do The way in which society has changed and is changing (and also the possibilities for future change LEARN THESE WORDS!!!!!! THE BIBLE AS A BASIS FOR MAKING MORAL DECISIONS The Main Point Moral decisions are when you have to decide what is the right thing or the wrong thing to do. A simple example would be should you tell a teacher that your best friend has cheated on their GCSE exam. Most people need help when they are making a moral decision Why many Christians use only the Bible when making a moral decision They believe that the Bible is the word of God and therefore its Gods guidance to humans on how to live their life The Bible contains Gods teachings on how Christians should behave. The Decalogue for example gives clear guidance on issues such as murder, treating parents and stealing The Bible contains the teachings of Jesus on how to live your life such as ‘love your neighbour’. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and they must follow his teachings The Bible contains letters from Jesus’ leading disciples on how a Christian should behave The Bible tells us what Jesus would have done in certain situations. The woman who committed adultery Jesus forgave. Why some Christians do not think that the Bible is the most important guide for making a moral decision Some Christians believe that it was humans that wrote the Bible and not God and that it was inspired by God, therefore the attitudes need to be changed Some Christians believe that the Church tells them how to behave in the modern world much better than the Bible Some Christians would use their conscience instead of the Bible Some Christians think there are always unique situations and would apply situation ethics to a moral dilemma instead of the Bible The Authority of the Church as a Basis for Making Moral Decisions Although the Bible is seen as the best guide for some Christians, there are many that think it is outdated and needs interpreting for life in today’s world. Many people believe that the church can do this because: The Church is the body of Christ – Jesus working in today’s world – so it must have the same authority God speaks to the world today through the Church The Church is guided by God in making decisions on today’s moral issues Following the guidance of the Church stops Christians from being confused about what to do It is a community of Christians that can support you to make the right decision The role of the conscience as a guide in making moral decisions Main Points All humans have a conscience which makes them feel guilty if they do things that are wrong. Some Christians believe that they should follow the guidance of the church and the Bible but if their conscience tells them differently they should follow that instead Why some Christians believe that they should follow their conscience They believe that the voice of the conscience seems to be the same as the voice of God and therefore Christians should follow it The church says that Christians should follow their conscience as if it were the voice from God St Paul and St Thomas Aquinas said that Christians should use their conscience as the final part of the decision making process The Bible often needs to be interpreted, the teachings of the Church come through the priest etch but it is the conscience that speaks directly to the people and should be followed Why some Christians think you should not always follow your conscience Some people have heard the voice of God telling them to do bad things. If people can be mistaken about the voice of God 9through mental illness) then they could be mistaken about the conscience If Christians follow the Bible instead then they are doing what Christians are meant to do If Christians follow the teachings of the Church instead then they are doing what other Christians think is right If everyone followed their conscience rather than laws there would be chaos and nobody would know what sort of behaviour to expect from each other Situation Ethics as a guide for making moral decisions Main Points What is situation ethics? Many Christians who think that the conscience is much more important than the Bible or the Church when making a moral decision should follow situation ethics (doing the most loving thing). Situation Ethics began in the 1960’s by an American Christian thinker called Joseph Fletcher who believed that the Bible was outdated for a lot of its rules and teachings and although it was a good thing to follow as a guide, there were some situations where you couldn’t follow the rules in the Bible. He called these unique situations. For example, in the Bible it says that stealing is wrong, however if you lived next door to someone who had nuclear weapons then you would want to steal them to protect other people. Fletcher said that instead of looking in the Bible to find the answer to your problem you should apply Jesus’ teaching of ‘love your neighbour’ and do the most loving thing in a situation. He believed that every situation should be treated as a unique situation. Why some Christians use situation ethics as a guide for making moral decisions Jesus seemed to follow situation ethics because he over ruled what the old testament said if he thought it was un loving – He forgave the woman who committed adultery and healed on the Sabbath day They think that Christians should only do what produces good results, such as stealing the nuclear weapons Jesus said the greatest commandment was to ‘love your neighbour’ and this means that Christians should always do the most loving thing They believe that Christianity is the religion of live and so Christians should make their moral decisions based on love and not laws A Catholic who would follow the teaching of the Church may find they don’t agree on their teachings about contraception and not supplying condoms to LEDCs to help to combat aids. They might use situation ethics instead Some Christians might use the Bible for issues like stealing because it is straight forward to use, however the Bible says nothing about contraception or civil partnerships so they may have to look to the Church Why some Christians think situation ethics is wrong They believe that the Bible is God’s word to Christians about how to live and so it should be the basis for moral decisions to be made They believe that they should follow the ten commandments rather than relying on their own ideas Morality shouldn’t be flexible it should be fixed otherwise anything goes They think that the Church knows better than the individual Christian They claim you can never be sure of the facts or the consequences and so it is better to follow the Bible Why some Christians use a variety of authorities when making moral decisions A Christian who used situation ethics might decide the issue is to complicated and the safest thing to do would be follow the Bible A Christian who usually followed their conscience might turn to the authority of the Bible or the Church id what their conscience was telling them to do went against the teachings of their religion. A good example would be their conscience telling them to kill doctors who perform abortions. Human Rights in the UK Main Points In 1998, the Human Rights Act was passed giving UK citizens the rights given to EU citizens in the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. Your main human rights are: The right to life – this means the law must protect you from being killed Freedom from torture or degraded treatment Freedom from slavery and forced labour The right to liberty – this means that people are free to do anything that is not against the law The right to a fair trial The right to respect for private and family life Freedom of thought, conscience and religion – nobody can persecute you for your beliefs Freedom of expression – This means people can say what they think as long as it does not break other laws The right to meet with others and discuss their views The right to marry or form a civil partnership The right to own property The right to an education The right to take part in elections If any of these rights and freedoms are abused then you have a right to go to court even if the abuse was from a police officer. Cleary having human rights means that you should and have a duty to respect the rights of others. You may be asked to argue for and against human rights To argue for you should use reasons such as: Without human rights such as the right to liberty and a fair trial you could find yourself living in a dictatorship Without freedom of thought and freedom of expression then ethnic minorities and minority religions could be banned Without the right to take part in elections there would be no democracy To argue against, you could use reasons such as: People abuse human rights laws for example prisoners claiming punishment goes against their human rights In a democracy you don’t need special human rights because people can vote for what they want You ought to be able to torture terrorists to find out where they have planted bombs Why Human Rights are important to Christians Christians think that human rights are important because: The right to life is a basic human right as Christians think all life is holy and belongs to God Christians believe that we are all made from God and so we are all one family. We should all be treated fairly Freedom of thought and expression are essential parts of being a Christian. Christians must have the right to share their beliefs with others and to worship in their festivals It is also an essential human right for Christians not to be discriminated against for example employers cannot refuse to employ someone because they are Christian But some Christians think that human rights can cause problems because: Many Christians are against civil partnerships as they believe it goes against Gods will in the Bible Some Christians are against the right for homosexuals to raise a family as they believe children should be brought up by a mother and father There would be problems in the Catholic church id human rights laws were to argue for women to become catholic priests Some Christians are against marrying someone of a different faith Why it is important to take part in electoral and democratic processes What are electoral and democratic processes? The UK is a democracy and this means that every UK citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote for: - MP’s - Local counsellors - MEP’S (Members of European Parliament) Every UK citizen over the age of 18 is entitled to be a candidate and to try and change policies on local government, local council and EU It is important to take part in electoral and democratic processes because: You pay income tax on wages and clothes and so it is important to have some control over this Local council sets the price of your council tax so it is important to have a say on this Taking part in electoral processes gives you a chance to affect new laws that may be passed (teachers striking over pensions) The national government is in charge of NHS, schools, benefits and prisons and voting gives you a say on how its run Local councils are responsible for bin collections, libraries and leisure activities and these are important issues for you to have your say on Your ancestors fought to give you the right to vote so you should use it If people in the UK didn’t use their votes then smaller parties who you didn’t want to get in to power would do Christian Teachings on moral duties and responsibilities Most Christians think that you should take part in electoral and democratic processes but you should be guided by Christian teachings such as: The Christian teaching Why Christians should use this: The Golden Rule ‘The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others the way you wish to be treated’ Christians should use this when voting. For example if a political party wanted to send all asylum seekers back to where they a from then a Christian could think ‘what would I want people to do to me’ The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats – At the end of the world Jesus will judge you all on how you have lived your life. If you have ‘fed the hungry, clothed the naked and visited the sick then you will have eternal life’ if not then you will go to hell This parable shows that is the duty of Christians to help the poor and suffering by taking part in politics. For example, if a party ‘s policy was to cut off benefits to the jobless who refused jobs then a Christian would have to think about helping those people as Jesus taught that we should help others in need Am I my brothers keeper? – In Genesis, Cain is jealous of his brother Abel and murders him. When God asks Cain where Abel is, Cain replies ‘am I my brothers keeper?’ God then punishes Cain because he created humans to be their brothers keepers and to look after each other This shows Christians that they should love one another, we should help others and have pity on those in need as it is our duty to look after everyone The nature of genetic engineering and cloning Genetic engineering in medical issues is using techniques of gene development to find cures or prevention of diseases and disabilities in humans (think My Sisters Keeper and Sarah in Emmerdale. Most genetic research has been based on: germline gene therapy, which allows cells to transmit information from one generation to the next to be changed and pre implantation genetic diagnosis, which removes defective genes and embryos Stem Cell Research More recently, cloning processes have been used to grow healthy cells to replace diseased cells. This involves creating stem cells from embryos produced in IVF but not used or from adult bone marrow or blood Non religious arguments in favour of genetic engineering Non religious arguments against genetic engineering It offers the prospect of cures for currently deadly diseases There is too little information about the long term consequences It is being done in other countries and is available to those rich enough to travel It has effects which can’t be changed. If anything went wrong it would be permanent Cloning using animal eggs does not involve any loss of human life It places too much power in the hands of scientists Genetic research is closely monitored by the law but has vast potential benefits It treats the human body no different from plants Different Christian attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning Some Christians support genetic engineering because: Some Christians agree with genetic research as long as it does not involve the use of embryos because: Some Christians are against al genetic research because: Jesus showed that Christians should do all they can to cure diseases Life begins at conception and so killing is wrong Finding gene cures is no different to finding drug cures Killing an embryo is killing a human life There is a difference between creating cells and creating people Thou shalt not kill It is trying to play God which is a great sin Embryos have been produced by non Christian means It is wrong to make the earth perfect, only heaven is perfect Embryos are not foetuses until 14 days They believe that God creates the genetic make-up of a person at conception and people have no right to interfere with this