English I 5th Six Weeks Syllabus Reading: Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary: Rock the SAT Grammar: Fragments, Run-ons, Compound/Complex Sentences Assessments: Romeo and Juliet Tests Monday: TAKS Prep Week of Feb Perfect match survey home I can . . . Tuesday: *PASS TAKS! TAKS Test-5th Background on Shakespeare *Indentify Shakespearean Wednesday: Drama Warm-up: What is love (Music Wed.) *Identify conventions of Intro to Shakespeare and Shakespearean Drama Shakespearean plays Thursday: *Identify and analyze 6th Background on Shakespeare Shakespearean language, Friday: including word play and Quiz-Shakespeare blank verse Expository Writing-Love Monday: Warm Up: Music Monday-Unrequited love Tracking events and characters in Shakespearean Week of March 7th works I can . . . Keeping Track of Characters Worksheet *Use strategies for reading Tuesday: Shakespearean Drama, Warm-up: Vocabulary including keeping track of Begin Act I events and characters Paraphrasing passages-Re-writing for comprehension *translate Romeo and Juliet Block: into my own terms Warm: Up: Grammar *practice and apply the rules Romeo and Juliet Read Act I. Watch Clips of grammar Introduce project *study vocabulary and apply Homework: Note Taking Parts 1 and 2 my vocabulary words Friday: Warm Up: Act out exercise Begin Act II Assign Romeo and Juliet project Quiz: Vocabulary and Grammar st Monday: Read Act II Week of March 21 Balcony Exercise I can . . . Tuesday: Romeo and Juliet Test 1 *recall information about Shakespearean to study for a Block: Warm up: Grammar Check progress on projects test Continue Act II Scenes 3-5 *write thorough OER answers Friday: Warm-Up: Vocabulary using correct grammar Consequences of revenge exercise *practice and apply the rules Quiz: Vocabulary and Grammar of grammar *study vocabulary and apply my vocabulary words 28th QUIZ: Intro to Shakespeare FRIDAY: QUIZ: Vocabulary and Grammar Tuesday: Romeo and Juliet Test 1 FRIDAY: QUIZ – Vocabulary and Grammar Week of March 28th I can . . . * remember to bring my workbook to class *identify dramatic irony *present my Romeo and Juliet project *practice and apply the rules of grammar *study vocabulary and apply my vocabulary words Week of April 4th I can . . . *create study materials to review for a test *apply knowledge of the Shakespearean Drama to my own life *create a project that tells the story of my own Hero’s Journey *practice and apply the rules of grammar *study vocabulary and apply my vocabulary words Week of April 11th I can . . . *Create my own test review sheet *Evaluate the consequences of ones actions from different perpectives *identify comic relief in a Shakespearean tragedy *recognize the protagonist and the antagonist in a play Monday: Warm-up: Music Monday (Juliet’s Denouncement of Romeo?) Begin Act III Tuesday: Warm-up: Vocabulary Continue Act III Dramatic irony in Romeo’s 1st “death” Where does loyalty lie? Block: Warm-up: Grammar Projects due Presentations Friday: Warm-up: Vocabulary SAT Vocabulary Begin Act IV Quiz: Vocabulary and Grammar Monday: Warm-up- Music Monday Test Review Tuesday: Warm-up: Vocabulary Romeo and Juliet Test II Block: Warm-up: Grammar Continue Act IV My life as Shakespearean drama Friday: Warm-up: Vocabulary SAT Vocab Begin Act V Quiz: Vocabulary and Grammar Monday: Act V-Comic relief How would older and younger people’s views on Romeo and Juliet’s actions differ? Tuesday: Warm-up: Vocabulary Complete Act V Romeo and Juliet Test Review Block: Romeo and Juliet Test III Friday: Romeo and Juliet Scene Act outs BLOCK: Projects due QUIZ: SAT Vocabulary and Grammar Tuesday: R&J TEST FRIDAY: QUIZ: Vocabulary and Grammar BLOCK: Test III The information in this syllabus is subject to change. You will be notified in advance of any changes.