Action Plan on Vision -2020 Document Para wise remarks are as under:Item no. of Vision 2020 MR’s Statement Item no.4 Description Action Plan TRAIN SAFETY MISSION ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ACCIDENTS The Vision aims at making railway operations free of accidents, be it derailment, collision or fire on trains. Advanced technologies in all spheres including track, rolling stock and signalling would be used for this purpose. MechanicalNew technologies in rolling stock introduce by Rly. Bd. and RDSO will be made use of. To make railway operation free from collision loco pilots are being monitored regularly. For fire prevention in coaches fire retardant material like PVC flooring, rexine, curtain fabric, compreg and sun mica are being used in the coaches during POH. ElectricalAction Plan to prevent fire in TL/AC coaches is as underS.N. Item Progress 1 AC/TL coaches are manufactured Pertaining to PUs at RCF & as per code of practice for fire ICF and Mid Life prevention- use of cable with fire Rehabilitation (MLR) at BPL. retardant quality, adequate protection system – to prevent fire etc. 2 Use of fire survival cable in critical lighting circuit of coach. 3 Provision of flush type fittings in SLR. Progress-3518 out of 4741 SLR. Provision of Suck through arrangement type evaporate unit in under slung AC coaches. Progress 448 out of 806 coaches. 4 5 Vision 2020 document Provision of OHP in evaporator unit of AC coach with under slung AC coaches. 1 Remarks Code of practice for fire prevention is being followed during schedule maintenance & IOH in TL &AC depot and as well as during POH in workshop. Pertaining to PUs at RCF & ICF and Mid Life Rehabilitation (MLR) at BPL. All NWR based 257 SLRs have been provided with flush type light fittings. All NWR based 30 AC under It is being ensured in slung coaches provided with Other Railway coaches suck through arrangement. during POH. However 12 AC under slung coaches of Other Railway have been modified with this arrangement. All NWR based 30 AC under It is being ensured in slung coaches provided with Other Railway coaches Over Heat Protection (OHP) in during POH. However 21 6 Provision of Over Voltage Protection (OVP) in RRU – Railways have completed in just 90.9% of coaches. Railways to expedite the work for early completion. heater circuit of SG/EOG AC AC under slung coaches coaches. of Other Railway have been provided with Over Heat Protection (OHP). All the NWR based 1029 TL 160 coaches of Other coaches with RRUs provided Railway have been with Over Voltage Protection. provided with Over Voltage Protection. High quality training to improve the skills of Mechanicalemployees to manage new technology is critical, ZTC/UDZ,STC/Ajmer, Diesel Training Centres and BTCs are are equipped to impart training of new type and steps would be taken to provide the same. of Rolling Stock such as WDP4, WDG4 locos, air brake system of coaching & wagons. As and when new design coaches like LHB coaches etc. will be based at NWR , training modules will be modified to suite the need of future. To select the highly competent supervisor as instructor in training school, selection is done by the SAG selection committee. Operating(1) Improvement in training content and training infrastructure in ZRTI/Udaipur and Divisional Training Schools. Provision of additional Hostels and latest Operating System Models like PI, SSI, BPAC etc. (2) Counselling of Station Masters, shunting staff and Points men to correctly follow the rules prescribed in G&SR, Block Manual and other Safety Circulars. (3) Staffs are being sent for Refresher course, Pre Medical Examination and Safety Camps as per yard sticks. SafetyGreater emphasis on holding seminars and discussions for improving safety. ElectricalNWR has been proposing a work to set up an Electrical Training Centre at UDZ at an estimated cost of Rs. 3.33 crore for inclusion in works programme 2009-10 & 2010-11 but not materialized. Same is proposed for 2011-12. Nearly 70% of the fatalities in railway mishaps Engineeringtake place at unmanned level crossings. Today To minimize the unmanned Level crossings the state government is being chased for consent of closing of there are around 17000 unmanned level crossings. unmanned LCs having low TVU, merging of LCs, provision of ROB/RUB/LHS. We envisage that in the coming years not a single level crossing in the country will remain Vision 2020 document 2 Chapter III para 3.1:Key Challenges, point ( C) : Safety unmanned or unprotected. Here too, advanced technologies would be adopted to meet the challenge. I urge State governments to partner with the Indian Railways in this major task. Safety performance of Indian Railways measured in terms of number of consequential train accidents (accidents with serious repercussions in terms of loss of human life or injury or damage to railway property or interruption to railway traffic beyond the defined threshold level). These include collision, derailment, fire in trains, accident of road vehicles with trains at level crossings and other specified types of miscellaneous train mishaps or accidents. Accidents per million trainkilometers have been steadily improving as illustrated by the following table: Remarkably, the improvement is even more marked in respect of the more serious types of accidents like collision and fire in trains. MechanicalZero missing safety fitting are being ensured in rolling stock in coach and wagon. At workshop and sicklines For rolling stock maintenance IRCA Part IV(coaching), Part III (Wagon) and maintenance manual (CAMTECH) for coach and wagon is being followed. Wheel profile is regularly checked during maintenance. ElectricalIn this regard illumination of busy level crossings has been dealt with as above. Fire prevention measures in coaches as mentioned in remarks against Para 1 above. However, notwithstanding the steady trend of Mechanicalimprovement, a number of significant challenges On NWR responsibility of Mech. In accidents is as follows still remain. Interruption to traffic due to accidents is a cause of concern. A large number of Year TTL Mech. derailments, as well as failure of railway staff as a Accide Resp. major contributory cause of accidents, show that nt considerable room for improvement exists. 2004-05 14 8=4+4* Table-4 Traffic disrupted or Train 2005-06 16 1=0+1* movement disrupted /halted/affected lost due to 2006-07 17 1=0+1* accident 2007-08 14 4=0+4* 2008-09 14 1=1+0* Year Interruption to 2009-10 13 1=0+1* through Note:- * contributory communication In case of accident, there is always’ sincere efforts to make the communication through as early as possible. (hours) Safety2003-04 2806 (1) Strengthening disaster management preparedness at the railway stations and other important field 2004-05 1692 locations through prominently displayed boards containing details of all agencies which can help in 2005-06 1904 faster relief and restoration during the ‘Golden Hour’ in case of any emergency. This would include not Vision 2020 document 3 only the telephone numbers of railway, and district authorities and medical services in the vicinity, but also numbers of local road crane operators, JCB owners, labour contractors, private transport agencies, suppliers of heavy duty metal cutting devices, etc. This exercise is expected to be completed within six months. In the year 007-08, 84 of 194 accidents were (2) Plans for having road transport equipped with MFD at select locations would be explored for faster caused by failure of railway staff (43 % of the access to rail accident site. Decision in this regard would be taken shortly. total), and 100 of these accidents (52% of total) were derailments. This is typical and representative of the pattern for a number of years. 2006-07 2007-08 1148 4381 A lot more work needs to be done by way of Safetytechnological upgradation, HR interventions of Greater emphasis on motivation rather than punishment to enhance safety consciousness amongst staff. right recruitment, promotion, training and Wider publicity to scheme for giving recognition to and awarding to the meritorious staff who actively motivation of employees before preventable accidents are eliminated from the Railways. contribute towards accident prevention. Action in this regard has been initiated with full vigour. MechanicalLot of technological upgradation has been done in Rolling Stock from vacuum brake four wheeler stock to air brake casnub casted bogie freight stock,. Now stainless steel light wagon having lesser tare weight are also being manufactured to avoid the corrosion. NWR workshops are doing conversion of BOXN wagon to BOXNR wagon stainless steel body . Hence we have upgraded the skill and knowledge of our employees to under take such work. WE are also motivating our staff by suitable award time to time. S&TA great thrust has been laid on introduction of signalling safety systems to enhance safety of train operations on NWR. The brief outline giving present status and action plan on the signalling systems is as follows :Modern Technology of Electronic Interlocking/ Panel Interlocking in signalling systems to enhance reliability & safety is being progressively inducted on NWR. During the current FY (Upto Dec’10) 55 No. PI/ EIs have been provided on NWR which is a record. As on 31.12.10, 77% installations ( 285 out of 372)on BG have been provided this technology and the balance stations are planned to be covered progressively in the next 4-5 years. All BG conversion are being done with provision of PI/EI signalling system at stations. LED signals are being provided on all CLS installations. As on 31.12.2010, all stations on ‘B’, ‘D’ spl & D routes on NWR have been provided LED signals. On ‘E’ routes out of 117 stations, 95 have already been provided and the balance stations are targetted to be provided during 2011-12. Track circuiting for detection of occupation of track has been given great thrust. It has been completed Vision 2020 document 4 at all stations on main lines (FM-FM). Further, all stations on ‘B’, ‘D Spl’ and ‘D’ routes have been provided complete track circuiting except 4 nos. on ‘D’ routes, which are targetted to be covered during 2011-12. On the ‘E’ routes track circuiting on the loop line and turn outs is being provided progressively along with provision of PI/EI and is estimated to be completed in the next 3 years. Axle Counter with Block (BPAC) is being provided along with all PI/EI installations for automatic verification of complete arrival of trains. The system has already been provided at all stations on ‘B’ and ‘D Spl’ except 2 stations which shall be completed by 31.3.2011. On ‘D’ and ‘E’ routes, the system has been provided at 100 stations and balance 57 stations are targetted to be covered in the next 2 years. Back up power supply for signals to avoid signal blanking has already been provided at all color light signalling installations on NWR. Further, Integrated Power Supply (IPS) is being provided in Relay interlocking/ Electronic Interlocking installations. As on 31.12.2010, 234 out of 273 stations have been provided IPS. The balance 39 stations are targetted to be provided during 2011-12. Note: On NWR, all new PI/EI installations are being provided with LED signals, BPAC, IPS, Data logger and complete track circuiting for safe and reliable train operations. Ongoing initiatives like manning of busier levelcrossings and pre-warning and education of road users at unmanned level crossings need to be scaled up to minimize mishaps at level-crossings. Safety is a challenge but a close -to -zero accident goal is attainable. This issue has to be addressed with proper planning and determination. Vision 2020 document EngineeringAs per latest criteria of manning, total 194 LCs are qualified for manning. The work has been sanctioned for above LCs. The total target for manning in 2010-11 is 166 LCs. The total progress up to 31.12.10 is 22 LCs. The road users are also being counseled on regular basis by divisions to minimize mishaps at level crossings. Decision has been taken to man only 122 LCs on BG. However, further manning is subject to availability of manpower. MechanicalOwn your section scheme adopted by NWR is step in this direction, in which SAG inspect his section once in a month. Shorts coming are coming to the knowledge and sincere effort are being made to make good the short coming in the available resources. Electrical26 LC gates electrified during the year 2010-11 up to 31.12.2010. Cumulatively 1160 LC gates have been electrified out of a total of 1372 manned LC gates over NWR. S&TTrain Actuated Warning Device has not been considered presently by Railway Board as per MT and ML’s joint note issued vide ML’s DO No. 2005/Sig/PLN/3/Pt dated 2.11.05. Safety(i) Prominent safety hoardings to be erected on the road approaches at the UMLCs. This exercise is 5 expected to begin within three months and expected to be completed in a phased manner. Chapter V para5.0 point (g) Target to achieve Zero accidents. Chapter V para5.0 point (h) Target to achieve Zero failures in equipments. (ii) It is planned to send automatic text messages (SMS) through mobile phones to all road users approaching the UMLCs. This matter is under discussion with the service provider. (iii) Advertisements about precautions to take by the road users to be given in electronic media like TV. Action to be taken shortly. (iv) Focused attention on spreading awareness about safety at UMLCs in schools, village panchayats, and at taxi/bus stands. This is an ongoing exercise. S&TThere is no accident on S&T account during 2009-10 and the current year and the thrust on safety is being maintained. Mechanical (i) The quality of training to train operating staff is improved to achieve the target of zero accident. (ii)Prescribed maintenance schedules will be done strictly to keep rolling stock in good fate. (iii) No short cut method will be adopted in maintenance of rolling stock. (iv) Technological up-gradation will be adopted in minimum time as and when advised. Safety(1)Joint safety inspections are being conducted at the officers’ and the supervisors’ levels so that corrective action, if any, involving more than one department can be initiated on-the-spot. This promotes better coordination and teamwork amongst the sister departments for enhancing safety in train operations. (2) Adopting a software for ‘Inspection Monitoring Module’ for prompt follow up action on inspection notes at all levels. Action to be taken shortly. S&TReliability improvement is a continuous endeavor. At the stage of initial installation pre- commissioning check list for each signalling system is being followed. Measures such as predictive maintenance by data logger, competency enhancement of signalling staff, directed maintenance are taken. Replacement of overage/ worn out signalling assets is being progressively done. Signalling Equipment reliability enhancement by building up redundancy, improved standards etc is being continuously followed up with RDSO. Due to sustained maintenance efforts and implementation of the reliability improvement action plan, the reliability of assets (Signal) have shown significant improvement on NWR. The position of signal failures of current year vis a vis the same period of last year is as follows :- Total no. of signal failures ZISTUs in thousand Failures per thousand ZISTUs per month Vision 2020 document 6 April to Dec 09 4781 517.304 1.03 April to Dec 10 3772 635.171 0.65 Percent improvement 38.83 % EngineeringThe comparison of asset failures during this year vis-à-vis corresponding period of previous year is tabulated below: Type of failure Rail fracture Weld failures Other failures Total During 2010-11 (Up to Dec’10) 20 132 26 178 During 2009-10 (Up to Dec’09) 37 141 41 219 The drastic reduction in asset failure is achieved through in time detection of flaws replacement of track warranting renewals and systematic maintenance. ElectricalElectrical failures cases S.N. Equipment No. of cases (i) Alternator 3 (ii) V belts 2 (iii) Compressors 2 (iv) Invertor 25 kVA 1 (v) RRU 1 Total 9 Action Plan (i) Provision of 2x650Ah batteries in 10 AC coaches to get redundancy in Self Generating (SG) coaches. (ii) V belts –Tensioning of V belts is being ensured as per RDSO’s SMIs. (iii) Replacement of Mercury in glass thermostats by electronic thermostats - completed in all 224 coaches. (iv) AC compressors are being replaced by scroll type compressors on failure of maneroup compressors. (v) RRUs are being replaced by ERRUs. (vi) Electromechanical type time delay relays have been replaced in all 199 RMPU coaches by electronic time delay relays. MechanicalDue to technological improvement from vacuum brake to air brake and from UIC bogie to casnub bogie, and by using solid wheels in all rolling stock, equipment failure has reduced drastically and requirement of Vision 2020 document 7 Chapter V para5.0 factor 4 of Five critical factors Near- total level of safety, efficient utilization of assets and infallible levels of reliability of the system benchmarked to the best in the world through predictive and diagnostic tools and highly trained and motivated employees. examination has also come down and rolling stock is used extensively. Now-a –days there is 1 or 2 coaches failure in a year and wagon failure or wagon detachments has also reduced, which can be seen from the table given below Year Wagon detachment Coach detachment 2003-04 193 4 2004-05 156 6 2005-06 74 1 2006-07 69 4 2007-08 92 4 2008-09 77 2 2009-10 64 4 2010-11(Dec.10) 47 2 S&TReliability enhancement measures towards this objective as detailed in Para above are being taken. Competency enhancement of signal staff in modern technology is a focus area. Practical hands-on training in SSE/Signal depot and at work site is being done. For this purpose set up for signalling equipments like Electric Point machines, IPS, Digital axle counter, Data loggers, LED, token-less block etc. is proposed for SSE/Signal depot in the division. In addition Test, simulation & training set up for Electronic Interlocking of each make is also envisaged to be set up at NWR. Data Loggers for event recording, analysis & follow up of unusual and predictive maintenance is being provided. All stations on ‘B’, ‘D Spl’ and ‘D’ routes have been provided data loggers. On the ‘E’ routes all PI/EI stations have been provided data loggers except 12 numbers which are targetted to be provided during 2011-12 Chapter VI Para 6..2 Safety-Zero tolerance for accidents In 10 years time, Indian Railways would target to banish accidents from its operations. This would be achieved through a combination of technological and HR interventions. Mechanical (1) Technological upgradation is will be adopted in least possible time as and when advised. (2) Training of staff will be ensured. Operating(1) Counselling of Station Masters, shunting staff and Points men to correctly follow the rules prescribed in G&SR, Block Manual and other Safety Circulars. (2) Planning of regular maintenance blocks for up keep of P.Way and S&T gears. (3) Scheduled examination of Rolling stock as per laid down yard sticks. SafetyIncreased use of the electronic gadgets/aids for spreading awareness about safety. For example, Scrolling boards with pictorial illustration of safety precautions to be taken by the railway staff are planned for installation within one year at all the offices of SMs/ASMs/YMs/AYMs, Running Rooms, and Crew Vision 2020 document 8 Lobbies. Renewal, replacement, upgradation and Engineeringtechnological aids for early detection of flaws and Top most priority is assigned to Safety. Track renewals are undertaken as and when become due for mechanized, integrated maintenance of both track renewal. Target v/s progress of various track renewal activities is as underand rolling stock would be planned and managed from the standpoint of attaining the goal of zero Activity Target for Progress up Remarks Scope as on derailments. 01.04.10 2010-11 to Dec’10 Track renewals (CTR Units) 171.51 135.35 72.44 Entire scope will be completed during 2011-12. Deep screening (Km) 464.33 279 166.36 Less progress due to insufficient availability of traffic blocks for BCM machine. Laying of PSC turnouts (Nos) 528.5 364.25 151 Scope got reduced due to sanction of doubling and decision of standard III interlocking. USFD is being carried out regularly as per schedule laid down and prompt action is taken to attend to flaws noticed during ultrasonic flaw detection. As against 12094 km of USFD testing planned this year, 8098 km achieved up to Dec’10. Contract for outsourcing of 2657.4 Tkm of USFD testing is under finalization. Old equipments for USFD testing are being replaced by new one. As against indent of 26 nos. of USFD equipments, POs for 13 nos. have been issued by COS. Integrated traffic blocks are organized to facilitate working of all the departments. Derailments on track account are dismal. Mechanical (i) Condemnation of rolling stock will be done on age cum condition basis. (ii) 4Wheeler tank wagons are being condemned as Rly. Bd’s policy. Similarly 4 wheeler BVG also being replaced by 8wheeler , ICF bogie BVG. (iii) UST of axle is being done of coaches and wagons during POH. (iv) Weigh bridges have already been commissioned at 7 locations as identified on NWR. Efforts will be made to keep these weighbridges in good condition (v) Contactless thermometers are being used during rolling in examination of the freight train and passenger trains at nominated points. Vision 2020 document 9 Crash –and fire worthiness of coaches would be enhanced. Advanced signalling technology (such as automatic verification of train movement and line occupation through track circuiting/axle counters, Train Protection Systems and Anti-Collision Devices) would be used in combination with training of station and running staff to eliminate collisions. MechanicalRDSO is working in this direction. S&TSignalling systems for automatic verification of line occupation like axle counter & track circuit are being progressively provided. Track circuiting on main lines (FM-FM) has been completed on all stations. Further, all stations on ‘B’, ‘D Spl’ and ‘D’ routes have been provided complete track circuiting except 4 nos. on ‘D’ routes, which are targetted by March’2012. On the ‘E’ routes track circuiting on the loop line and turn outs is being provided progressively along with provision of PI/EI and is estimated to be completed in the next 4-5 years. Axle Counters with Block (BPAC) is being provided with all PI/EI installations. The system has already been provided at all stations on ‘B’ and ‘D Spl’ except 2 stations which shall be completed by 31.3.2011. On ‘D’ and ‘E’ routes, the system has been provided at 100 stations and balance 57 stations are targetted to be covered in the next 2 years. Train Protection system and Anti Collision device are currently not sanctioned on NWR. Board is considering these systems initially on ‘A’ route and suburban sections only which are not available on NWR. Mechanical Presently there is no provision of ACDs on locos of NWR. It will be done as per Railway Board’s instructions. Vision 2020 document 10 Communication, Inter-locking and warning S&Tdevices at manned level crossing gates would be Telephonic communication has been provided at all manned gates on BG. Improved communication is improved. also being provided by means of electronic ringing type telephone (DTMF) for separation of gate telephones. More and more LC gates are being interlocked to enhance safety as per extant policy. During the current year upto 31.12.2010, 44 LC gates have been interlocked. A 3 year action plan for interlocking of LC gates as per Board’s policy is as follows Unmanned level crossing gates would be progressively manned or protected or replaced by subways, Road Over Bridges and Under Bridges (ROB & RUBs) in the next five years' time. Fencing of trucks at vulnerable locations will be undertaken to eliminate the possibility of trespass onto the track. Security on stations and running trains and patrolling of tracks on vulnerable areas would be beefed up to safeguard passengers and rail-users from the threat of accidents arising from miscreant activities. Vision 2020 document Division 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total AII 08 12 15 35 BKN 13 25 39 77 JP 15 23 09 47 JU 09 15 15 39 Total 45 75 78 198 EngineeringThe total number of unmanned LCS in NWR as on 01.04.10 is 1396. There is five year plan for removal of these unmanned LCs by manning, outright closing, merging and construction of ROB/RUB/LHS subject to NOC given by the state government and criteria for manning will be suitably amended to cover unmanned LCs. The five year plan is enclosed as Annexure-I. During 2010-11, 236 (166 by manning, 40 by closure & 30 by ROB/RUB) unmanned LCs have been planned for elimination. The progress up to 30.09.10 is 74. Manning of LCs can be done further if the manpower is available. Engineering.The Railway has identified the locations of trespassing and providing rail barriers/trenches as and where required. SecurityTo maintain safety and security of passengers, RPF Staff are deployed round the clock at Railway station platforms and passenger areas. Important trains are also being escorted by armed escort party of RPF. Besides, patrolling of tracks on vulnerable sections is also carried out to check the extremist’s activities. Security arrangements are made according to theft perception in co-ordination with GRP and Civil Police. 11 Vision 2020 document 12