grzebyk-cv-ebme - Environmental Biophysics and Molecular

Ref: 46/R/02 - Postdoctoral Research Position in Molecular Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences
Place of Birth: Ardennes, France
Married, one daughter born in 2001
Phone: 732 932 6555 x336
Ph. D degree in Oceanology, obtained with distinction at the Aix-Marseille-2 University
(Marseille, France) on November 24, 1993.
Title: Toxic marine dinoflagellates: biology, ecophysiology, toxicity. Prorocentrum
minimum, Dinophysis spp., ciguateric dinoflagellates.
Research Experience
Post-doctoral Associate, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA.
Molecular biology study of phytoplankton evolution within the NSF
Biocomplexity program EREUPT (Evolution and Radiation of
Eucaryotic Phytoplankton Taxa)
Associate researcher, Research Center in Marine Ecology and
Aquaculture (CREMA), L'Houmeau, France.
Study of environmental factors influencing the growth and
production of paralytic shellfish toxins in Alexandrium minutum.
Post-doctorate, Laboratory of Marine Microbiology, Graduate
School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy study of dinoflagellates of
genus Prorocentrum, inferred from ribosomal gene sequences (18S
rDNA and D1/D2 region of 28S rDNA).
Post-doctorate, Center of Oceanology, Aix-Marseille-2 University,
Marseille, France.
Continuation of my research on ecology of toxic dinoflagellates.
Experimentation Centers (French Ministry of Defence).
Assessment of benthic dinoflagellate populations and ciguateric
toxicity in the Mururoa Lagoon (French Polynesia), and proposal
for a strategy program for long-term monitoring of ciguatera.
Doctorate, Center of Oceanology, Aix-Marseille-2 University,
Marseille, France, with a grant of the French Ministry of Research,
within the French National Program on Toxic Algal Blooms.
Ecological and ecophysiological study of toxic, planktonic and
Ref: 46/R/02 - Postdoctoral Research Position in Molecular Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences
epiphytic, dinoflagellates.
Training research period of post-graduate certificate, Ifremer
Center, Nantes, France.
Development of a fast method for measurement of EROD
enzymatic activity in fish.
Field studies (Ecology of ciguateric dinoflagellates)
Mayotte Island, Comoros Archipelago, SW Indian Ocean: October 1992 (1 month)
Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia: March-April 1994 (2 months)
Ibo Island, Mozambique: November 1995 (1 month)
International referred journals
Grzebyk D., Béchemin C., Ward C.J., Vérité C., Codd G.A., Maestrini S.Y. Effects of
salinity and two coastal waters on the growth and toxin content of the dinoflagellate
Alexandrium minutum. J. Plankton Res. (in press).
Grzebyk D., Schofield O., Vetriani C., Falkowski P.G., 2003. The Mesozoic radiation of
eukaryotic algae: the portable plastid hypothesis. J. Phycol., 39: 259-267.
Béchemin C., Grzebyk D., Hachame F., Hummert C., Maestrini S.Y., 1999 - Effect of
different nitrogen/phosphorus nutrient ratios on the toxin content in Alexandrium
minutum (AM89BM). Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 20: 157-165.
Denis L., Alliot E., Grzebyk D., 1999 - Clearance rate responses of Mediterranean
mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, to variations in the flow, water temperature, and
food quality and quantity. Aquat. Living Resour., 12: 279-288.
Denardou-Quenervé A., Grzebyk D., Pouchus Y.F., Sauviat M.P., Alliot E., Biard J.F.,
Berland B., Verbist J.F., 1999 - Toxicity of French strains of the dinoflagellate
Prorocentrum minimum. Experimental and natural contaminations of mussels.
Toxicon, 37: 1711-1719.
Grzebyk D., Sako Y., Berland B., 1998 - Phylogenetic analysis of nine species of
Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) inferred from 18S ribosomal DNA sequences,
morphological comparisons, and description of Prorocentrum panamensis, sp. nov. J.
Phycol., 34: 1055-1068.
Grzebyk D., Denardou A., Berland B., Pouchus Y.F., 1997 - Evidence of a new toxin in
the red tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. J. Plankton Res., 19: 1111-1124.
Grzebyk D., Berland B., 1996 - Influences of abiotic factors on Prorocentrum
minimum (Dinophyceae). J. Plankton Res., 18: 1837-1849.
Berland B.R., Maestrini S.Y., Grzebyk D., 1995 - Observations on possible life cycle
stages of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis cf. acuminata, Dinophysis acuta and
Dinophysis pavillardi. Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 9: 183-189.
Ref: 46/R/02 - Postdoctoral Research Position in Molecular Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences
Berland B.R., Maestrini S.Y., Grzebyk D., Thomas P., 1995 - Recent aspects of
nutrition in the dinoflagellate Dinophysis cf. acuminata. Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 9:
Maestrini S.Y., Berland B.R., Grzebyk D., Spano A. M., 1995 - Dinophysis spp. cells
concentrated from nature for experimental purposes, using size fractionation and
reverse migration. Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 9: 177-182.
Grzebyk D., Berland B., Thomassin B. A., Bosi C., Arnoux A., 1994 - Ecology of
ciguateric dinoflagellates in the coral reef complex of Mayotte Island (S.W. Indian
Ocean). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 178: 51-66.
Galgani F., Bocquene G., Lucon M., Grzebyk D., Letrouit F., Claisse D., 1991 - EROD
measurements in fish from the Northwest part of France. Mar. Poll. Bull., 22: 494500.
Grzebyk D., Galgani F., 1991 - Measurement of the effect of organic pollution on
marine organisms : rapid determination of EROD induction using plate readers.
Aquat. Living Resour., 4: 53-59.
Miscellanous papers
Grzebyk D., Séchet V., 2001 - Toxinogénèse et physiologie cellulaire (Toxinogenesis
and cell physiology). In Frémy J.M. & Lassus P. (eds) Les toxines d'algues dans
l'alimentation (Algal toxins in food). IFREMER-AFSSA. (in French)
Maestrini S.Y., Béchemin C., Grzebyk D., Hummert C., 2000 - Phosphorus limitation
might promote more toxin content in the marine invader dinoflagellate Alexandrium
minutum. Plankton Biol. Ecol., 47: 7-11.
Grzebyk D., Berland B.,
Schiller. pp. 81-93, in:
eaux côtieres françaises
13. IFREMER, 221 p. (in
Sciandra A., 1997 - Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard)
Berland B. & Lassus P. (eds), Efflorescences toxiques des
: écologie, écophysiologie, toxicologie. Repères Océan, Vol.
Berland B., Grzebyk D., Thomassin B. A., 1993 - Benthic dinoflagellates from the coral
reef lagon of Mayotte Island (S-W Indian Ocean): identification, toxicity and
preliminary ecophysiological study. Bull. Soc. Path. Ex., 85: 453-456 (Proceed. of
the 4th Intern. Conf. on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning, May 1992, Tahiti, French
Thomassin B. A., Ali Halidi M. E. A., Quod J.-P., Maggiorani J.-M., Berland B.,
Grzebyk D., Coqueugniot J., 1993 - Evolution of Gambierdiscus toxicus populations
in the coral reef complex of Mayotte Island (SW Indian Ocean) during the 19851991 period. Bull. Soc. Path. Ex., 85: 449-452 (Proceed. of the 4th Intern. Conf. on
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning, May 1992, Tahiti, French Polynesia).
Bardouil M., Berland B., Grzebyk D., Lassus P., 1991 - L'existence de kystes chez les
Dinophysales. C.R. Acad. Sci., t. 312 (Série III): 663-669. (in French with English
Berland B., Grzebyk D., 1991 - Prorocentrum minimum. pp. 101-113, in: Sournia A.,
Belin C., Berland B., Erard-Le Denn E., Gentien P., Grzebyk D., Marcaillou-LeBaut
C., Lassus P., Partensky F. Le Phytoplancton Nuisible des Côtes de France. De la
Biologie à la Prévention. IFREMER/CNRS, 154 p. (in French)
Ref: 46/R/02 - Postdoctoral Research Position in Molecular Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences
Ph. D. thesis monograph
Grzebyk D., 1993 - Dinoflagellés marins toxiques : biologie, écophysiologie, toxicité.
Prorocentrum minimum, Dinophysis spp., dinoflagellés ciguatériques. Ph. D Thesis
of Aix-Marseille 2 University (France), 203 p. (in French)