NEWSLETTER 5 JANUARY 2013 Dear Parent, I hope you had a good Christmas holiday and New Year. The following information may be of use to you over the coming weeks. Consultation Evenings Parents’ consultation evenings this term will be held on the following dates; Monday 18th March Tuesday 19th March Open Day for KS1 and KS2 Parents We have arranged an ‘Open Day’ on Monday 4th March from 3.20pm - 4.30pm for parents of KS1 and KS2 to tour the school with their children. Teachers will be in their classrooms on this date. Individual Photographs – 14th March Your child will have their individual photographs taken on Thursday 14th March. Pupils must wear full school uniform on this date. Travelling Book Fair 4th – 8th March We have invited the Scholastic Book Fair into school. This will be in the Learning Zone. Books will be on sale from 3.10pm – 4.15pm. If any parents would like to volunteer to help, please contact Mr Cliff. Dinner Money It would be greatly appreciated if dinner money (£9.75 per week) could be sent into school on a Monday morning in an envelope clearly marked ‘Dinner Money’ with the child’s name, class and amount written on the front. Names on Uniform/Lost Property Would you please ensure your child’s name is clearly visible on their school uniform to ensure that items can be returned to the correct pupil easily. (Please check that you have the correct jumper for your child.) Parking outside the Main Entrance May I remind you that parking outside the main entrance is for staff and visitors to school only. Please be considerate to residents and refrain from parking over driveways. Safeguarding Information The school hours are as follows: Nursery & KS1 KS2 08:57 to 15:10 08:57 to 15:20 Other than allowing children access and egress to/from the school at the start and end of the day, all school doors will remain locked throughout the day. Children should be dropped off and collected in the KS1 or KS2 yards. If you need to contact a member of staff during the school day then you must go to the Main Reception desk. In addition, we must request that parents wait in the playground prior to collecting their children when the bells sound at 3.10pm and 3.20pm. This will ensure that stairwells are kept clear and allow children to move safely out of the school building. Governors and staff would very much welcome your support in ensuring the security and safety of all users of our school. Holiday Dates From To Half Term Holidays Tuesday 8th January 2013 Thursday 28th March 2013 18 – 22 February 2013 Summer Monday 15th April 2013 Friday 19th July 2013 27 – 31 May 2013 incl 1 bank holiday 27th May Autumn Monday 2nd September 2013 Friday 20th December 2013 28th October – 1st November 2013 Spring 2 Sponsored Cycle Ride Event We have arranged a sponsored cycle ride for pupils and parents. This will take place on Sunday 3rd March at 2pm. Parents and pupils will cycle, scooter or walk along the Derwent Walk for four miles. If your child enters this sponsored event, their name will go into a draw and Ben Tweedle (Sustrans Officer for Gateshead) will pick out the winning pupil. The wonderful prize is a bike (generously donated by Ben Tweddle.) If your child wishes to participate, please complete the attached form and return it to school to be entered into the draw, together with your completed sponsorship form. ‘Bike it Breakfast’ and Dr Bike Day – Friday 1st March Ben Tweddle is arranging a ‘Bike it Breakfast’ on Friday 1st March. Parents and pupils who cycle to school on this date will get a free breakfast! (Contact the school if your child has allergies.) If pupils/parents have a bike that needs to be repaired, please see Ben Tweddle. Year 6 SATs and Summer Tests May I remind you that Year 6 SATs will take place during the week beginning Monday 13th May 2013. May I remind parents that it is essential that all Year 6 pupils attend school on these dates. Summer tests for Years 3, 4 and 5 pupils will commence the following week. Dance Festival – 12th March (Year 4/5L) If your child is participating in this event, it will take place on Tuesday 12th March in the morning. We will arrange a bus to take the children to the SAGE. Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March The School Council have decided to wear red on the above date. A donation of 50p to charity would be appreciated. Gala Evening The Gateshead West Schools’ Swimming Gala will be held in March. Parents will be informed if their child has been asked to participate. World Book Day We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. We have invited a local author, Chris Bostock, to visit school on Monday 4th March. He writes children’s stories for each year group and will be selling his books that week. The School Council decided that pupils will dress up as their favourite character from a book on this date. This is entirely optional. 3 PTA News Christmas Fair 2012 - a great success! A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed to our amazing 2012 Christmas Fair. We had a fantastic group of volunteers who tried their hand at face-painting, serving in the Café, baking cakes, manning stalls and more. This year we made £1700 which will go toward a major school project this year. The 2012/13 Committee includes: Deborah Hunter, Paula Archer, Fiona Beyer, Jules Worthy, Andrea Childs, Sharon Guariento and Carol Swan. Afterschool Clubs Coordinator – VACANCY Our Afterschool Programme which includes art, gymnastics, singing, drama and football is run by a team of fantastic tutors and coaches. This programme is central to the work of the PTA and directly benefits over 150 children in our school. We are now looking for an enthusiastic person who is able to offer approximately 3 hours per week organising this programme. S/he will need to be IT literate, have good organisational and administration skills and the ability to communicate with coaches and participants. To find out more email OR call 07551 070350. Afterschool Clubs & Taster Sessions We still have places for the drama workshops, football coaching and singing workshop – which is a NEW club for budding performers and musicians! Get in touch or fill in an application form which can be downloaded from www. OR picked up from reception. We are also offering FREE taster sessions at some of the clubs. Please get in touch via Future Events 14 February 15 March 23 April Red Hearts Disco (Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1: 3.30-4.30pm and Key Stage 2: 4.45– 5.45pm) Cake Day at 2.30pm International Book Day We need volunteers to run the Events so please give us a couple of hours to assist at an event. How to Get Involved If you have suggestions regarding any aspect of the PTA or would like to volunteer please get in touch. Contact: or speak directly to one of the PTA members. Visit the website: to keep in touch with upcoming events and PTA news. 4 Finally Thank you to all the parents and pupils who donated to Children in Need and NSPCC sponsored events in November. We raised a huge £944 to support the NSPCC Appeal. Thank you for all your support in raising funds for Charities and school events. Yours faithfully H Martin Headteacher SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE EVENT – SUNDAY 3rd MARCH Name of Child __________________________________Class _________ Wishes/does not wish to participate in the Sponsored Cycle Ride Event An adult will also come on the ride (please tick) Signed:_____________________________________Date ______________________ Parent/Guardian Please return this form to school on or before Friday 8th February. 5 Calendar of Events January – March 2013 February Thursday 14t - Valentine Disco - Bike it Breakfast Sponsored Cycle Ride Event Open Day Travelling Book Fair World Book Day Dance Festival Individual Photographs Cake Day/Red Nose Day Consultation Evening Consultation Evening March Friday 1st Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Monday 4th – 8th Thursday 7th Tuesday 12th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th - - 6