Biotechnology 101 - Curriculum Support

Biotechnology 101: Student Worksheet
Part 1: Defining the term
Step 1: Open a new Microsoft Word™ document.
Step 2: Access the Wikipedia article on biotechnology.
Step 3: Cut and paste the first two
paragraphs of information.
Step 4: Use the text highlight tool in Microsoft Word™ to highlight keywords.
Step 5: Write a summary of the first two paragraphs, using your own words.
Location of highlighting tool
The image above left was accessed from,_original.jpg . It is the
bacterium Escherichia coli, which is routinely genetically engineered. The
symbol means the use of this image is
allowed under a Creative Commons licence.
Part 2: Investigating the issues
Step 1: Use the Table of Contents on the Wikipedia article to navigate to Section,
(Controversial Issues) that can result from the biotechnology area of genetic testing.
Step 2: Convert the information from prose (written in sentences) to a tabulated summary. You can
use the Insert Table function of Microsoft Word™.
Step 3: Use the other information provided by Wikipedia to complete a column of information on
the benefits of various aspects of biotechnology.
Example of tabulated summary
Disposal of unwanted embryos
Elimination of genetic diseases
“Designer babies”
Part 3: Evaluating sources of information
Step 1: Use the list of References at the end of the Wikipedia article to identify one of the authors
whose information has been used to create the Wikipedia article.
Step 2: Using a search tool such as Google, compile an academic biography for that author. Include
information such as qualifications, articles and books published, industry experience, and
participation at conferences.
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Content created by A.B. Credaro © Commonwealth of Australia 2010