priests of moses versus the royal priests of god, our father

Many go to Churches and meet a Dog-Collared
Hireling of Mammon teaching them the Letters of the
Bible. He himself has learnt the letters from his or her
University Professors who too are the hirelings of
Mammon. Monks if enlightened would throw Light
on God and the Royal Kingdom of hearts. Here, I
will describe the difference and to get rid of the
Priests in Moses, our anointed Elder Brother Christ
Jesus, the Royal High Priest shed his Blood to set us
FREE. Mission of our Elder Brother Christ Jesus
lasted for Four years, Parable of the Fig Tree, and
during which He trained His Labourers so well that
the Temple Priests needed an insider to identify the
Real Jesus. So, Jesus acted as the Lamb of God and
gave his Sacrifice to tear away the Curtain of the
Holiest of Holy asking people to have direct
approach to God through His Word learnt in
Churches of God were established in honour of
Christ Jesus but the Messianic Jews, the Arid spirits
of the destroyed Temple, the husbandmen of the
Winepress of God, were useless and they could not
find any customers. Then these psychic evil spirited
Temple Priests infiltered into the Church of God and
after becoming Bishops, they wanted to bring back
their old customers into their fold. So, these Bishops
bring in the Jewish Leaven, the rotten full of
corruptions written Torah that Jesus had forbidden.
They re-introduced sins into the Churches and put a
heavier Yoke. John, the Baptist being Prophet Elijah
and we in Jesus are greater than John, the Baptist
need not have these Books on Moral Laws as we are
no more slaves to sins but righteousness that the
Gentiles used to be and they never died but had Rest.
That is, Jesus put an end to the Moral Laws and sins.
When Apostles used to visit these Churches and met
these Bishops and their congregations drunk with the
old wine of written Torah with no desire for the New
Wine or Gospel, they were very upset and rebuked
the Bishops for corrupting the Churches. Bishops of
the Judea region expelled the Apostles first and then
under Emperor Constantine, they burnt them at stake,
fed lions on them, etc. You know what the hell Popes
were doing. In short, Jesus described the situation in
Matt.12.v43-45. Here, I am going to stress the
Freedom that Jesus bestowed upon us by making us
Royal Priests, Preachers of Gospel. Every one of us
should endeavour to become a Fisher of Men. Here,
the spiritual men are people who are masters of their
own destnies i.e. solitary of both sexes are men. Our
Mission is best understood in the light of what
applies to Flesh in Adam, the opposite to spirit in
God. Thus, the Priests of Adam who teach the Moral
Laws of Adam sit in a house, Synagogue built by
human hands and he is the owner of this House as
defined in Matt.13.52 who bringeth out of the
storeroom, treasures old, written Torah and new, Oral
Torah. And the Royal Priests of God sit in the
Temple of God, our physical body, not made by
human hands but by Nature. The Innerman, the
Christ sits in our hearts and we preach what pleases
our Father. Priests are ordained by men and their
praises lie with men who have ordained them whilst
we, the Royal Priests are ordained by our Father and
we are Protected by Him. Priests carry Scrips with
them whilst we have the Gospel written over our
hearts. This Jesus stressed that carry no copper, tunic,
scrips, etc with you. Ask these dead in spirit
Christians, what would they take on their teaching
trips, the Bible is the answer. So, Gospel is received
through revelations and not through the written
Books. Gospel is buried under the Parables and you
need holy spirit, common sense, to dig them out.
People sold their possessions to become the diggers
of these Treasures that no thief can steal. So, the
Churches that have paid Dog-Collared Hirelings of
Mammon, the Anti Christs, are producing fanatics.
Ireland presents a good example. Pope or any other
Priest cannot give your account to God but you