CV or Biosketch - UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Tepper, Joel
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Tepper Joel E.
Hector MacLean Distinguished Professor of Cancer
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and
residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Electrical Engineering
A. Personal Statement
I have been an active participant in clinical and translational research in gastrointestinal tumors for many years.
This includes being Co-Chair of the NCI GI Steering Committee that coordinates the NCI Phase II and III
clinical trials cooperative group portfolio and being Director of the UNC GI SPORE grant since the original
submission. I am also Co-Chair of the Colorectal Working group of The Cancer Genome Atlas. I am coDirector of the UNC Carolina Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNE) that has been funded by
the NCI. I was Vice-Chair of the GI committee of CALGB, one of the national cooperative clinical trials groups.
I have administrative experience as evidenced by being Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at
UNC for almost 20 years, being President and Chairman of the Board of the American Society of for Radiation
Oncology (ASTRO) and having been a board member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). I
am also a member of the Clinical and Translational Research Advisory Committee (CTAC) that advises the
Director of the NCI on the NCI clinical and translational research portfolio and have worked for NCI on PATS
(Process to Accelerate Translational Science) and the OEWG (Operational Efficiency Working Group). I am
Editor of Seminars in Radiation Oncology
B. Positions and Honors
Professional Experience
Intern in Internal Medicine, Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Hospital, Chicago, IL
Resident-Radiation Therapy, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical Fellow-Radiation Therapy, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Chief-Radiation Therapy, Malcolm Grow Medical Center, USAF
Senior Investigator, Radiation Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH
Assistant Professor, Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Assistant Radiation Therapist,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Associate Professor, Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Associate Radiation
Therapist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Chair, Dept of Radiation Oncology, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC
1987-Present Professor, Dept of Radiation Oncology, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC
Professional Activities
Member, Editorial Board Journal of Clinical Oncology
Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Member, Editorial Board - International Journal of Rad Onc, Biol, Physics
Member, Executive Committee – CALGB
Member, Extramural Board, PDQ: The National Cancer Institute’s Computerized Data Base
Vice Chair, CALGB Gastrointestinal Cancer Committee- Vice-Chair
1991-present Editor, Seminars in Radiation Oncology
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Tepper, Joel
Member, Program Committee ASCO
Member, American Joint Commission on Cancer – ASTRO Representative
Member, Elected Fellow to the American College of Radiology
Member, Publications Committee ASTRO
Vice Chair, ASTRO Outcomes Committee
Member, Program Committee ASCO
Member, ASCO Publications Committee
Associate Editor, Clinical Colorectal Cancer
Member, Editorial Board- Clinical Cancer Research
President, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
Member, American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer Upper GI Disease Site Team
Chairman, Board of Directors-American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Member, Editorial Board Journal of Clinical Oncology
Member, Steering Committee, ASCO/ASTRO/SSO /AGA- GI Cancers Symposium
Course Director, ASCO/AACR Vail Workshop on Methods in Clinical Cancer Research Planning
Committee and Faculty
2004–present Co-Chair, National Cancer Institute GI GI Steering Committee
Chair, ASCO/ASTRO/SSO /AGA- GI Cancers Symposium,
2006-present Member, Clinical and Translational Advisory Committee (NCI) - Advisory Board to the NCI
Member, Board of Directors- American Society of Clinical Oncology2008
ASTRO Gold Medal
C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Beroukhim R, Mermel CH, Porter D, Wei G, raychaudhuri S, Donovan J, Barretina J, Boehm JS, Dobson J,
Urashima M, McHenry KT, Pinchback RM, Ligon AH, Cho YJ, Haery L, Greulich H, Reich M, Winckler W,
Lawrence MS, Weir BA, Tanaka KE, Chiang DY, Bass AJ, Loo A, Hoffman C, Prensner J, Liefeld T, Gao
Q, Yecies D, Signoretti S, Maher E, Kaye FJ, Sasaki H, Tepper JE, Fletcher JA, Tabermero J, Baselga J,
Tsao MS, Demichelis F, Rubin MA, Janne PA, Daly MJ, Nucera C, Levine RL, Ebert BL, Gabriel S, Rustgi
AK, Antonescu CR, Ladanyi M, Letai A, Garraway LA, Loda M, Beer DG, True LD, Okamoto A, Pomeroy
SL, Singer S, Golub TR, Lander ES, Getz G, Sellers WR, Meyerson M. Nature.2010 Feb
18;463(7283):899-905. PMCID: PMC2826709
2. O’Neill BH, Funkhouser WK, Calvo BF, Meyers MO, Kim HJ, Goldberg RM, Bernard SA, Caskey L, Deal
AM, Wright F, Baldwin AS, Tepper JE. Nuclear Factor – Light Chain – Enhancer of Activated B Cells is
Activated by Radiotherapy and is Prognostic for Overall Survival in Patients with Rectal Cancer Treated
with Preoperative Fluorouracil-Based Chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. Vol. 80, Issue
3, 1 July 2011, pp. 705-711.
3. Mammon HJ, Niedzwiecki D, Hollis D, Tan BR, Mayer RJ, Tepper JE, Goldberg RM, Blackstock AW,
Fuchs CS, Cancer and Luekemia Group B. A phase 2 trial of gemcitabine, 5-fluorouracil, and radiation
therapy in locally advanced nonmetastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Cancer and Leukemia Group B
(CALGB). Cancer 2011 Jun 15;117(12):2620-2628. Doi: 10.1002/cncr.25742. Epub 2010 Dec 23
4. O’Neil BH, Raftery L, Calvo BF, Chakravarthy AB, Ivanova A, Myers MO, Kim HJ, Chan E, Wise PE,
Caskey LS, Benard SA, Sanoff HK, Goldberg RM, Tepper JE: A Phase I Study of Bortezomib in
Combination With Standard 5- Fluorouracil and External-Beam Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of
Locally Advanced or Metastatic rectal Cancer, Clinical Colorectal Cancer, Vol. 9, No. 2, 119-125, 2010.
5. Tepper JE, Wang AZ. Improving Local Control in Rectal Cancer: Radiation Sensitizers or Radiation Dose?
J Clin Oncol. 2010 April 1:28(10): 1623-4, 1638.
6. Puvvada SD, Funkhouser WK, Greene K, Deal A, Chu H, Baldwin AS, Tepper JE, O'Neil BH. NF-kB and
Bcl-3 activation are prognostic in metastatic colorectal cancer. Oncology. 2010;78(3-4):181-8. Epub 2010
Apr 23. PubMed PMID: 20414006
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Tepper, Joel
7. Kimple RJ, Vaseva AV, Cox AD, Baerman KM, Calvo BF, Tepper JE, Shields JM, Sartor CI.
Radiosensitization of Epiderman Growth Factor receptor/HER2-Positive Pancreatic Cancer Is Mediated by
Inhibition of Akt Independent of Ras Mutational Status. Clin Cancer Res; 16(3) February 1, 2010 PMCID:
8. Tepper JE, Blackstock AW. Randomized trials and technology assessment. Ann Intern Med. 2009 Oct
20;151 (8):556 – 65. PMID: 19755346
9. Goss E, Link MP, Bruinooge SS, Lawrence TS, Tepper JE, Runowicz CD, Shilsky RL. The impact of the
privacy rule on cancer research: variations in attitudes and application of regulatory standards: J Clin
Oncol. 2009 Aug 20;27(24):4014-20. PMID: 19620480
10. Kuremsky JG, Tepper JE, McLeod HL. Biomarkers for response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation for rectal
cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2009 Jul 1; 74 (3) : 673-88.:PMID: 19480968
11. Lee IH, Hayman JA, Landrum MB, Tepper J, Tao ML, Goodman KA, Keating NL. Treatment
Recommendations for
Locally Advanced, Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: The Influence of Physician and
Patient Factors. Int J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2009 Apr. 29;. PMID: 19409730
12. Tepper JE, O’Neil B. Transition in biology and philosophy in the treatment of gastroesophageal junction
adenocarcinoma: J Clin Oncol. 2009; Feb 20;27 (6):836-7. Epub 2009 Jan 12. PMID: 19139425
13. Caudle AS, Kim HJ, Tepper JE, O’Neil BH, Lange LA, Goldberg RM, Bernard SA, Calvo BF, Meyers MO.
Diabetes Mellitus Affects Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in the Management of Rectal
Cancer: Annals of Surgical Oncology 2008; 15(7): 1931-1936. PMID: 18418656
14. Qu P., Chu H, Ibrahim JG, Peacock J, Shen XJ, Tepper J, Sandler RS, Keku TO. Statistical Strategies to
Improve the Efficiency of Molecular Studies of Colorectal Cancer Prognosis: British Journal of Cancer
2008; 99(12), 2001-2005. PMCID: PMC2607226
15. Tepper J, Krasna MJ, Niedzwiecki D, Hollis D, Reed CE, Goldberg R, Kiel K, Willett C, Sugarbaker D, and
Mayer R. Phase III Trial of Trimodality Therapy With Cisplatin, Fluorouracil, Radiotherapy, and Surgery
Compared With Surgery Alone for Esophagel Cancer: J Clin Oncol 2008; 26:1086-1092. PMID:18309943
16. Meropol Neal J, Niedzwiecki D, Shank B, Colacchio TA, Ellerton J, Goldberg RM, and Mayer RJ.
Induction Therapy for Poor-Prognosis Anal Canal Carcinoma: A Phase II Study of the Cancer and
Leukemia Group B 9281. J Clin Oncol. 2008 June; 26:3229-3234. PMID:18490648
17. Stitzenberg KB, Klauber-Demore N, Chang XS, Calvo BF, Ollila DW, Goyal LK, Meyers MO, Kim HJ,
Tepper JE, Sartor CI. In vivo intraoperative radiotherapy: a novel approach to radiotherapy for early stage
breast cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Apr; 14 (4) :1515-6. PMID:17235715
18. Baxter NN, Hartman LK, Tepper JE, Ricciardi R, Durham SB, Virnig BA. Postoperative Irradiation for
Rectal Cancer Increases the Risk of Small Bowel Obstruction After Surgery. Ann Surg. 2007
Apr;245(4):553-559. PMID:17414603
19. Ryan DP, Niedzwiecki D, Hollis D, Mediema BE, Wadler S, Tepper JE, Goldberg RM, Mayer RJ. Phase
I/II study of preoperative oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and external-beam radiation therapy in patients with
locally advanced rectal cancer: Cancer and Leukemia Group B 89901. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Jun
1;24(16):2557-62 PMID:16636336
D. Research Support
1U54CA151652-01 (DeSimone, Tepper- co-PI)
Carolina Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
National Cancer Institute
To deliver targeted methods for the delivery of biological, chemo and radiotherapies utilizing innovative
nanotechnologies against lung and brain cancers, and the development of a carbon nanotube based imaging
device for early detection and characterization of breast cancer
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Continuation Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
Tepper, Joel
Continuation Format Page