Deliverable Report INGAS Grant agreement N° 218447 Project acronym Project title INGAS Integrated GAS powertrain – Low emissions, CO2 optimised and efficient CNG engines for passengers cars (PC) and light duty vehicles (LDV) Instrument Theme Integrated Project SST – 2007 – RTD 1 “Sustainable Surface Transport” Start date of project Duration 01.10.2008 36 Months IP Co-ordinator IP Project manager Massimo Ferrera, CRF Stefania Zandiri, CRF Subproject Sub-project Co-ordinator SPB2 Michel Weibel Deliverable CH4/NOx operation strategy D.B2.8 Due date of deliverable Actual submission date 31/03/2010 02/12/2010 Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable Michel Weibel Daimler AG Report status Consortium confidential Revision version 1.0 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Revisions table Version Date 1.0 02.12.2010 First version INGAS Integrated Project Reason 2 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Table of contents Executive summary .................................................................................................... 4 1 Research activities .............................................................................................. 6 1.1 Introduction NOx/CH4 strategies ........................................................................... 6 1.1.1 NOx abatement technologies ........................................................................ 6 1.1.2 Methane catalyst reactivity ............................................................................. 7 1.2 Experimental set-up ................................................................................................ 9 1.3 Strategies for NOx abatement under lean conditions ...................................... 13 1.3.1 Laboratory ....................................................................................................... 13 1.3.2 Engine test bench .......................................................................................... 14 1.4 Strategies for CH4 abatement under stoichiometric conditions ...................... 17 1.4.1 Steady state conditions................................................................................. 17 1.4.2 Transient conditions – Lambda-sweep ...................................................... 18 2 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 23 3 References ........................................................................................................ 24 INGAS Integrated Project 3 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Executive summary Sub-Project B2 deals with the development of an aftertreatment technology for natural gas vehicles, with special focus on the reduction of methane emissions under stoichiometric and lean conditions. An assessment of the potential of a lean-NOx trap to remove NOx under lean conditions is also considered. In WPB2.2 one objective consists in the development of control strategies for improving the methane conversion under stoichiometric conditions and for demonstrating the suitability of a NOx storage catalyst for lean application. For improving the light-off temperature and the activity of methane catalysts, not only the catalyst formulation is of relevance but also the surface state of the catalyst after synthesis, preconditioning and under operating conditions. Therefore the operation mode of the engine plays an important role in the stabilisation and the activation of the catalytic surface. Indeed, the nature of active sites in Pd-based catalysts for methane oxidation has been a matter of debate for a long time, the key question being: what state of the catalyst is more active: metallic or oxidized? A short literature survey came to the conclusion that the best catalytic surface is represented by a cohabitation of oxidized and reduced Pd-particles. Under steady state conditions, it appears that for each operating temperature, a slightly rich average lambda leads to the best CH4 conversion. But a continuous operation under slightly rich conditions would certainly also lead to a slow deactivation of the catalyst and is in term of fuel consumption not the best strategy. The best conversion performances were obtained by operating the catalyst under a -sweep regime, obtained by periodically switching the feed from slightly rich (=0.98) to slightly lean (=1.02) conditions. Applying this control strategy, a regeneration of the catalyst previously deactivated under both stoichiometric and slightly lean conditions was observed. Widely, but regularly oscillating CH4 conversions occurred with conversion minima and maxima appearing in the lean period and in the rich period respectively, the latter ones being associated with the presence of significant amounts of H2 and CO. Such a behaviour is likely associated with reversible transformation of palladium from the oxide to the metallic state which may result in an higher activity associated with an average optimal oxidation state of palladium. Such a control strategy can easily be implemented on a lambda=1 engine operating naturally around the stoichiometric point. This strategy will be implemented on the engine in WPB2.4 and further optimized with regard to amplitude and frequency in the lambda oscillation. Concerning the removal of NOx under lean operation conditions it has been demonstrated that a standard NOx storage catalyst is suitable for CNG engine application. It has been shown that an efficient regeneration of the NOx storage catalyst can be achieved only if H2 is present in the gas phase during a rich spike. Indeed, methane is not able to regenerate the catalyst at temperatures below 400°C due to its low reactivity. In the presence of H2, the catalyst can be easily and fully regenerated even at temperatures as low as 200°C. Tests performed on the CNG engine test bench showed that as soon as the engine is operated under rich conditions, high amounts of CO and H2 are generated without simultaneous increase of the CH4 concentration. The concentrations of CO and H2 are mainly dependent on the lambda value and increase strongly with lowering INGAS Integrated Project 4 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 lambda towards the rich side. Therefore, an implementation of a NOx storage catalyst on a lean-burn CNG engine is conceivable and would allow the removal of NOx in a broad temperature window. INGAS Integrated Project 5 Deliverable Report 106735609 1 Research activities 1.1 Introduction NOx/CH4 strategies Contract N.:218447 1.1.1 NOx abatement technologies Burning lean fuel mixture with excess of air brings an important benefit in the form of lower fuel consumption. However, abatement of the NOx emissions from Diesel and gasoline lean-burn engines is a complicated task because direct NOx reduction is hindered under the oxidizing conditions in the exhaust gas (in contrast to classical gasoline engines with balanced air/fuel and red/ox ratios). Nowadays there exist two commercially available technologies for the elimination of the NOx emissions from lean-burn engines: NOx storage and reduction catalyst (NSRC), and selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 generated from urea solution stored in a special tank (NH3-SCR, urea-SCR). The selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 (SCR) was originally developed for stationary emission sources, mainly power plants (Ref [1] Forzatti et al., 2002), however it soon turned out to be a promising technology for the deNOx in automotive industry as well (Ref [2] Heck et al., 2002). It was introduced in Europe for commercial heavy-duty vehicles in 2005, and more recently also for passenger cars (Ref [3] Enderle et al., 2008). Different types of catalysts, mainly V2O5/WO3/TiO2 or zeolite based formulations (Fe-ZSM5 and Cu-ZSM5) are used in the automotive industry. The NH3-SCR converter needs an external source of the selective reducing agent (ammonia). In standard configuration, ammonia is generated from urea solution injected in a controlled way into the exhaust line, where it is thermally decomposed into NH3 and CO2. Ammonia is able to react selectively with NOx under lean (oxidizing) conditions, giving N2 as the final product. The vehicle needs to be equipped with a special tank containing urea solution (marketed under different names, e.g., AdBlue), which needs to be re-filled periodically. Therefore for small vehicles this technology seems not to be the most adequate one since the second well known technology (NOx storage catalyst) described below enables an operation without a secondary tank. The NOx storage and reduction catalyst has been derived from classical three-way catalyst by adding the NOx adsorbing components into the active washcoat layer. Typical formulation of the NSRC catalyst is NM/EA/OS/γ-Al2O3; here NM denotes noble metals (Pt,Rh,Pd), EA denotes earth alkaline or alkali metals serving as active components for the NOx chemisorption (Ref [4] Kobayashi et al., 1997), and OS denotes oxygen storage compounds (typically Ce oxides). The NSRC needs to be operated with periodic regenerations in the form of the increased concentration of reducing components (CO, H2, HC, normally present in the exhaust gas). In the course of a longer lean phase (economical engine operation with lean fuel mixture, oxidizing conditions, lasting several minutes) the NOx are adsorbed on the catalyst surface. The accumulated NOx then need to be reduced within a controlled short rich phase (enrichment of fuel mixture, reducing conditions, lasting several seconds). While the NSRC is primarily being used in passenger cars, the SCR is well established for heavy-duty vehicles. For application on a CNG engine it has been claimed that the regeneration of a NOx storage catalyst is not feasible due to the fact that methane is not able to react efficiently with stored nitrates in the considered temperature range. Objective of the laboratory investigations is to analyse the INGAS Integrated Project 6 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 reactivity of different reductants during a rich spike for regenerating the NOx storage catalyst. The results will be used as input in WPB2.4 in order to find the right engine calibration on the test bench. The main reactions involved in the NOx storage catalyst are summarized below: Adsorption phase under lean conditions: BaCO3 + 2NO2 + ½ O2 Ba(NO3)2 + CO2 Regeneration phase (with CO, H2 or HC): Ba (NO3)2 + 3CO BaCO3 + 2NO + 2CO2 2NO + 2CO N2 + 2CO2 1.1.2 Methane catalyst reactivity For improving the light-off temperature of the methane conversion not only the catalyst formulation is of relevance but also the surface state of the catalyst after synthesis, preconditioning and under operating conditions. Therefore the operation mode of the engine plays an important role in the stabilisation and the activation of the catalytic surface. To better understand the complexity of the reactions and the role of the oxidative state of the catalyst surface, some aspects from literature studies are reported in the following paragraph. The nature of active sites in Pd-based catalysts for methane oxidation has been a matter of debate for a long time, the key question being: what state of the catalyst is more active: metallic or oxidized? The views on this issue evolved over the years [Ref [5] Cullis and Willat, 1983; Ref [6] [7] Hicks et al. 1990a, 1990b; Ref [8] Farrauto et al., 1992, Ref [9] 1995; Ref [10] Groppi et al., 2000; Ref [11] Persson K. et al., 2007; Ref [12] Gabasch et al., 2007] and some aspects are summarized below. The essential factor in discussion on the nature of active phase in palladium catalysts is the relative instability of palladium metal in the presence of oxygen. Palladium oxidizes in air to PdO between ca. 300-400oC, being stable in air at atmospheric pressure up to about 800oC. Above this temperature the stable species is metallic palladium. A number of research groups observed that the combustion rates are different when the catalyst is either cooled or heated in the reaction mixture. This unusual kinetic behaviour, referred to as an activity hysteresis, was assigned to the decomposition of PdO to Pd and its re-formation, which also shows a hysteresis [Ref [8] Farrauto et al., 1992; Ref [13] Groppi et al., 2001]. It was suggested that strongly bound chemisorbed oxygen is formed on the palladium surface during cooling and that this oxygen species passivate the surface and inhibit further oxidation. Hicks et al., Ref [6], Ref [7] and Oh et al. Ref [14], while relating the catalytic activity to metallic Pd, considered also the role of oxidized palladium. Hicks et al. Ref [7] conducted a series of methane oxidation tests on Pd/alumina catalysts at 573 K. Based on the experimental results, the authors claimed that PdO dispersed on Pd crystallites was more active for methane oxidation than PdO dispersed over alumina. According to Oh et al. Ref [14], a thin layer of PdO on metallic Pd was the active form of the catalyst, while bulk PdO was inactive in the methane combustion. A thorough study aiming at the identification of the palladium active phase was carried out by Lyubovsky and Pfefferle Ref [15]. Bearing in mind that not only catalyst preparation, pretreatment, type of support and precursor, but also the reaction conditions affect the catalyst activity, the authors employed three different INGAS Integrated Project 7 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 experimental procedures to address the problem. Catalyst activity was studied as a response to the a) change in the process temperature, b) variation in oxygen concentration in the gas mixture, c) in situ hydrogen reduction of the catalyst. To minimize the influence of metal-support interaction on the experimental results, the low surface area -Al2O3 was used as a support. The activation energy for complete methane oxidation over the PdO phase of the catalyst was estimated at 73 kJ/mol and over the Pd phase at 147-167 kJ/mol. The authors found that the pre-exponential factor for the Pd state is 5-6 orders of magnitude higher than that for the PdO state of the catalyst, depends strongly on the process conditions and the sample history, and can change during the reaction. If the methane oxidation over the metallic Pd has higher activation energy and higher pre-exponential factor than the reaction over the oxidized form of the catalyst then at some temperature the graphs of the temperature dependence of activity in the Arrhenius plot would intersect as illustrated in Fig.1. This means that while in the low temperature regime the PdO state of the catalyst is more active than the reduced form, the opposite is true in the high temperature range. Fig. 1 Comparative activation energies and pre-exponential factors for reaction over the Pd and the PdO oxidation states. In a more recent paper, Ferrer et al. Ref [16] studied a supported Pd catalyst having similar characteristics to those currently used in purifying the pollutant emissions generated by automobile engines, and presented yet an other evidence that methane oxidation activity is strongly influenced by reduction treatments and the nature of the PdOx phase is modified by the oxygen partial pressure. In view of the difficulties in relating the methane oxidation activity to specific catalyst properties by conventional methods (continuous flow reactor studies), Choudhary et al. Ref [17] employed methodical pulse reactor studies to obtain correlations between the initial methane combustion activity and the catalyst properties (Pd 0/PdO content and path of PdO formation). The authors observed that the initial methane combustion activity (at 160–280 °C) continuously increased with increasing PdO concentration (0–100%) in the catalyst, and continuously decreased with increasing Pd0 content (0–100%), which confirmed the importance of PdO as active phase INGAS Integrated Project 8 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 component. Additionally, the authors demonstrated that along with the relative concentration of PdO, the PdO formation pathway is also critical in determining the methane combustion activity of the catalyst. In a carefully designed experiment the catalysts with identical PdO content were obtained by two pathways: (i) by controlled partial oxidization of Pd0/Al2O3 and (ii) by controlled partial reduction of PdO/Al2O3. Catalytic tests demonstrated that for a given PdO content, the catalysts obtained by partial oxidation of Pd0/Al2O3 showed a significantly superior performance to the catalyst obtained by partial reduction of PdO/Al2O3 for all the temperatures investigated. Therefore the oxidation state of the catalyst surface and especially the oxidation state of Pd plays an important role in the activity of the catalyst. Additionally the catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons over Pd-catalysts is a complex process which proceeds via a number of surface reactions. The exact reaction mechanism is difficult to determine and depends on parameters such as catalyst composition, fuel/air ratio and temperature. Therefore different strategies based on lambda variations have been investigated at Daimler and Polimi in order to determine what could be the best lambda strategy for getting the best activated catalyst surface and therefore the best methane conversion. 1.2 Experimental set-up Laboratory set-up for CH4 strategy (Polimi): In Fig.2 is reported the scheme of the rig which includes three different sections: the feed section (red line), the reaction section (green line), and the analysis section (blue line). Fig. 2 Experimental rig: red line = feed section, green line = reaction section, blue line =analysis section. INGAS Integrated Project 9 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Feed section The feed section consists of 6 lines, each equipped with a mass flow controller. It is designed for simultaneous feeding of a multi-component stream (CH4, CO, H2), together with oxygen, NO and large amounts of H2O (5-15vol.%) and CO2 (5-15%). In order to investigate sulfur ageing effect, a line is also dedicated to the feeding of SO2. Intervals of flow rate and gas composition fed by each line are reported in Table1. Gas composition Flow rate [Ncc/min] N2 120-1200 5000ppm NO in N2 20-200 Air 5-50 510 ppm SO2 in N2 5-50 12%CO+3%CH4+2%H2 in N2 10-100 CO2 15/150 Air or H2 ( -sweep) 5-50 Table 1. Gas composition and intervals of flow rate in the different feed lines. A HPLC pump/evaporator system is adopted to regulate the H 2O flow. H2O concentration is continuously monitored by means of a humidity sensor (Vaisala HUMICAPP –HMT334) and periodically checked by gas chromatography. Lambda-sweep tests can be performed by step variations of both oxygen and H 2 concentrations through a dedicated additional line equipped with a programmable mass flowmeter, as shown in Fig. 3. The lambda value is monitored by an ETAS LA4-4.9 Lambda Meter, placed just upstream the reaction section. 1,05 Lambda Sweep Stoichiometric conditions 1,04 1,03 Lambda 1,02 1,01 1,00 0,99 0,98 0,97 0,96 0,95 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time [min] Fig. 3 Schematic of λ-sweep experiments. INGAS Integrated Project 10 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Reaction section The reaction section is designed to test monolithic honeycomb samples (6x6 channels, Fig. 4) charged into a stainless steel reactor externally heated by a tubular oven. Fig. 4 Sliding termocouple into the monolith channels. The configuration of the reactor is schematically illustrated in Fig. 5. The upstream section of the reactor is filled by quartz spheres (2.6mm of diameter) to allow complete mixing and preheating of gas feed. A square 6x6 channels sample, obtained from the ceramic honeycomb washcoated with the Pd-based reference catalyst provided by Ecocat, is wrapped by a quartz wool tape and located in a properly designed holder to avoid by-pass phenomena. A sliding thermocouple (TC2) is inserted into one of the central channels of the monolith in order to measure the axial temperature profile of the catalyst during the experiments. This allows to take into account T-profiles associated with strongly exothermic combustion reactions in the kinetic analysis of the experimental data. A second fixed thermocouple (TC1) is located just before the entrance of the monolith sample. Flow direction 36 cm TC2 1.63 cm 15.2 cm 15.2 cm 1.3-4.0 cm Fig. 5 Stainless steel reactor set up. INGAS Integrated Project 11 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Analysis section The analysis section consists of a Micro GC (3000 A, Agilent Technologies) equipped by TCD detectors and a Molecular Sieve 5 Å column for separation of N2, H2, O2, CH4 and CO (Ar carrier) and a Plot Q column for separation of CO 2 and H2O. Gas analysers (ABB A02020) were also installed for continuous monitoring of H2, O2, CH4, CO and CO2 outlet concentrations during testing under dynamic conditions (e.g -sweep). The rig was not equipped for analysis of NOx. Laboratory set-up for NOx and CH4 strategies (Daimler): The investigations have been performed on a laboratory apparatus able to simulate gas compositions close to real exhaust compositions. As represented on Fig. 6 three main sections can be identified: - A dosing section enabling the mix of all the gas species present in the exhaust of a combustion engine including the dosing of different amounts of H2O. The injection of all individual gases is done by mass flow controllers enabling a precise mixture in front of the reactor. - A reactor section equipped with a bypass line in order to control the gas composition in front of the catalyst. The test rig is equipped with three reactors giving also the possibility to test several catalysts connected in a serial way. Before entering the reactor section the gas flow is preheated on 180°C in order to avoid deposits or condensation. - An analytic section enabling an accurate detection of the standard components of an exhaust gas. Exhaust air Gas dosing section Reactors Analytical Analytics train H2OEvaporator Detector detector Synth. gases Exhaust air Fig. 6 Laboratory experimental set-up. The whole test rig is controlled by computer and allows the succession of different characterisation steps corresponding to different temperature levels and/or gas concentrations. Since the test rig is equipped only with one dosing section, transient INGAS Integrated Project 12 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 tests consisting of variation of the catalyst inlet concentration can be done only with step by step changes. Indeed, a real transient mode would require a second dosing section with a fast three way valve enabling a rapid switch between the two lines. 1.3 Strategies for NOx abatement under lean conditions 1.3.1 Laboratory The NOx regeneration ability in presence of CH4 and other reducing agents is investigated on a laboratory scale under simplified conditions representative of a CNG engine. A commercial NOx storage catalyst with a loading of 142 g/ft3 was used. Lean/rich cycles were performed at constant temperatures ranging from 150°C to 550°C. For all tests the NOx concentration in the lean phase was kept constant at 2000 ppm and the space velocity was equal to 32.000 h-1. The succession of the lean/rich cycles is represented in Fig. 8 (a). The test procedure consisted in 12 periodic lean rich cycles at constant temperatures where the NOx concentration downstream of the NOx storage catalyst is continuously monitored. The adsorbed NOX mass was balanced for the last 4 cycles of the procedure and corresponds to the converted NOx mass. The lambda value in the rich phase as well as the methane concentration were kept constant at 0.94 and 2800 ppm resp., while the H2 and CO concentrations were varied in order to analyse the reducing potential of each component . The different concentrations of reducing agent used during a rich spike are summarized in Fig. 7. CO and H2 concentrations are progressively added from mixture 2 to 4. Therefore the role and efficiency of each reducing agent (CH4, CO, H2) for regenerating a NOx storage catalyst can be investigated. Rich mixture 1 at Lambda=0.94 CH4H2OCO2N2 2800ppm 12Vol.% 10.7Vol% balance Rich mixture 2 at Lambda=0.94 CH4COH2O2800ppm 0.35Vol% 0Vol% CO2N2 10.7Vol% balance Rich mixture 3 at Lambda=0.94 CH4COH2H2OCO2N2 2800ppm 0.35Vol% 0.1Vol% 12Vol.% 10.7Vol% balance Rich mixture 4 at Lambda=0.94 CH4COH2H2OCO2N2 2800ppm 0.35Vol% 0.5Vol% 12Vol.% 10.7Vol% balance Fig. 7 Gas compositions during rich spike at constant lambda value of 0,94. INGAS Integrated Project 13 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Fig. 8 (b) summarizes the NOx conversion (expressed in g NOx converted) obtained at different temperatures with different gas concentrations in the rich phase. It appears that regenerations performed w/o or with low amount of H2 are not effective below 400°C and exhibit a lower NOx conversion than in the presence of high amount of H2 at temperatures above 400°C. Below 400°C the NOx storage catalyst can be regenerated only in the presence of high amount of H2 in the rich phase. As a consequence, a detailed characterisation of the exhaust gas composition in the rich phase will be necessary on the test bench in order to evaluate the H2 composition of the exhaust gas. Depending on the measured H2 concentration, a shaping of the rich spike could be necessary for supplying the catalyst with enough H2 during the rich spike, especially at low temperatures where CO and CH4 are not active. 4000 a) 3500 QI11_NOx QI13_NO CH4 concentration [ppm] 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 time [s] 0.16 b) 0.14 NOx conversion [g] 0.12 Reg. with CH4 with H2O Reg. with CH4, CO w/o H2O Reg. with CH4, CO with H2O Reg. with CH4, CO, H2 with H2O 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 150°C 200°C 250°C 300°C 350°C 400°C 450°C 500°C 550°C Fig. 8 a) Lean/rich cycles (lean-time t=3min, rich-time t=20s) with gas concentrations of NOx, NO, CH4, b) NOx conversion for different gas mixtures in the rich spike. SV = 32.000h-1. 1.3.2 Engine test bench In order to characterize the exhaust gas composition of the CNG engine developed in SPA2, different tests have been performed under rich conditions at different lambda values. INGAS Integrated Project 14 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 The engine was operated at steady state load points from n=750min-1 up to n=1800min-1. Fig. 9 represents the different points from the engine map, which have been investigated. Since for all the points a similar behaviour of the exhaust composition has been observed, only the point n=1600min-1 / 2bar will be described in detail. LFNR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N 1/min 750 1200 1600 1600 1600 1800 1800 PMEFF bar 0.72 0.72 2.01 3.41 4.71 3.4 6.02 MD Nm 10.3 10.3 28.66 48.76 67.37 48.55 86.08 PEFF kW 0.809 0.809 4.801 8.169 11.287 9.153 16.229 Fig. 9 Stationary operation points for engine raw emissions characterisation. Fig. 10 a) represents the raw H2 and CO concentrations in the exhaust as a function of the lambda and of the injection timing (220° and 70°CA). It appears that as soon as the engine is operated under rich conditions, CO and H2 are produced in the combustion process. A nearly linear increase of CO (factor 4,25) and H2 (factor 4,35) can be observed as function of the lambda value on the rich side. In contrast to CO an H2, the CH4 concentration gradient is with factor 1,31 significantly lower and the NOX concentration decreases by factor -2 (Fig. 10 b)). This result shows that it is possible to increase the CO and H2 concentrations in the exhaust by adjusting the engine calibration, without increasing significantly the CH4 concentration. Furthermore the injection timing can be used for adjusting the CO and H2 concentrations to the desired value as represented on Fig. 10. Additionally the presence of a TWC in front of the NOx storage catalyst can improve the generation of H2 through the water gas shift reaction over the TWC. Indeed under rich conditions CO is able to react with water to form H2 and CO2. Fig. 11 represents the H2 and CO2 formation as a function of temperature when CO (6000 ppm) and H2O (10%) are present in the gas mixture. The lambda value is kept constant at 0,997. It appears that CO starts to be converted into CO2 at around 300°C. For temperatures above 350°C all the CO is converted into CO2 and the equivalent amount of H2 is produced through the water gas shift reaction. These results demonstrate that operating a CNG engine under rich conditions leads to generation of high amounts of H2 and CO, depending on the lambda value. Therefore the use of a NOx storage catalyst for removing NOx from the exhaust of a lean running CNG engine is fully appropriate. INGAS Integrated Project 15 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 3.5 H2_Engine out_220° a) 3 H2_Engine out_70° concentration [Vol.%] dX_CO = +4.25 CO_Engine out_220° 2.5 CO_Engine out_70° 2 1.5 dX_H2 = +4.35 1 0.5 0 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Lambda [-] 1.05 1.1 1.15 6000 CH4_Engine out_220° dX_CH4 = +4.3 b) CH4_Engine out_70° 5000 NOx_Engine out_220° concentration [ppm] NOx_Engine out_70° 4000 3000 2000 1000 dX_NOx = -2 0 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Lambda [-] 1.05 1.1 1.15 Fig. 10 Raw exhaust gas concentrations for n=1600min-1 and 2bar, injection timing 70° and 220°CA - a) CO, H2 concentrations as a function of lambda b) CH4, NOx concentrations as a function of lambda. 7000 CO2 downstream catalyst concenration [ppm] 6000 H2_downstream catalyst 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 200 250 300 350 400 temperature [°C] 450 500 550 Fig. 11 H2 and CO2 concentrations downstream a TWC catalyst. Constant lambda = 0,997. INGAS Integrated Project 16 Deliverable Report 106735609 1.4 Contract N.:218447 Strategies for CH4 abatement under stoichiometric conditions For improving the light-off temperature of the methane conversion not only the catalyst formulation is of relevance but also the operation strategy of the engine as reported in the introduction. The oxidation state of the catalyst surface and especially the oxidation state of Pd plays an important role in the activity of the catalyst. Therefore different strategies based on lambda variations have been investigated at Daimler and Polimi in order to determine the role of the reducing agents present in the exhaust. 1.4.1 Steady state conditions In WPB2.2 the development of control strategies for enhancing the reactivity of methane oxidation has been considered at Daimler. For the removal of methane, stoichiometric and lean gas mixtures have to be considered as well as lambda variations based on step-changes between different A/F ratios. All tests have been performed with the reference catalyst from Ecocat. Prior to all tests the catalyst has been pre-treated at 600°C for 5h according to the standard procedure. Fig. 12 represents the inlet lambda value as well as the CO concentration during a lambda step-change test. Lambda ranged from 1.05 to 0.97 while the CO concentration was varied from 6300 ppm (lambda = 1,05) to 2,4Vol% (lambda = 0,97). The concentration of CO has been varied in constant steps of 0,6Vol% while the concentration of the other gas components has been kept constant (Table 2). T(°C) 520 SV(h-1) 100000 CH4(ppm) 1000 CO(ppm) 6300 NOx(ppm) 2600 O2(%) 1,1 CO2(%) 10,7 H2O(%) 10 Table 2: Gas concentrations for a step-change test. Lambda upstream CO upstream Fig. 12. Lambda and CO-profile upstream of the catalyst during a lambda-sweep experiment. INGAS Integrated Project 17 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 It can be seen on Fig. 13 a) that under stoichiometric conditions, the lightoff temperature of CH4 is around 320°C with a maximum of 80% conversion at higher temperatures. On Fig. 13 b) the highest CH4 conversion is represented as a function of temperature and for an optimized lambda value. It appears that the lightoff temperature for CH4 can be improved in optimizing the lambda value at each temperature. In the whole temperature range the best CH4 conversion has been obtained with slightly rich lambda values. On the other hand NOx can be easily converted to 100% under stoichiometric and rich conditions. NOX lambda=1 CH4 conversion [%] CH4 lambda=1 a) NOX ideal Operation Point CH4 conversion [%] CH4 ideal Operation Point b) Fig. 13. a) CH4 and NOx conversion under stoichiometric conditions, b) max. CH4 and NOx conversion as function of lambda and temperature. 1.4.2 Transient conditions – Lambda-sweep At Polimi the influence of lambda oscillations on methane conversion has been investigated. Procedures According to indications in Deliverable DB2.3 Boundary/testing conditions, at the beginning of the experimental campaign, each monolithic sample undergoes a conditioning treatment (“degreening”) in a standard mixture flow for 5h @ 600°C. After the degreening, tests are carried out performing two kind of experimental runs: programmed temperature ramps (heating and cooling the oven @ 10°C/min) in dynamic conditions (referred as “T-ramp”) and temperature steps under dynamic conditions in lambda-sweep mode (referred as “step-up”) (Fig. 14). INGAS Integrated Project 18 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 a) b) T-ramp 600 550 Temperature [°C] 550 Temperature [°C] Step-up 600 500 450 400 350 500 450 400 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 0 30 60 90 120 time [min] 150 180 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 time [min] Fig. 14. Different typologies of experimental runs: a) T-ramp; b) step-up. λ-sweep tests As reported previously, operating under dynamic λ-sweep conditions can strongly increase the activity of the catalyst. Fig. 15 shows the results of a T-steps run performed by changing the feed mode from λ=1 to λ-sweep around stoichiometric conditions. λ was swept between 0.98 and 1.02 by 30s cycling of the O2 feed concentration between 0.2% and 0.95% v/v according to the dynamics sketched in Fig. 3, while keeping all the other species constant at the concentration level reported in Table 1. An activity increase is evident when switching from λ=1 to λ-sweep regime, which is particularly marked at 400°C, but still present at all the investigated temperatures. Operations under λ-sweep conditions result in wide conversion oscillations. Inspection of Fig. 16 reveals that conversion minima correspond to the leanest part of the cycle, whereas a more complex trend is observed in the rich part where conversion maxima (CH4 concentration minima) are anticipated with respect to the achievement of the richest point which corresponds to complete O2 consumption paralleled by peaks of H2 and CO concentration possibly due to the onset of steam reforming and water gas shift reactions (Net H2 production). On the other hand only limited temperature oscillations (±2°C) were observed in correspondence with the conversion ones (Fig. 17). This indicates that oscillations are not thermally driven but depend on chemical modifications of the catalyst. It is likely that palladium reversibly undergoes to PdO ↔ Pd° transformation when switching forth and back from rich to lean conditions. Apparently the reduction process is fast as suggested by the immediate appearance of CO and H 2. On the other hand according to literature indications, the oxidation process is slower being controlled by oxygen diffusion in the Pd° (small particles) and PdO (large particles) lattice Ref [18] and by reconstruction of PdO lattice Ref [19]. Accordingly an incomplete re-oxidation may occur during the lean part of the cycle resulting in a mixed PdO/Pd° or partially oxidised state. Such a state has been indicated by many authors Ref [20] as the most active one in CH4 combustion and might be responsible for the high conversion values observed in the λ-sweep regime. INGAS Integrated Project 19 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 100 600°C 600 550°C 550 80 500°C 70 500 60 450°C 50 450 40 400°C 400 30 20 = 1.00 sweep 10 Temperature [°C] CH4 conversion [%] 90 350 0 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Time [min] Fig. 15 Step-up from 400 to 600°C (Toven) with T-steps of 50°C @ λ=1.00 and λ – sweep. 0,7 CH4 O2 Molar fraction [%] 0,6 H2 CO 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 16 18 20 22 24 Time [min] Fig. 16 Concentrations of CH4, O2, H2 and CO during the sweep @ 400°C (Toven). INGAS Integrated Project 20 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 1.04 416 1.02 Lambda 1.00 412 0.98 0.96 10 11 12 13 14 Temperature [°C] 414 410 15 Time [min] Fig. 17 and temperature trends during l-sweep @ 400°C (Toven). Note that during oscillations an average CH4 conversion of about 50% is obtained at a catalyst temperature of 410-420°C, corresponding to a gas inlet temperature of 390°C. In order to check if such activated state could be maintained under stable feed conditions the λ-sweep experiments were repeated performing a temperature hold at constant λ before and after the λ-sweep cycles. Results are reported in Fig. 18 and 19. 100 90 600 550 80 500°C 70 500 60 50 450 40 400 400°C 30 20 Temperature [°C] CH4 conversion [%] 600°C = 1.00 sweep 350 10 0 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Time [min] Fig. 18 Step-up from 400 to 600°C with T-steps of 100°C and λ=1.00 / λ –sweep/ λ=1.00 holds. At λ=1.00 (Fig. 18) a significant activity enhancement is retained at 400°C, although conversion at constant lambda was always lower than during λ-sweep. On the other hand no significant activity variation is observed at 500°C and a dramatic activity loss occurs at 600°C. This trend suggests that at λ=1.00 over-reduction of palladium may occur at high temperature being the endothermic PdO Pd° process thermodynamically favoured on increasing the temperature. INGAS Integrated Project 21 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 100 = 1.02 sweep 600°C 600 80 550 500°C 70 500 60 50 450 400°C 40 400 30 20 Temperature [°C] CH4 conversion [%] 90 350 10 0 300 0 100 200 300 400 Time [min] Fig. 19 Step-up from 400 to 600°C with T-steps of 100°C and λ=1.02 / λ –sweep/ λ=1.02 holds Under slightly oxidising conditions at λ=1.02 (Fig. 19) a lower activity enhancement is obtained at 400°C, but no dramatic activity losses occur at 600 °C. This again suggests that palladium over-reduction can occur at high temperature under stoichiometric conditions and can be avoided by operation under slightly oxidising atmosphere. On the other hand operations at λ=1.02 may result in an over-oxidation of the catalyst with respect to the optimal state and, consequently, in a lower activity level. Further evidences are obtained by comparing the cooling ramps at λ=1 and λ=1.02 performed after the step-up runs in Fig. 18 and 19 respectively. The presence of a reverse conversion trend (negative apparent activation energy) typically due to the Pd → PdO transition can be noticed between 575°C and 500°C only in the λ=1 case (see Fig. 20), suggesting that palladium undergoes to reduction at 600°C and it is reoxidised on decreasing temperature. Noteworthy a highly active state is obtained upon re-oxidation. 100 CH4 conversion [%] 90 80 70 =1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 300 =1.02 350 400 450 500 550 600 Temperature [°C] Fig. 20 Cooling ramps after step-up runs @ λ=1 and @ λ=1.02. INGAS Integrated Project 22 Deliverable Report 106735609 2 Contract N.:218447 Conclusions The work performed in WPB2.2 within Deliverable DB2.8 was focussed on the development of control strategies for: - ensuring the regeneration of a NOx storage catalyst (lean burn application) - improving the methane light-off temperature and catalytic activity of the Pdbased reference catalyst (stoichiometric application). Concerning the removal of NOx under lean operation conditions it has been demonstrated that a standard NOx storage catalyst is suitable for CNG engine application. Adsorption of NOx in the lean phase can occur without restrictions like on diesel or lean-burn gasoline engines since CO and HC don’t play any important role. On the contrary, it has been shown that an efficient regeneration of the NOx storage catalyst can be achieved only if H2 is present in the gas phase during a rich spike. Indeed, methane is not able to regenerate the catalyst at temperatures below 400°C due to its low reactivity. In the presence of H2, the catalyst can be easily and fully regenerated even at temperatures as low as 200°C. Therefore a systematic characterisation of the exhaust gas composition under rich conditions has been carried out with the CNG engine M271 developed in SPA2. The results showed that as soon as the engine is operated under rich conditions, high amounts of CO and H2 are generated without simultaneous increase of the CH4 concentration. The concentrations of CO and H2 are mainly dependent on the lambda value and increase strongly with lowering lambda towards the rich side. Therefore, an implementation of a NOx storage catalyst on a lean-burn CNG engine is conceivable and would allow the removal of NOx in a broad temperature window. For improving the performance of the methane reference catalyst different strategies based on lambda variations have been investigated. Indeed, the nature of active sites in Pd-based catalysts for methane oxidation has been a matter of debate for a long time, the key question being: what state of the catalyst is more active: metallic or oxidized? A short literature survey came to the conclusion that the best catalytic surface is represented by a cohabitation of oxidized and reduced Pd-particles. Therefore it was of great importance to characterize the activity of the reference catalyst under different gaseous environments. Under steady state conditions, it appears that for each operating temperature, a slightly rich average lambda leads to the best CH4 conversion. But a continuous operation under slightly rich conditions would certainly also lead to a slow deactivation of the catalyst and is in term of fuel consumption not the best strategy. Therefore investigations under lambda-sweep conditions have been undertaken. The best conversion performances were obtained by operating the catalyst under a -sweep regime, obtained by periodically (30 s) switching the feed from slightly rich (=0.98) to slightly lean (=1.02) conditions. Using this test mode, a regeneration of the catalyst previously deactivated under both stoichiometric and slightly lean conditions was observed. Widely, but regularly oscillating CH4 conversions occurred with conversion minima and maxima appearing in the lean period and in the rich period respectively, the latter ones being associated with the presence of significant amounts of H2 and CO. Such a behaviour is likely associated with reversible transformation of palladium from the oxide to the metallic state which may result in an higher activity associated with an average optimal oxidation state of palladium. It is worth noting that the -sweep mode roughly corresponds to actual engine operation, although a much longer cycling time was adopted in the experiments (30 s vs <1s). INGAS Integrated Project 23 Deliverable Report 106735609 Contract N.:218447 Nevertheless the results demonstrate that an oscillation of the lambda value around lambda=1 leads to an improvement of the methane conversion. Such a control strategy can be easily implemented on a lambda=1 engine. 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