Instructions for papers submitted to Bubbles in Food 2: Novelty, Health and Luxury Papers submitted for publication in the proceedings of the Bubbles in Food 2 conference should report original scientific investigations, industrial case studies or review articles. Submission implies that the paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Papers must be written in English and should use SI units. All papers accepted for publication in the proceedings will be edited to a consistent format. To facilitate this process, papers should conform to the following instructions. Papers of inadequate scientific or technical quality will not be included in the published proceedings. Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format by email to Guidelines for the arrangement of manuscripts are as follows: General. Set page layout to A4 with 2.54 cm margins. Type single spaced in Times New Roman, 12 point, fully justified. Papers should aim for a maximum length of 9 pages – review papers can be a little longer, but if you require more pages, please get in touch to negotiate an appropriate page limit. Indicate the page number in a header. Do not include footers. Title Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) Abstract – no longer than 400 words, describing the essential content of the paper Keywords 1. Introduction – covering sufficient background to set the current work in context, and leading logically to clearly stated objectives. From this point headings should be numbered and formatted as follows: 1. Bold, 1.1. Bold Italics, 1.1.1. Normal text. X. Materials and Methods X. Results and discussion X. Conclusions Acknowledgements (not numbered) Nomenclature (not numbered) References (not numbered). Use Author (Year) format in the text, citing both authors’ surnames in the case of two authors, and Author1 et al. in the case of more than two authors. In the References list, arrange the references in alphabetical order of first author’s surname, and include all information (i.e. titles of papers, full page ranges), in the following order: For an article: Authors (surname followed by initials, comma between authors, otherwise no punctuation), (Year – in brackets) full stop (period). Paper title, with a full stop. Journal (italicised), Volume:Page ranges (no bold or italicisation), full stop at end. For a book: Author(s) (Year) – as above, full stop. Book title, full stop. Publishers, Country, full stop. For a book chapter: Author(s) (Year) – as above, full stop. Chapter title, full stop. Pages xxx-yyy in Book title, full stop. Authors/Editors, Publisher, Country, full stop. Figures and Tables should be inserted at appropriate points in the text, near to where they are first referenced. Figure captions should start, for example, “Figure 1.” (not Fig. 1), and should be placed below the figure and centred; Table captions should be placed above the table and centred. They should be referenced in the text as, for example, “Figure 1”, “Table 2” (not “Fig. 1”). Figures and tables should be in black-and-white only, not colour. All figures and tables must be introduced from the text – they should not suddenly appear as standalone items not referred to from the text. Equations should be numbered, with the number in brackets and right-justified.