KR CONNECTIONS LESSON PLAN LESSON 17: Sophomore Registration Process GRADE LENGTH TOPICS 10 40 MIN Registration Process Supplies Needed: Course Selection Sheet KSD Graduation Requirement Check Sheet Individual Student Transcript FAQ (Advisor only) KR Course Description Booklet (Advisor only) Goals: Students will understand the registration process and complete the KSD Graduation Requirement Check Sheet and the Course Selection Sheet. Prepared for KR Connections at Kentridge High School DAY 17: AGENDA I. (5 min) a. Take attendance and read the following “Today we are going to learn about the registration process for next year. It is very important that you understand the registration process as the courses you choose today will be the only courses you will be allowed to take next year. The choices you will make will be based on your graduation requirements and your post high school plans.” b. Distribute the KSD Graduation Requirement Check Sheet and the Individual Student Transcript II. (10 min) a. Please read the following “Please look at KSD Graduation Requirement Check Sheet. This sheet is used to calculate graduation requirements. A total of 23 credits is required to graduate from KR. Each subject area is listed with the number of credits required as represented by the boxes which correspond to 0.5 credits. The first subject area is language arts which requires four credits so you can see that there are eight boxes. Look at your transcript and see how many semesters of language arts courses you have passed to this point. Check off the appropriate number of boxes for each language arts course you have passed. At this time complete the entire KSD Graduation Requirement Check Sheet using your transcript as a guide. b. Give students time to review their transcript and check off their boxes that correspond to the courses they have passed. III. (20 min) a. Please distribute the KR Course Selection sheet and read the following “When looking at your course selection sheet you will begin to choose your courses for next year. It is very important that you remember to use your four year plan, 13th year plan and the graduation requirements to guide you in the choices you are going to make. Please follow along as I read the directions on the top of the course selection sheet.” b. Read the directions on the top of the course selection sheet now. Then read the following: “When you look at your course selection sheet, notice the box in the left hand corner that lists required courses. You will need to choose one language arts class, one math class and one social studies class. After you finish selecting the required courses, look through the remaining courses to make your selections. Once you have made your selections, your total credits should add up to 6.0. At this time also choose three alternative course selections in order of preference in case one of your first choices cannot be scheduled. You will be held accountable to these choices only!” c. Give students time to complete their course selections. IV. (5 min) a. Please read the following “You must bring the completed course selection sheet with your signature and your parent’s signature to school on Wednesday, March 5th as you will be using this sheet to complete your online registration process. Students who do not bring the course selection sheet on Wednesday, March 5th will be registering when all other students have completed the process. If you need further assistance before Wednesday, March 5th, counselors will be visiting all sophomore pods. If you need additional information about specific courses you can access course descriptions on the Kentridge website. Are there any questions I can answer for you. ” b. Please refer to your FAQ.