Globalization and Disinflation: A Note by Assaf Razin 11/16/2004 Abstract We analyze how globalization forces induce monetary authorities, guided in their policies by the welfare criterion of a representative household, to put greater emphasis on reducing the inflation rate than on narrowing the output gaps. I. Introduction Ken Rogoff (2003, 2004) elaborates on some favorable factors that have been helping to drive down global inflation in the 1990s. An hypothesis, which he put forth, is that the “globalization—interacting with deregulation and privatization—has played a strong supporting role in the past decade’s disinflation.” But, a significant portion of the improved performance of inflation is possibly because resulted from a reorientation of central bank policies towards a greater emphasis on keeping inflation low. Thus, it is interesting to explore what has guided monetary authorities in the pursuit of low inflation in the 1990s, in the presence of strong forces of globalization. This note considers how the output-gap and inflation weights, in a utility-based loss function of the monetary authority, are affected by opening of the country to trade and by the liberalization of the international capital flows. II. Utility Based Welfare Criterion Michael Woodford (2003, Chapter 6) demonstrates how to derive a quadratic loss function from a standard welfare criterion of a representative household. The welfare criterion, from which he derives a quadratic loss function, is the expected utility of the representative household, given by E tU t t 0 Where, 1 U t u (Ct ; t ) w(ht ( j ); t )dj 0 Ct . is an index of differentiated products that constitutes aggregate consumption, At f (ht ( j )) is ht ( j ) is the labor supply to, and the production function of variety j, and ( At , t ) are productivity and preference shocks. The aggregate output is specified as Y t yt ( j ) 0 1 1 dj 1 , and Pt is the corresponding aggregate price level. Let ( y t ( j )) w( f 1 ( y t ( j ) condition 1 ). At Then, using the closed economy C=Y, function y ( j) A t t f (ht ( j )) , and the production we get: 1 U t u(Yt ; t )) ( y t ( j ); t , At )dj . 0 Real marginal costs are: s( y ( j ), Y ; , A) v y ( y ( j ); , A) / uc (Y ; ) . It follows that the elasticity of v y ( y ( j ); , A) with respect to y is given by , and the elasticity of real marginal cost s with respect to Y is given by 1 Y ucc 0. uc Efficient Level of the Output Gap The steady state level of output is given by s (Y , Y ;0,1) v y (Y ;0,1) / uc (Y ;0) (1 ) 1 , The symbol Summarizes the overall distortion in the steady state output level as a result of both taxation and market power: (1) is the Woodford-Rothemberg sales-subsidy (financed by lump sum taxes) that aims at neutralizing the monopolistic competition inefficiency in the steady state); and (2) 1 is the mark up as a result of producers’ market power. Efficient (zero mark up) output is thus given by s(Y *,Y *;0,1) 1 . Note that Y /Y * Is a decreasing function of , equal to one when 0 . This property enables us to get the approximation log( Y / Y *) ( 1 ) . We can naturally define x* log( Y / Y *) ( 1 ) efficient level of the output gap. as the Quadratic Approximation for U A quadratic approximation of the utility function is given by 1 2 1 ( )( x t x*) ( ) var j y t ( j ) n y ( j) y t ( j ) log( t ); x t Y t Y t ; Y t log( Yt / Y ) Y * Y x * log( ) Y Ut Y uc 2 . (3) var j y t ( j ) [ y t (1) E j y t ( j )] 2 (1 )[ y t (2) E j y t ( j )] 2 E j y t ( j ) y t (1) (1 ) y t (2) (See derivation in the Appendix). Cross-Variety Dispersion Measure in the Utility Criterion Equation (3) can be rewritten Ut Y uc 2 1 2 1 ( )( x t x*) ( ) var j y t ( j ) . Where, the term ( 1 )( xt x*) 2 originates from u(Y t ; t )) , And the term ( 1 ) var j y t ( j ) originates from 1 ( y ( j ); , A )dj . 0 t t t The familiar Dixit-Stigliz preferences over differentiated goods imply p j) y t ( j ) Yt t Pt log y t ( j ) log Yt (log pt ( j ) log Pt ) var j log y t ( j ) 2 var j log pt ( j ) Ut Y uc ( 1 )( x t x*) 2 (1 ) var j log p t ( j ) . 2 Inflation and Relative Price Distortions We postulate a ( ,1 ) split between the goods prices that are fully flexible (group 1) and the good prices that are set one period in advance (group 2). The aggregate supply relationship is: t E t 1 t x t 1 1 1 . Now we exploit the property that log pt( 2 ) Et 1 log pt(1) log Pt log pt(1) (1 ) log pt( 2 ) t Et 1 t [log pt(1) Et 1 log pt(1) ] [log pt(1) log pt( 2 ) ] var j log pt ( j ) (1 )[log pt(1) log pt( 2 ) ] 2 1 [ t Et 1 t ] 2 And substituting this relationship into U, yields U t (cons tan t ) Lt 1 1 2 Lt ( t Et 1 t ) ( xt x*)2 1 1 x* ( 1 )1 . This means that Aggregate output and inflation variations are proper arguments in the welfare function. It is the output gap and the unexpected inflation); and the relative weight that is placed upon the two objects is related to slope of the aggregate supply. III. The Open Economy Razin and Yuen (2002) extended this closedeconomy framework to an open economy. Specifically, they derive the slope of the aggregate supply relationship for various openness regimes. Perfect Capital Mobility If capital is perfectly mobile, then the domestic agent has a costless access to the international financial market. As a consequence, household can smooth consumption similarly in the rigid price and flexible price cases. => Cˆ t Cˆ tN The Aggregate-Supply curve is: t E t 1 t n ˆ h ˆ N (1 n) ˆ f ˆ N 1 n 1 (Yt Yt ) (Yt Yt ) eˆt E t 1 eˆt 1 1 1 n 1 , where, ê is a proportional deviation of the real exchange rate from its corresponding steady state level, and Yˆt f is a proportional deviation of the rest-of-the-world output from its corresponding steady state level. The approximate utility function is: U t (cons tan t ) Lt Lt ( t E t 1 t ) 2 1 n ( x t x*) 2 1 1 x* ( 1 ) 1 Where, n denotes the number of domestically produced goods, and 1-n denotes the number of imported goods. . Closing the Capital Account If the domestic economy does not participate in the international financial market, then there is no possibility of consumption smoothing, and we have that: Cˆ t Yˆt ; Cˆ tN Yˆt N In this case, the Aggregate-Supply Curve is: t E t 1 t n 1 ˆ h ˆ N (1 n) ˆ f ˆ N 1 n 1 (Yt Yt ) (Yt Yt ) eˆt E t 1 eˆt 1 1 1 n 1 , where, e denotes the real exchange rate. The Loss function is: U t (cons tan t ) Lt Lt ( t E t 1 t ) 2 1 1 n ( x t x*) 2 1 1 1 x* ( 1 ) 1 Closing the Trade Account (Back to the Closed Economy) If both the capital and trade accounts are closed, then the economy is an autarky, completely isolated of the rest of the world. In this case, all the goods in the domestic consumption index are produced domestically, which means that n = 1. The Aggregate Supply Curve becomes: t E t 1 t 1 1 ˆ h ˆ N (Yt Yt ) 1 The loss function is: U t (cons tan t ) Lt Lt ( t E t 1 t ) 2 1 1 1 ( x t x*) 2 1 1 1 x* ( 1 ) 1 IV. Comparing the Output Gap and Inflation Weights in the Loss Function The weight of the output gap in each one of the openness scenarios is given by: (i) 1 n (1 )(1 ) 1 Goods Mobility) (Perfect International Capital and (ii) 2 1 (n 1 ) (1 )(1 ) (Closed Capital Account and Open Trade) (iii) 1 ( 1 ) 3 (1 )(1 ) (Fully Closed economy) We can see that, 1 2 3 . (Note that we implicitly assume that the price-setting fractions ( ,1 ) across the different openness scenarios are the same; empirically this assumption can be relaxed1). This means that successive rounds of opening reduce the output gap weight in the utility-based loss function. 1 The degree of inflation persistence is indicated in the model by the vector ( ,1 ) .A recent ECB's inflation study found that retail prices changed, on average, only once every year in the Euro-zone, compared with every second quarter in the US. When price changes occur in the Euro-zone, they tend to be large - between 8 and 10 per cent in the retail sector. V. Conclusion Global inflation has dropped from 30 percent a year to about 4 percent a year. At this period a massive globalization process also swept emerging markets in Latin America and East Asia. This note put forth the hypothesis that globalization induces the monetary authority, guided in its policy by the welfare criterion of a representative household, to put more emphasis on reducing inflation, at the expense of larger output gaps. In such an endogenous policy set up, globalization motivates central banks to engage in pro-active disinflation policies. References Razin, Assaf and Chi-Wa Yuen (2002), “The "New Keynesian" Phillips Curve: Closed Economy vs. Open Economy,” Economics Letters, 75, May 2002, pp. 1-9. Rogoff, Ken (2003), “Disinflation: An Unsung Benefit of Globalization?” December 2003, Volume 40, Number 4: 5556. Rogoff, Ken (2004), "Globalization and Global Disinflation," in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Monetary Policy and Uncertainty: Adapting to a Changing Economy, forthcoming in 2004. (Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, at Jackson Hole, WY, August 28-30, 2003.) Woodford Michael, (2003), Interest and Prices: Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy, Princeton University Press. Appendix: Derivation of Equations (2) and (3) Approximate Yt 1 Yt (Yt ) 2 . Then, Y ~ 1 1 ucc (Yt ) 2 uc Y t ( t , At )' u ( t , At ) 2 2 _ 1 1 1 u uc Y (Y t (Y t ) 2 ) u t (Y ) 2 ucc (Yt ) 2 uc Y t Yt ( t , At )' u ( t , At ) 2 2 2 2 2 1 Yt uc Y (Y uc Y ucc ) (Yt ) 2 Y ucc g t (Yt ) 2 2 1 Y uc [Yt (1 1 ) (Yt ) 2 ] 1 g t (Yt ) 2 _ u(Yt ; t , At ) u uc Y u t _ u u(Y ;0,1); Yt Yt Y gt Using uc t Y ucc v y (Y ;0,1) / uc (Y ;0) (1 ) we get an approximation for the term: v ( yt ( j ); t ) : _ _ 1 v ( y t ( j ); t ) v u c Y [ y t ( j ) (1 )( y t ( j )) 2 q t y t ( j )] 2 1 uc Y [(1 ) y t ( j ) (1 )( y t ( j )) 2 q t y t ( j )] 2 y t ( j ) log( yt ( j) Y ); q t v y t Y v yy . 1 1 2 v ( y ( j ); ) u Y [( 1 ) E y ( j ) ( 1 )[ E ( y ( j )) var y ( j )] q E y t t c y j t j t t t j t ( j )] 0 2 1 1 Y uc [(1 y ) Y t (1 )[(Y t ) 2 q t Y t ] [( 1 ) var j y t ( j )] 2 2 var j y t ( j ) [ y t (1) E j y t ( j )] 2 (1 )[ y t (2) E j y t ( j )] 2 E j y t ( j ) y t (1) (1 ) y t (2) , where, E j ( yt ( j )) is the mean value of differentiated goods, and var yt ( j ) y t ( j ) across all is the corresponding variance. Finally, going back to U, we get: 1 1 U t Y uc [( y ) Y t ( 1 )[(Y t ) 2 ( 1 g t q t )(Y t ) [( 1 ) var j y t ( j )] 2 2 Yu c ( 1 )( x t x*) 2 ( 1 ) var j y t ( j ) 2 n xt Y t Y t n Yt 1 g t q t 1 log( Y ) ( 1 ) 1 Y*