A New Method for Silicon Crystallization: 3D Laser Interferences for ThinFilm Transistors Applications J. Brochet, F. Templier, B. Aventurier Laboratoire des Technologies et Composants pour la Visualisation, CEA-Leti, MinatecCampus, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble CEDEX 9, France M. Audier. Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, INP Grenoble, Minatec, 3 Parvis Louis Néel BP 257, 38016 Grenoble CEDEX 1, France Contact author: F. Templier ftemplier@cea.fr ; tel : Abstract In this paper, we crystallized thin film of amorphous silicon deposited on glass substrate using a pulsed laser and an interferometer system at low temperature. We propose a process to realize poly-Si circular TFTs. Using laser interferences, periodic crystallization in FCC Bravais pattern with a period of 652nm is expected. Analyses of layers treated by laser interferences were done by optical microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scannig Electron Microscopy (SEM). Layers microstructure was observed and presence of Si crystals was established. 1. Introduction So far, polycrystalline silicon is not used for large displays. Despite its very good mobility and its great stability under electrical stress [1] [2], its use is limited to small and medium displays because of its spatial inhomogeneity and grain size/grain boundaries dispersion leading to threshold voltage spatial dispersion. Low temperature poly-Si TFTs for active matrix display is usually obtained by use of excimer laser which leads to inhomogeneity in grain size and grain boundaries. In order to integrate poly-Si TFTs in large area electronics, the key point is homogeneity on large area. Nebel and al. [3] previously proposed a method to periodically crystallize amorphous silicon with three-beam laser interferences. Periods px and py depend on wavelength and angles between the three beams. A typical application is a laterally structured p-electrode for p-i-n solar cells. In this paper, we propose a method for periodical amorphous silicon crystallization in FCC Bravais lattice with periods of 652 nm. This method was previously used for metallic oxide growth by photolysis in a 3D interferences network [4]. We also propose a fabrication process using this method for low-temperature poly-Si circular TFTs on glass substrate where homogenous characteristics on large area are expected. 2. Experimental 2.1. Laser interferences We have used a pulsed Nd-YAG laser with 10 Hz frequency emitting in IR at λ = 1065 nm. The beam is amplified in a pump chamber. This leads to an increase of the coherence length of laser pulses up to a distance of 3 m for 10 ns pulses. Then, we obtain a UV beam at λ = 355 nm by generation and separation of the 2nd and 3rd harmonic, which is achieved by non-linear optical process. Finally, a beam expander expands the diameter of the beam from 3 to 8 mm. This beam is split by an interferometer into 4 beams with different intensities. These beams converge in a 8 mm diameter beam on the silicon surface. This geometry was previously used for holographic lithography [5]. However, different intensities and different polarizations were established in this theoretical approach to obtain an interference pattern with the highest possible symmetry and a maximum contrast of intensity. Figure 1: Interferometer system Interferences created by this mean between the four beams create a Face Centred Cubic pattern of interference maxima and minima. At the interference minima, temperature is below the threshold of crystallization while at interference maxima, the intensity is high enough to induce crystallization. The period between two interference maxima is 652 nm, as predicted by the theory [6]. This method was used on 80 nm hydrogenated amorphous silicon film deposited on glass substrate. Dehydrogenation was done by thermal treatment at 450°C for 1h in nitrogen-rich atmosphere prior to the laser crystallization experiments. Figure 1 shows the optical principle of the interferometer. Figure 2 shows a picture and corresponding Fourier transform of the (111) section of the 3D interference array. The picture was captured with a CCD camera. Transmission Line Method (TLM) measurements to asses that dopants were activated. Then, the 2nd step of photo-lithography was realised and drain and source contact were obtained by deposition of Molybdenum (Mo) and a lift-off operation. After spreading, insulation and development of the resin, a 100 nm thick drain metal layer was deposited by sputtering and then lift-off was done. Finally, a last step of contact annealing was done at 400°C during 30 min to improve carriers’ injection. Figure 2: Picture and corresponding Fourier transform of the (111) section of the 3D interference array. We have used the 4-beam interferences laser under different conditions of power and number of pulses applied on the samples. Experiments were done under 3 different power conditions: P = 60 mJ/cm², P = 90 mJ/cm² and P = 120 mJ/cm². For each power condition, we applied several numbers of pulses: n = 1 to 50. In order to be sure that amorphous silicon films were crystallized and to verify the periodicity of the crystallization, we performed optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on our samples. Pictures of these observations are given in part 3. 2.2.Process for circular TFTs Figure 3 represents the 2-masks process steps for circular TFTs fabrication. After the crystallization step, the surface was cleaned with a mixture of H2SO4/ H2O2 (2/3 ;1/3). Then, gate oxide of 100 nm thick and gate metal (Al) of 200 nm thick were deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and sputtering, respectively. Hydrogenation annealing was done at T = 450°C, in a H2 atmosphere, during 30 min. Then the first photolithography step was realized: spreading of the resin by spin-coating, insulation with the gate mask and development. The gate contact was etched by Alu Etch at T = 30°C during 2 min. The SiO2 layer was etched by Reacting Ion Etching (RIE) with a gaz mixture of CHF3 + O2. The following step consists in Boron implantation at E = 10 keV and 1015 at/cm² dose. This step causes degradation at the surface of the poly-Si layer. Thermal annealing is not suitable because of the glass substrate. Therefore laser annealing was used with the same laser used to crystallize the amorphous layer, but at a lower energy in order to not recrystallize the layer and affect the study. This is a critical step so it is necessary to realize Figure 3: 2-Masks process steps for circular TFTs fabrication 3. Structural analysis Different analyses were performed on our samples to observe laser interferences effects on amorphous layers. Figure 4: optical micrograph of laser-treated a-Si:H. One can see a period of 652nm between dots. On the inset, Fourier transform of the micrographs Figure 4 shows a picture obtained by optical microscopy observation. The inset is the Fourier Transform of the picture. This was helpful to see the good periodicity after laser treatment but this is not sufficient to say that the crystallization occurs on the films. Nevertheless we can say that there is a periodic microstructure of the amorphous layer with periods of 652 nm confirmed by the Fourier Transform of the picture, where we can see that the structure occurs in FCC lattice as expected. Then we performed TEM observations, as shown on figure 5 and figure 6. Samples were prepared using the so-called scratching method. The surface is scratched using a diamond tip, forming small squares in order to remove a thin layer of the material. Small fragments obtained from the sample are collected by adhesion to a carbon film deposited on a copper grid support. This keeps the nanostructures in their initial orientations. This technique presents advantages of being simple, quick and easy to implement. It is also inexpensive since it does not require complicated equipment. However, due to the pulverizing of the initial material, this technique will lose the microstructure organization at high scale. Figure 6 shows HR-TEM pictures of a microcrystal. On the right, (111) planes are visible. The inset shows Fourier transform. Once indexation of the FT is done, one can see the FCC Bravais lattice, or diamond structure of the crystalline silicon. Based on this picture, we extract crystallites size of 80 nm. These observations allowed us to highlight a crystallization of the amorphous silicon layer when we apply laser interference treatment. However, we can not assess the crystalline fraction of the material. Figure 7 shows SEM pictures of crystallized silicon after etching with a solution of K2Cr2O7 + HF (Secco etching [7]) during 5 s. Considering the first picture with low magnification, it seems that crystallization occurs from seed of µc-Si. These seeds are periodic and probably originate from the maxima interference of the FCC array with a period of 652 nm. On the picture taken with a higher magnification, it seems that the whole amorphous silicon film was crystallised with average Si grain size around 80 nm. Figure 5: TEM pictures on bright-field mode. Inset: Fourier transform of the TEM picture. Figure 5 and 6 show observations made in bright-field mode with different magnifications. First, in figure 5 we see a wide shot of the sample. In the bright-field mode, crystallites appear darker than the amorphous material. The inset is a Fourier transform of the TEM picture. One can see diffraction rings corresponding to (111), (220) and (311) crystalline silicon planes. Figure 7: SEM pictures after SECCO etching (K2Cr2O7 + HF). Figure 6: HR-TEM pictures. One can see a microcrystal and the distance between (111) plane. The inset shows the Fourier transform of the picture and the FCC bravais lattice. These observations are not sufficient to say if the amorphous layer is fully crystallised with grains and grain boundaries. alkaline glass produced using diode pumped solid state continuous wave laser lateral crystallization”, Jpn J. of Appl Phys, Part 1, vol. 43, pp. 1269-76, 2004 4. Conclusion This is, to our knowledge, the first paper on laserinterferences crystallisation of amorphous silicon for low temperature polysilicon thin-film transistors on glass substrates. Structural analyses show that the amorphous layer is partially crystallized after laser interference treatment. Micro-structure of the amorphous layer observed by optical microscopy is FCC Bravais lattice. SEM pictures show that crystallization seems to occur in the whole layer. This technique is promising but would require significant additional work on crystallization conditions and structural characterization to demonstrate its real interest in the production of active matrix OLED displays. Fabrication of TFTs with this material would give an opportunity to assess the homogeneity on large area. [3] C. E. Nebel and al., “Laser-Interference Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon: Applications and Properties”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), vol. 166, pp. 667-74, 1998 [5] M. Campbell et al., “Fabrication of photonic crystals for the visible spectrum by holographic lithography”, Nature vol. 404, pp.53-56, 2000. [4] M. Salaün, “croissance d’oxydes métalliques par photolyse dans un réseau d’interférences 3D”, ph.D thesis, INP Grenoble, 2008 5. References [1] G.K. Giust and al, “High-performance laser processed polysilicon thin-film transistors”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.20, pp. 77-9, 1999 [6] M. Duneau, F. Delyon, and M. 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