Students were presented with an orally read lesson Introduction to

S3E2 b. Fossils (Submitted by Christy Sanchez)
Students were presented with an orally read lesson Introduction to Fossils. Examples of fossils
were shown to the class. After the introduction X was asked to select pictures of fossils and glue
them on a poster. X was given 12 pictures to choose from. She received assistance in cutting the
pictures and gluing, no guidance was given when selecting pictures. The activity took place
within the special education setting. X received an 82 % on the assignment. You could modify
this activity by matching fossils to actual animals.
Task 2 took place within a collaborative art setting. X and other students were going to make
models of fossils using rubber stamps. Students were given oral instructions of rules to follow
during the activity. The rules were as follows: 1. Stay in your assigned seat. 2. Use the materials
appropriately. 3. Work quietly. 4. Wait your turn for stamps and paint. 5. Complete the task
neatly. Once the rules where given students were to create their fossil images. X completed the
task with one to one supervision from a teacher assistant. Minimal help was required from the
assistant. X was given a grade of 100% using a rubric provided by the special education teacher.
The task was demonstrated progress by having Xe perform in a collaborative setting. To
complete the task the students made rubs of the fossils, these represent impression fossils.
Task 1 for collection period 2 took place in a regular education collaborative science setting. X
was placed in a group were an impression fossil would be made. Students knew what impression
fossils were from existing lessons. Each group was given clay and various types of seashells.
The groups were told to soften the clay by rolling it in their hands and then make a small ball and
flatten it. Once the ball was flattened they took the seashell of their choice and pressed it down
into the clay. After pressing the shell into the clay they removed it and an impression was left
behind. X required assistance from group members for each of the steps. She was given a rubric
of rules to follow during the activity, according to the rubric she received 100% on the activity.
Xe demonstrated progress by working within a group with regular education peers. (USE
Students were left in the same group as the last activity. During this activity students were given
instructions on how to make a model of an amber fossil. The first task involved leaving the
classroom and going outside to locate items that may have become trapped in tree sap. X group
found insects that had been trapped in cobwebs. The insects were removed by the teacher and
taken back inside the classroom. Once inside the classroom each group was given a bottle top,
where they were to place their findings. The groups were given a bottle of glue and instructed to
completely cover the insects with the liquid glue. The glue simulated tree sap that insects and
other small items often became trapped in. Once glue was placed in the bottle cap one member
from the group placed the bottle cap on the shelf to dry. Once the glue was dry the insects and
other findings could be seen. X completed the task with minimal teacher intervention (she tried
to go to run to the playground when they groups were looking for items to use). Maggie received
an 80% on a rubric made by the special education teacher. The activity took place within a
regular education collaborative setting and on the school campus. Progress was demonstrated by
changing to various environments and working within a group.