6. Extending UML with Dynamic Object Roles

The Institute of Computer Science
The Polish Academy of Sciences
Andrzej Jodłowski
Dynamic Object Roles
in Conceptual Modeling and Databases
Ph. D. Thesis
Doc. Dr. Hab. Kazimierz Subieta
Warsaw, November 2002
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7
Choosing Notions in Conceptual Modeling ................................................................ 10
Conceptual Modeling ................................................................................................ 10
Notions of Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling ................................................... 13
Inconveniences of Multiple Inheritance ..................................................................... 15
The Concepts of Class and Inheritance ..................................................................... 15
The Concept of Multiple Inheritance ........................................................................ 18
Multiple Classification .............................................................................................. 21
Types and Substitutability ......................................................................................... 21
The Concept of Type ........................................................................................... 21
Subtypes and Substitutability .............................................................................. 23
Well-Known Programming Languages and Multiple Inheritance ............................ 24
Smalltalk.............................................................................................................. 24
Modula-3 ............................................................................................................. 24
Eiffel .................................................................................................................... 25
C++ ...................................................................................................................... 26
O2 ........................................................................................................................ 26
Java ...................................................................................................................... 26
General Observations .......................................................................................... 27
Multiple Inheritance in the Object-Oriented Methodologies and Notations ............. 27
Multiple-Inheritance Problems .................................................................................. 28
Semantical Context and Multiple Inheritance ..................................................... 28
Human Factor ...................................................................................................... 30
The Name Conflict .............................................................................................. 31
Typological Problems ......................................................................................... 33
The Multiple Inheritance and Object Migration ................................................. 34
Well-Known Approaches to Dynamic Object Roles ................................................. 36
The Concept of Roles by Bachman and Daya........................................................... 39
Aspects ...................................................................................................................... 40
Fibonacci Approach .................................................................................................. 43
The Concept of Roles by Kristensen ......................................................................... 45
Prototypes .................................................................................................................. 46
Subtables in SQL99 ................................................................................................... 47
Roles Realized by Design Patterns............................................................................ 48
Dynamic Object Roles in Stack-Based Approach ..................................................... 52
The Concept of Dynamic Object Role ...................................................................... 52
Object Store Model with Dynamic Roles ................................................................. 53
Links among Objects and Roles .......................................................................... 55
Dynamic Roles - a Formal Model of an Object Store ......................................... 56
Dynamic Roles vs. Classical Object-Oriented Models ............................................. 60
Multiple Inheritance ............................................................................................ 60
Repeating Inheritance .......................................................................................... 61
Multiple-Aspect Inheritance ................................................................................ 61
Temporal and Historical Properties..................................................................... 61
Variants (Unions) ................................................................................................ 61
Object Migration ................................................................................................. 62
Referential Consistency....................................................................................... 62
Overriding ........................................................................................................... 62
Binding ................................................................................................................ 62
5.3.10. Typing ................................................................................................................. 62
5.3.11. Subtyping ............................................................................................................ 63
5.3.12. Substitutability .................................................................................................... 63
5.3.13. Dynamic Inheritance ........................................................................................... 63
5.3.14. Aspects of Objects and Heterogeneous Collections ............................................ 64
5.3.15. Aspect-Oriented Programming and Separation of Concerns .............................. 64
5.3.16. Meta-Data Support .............................................................................................. 64
Specification of Dynamic Roles in Database Schemata ........................................... 64
Concepts for Building Database Schemata ......................................................... 65
Naming Issues ..................................................................................................... 67
A Sample Construction of an Object Schema with Dynamic Roles ................... 68
Declarations of Data Structures........................................................................... 71
Metadata Management ........................................................................................ 73
Query Language for the Object Model with Dynamic Roles.................................... 77
The Environment Stack ....................................................................................... 78
Opening a New Scope on the Environment Stack .............................................. 81
Thin and Thick Sections ...................................................................................... 82
Private, Protected, and Public Properties ............................................................ 82
Binding ................................................................................................................ 83
Polymorphism and Overriding ............................................................................ 84
Creating and Deleting Roles ............................................................................... 84
Create Operator ............................................................................................ 84
Delete Operator ............................................................................................ 86
Casting Operator .......................................................................................... 86
Hasrole Operator .......................................................................................... 88
Roles Operator .............................................................................................. 88
Role-Specific Operators ...................................................................................... 86
Query Optimization ............................................................................................. 89
Extending UML with Dynamic Object Roles ............................................................ 91
Dynamic Classification vs. Dynamic Object Roles .................................................. 92
Composition vs. Dynamic Object Roles ................................................................... 94
RoleOf Relationship .................................................................................................. 96
Combining Class and Role Hierarchies .................................................................... 98
Multiple-Aspect Inheritance .................................................................................... 100
Classical Inheritance vs. RoleOf Relationship ........................................................ 101
Notation for RoleOf Instances ................................................................................. 102
Implementation........................................................................................................... 104
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 109
Appendix A. The Prototype - General Description ........................................................... 111
The Physical Level .................................................................................................. 111
The Logical Level ................................................................................................... 113
The Definition of an Object: ............................................................................. 113
The Definition of Atomic Value ....................................................................... 114
Creating Objects ................................................................................................ 115
Information Retrieval Functions ....................................................................... 117
Updating Functions ........................................................................................... 119
The Conceptual Level ............................................................................................. 121
Class .................................................................................................................. 121
Attribute ..................................................................................................... 122
Method ....................................................................................................... 123
Relationship ................................................................................................ 123
Role Class .......................................................................................................... 125
Class Instance .................................................................................................... 125
Role Class Instance ........................................................................................... 128
Other Functions ................................................................................................. 129
Metabase, ODL, SBQL with Dynamic Roles ......................................................... 130
The Grammar of ODL ....................................................................................... 131
ODL Parser ........................................................................................................ 133
SBQL Parser ...................................................................................................... 135
The Grammar of SBQL ..................................................................................... 136
Query Evaluation Module ....................................................................................... 138
The Organization of Environment Stack ........................................................... 138
The Organization of Query Result Stack .......................................................... 139
Query Evaluation............................................................................................... 140
Types and Reserved Names .................................................................................... 143
Appendix B. The Stack-Based Approach........................................................................... 146
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 146
Objects, Classes and Abstract Object-Oriented Store Model ................................. 147
Example Database ................................................................................................... 148
Stacks ...................................................................................................................... 151
Binding .................................................................................................................... 152
Query Language ...................................................................................................... 154
SBQL Syntax..................................................................................................... 155
Results of SBQL Queries .................................................................................. 156
SBQL Semantics ............................................................................................... 156
Algebraic Operators ................................................................................... 158
Non-Algebraic Operators ........................................................................... 160
An Example of Query Evaluation ........................................................................... 163
Appendix C. List of Figures ................................................................................................ 164
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 166
1. Introduction
For several years, dynamic object roles have had the reputation of a notion on the brink of
acceptance. There are many articles advocating the concept [ABGO93, BD77, BG95,
Fowler97, GSR96, Kristensen95, KØ96, KRR00, LL98, LW99, Papazoglou91, Pernici90,
RS91, WJ89, WL95, Wong99], but many researchers do not consider its applications
sufficiently broad to justify the extra complexity of conceptual modeling facilities.
Furthermore, the concept is neglected on the implementation side. As far as we know, no
popular object-oriented programming language or database system supports it explicitly.
Some authors assume a tradeoff, where the role concept is the subject of special design
patterns [BRSW00, Fowler97, GHJV95, RG98], applied both on the conceptual modeling and
the implementation sides. The notion has already been adapted by the SQL:1999 standard
[ANSI99], although the name is different, it has specific semantics, and some limitations.
Fig. 1.1 Roles played by a person
The idea of dynamic object roles assumes that a real or abstract entity can acquire and get
rid of some roles during its lifetime without changing its own identity. The roles appear
during the life of a given object; they can exist simultaneously or disappear at any moment.
For instance, a person can be a reviewer, an author, a speaker, or a participant of a conference
at the same time, as depicted in Fig. 1.1. Similarly, a building can be an office, a house, a
magazine headquarters, and so on.
Trying to develop a class model in UML and then to implement it in a certain
programming language, one can face three main difficulties:
Due to some objects have many specializations at the same time, this leads to multiple
or multiple-aspect inheritance;
(ii) Some objects have many specializations of the same type (repeating inheritance). For
instance, a person can be a member of many clubs at the same time;
(iii) Some objects have specializations that depend on time. For instance, a person was a
student a year ago, but he or she can be an employee of a company currently.
Furthermore, a person can be an employee several times, at different times and
Similar problems, mostly related to recording historical information, have occurred with
other entities such as institutions, companies and documents. One should conclude that the
classical inheritance concept, as presented in UML, for instance, is not fully adequate for data
environments dependent on historical data.
Another disadvantage of the design is complexity, chiefly after mapping it to a relational
DBMS. Very complex relational structures imply very complex SQL queries. We have
concluded that such cases are poorly dealt with in UML and cause difficulties during
implementation. The only radical cure is to introduce dynamic object roles both at the level of
UML class diagrams and at the level of data structures implemented in object-oriented or
object-relational DBMS.
In this dissertation, we show that dynamic object roles are useful both for conceptual
modeling and for implementation. We argue, the concept could much facilitate modeling tools
such as UML [UML01] and could be an important paradigm for object databases, which are
built on the spirit of ODMG [ODMG00].
Our idea to deal with dynamic roles in a query language [JHPS02] is based on the stackbased approach (SBA) [PK00, Płodzień00, SKL95]. A version [SMSRW93] was
implemented in the prototype system Loqis [Subieta91]. The SBA includes a data definition
language (DDL) and query language SBQL (Stack-Based Query Language) that are similar to
ODMG ODL and OQL respectively and have a clean and precise semantics. SBA constitutes
a uniform conceptual platform for integrated query and programming languages. One of its
central concepts is naming, scoping and binding principle, which enables us to deal with
naming issues effectively.
In our opinion, SBA is a universal, simple and powerful object data model, and is the only
formalism able to accommodate the concept of dynamic object roles naturally. We introduce
an extended SBA object model that defines roles as composite objects with a special
structure, semantics and generic operations. We describe the structure formally, present a
sketch of a data definition and query programming languages supporting generic operations to
define and process such structures.
The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 presents a short discussion
about notions in conceptual modeling. Chapter 3 analyzes inconveniences of multiple
inheritance. Chapter 4 presents the state of the art concerning dynamic object roles. Chapters
5 and 6 are the main parts of the thesis. Chapter 5 introduces our object model with roles and
discusses its differences with traditional objects models introduced in programming languages
and database management systems. Chapter 6 describes changes to the UML notation that
allows defining dynamic roles in the UML class diagrams. Chapter 7 briefly presents the
implementation of the prototype. Chapter 8 reports on our conclusion and future research
The objectives of this dissertation are
The introduction of an extended SBA object model with roles formally.
The development of a prototype of a data definition language that makes it possible
defining class schema with roles, and the development of a prototype of a
query/programming language supporting generic operations to act on objects with
dynamic roles.
The introduction of an extension of the UML class diagram encompassing modeling
dynamic roles.
2. Choosing
Due to different viewpoints about modeling real-world phenomena and about the ways to
perform this process by computer systems, it is necessary to introduce and use various notions
and languages. Efforts of object-oriented paradigm are heading for unification and limitation
of this variety. However, the complete unification cannot be entirely accomplished given
different natures of needed descriptions or various requirements imposed by recipients who
use a computer system. Peoples who are involved in constructing information systems,
wrestle with many problems, especially with: choice of the level of generality of the world to
be described and of its model, decisions about the meaning and localization of conceptual
schema within global data schema, and difficulties related to great complexity of conceptual
modeling process. The problems mentioned will be briefly presented and discussed in this
2.1. Conceptual Modeling
Attempts at representing fragments of real world have disclosed the necessity for introducing
several basic notions. These concepts characterize most often a descriptive kind of
knowledge, so they are related to certain sets of states of real world as well as to state
changes, which describe dynamic phenomena. Conceptual modeling makes it possible to
build mental images with the help of given notions in order to ensure good comprehension of
essential properties of characterized beings.
An image of programmers, who arduously code given algorithms in certain programming
language, is a rather common stereotype of works on software. However, an essence of
creativity process is rather poorly illustrated by this stereotype. It does not encompass whole
complexity of images and mental processes, which occur in the mind of an analyst, designer
or programmer before beginning of programming and during programming works. A designer
or a programmer, before he/she starts coding, should very precisely understand a problem and
a method of its solution. According to common opinion, it is impossible to develop correctly
software, if a “what to do and how it to do” plan is incomplete or imprecise. It follows that
fundamental processes related to software development occur in a human mind and they do
not need to be connected with any programming language. The conceptual modeling and
conceptual model notions are related to all informal mental processes, which accompany the
works on software.
Conceptual modeling takes place at different phases of system life cycle. It is supported
by proper semiformal means reinforced by a human memory and imagination. As a rule, those
means are based on graphical representation of mental images related to the reality and
characterized by the data, or related to data structures and processes needed for developing an
information system. Such tools as class diagrams, functional diagrams, and use cases
diagrams make communication within and among project teams possible. The same means
allow also communication between a designer/analyst and a customer. They also make it
possible to document results of phases: analysis, design and implementation.
In any information project, it is possible to distinguish three general forms of a conceptual
model [Subieta98]:
Mental model of real world defines a subject of information system. This model,
representing domain knowledge, is seldom formalized. It should include whole
knowledge about a given institution, organization, or company and about scopes and
aspects of their activities, which is necessary to comprehend functions fulfilled by the
information system.
Abstract conceptual model defined by means of proper formal or semiformal notation
(e.g. class diagrams). It usually represents only some part of domain knowledge;
Conceptual model of data structures for making basis of the information system (e.g.
relational schema written down in SQL).
Each of these models plays a certain role in the software development. Mental model of
real world is necessary to understand: what for are the data and what significance has
processing of these data. The aspects of domain knowledge, which are important for an
information system under development, are described by an abstract conceptual model. At
last, during programming works, a schema of data structures is necessary in order to
understand correctly their structure, organization, manners of data processing, etc.
The following consistencies relate to conceptual modeling of a given programming
Consistency between a mental model of real world and an abstract conceptual model of
this world described with the aid of a given formal language;
Consistency between a conceptual model and schema of data structures, expressed by
programming language type (or class) system and/or expressed by schema description
language (data description language) supported by a given database management
The consistencies mentioned above mean that the differences between thinking about the
real world, comprehension of abstract conceptual model, and understanding of stored data
structures should be as small as possible. Minimization of these differences is crucial for
many phases of software development’s life cycle and it is conducive to its high quality and
Aspirations for achieving these consistencies is the driving force behind the development
of semantic data models and the introduction of some elements of these models (also objectoriented) as programming language and DBMS features. Since both a mental model of real
world and its abstract conceptual model do not include elements related to computer
environment, aspirations for obtaining the foregoing consistencies lead to increasing an
abstraction level, and independence between data and programs too. This process makes that
designers, programmers, and users are gradually disengaged from taking some elements of
system environment into consideration.
On the other hand, one can consider the tendency mentioned above as a factor, slowing
down the development and the applications of conceptual modeling tools. Assuming
constraints on data structures and other features of certain programming language and DBMS,
many differences between conceptual models and data structure schemata cause more
difficulties in understanding of data semantics as well as goals and manners of processing
them. Thus, one may question the point in introducing those tools to conceptual schema,
which cannot be directly mapped onto properties of data structures within certain realization
base. The tendency to enrich conceptual modeling tools with more and more new concepts
encounters a poorly perceptible barrier related to an excessive complexity of representation
and differences between the conceptual schema and the implemented data structure.
It is worth a notice that relational model is not capable of representing some features of
the conceptual model in a direct way (such as e.g. inheritance hierarchy, multi-valued or
compound attributes, and many-to-many relationships). That for many projects can destroy in
effect a direct connection between abstract conceptual model and data structures. Both more
flexibility and accidentalness of choices made by designers and programmers during
realization of system and more complex understanding of developed data structures cause
many disadvantages in software quality.
Increasing consistency between abstract model of system domain knowledge and its
concrete realization in the form of implemented data structures and programs is a fundamental
goal of object-orientedness. It has important consequences for many aspects of developing
information systems, including speed and cost of their constructing as well as quality,
reliability, openness, modifiability, modularity, portability and possibility for reuse.
2.2. Notions of Object-Oriented Conceptual
Growing complexity of information systems’ applications has resulted in new demands to the
conceptual modeling of business domains, databases and application programs. The
conceptual modeling is supported by various formal or semiformal notations such as class,
functional, use case, dynamic and other diagrams. Mapping a piece of reality into a
conceptual model requires notions, which follow natural ways of human thinking and
understanding, and, on the implementation level, should be easily mapped into data and
programming abstractions.
Object-oriented conceptual modeling notions are supported in programming languages by
proper data structures and behavioral properties defined on the algorithmic level of semantic
precision. A long-term tendency in the development of programming languages and database
management systems is that (usually semi-formal) conceptual modeling notions after some
time are becoming data and programming abstractions. Object databases are an illustration of
the thesis. Considering the entity-relationship model as a tool for conceptual modeling of
relational databases, we observe that many of its notions (such as entities/classes,
relationships, inheritance, and others) are further materialized as constructs of database
structures, query languages and programming languages.
Despite a large collection of various conceptual modeling facilities it is still difficult to
model directly and precisely some typical situations in the business reality. An example is the
concept of multiple inheritance, which supports conceptual modeling, but leads to various
semantic anomalies. Inaccurate modeling causes communication difficulties between project’s
members, increases the probability of errors, causes additional consumption of resources
during system construction, and has negative impact on the code length, documentation,
transparency, maintainability and reliability of software. Thus conceptual modeling facilities
should contain all necessary notions which allow the analyst and designer to express their
design vision as precisely as possible.
On the other hand, excessive extension of conceptual modeling notions may cause
difficulties concerning their learning and proper use by project members. Thus there is an
opposite tendency to minimize the number of notions and express new notions in terms of
known notions. For instance, some methodologies do not deal with aggregation considering it
a special case of association; some others do not involve inheritance assuming it can be
expressed otherwise, etc. Another disadvantage of a large number of conceptual modeling
notions is their inherent semi-formal semantics (they enhance humans’ thinking rather than
computer operation), which could cause difficulties in recognizing proper usage of the notions
and semantics of their particular combinations.
The tendency to extend conceptual modeling notions is also reduced by implementation
environments. If some conceptual notion has no direct counterpart on the implementation
side, then it hast to be mapped into other implementation notions; thus, the original idea of the
analyst/designer is misshapen. In consequence, there is little motivation to use those notions,
which have no direct counterparts in implementation. For example, because relational
databases do not support inheritance directly, the corresponding analysis and design
methodologies (except a few) avoid this concept.
In our opinion, the dynamic object roles are useful for both conceptual modeling and
implementation. The low popularity of the notion is caused by the already established objectoriented principles, especially in programming languages. The basic assumption is that
objects conform to the substitutability principle (LSP), which seems to be very natural, but on
the other hand leads to anomalies, which are evident in case of multiple, multiple-aspect
and/or repeating inheritance. Another assumption, which impedes the popularity of dynamic
roles, is strong static (polymorphic) typing, which in case of roles must be much relaxed or
redesigned. We will try to convince the reader that both mentioned impediments of wide
usage of roles can be avoided.
3. Inconveniences of Multiple Inheritance
Multiple inheritance is one of conceptual modeling mechanisms in object-orientedness, which
has been applied with varying success. This section introduces the discussion on multiple
inheritance, and presents advantages and disadvantages of the concept. For clarity, the
presentation is made in an informal manner, apart from needless theoretic and technical
details, and in favor of general intuitions. The approach is supposed to bring closer the
essence of difficulties, which are related to the formulation and applications of multiple
inheritance in conceptual modeling and in widely-known object-oriented programming
languages. A careful look at mechanism of multiple inheritance is essential for
comprehension of role concept.
3.1. The Concepts of Class and Inheritance
The concept of class represents a certain abstraction in thinking and programming. This
notion is supposed to capture static properties of objects (their structures) and their behavioral
specifications, including operations, which can be performed for a given object group. In this
study, a class is treated as a place, storing invariants, shared properties, and those properties,
which are connected with the whole population of objects. Among others, one can include the
following properties: attributes methods, class names, interfaces, common and default values,
relationships with objects of other classes (associations).
The concept of inheritance is one of fundamental mainstays of object-orientedness. This
concept describes a relationship between classes, in which:
Properties1 of a certain class can be accessed within a given class, which is related to a
certain class by inheritance relation;
Properties, which are available through inheritance, are called as inherited properties;
It may concern only some properties of a given class; for instance, most often a class name
is not inherited.
insert_mark( mark )
Fig. 3.1 An example of inheritance
A class, from which properties are inherited, is called a superclass (a more general class,
a parent class), and a class, which is extended by inherited properties, is called a
subclass (a more specific class, a child class).
A relation of inheritance is a partially ordered relation that organizes classes into a hierarchy
(see Fig. 3.1). A class hierarchy is most often a tree, having one common root. Classes, which
are nodes of tree of hierarchy, possess (inherit) properties from more general classes within
this tree, as far as from its root. In case of multiple inheritance, which is further discussed, a
hierarchy structure is more general and it becomes a lattice.
Person class
Person class
Employee class
Fig. 3.2 Inheritance and availability
In object-oriented studies the distinction between structural inheritance and behavioral
inheritance is drawn. In structural inheritance2, subclasses inherit a whole structure from their
superclass, i.e. attribute and method specifications, as well as their type (and signature)
specifications. The structure of such a subclass should not be visible to other classes.
Structural inheritance does not support substitutability principle (discussed in Chapter 3.4).
It is also called implementation inheritance or private inheritance.
However, behavioral inheritance involves a semantic use of generalization. It is important and
meaningful in a conceptual model. A presented distinction does not concern other aspects of
inheritance and further features that can be a subject of inheritance (e.g. class extension).
chgSalary( newSalary )
avgSalary( year )
chgScholarship( newRate )
Warsaw Uniwersity
chgScholarship( NewRate )
Jagiellonian University
chgScholarship( NewRate )
chgSalary( newSalary )
avgSalary( year )
Fig. 3.3 An example of class diagram with objects
Availability of properties, another relationship, is determined by class membership of
objects. This relationship, defined between a class and its member (an instance), makes
properties of a given class (perhaps not all) available within its instances. The concept of
availability, sometimes occurring erroneously in the studies as inheritance, should be clearly
distinguished from inheritance; see Fig. 3.2. Further in this work, availability will be
sometimes considered as one of inheritance features, but these concepts will not be identified
with each other. An application of inheritance and availableness means that objects, which are
instances of a given subclass, possess both properties of this subclass, as well as properties of
its superclass (or superclasses), e.g., as attributes or methods. Fig. 3.3 presents a simple class
hierarchy and exemplary instances of classes. Attributes and methods, which are inherited by
Student and Employee classes or which are available within instances of these classes, are
enclosed by dashed-line ellipse, as distinct from properties, which are own attributes and
methods of Student or Employee classes.
In conceptual modeling and in object-oriented programming languages, one can use the
mechanism of inheritance:
For defining a new, more specific class on the basis of another class;
For creation of more general class (often this class is an abstract one) for several specific
classes, enclosing their common properties (“before parenthesis”).
3.2. The Concept of Multiple Inheritance
During the conceptual modeling of even a small system it may occur that some groups of
objects should get properties of different natures. Generally, one can distinguish two cases. In
the themselves, the first one assumes, that two (or more) object natures usually manifest in the
same time when in the second one, the ambivalence of objects is strictly related to a specific
first name
last name
Working Student
Fig. 3.4 An example of class diagram with multiple inheritance (in UML3)
period. An object at some moment manifests properties of a given nature, but later it can
manifest other properties, which are properties of different nature. A simple example is
depicted in Fig. 3.4. Working Student class inherits both properties of Student class and
properties of Employee class. There is defined a multiple inheritance between Working
Student class and Student, Employee classes. Student and Employee classes are not related by
inheritance relation; therefore they represent object categories with different behavior. It
Unified Modeling Language
seems, the multiple inheritance relation extends the concept of (single) inheritance in a simple
and natural way4.
A class hierarchy with the multiple inheritance loses a simple tree structure and becomes a
lattice (an acyclic graph) (Fig. 3.5). The inheritance relation has to be extended. In the class
hierarchy with single inheritance, a class inherits properties from classes, which are edges of
branches between this class and the root hierarchy class. However, in the class hierarchy with
multiple inheritance, a class inherits properties from classes which are edges of branches
between this class and its most general (parental) class. According to the intuition of the real
world and in accordance with the formal (mathematical) point of view, the concept of
multiple inheritance is simple and very attractive. It makes possible to model wide spectrum
of matters in a way, which is more close to natural language than the solutions based on
inflexible principle about the tree class hierarchy. It does not need so many transformations of
requirements into the conceptual model and it allows obtaining models more coherent with
the represented part of reality.
Fig. 3.5 The inheritance in a tree and lattice hierarchy
The class Working Student is created by the accumulation of properties of Student and
Employee classes. It seems easy and comprehensible in terms of conceptual schema. In fact,
however this solution generates many additional difficulties, related to semantic details of the
given combination. Some of them will be discussed through several examples:
If one assumes that all attributes are subject to inheritance, then objects Working Student
inherits three attributes with the same name email. Which one should be used by
getMessages method? The one, defined in Student class or in Employee class, or maybe
in Person class?
In a concept of single inheritance a class can inherit indirectly from several classes, but
directly only from one (parent) class. A multiple inheritance concept extends an inheritance
relation, so a given class can directly inherit properties from more than one (parent) classes.
If there is a lack of supplementary mechanisms for ensuring proper security
(information hiding), a programmer or a user, who can access properties of Working
Student object, may also access information not intended for all users, especially for
him. For example, employees of dean’s office should not be able to learn what salary
receives a given student who works in an independent company. Similarly, a manager of
company, where this student works, should not know student’s exam grades, neither
what is his scholarship.
It is not known, if there is a lack of additional methods, which one of the methods with
the name getMessages (the one defined in Student class or in Employee class) should be
called by the evaluation of query expression:
where work_stud is an identifier of a Working Student instance.
from i1 to i2
Fig. 3.6 The ambiguity of reference copying (deep, shallow copying)
Let us assume that a given student starts working after some time at the studies (and
becomes a working student). A question arises: how to arrange changes, so as to include
the information about his new job into proper student’s data? An answer depends on the
migration of the considered instance of Student class to an instance of Working Student
class. This solution is only seemingly easy, because there is the need to make use of
additional information related to data structures and data processing. One of such
mechanisms is copying of object content. An example depicted in Fig. 3.6 presents
some of occurring difficulties. It is assumed, the object identified by i1 contains
referential attribute with value i1. There is a need to copy the content of the object
identified by i1 as new content of the object identified by i2. Without supplementary
semantical information it is not clear how to copy that referential-value attribute. In this
case, nobody knows whether the reference should point to the object identified by i1 or
i2? The problem mentioned is an example of difficult object-orientedness issues, related
to notions such as compound object content, object migration and schema evolution.
Those concepts will be discussed in the next sections of this work.
3.3. Multiple Classification
In many object-oriented languages, an object has one direct class. However, there is no
necessity to support that restriction; we typically look at real-world objects from many
viewpoints simultaneously. Multiple classification is a special kind of generalization in which
an object may belong directly to more than one class. An example of class diagram with
multiple classification, so-called multiple-aspect inheritance, is depicted in Fig. 3.7.
“Although multiple classification matches logic and everyday discourse well, it complicates
implementation of a programming language and is not supported by the popular programming
languages”([UML01], p. 345).
Fig. 3.7 An example of multiple-aspect inheritance in UML.
3.4. Types and Substitutability
The Concept of Type
A type is a linguistic expression or certain semantical structure which can be assigned to a
variable, an expression or another programming being (value, object, function, procedure,
operation, method, method parameter, module, ADT5, exception, event). It specifies either a
kind of values which can be assumed by this being or it specifies “external” properties
(interface) (e.g. for a procedure, a function, an operation or a method). On the one hand, a
Abstract Data Type
type is a formal constraint, imposed on a structure of programming being (or on its parameters
and its result). On the other hand, it is a formal restriction of context, in which it can be
called/accessed while a program is executed.
Types are useful in the conceptual modeling, because a type name of a given data carries
information about meaning (semantics) of certain data. For example, date type or Person type
brings connotations from the external world; because of that, types improve the readability of
A type concept is, in fact, orthogonal to the object-orientedness, e.g. well-known object
language Smalltalk does not possess types and it has a limited ability of type checking
(characterized as dynamic checking). However, many of studies and languages (Java, C++,
and Eiffel) treat a type notion as a basic system feature, with respect to connections with a
class notion. Sometimes, it is considered incorrectly that the type and the class mean the
same. It partly results from the fact that in many famous object-oriented languages, e.g. in
C++, a class name is simultaneously used as a type name too. However, treating the notions
of class and type seems to arise from oversimplification or incomprehension of this problem.
An object type can be one of the invariants stored in the class (not mandatory), but the class
can store many other invariants and features (such as constraints, exceptions), which are
irrelevant to the type concept.
In others studies, one considers a class as a definition of objects (object group), while
types are definitions of values. This kind of distinction seems controversial too. In those
studies, classes and types are often distinguished according to the principle: “a class is an
implementation of a type”. Thus, a type is there responsible for the external specification of a
class, while a class holds all implementational details, including method bodies. This
definition can be found as correct one in many object-oriented conceptions and languages.
Unfortunately, object-oriented models, which are used in most object database management
systems (e.g. ODMG standard), violate the above-mentioned connection between types and
classes. For example, in case of multiple inheritance, an object type is composed of two or
more class types. What is its implementation in this case? Types can be defined recursively,
but this kind of definition is unhelpful for classes. Also models, which assume that one object
has many types at the same time, according to the inheritance hierarchy (e.g. ODMG
standard), disagree with dealing with classes as type implementations.
Because of various ways of comprehension of types and classes, of misunderstandings
about these concepts, and of different expectations for their significance in languages and in
whole systems, it is very difficult to provide a coherent model, allowing a simple explanation
of these notions and their mutual relation.
Subtypes and Substitutability
There exist two somewhat different subtype definitions. First one is based on a concept of
set inclusion: T1 type is a subtype of T2 type, if a set of values defined by T1 is enclosed in a
set of values defined by T2. For instance, the natural number type is a subtype of the integer
type. Second one, a more important definition, is based on another dependence: T1 type is a
subtype of T2 type, if T1 contains more attributes (operations, methods, etc.) than T2 type. For
example, the type
typedef EmployeeType = struct { string name, int year_of_birth,
int salary}
is a subtype of the type
typedef PersonType = struct { string name, int year_of_birth }.
The definition of a type is supposed to be consistent with the class hierarchy:
EmployeeType can concern Employee objects, while PersonType – Person objects. Employee
class is a subclass of Person class. Defining subtype relation tends towards the substitutability
concept. The substitutability consists in the fact that in every place of a program (context),
where a given being of T type can be used, a being of a type, which is a subtype of T type,
can be used there too.
For instance, wherever an integer can be used, a natural number can be used there too;
wherever a Person object can be used, an Employee object can be used there too. Since a
subtype has more attributes than its supertype, the substitutability means that every attribute,
which “protrudes” an expected type, is ignored. For example, a program can contain:
PersonType p, p1; EmployeeType e;
//Declarations of p, p1, e
p := (name: ”White”, year_of_birth: 1960);
e := (name: ”Brown”, year_of_birth: 1950, Salary: 3000);
p1 := p;
p1 := e;
// use of substitutability
Subtyping, substitutability, covariance and contravariance [Subieta98] conduct to certain
anomalies connected with the substitution process. In this work, we do not discuss this issue
in detail; however, the further presented role concept will allow avoiding the use of the
substitutability and anomalies related to this notion.
3.5. Well-Known Programming Languages and
Multiple Inheritance
At the design stage, one has to make several important decisions, related to the system under
construction. Among other things, one chooses a database management system (DBMS),
definition and manipulation data languages (DDL, DML). In the development of databases,
lasted since the mid-sixties, many programming languages have been created, which have
been mostly used in the academic environment, but some of them have been used in
commercial environment too. Various language philosophies are represented also, which
differ in attitude to multiple inheritance. Many languages knowingly avoid supporting
multiple inheritance. Some languages introduce mechanisms of multiple inheritance, but to a
different extent. In this section, several well-known programming languages will be briefly
presented in the context of multiple inheritance.
This object-oriented programming language was constructed in 1976-83 years at Xerox Palo
Alto Research Center in California. It introduces such notions as class, subclass, dynamic
binding for methods, message passing, metaclasses. Its main principle consists in the fact that
everything is an object (e.g. classes, literals, and constant values). Smalltalk is not capable of
specifying subclasses of more than just one class. Lack of multiple inheritance, simplicity,
and possibility to quick dynamic modifications cause that Smalltalk has become a tool often
used for rapid development of prototypes.
Modula-3 is an object-oriented successor of Modula-2, which does not include problematic
features of other object-oriented programming languages as, e.g., multiple inheritance.
It is an object-oriented programming language, which has been introduced and developed by
Bertrand Meyer. It includes classes, abstract classes (deferred classes), parametric classes,
class clusters, and multiple inheritance. Objects can be typed statically or dynamically.
In Eiffel, name conflicts occur, when two or more properties with the same name are inherited
from different classes:
class CLASS_A
feature data: REAL;
class CLASS_B
feature data: INTEGER;
class CLASS_C
// Error
To avoid name conflicts, one can specify (by selection mechanism), which properties are
inherited from a given class:
class CLASS_C1
class CLASS_C2
A select data;
B select data;
When there is a necessity to inherit more than one property with the same name from different
classes, then one can make use of rename mechanism for some inherited properties:
class Working_Student
inherit Student
rename no_tel as no_tel_university Employee;
hours_schol: INTEGER;
C++ has been constructed as an extension of C language with classes, subclasses, abstract and
parametric classes, and virtual methods. It combines functionality of high-level language with
elements of an assembly language (pointer arithmetic). C++ supports multiple inheritance.
When properties with the same name are inherited from different classes, then to avoid name
conflicts, these properties must be qualified by class name where they are defined.
An object-oriented language and DBMS with the same name have been developed by O2
Technology in France. It supports multiple inheritance. An inherited attribute name can be
locally renamed in a given class.
This language has been developed by Sun Microsystem. It combines features of C++,
Smalltalk, and Objective-C languages. Java is a high-level object-oriented language, which
was supposed to substitute C++ language, considered as too extensive and getting out of clear
rules. Java does not support, inter alia, controversial pointer arithmetic, and does not support
multiple inheritance in the sense of multiple inheritance of implementation, because a class in
Java can have at most just one superclass. However, it is possible in Java to specify interfaces
of a given class, which are repeatedly inherited by interfaces, defined for subclasses of this
class. Some researchers consider it as multiple inheritance of interfaces. Abstract methods and
constants can be specified within an interface, which are visible by accessing a given class via
this interface. Many interfaces may be defined for a given class. Since interfaces are subject to
inheritance, class specializations inherit all interfaces, defined within classes that are more
General Observations
Founders of languages which do not support multiple inheritance consider that only single
inheritance has a simple and smart form, which is soundly specified and commonly
comprehensible. They treat languages with multiple inheritance as inelegant [Joyner96]. Such
a situation has been presented in BETA: “Beta does not have multiple inheritance, due to the
lack of a profound theoretical understanding, and also because the current proposals seem
technically very complicated” [MMN93]. Similarly, Modula-3, Ada95, and Java are
languages without multiple inheritance. Some other researchers perceive that multiple
inheritance is a notion which helps to solve some problems in conceptual modeling; thus, they
claim the necessity to specify features of this notion, even if it requires very extensive further
research. Although a list of difficulties, which appear by multiple inheritance, seems to be
incomplete up to this day, some classes of identified problems can be solved in an automatic
3.6. Multiple Inheritance in the Object-Oriented
Methodologies and Notations
Most of object-oriented analysis and design methodologies and object-oriented notations of
conceptual models introduce the multiple inheritance as a basic feature, e.g. OMT6, UML.
Their authors argue that the absence of the multiple inheritance in programming tools must
cause a disadvantageous gap between the conceptual model and the implementational model.
Object Modeling Technique
Unfortunately, semantics of multiple inheritance is not fully specified in methodologies and
notations which only recommend (or order) avoiding name conflicts through the use of
unique method name in the proper classes or suggest evading multiple inheritance by means
of class permutations (or by means of the delegation mechanism, which is semantically
unclear too7) [UML97]. Fig. 3.4 presents an instance of a class hierarchy with the multiple
inheritance and with name conflicts, in UML notation.
3.7. Multiple-Inheritance Problems
The construction of information systems cannot be made by ad hoc design. Before the
implementational tasks can start, a project must pass, i.a., requirement specification and
analysis phases. Works in every phase are supported by various tools. Their results are written
down with different notations. Therefore, transfer of results from one phase into another is
connected with making compromise decisions are often incoherent. They deform some
elements of the initial project. Multiple inheritance belongs to these difficult issues. Although
the multiple inheritance concept is undertaken by all who have interest in object-orientedness,
and especially in object programming languages, a uniform approach has not been developed
so far. Studies making attempts to discuss this subject are usually concerned with only
particular solutions in a given programming language.
The concept of multiple inheritance is well-intelligible at the stage of mental
representation of real world, but it causes much controversy during the further works on the
information system. Some of such controversies are caused by the lack of adaptation of given
programming language to define and to manipulate class hierarchies supporting multiple
inheritance. Others are caused by incompetence of designers and programmers, who easy get
into semantic traps, set by the implementation of the multiple inheritance in various
programming languages.
Semantical Context and Multiple Inheritance
Let us assume that an information system on students is created, which includes also
information about their employment, if they work while they study. Fig. 3.4 presents a class
The delegation (in UML) represents a situation; if an object after receiving a message sends
it to another object and it delegates an interpretation of a given message to another object.
diagram with multiple inheritance, where Working Student class is a specialization of Student
and Employee classes. Working Student class defines school_hours, specifying weekly
number of hours, when an employee is released from the work to help him continue the
studies. It is assumed that the value of school_hours attribute is related to the kind of studies
as well as to the amount of working time (full time, part time). Working Student class inherits
all attributes from Student class and from Employee class. Only this information is expressed
by the notation (in this case: UML). It is fixed by the notation that all (inherited) attributes are
inherited in the same way. They are merged in the common environment of Working Student
class. The notation does not specify more of the semantics of multiple inheritance. As a result,
attributes of different classes, coexist side by side. They are mixed in the new common
semantical space, partially loosing the information about their initial environments. From the
conceptual modeling point of view, the degeneration of abstraction levels, the commonality of
space scopes, or the weakness of bonds among beings, which were strongly related to each
other, are negative phenomena. A clear and precisely defined semantics of the system
components has grown in importance, especially in the face of necessity for continuous
system’s increase, i.e. with the use of reverse engineering methods (e.g., through the reuse).
Local environments, determined by Student and Employee classes, are mixed in objects of
Working Student class. However, the execution of inherited method or the plucking of values
from inherited attributes is delegated to classes, which define these properties. Lack of
operational semantics of the multiple inheritance at the stage of conceptual modeling leads to
a gap between the system design (created at this stage) and its implementation in the specific
programming language. Quite a lot of free choice with the solutions results from different
understanding and application of the multiple inheritance mechanisms by programmers.
The combination of various semantic properties can sometimes lead to mistaken
conclusions. Fig. 3.4 can serve an example. GetMessages methods get new messages. The
semantics of these methods seems to be clear and natural in all classes, except Working
Student class, which multiply inherits from both Student and Employee classes. The working
students possess two (or three) email accounts. First account is a school account, the second
one is an account at the workplace (and third one is a personal account). It is hard to find an
example, whether a given person should be treated as a student, as an employee, and as a
regular person at the same time. Thus, there is no doubt in most cases that ambiguity of
representation of a given person should not be considered, especially to specify his most
relevant email address. It should be stated, without questioning legitimacy of multiple
inheritance that problems mentioned may lead to changes or at least to semantic obscurities. It
concerns particularly such cases when one must stress the ambiguity (e.g. duality) of
semantics of a given object group through the multiple inheritance. Their different semantics
are not manifesting never or almost never at the same time, because they are mutually
exclusive. A class hierarchy with the multiple inheritance (lattice) seems to be too fixed
construction for defining objects with the changeable nature. It is all the more important in
databases, considering usually long time periods of stored data and requirements in the
preserving of high flexibility, i.a., considering rather quickly varying needs of users.
Human Factor
Up to this day, the issue of multiple inheritance concept has not reached any coherent and
general solution. Therefore, the understanding and application of this notion can cause many
problems, especially in languages, in which multiple inheritance is only one of the
supplementary features. Problems that arise may concern matters of different nature, e.g.:
Not sufficient general acquaintance of authors of information system with the multiple
inheritance concept;
Lack of enough skill in correct identification of cases, for which solutions can take
advantage of the multiple inheritance mechanism;
The choice of proper programming language and consistent translation of conceptual
schema components into adequate logical schema constructions, including the choice of
programming language without multiple inheritance;
How to arrange the works for takeover or continuation by persons until now have not
been involved in the project or in a part of it?
How a dedicated (specialized) company should be instructed in connection with
constructing some functions?
How to ensure proper understanding of semantics of other languages, which is essential
during the creation or further life of the information system8;
It concerns especially the works performing the extension of an existing system to new
features by using of reengineering methods and new rapid application development systems
What are the necessary modifications of the system, related to changes of some vital
system requirements?
Each of the given examples requires a systematic approach in defining various methods,
which can be applied to remedy difficulties that arise. To this end, it is necessary to have a
coherent and consistent approach to issues related to multiple inheritance, by many people,
with different profiles and experiences. Lack of rule and recipe in this area leads to using
divergent methods. They are the cause of errors and incoherencies in the system. Usually, this
kind of errors is very laborious to correct. If these errors are made at initial stage of the
system’s life (e.g. in the analysis stage), they then determine the further form of the project
completely, because their correction or improvement are too expensive. It often leads strange
constructions within the system, which are difficult to understand and can cause other
The Name Conflict
A substantial problem of multiple inheritance is the inheritance of properties with the same
name from different classes. An example is presented in Fig. 3.4. Working Student class
inherits multiply from Student class and from Employee class. A doubt arises: in what way
email attribute will be inherited from Student class and the attribute with the same name from
Employee class? It is unclear too, which of these attributes should be used by the getMessages
method. The situation discussed is known as a name conflict. The arbitration methods are
often seen by opponents of multiple inheritance as an example of pathologies that occur in
understanding this concept.
In typical programming languages (structural languages), the execution of program block,
in which a name conflict appears, either ends by the error signalization or proceeds by using
binding priority rules for multiple inheritance9, which are fixed in a given language. Priority
rules are usually defined through syntactic ordering of super classes, which are used in a
program block or by assigning an inheritance priority for super classes of a given class.
Although both solutions seem to be sufficient for most occurrences of name conflicts, the use
of them leads to much harder readability of the program, and they are also inflexible against
small semantic changes (e.g. in reversing of the priority order) of this mechanism. It may
cause errors, which are unforeseen and difficult to identify. For example, the use of different
It may be possible, e.g., by using of the dynamic binding.
visual code generators can lead to creation of program codes with different appearance
sequences of super classes.
Orion [BCGKWB87] and CLOS10 are instances of systems supporting the arbitration of
name conflicts, based on super class sequence in the program code. If one assumes that there
are defined methods in classes A and B with the same name m, and C class multiple inherits
from A and B classes (defined in the code in given order), then a call for m method means the
use of m method defined in A class, for all objects, they are members of C class.
Usually, languages supporting multiple inheritance do not possess built-in priority rules
for the multiple inheritance. Then it remains only to avoid name conflicts. It may be supported
by additional mechanisms in the language, during the construction of the code (e.g. in C++) or
by a proper construction of classes (e.g. in Eiffel). Detailed methods, how to solve name
conflicts, are:
Local renaming (change) of inherited property in a given subclass– O2, Eiffel. It is an
effective solution, even if it leads to some inconsistency in scope of the inheritance
concept. Advantages of renaming are a possibility of inheritance of all properties with
certain common name, and manifesting in some features of another mechanism which is
known as import of properties with renaming;
A limitation of scope for inherited properties – a selection mechanism for the
inheritance in Eiffel. Through selection are pointed properties, which should be
primarily inherited. The selection mechanism concerns only these properties, which are
explicitly pointed and all others (potential) properties are rejected during inheritance.
A specification (in case of name conflict) of a class qualifier in all (or some) places,
wherever inherited properties are used – C++. This method is much more laborious than
for example local renaming applied in Eiffel, because it forces using the class qualifier
(with scope operator “::”) for every instance of a given name in the program code. It
significantly decreases flexibility of changes in the program (particularly in class
definitions) and increases probability that programmers can make mistakes during reuse
of class definition to specify another class with similar properties.
Possibility to rename properties in one or more superclasses can be obviously applied in
all languages. Though this solution seems to be trivial, it may be very inconvenient or
even impossible. Unfortunately, a source code including class definitions may be often
Common Lisp Object System
unavailable. It is worth a notice that the automatic or semiautomatic renaming is a
solution that causes much waste of time by many programmers, searching for errors in
the incorrectly working program.
Fig. 3.8 Different inheritance paths
A dilemma of another general phenomenon another phenomenon dilemma is related to a
problem of inheritance path’s choice (Fig. 3.8). It is particularly important for inheritance of
the methods, which are defined and called in a specific environment. Let us assume that a
given method is defined in B class and called from an instance of E class. A question arises,
whether the execution of the method is dependent on chosen inheritance path, BCE or BDE?
Generally, authors argue that in both cases a method should be executed in the same way.
They are not sure however whether it takes place in all well-known languages.
The original sin of all presented methods is their strong connection with a specific
programming language. Lack of setting more uniform rules increases an aversion to apply
them by the wider group of users. The semantics of priority arrangement constructions and
avoiding name conflicts are often too complicated. Therefore, their applications should be
recognized as relatively difficult. Moreover, the researches in program portability and in reuse
require much expenditure of work, more advanced knowledge and experience.
Typological Problems
Substantial problems arise when considering multiple inheritance from the point of view of
type theory. It is not easy to create a type system which could meet simultaneously simplicity
(for a user) criterion, conceptual cohesion and universality. Existing ideas in this field are not
satisfying or are very complicated. Solutions such as in C++ are a subject of common
criticism. As another potential problem, which arises in multiple inheritance, an object
representation can be seen. In many systems, to save the memory, an attribute value has a
fixed offset, relative to the beginning of the object representation. If these relative attribute
positions are fixed for both Student and Employee classes, then it cannot be possibly fit them
with adequate positions of Working Student’s attributes. It leads to the necessity of using
solutions that are more complex (e.g. in C++). This complicates the semantics of a language
from the point of view of programmers. It can also cause errors in the software and can
increase time of execution.
The Multiple Inheritance and Object Migration
In typical general programming languages, a class structure usually is unchangeable all the
time or for a long time during system’s life. In many languages, classes do not exist during
the program execution11 (e.g. in C++). Most often, a modification of a class structure during
the program execution is not possible, even if classes are first-category citizenship beings12.
Generally, in object-oriented systems, and particularly in object-oriented database
management systems, one assumes classes (and types) are first-category citizenship beings.
This means that a class definition exists not only at program analysis stage, but it is also
programming object. It has own localization in the computer address space, and it is
(theoretically or practically) a subject of manipulations during the execution. Addition of a
new method or attribute for a given class, a modification of security rules for instances of this
class, and a modification of constraints on these instances belong to such manipulations
(especially those often performed).
Citizenship of a given programming concept can often be a little fuzzy. This takes place in
a given language or system if a certain concept is postulated as second-category, but it exist in
the executing time, and/or there is a possibility to perform on it some (usually limited)
operations. For example, some languages make it possible to use type_of operator. This
The second-category citizenship being is characterizing a programming language concept,
existing only in the program code (used at static analysis stage). These being are unavailable
during the program execution, e.g., a variable name, a parameter name, a type, a class, a
procedure signature.
The first-category citizenship being is characterizing a programming language concept (e.g.
a type, a class, a module, a variable value, and a variable name), meaning, that a given
programming being occurs and can be manipulated (changed, deleted, and created) during the
program execution. For an instance, an attribute value is a first-category citizenship being, but
an attribute name usually is a second-category citizenship being.
operator returns for given programming beings (e.g. for objects) their actual type in the form
of string or reference to certain structure. This means that the type information exists and is
available during the run time. This kind of fuzzy citizenship of class is e.g. a standard feature
of ODMG and Objective-C13. It is often submitted to a critical examination by experts in type
theory who emphasize that in this way effectiveness of the strong type checking is powerfully
restricted. Moreover, like in case of the shifting of concepts into first-category citizenship
concepts, also the fuzzy citizenship can result in the worst executing time.
Java language is an instance of another situation. Classes in Java are static beings.
However, their dynamic representations exist in the program run time, in the form of special
objects, representing classes. For an object representing certain class, it is possible to execute
some operations. This simulates the class behavior in Java (in certain cases) as first-category
citizenship beings14.
For example objc_getClass(STR) construction in Objective-C.
For example Class.forName(String) construction.
4. Well-Known Approaches to Dynamic
Object Roles
The idea of dynamically changing object roles was proposed for the network database model
by Bachman and Daya in 1977 [BD77], far earlier than object-oriented methodologies and
tools were popularized. During the era of the relational model and relational systems the
concept was not considered in the context of databases because it did not fit well with the
relational ideology. Thus for many years the idea was forgotten. The interest to dynamic
object roles has increased after computer professionals have realized the meaning of
conceptual modeling in software construction. In effect, object-orientedness has been
popularized in various domains of information technology, and together with objectorientedness, the role concept is considered more and more frequently.
The dynamic role concept often appears in papers devoted to object design, programming
languages and databases, sometimes under other names, in different contexts and with various
semantics. The classical object-oriented model assumes that each object is associated with its
most specific class. A deviation from this rule can be treated as a certain variant of the role
concept. In particular, the Iris system [Fishman87] supports many types for a single object. A
similar proposal can be found in [BG95]. The dynamic role notion appears in different
contexts, in particular, in papers related to modeling office information systems [Pernici90],
computer aided manufacturing [WL94, WL95], workflow management [KRR00], multimedia
[WCL96b, Wong99], semantic modeling [RS91, Sciore89, Stein87], and object modeling
[Papazoglou91]. These papers propose to take advantage of dynamic roles for various
dynamic properties, such as object migration, schema evolution, conceptual object clustering,
creation of several views for one object, and others.
Recently new proposals to deal with roles have appeared. They can be subdivided into
two groups. The first of them assumes that dynamic object roles are represented informally
through the already existing notions of the conceptual modeling by using design patterns
[KØ96, BRSW00, Fowler97, GHJV95, RG98], which have been popularized in the context of
object-orientedness. The design pattern decorator [GHJV95] is considered in [Fowler97] as a
good mapping of dynamic roles. The decorator pattern allows one to insert additional
functionality to a class without subclassing. This approach corresponds (to some extent) to
Aspect-Oriented Programming [KLMM+97] and the separation of concerns principle
[Dijkstra76]. Also the motivation for Subject-Oriented Programming presented in [HO93]
shows that dynamic roles and SOP have conceptual similarities. The second approach
introduces the role concept as an explicit notion of conceptual modeling and a database
feature orthogonal to other features. Such an approach has been implemented in Aspects
[RS91] and Fibonacci [ABGO93, AGO95, AAG00] prototypes. A feature called “subtable”,
having some correspondence to roles, is introduced in the emerging standards SQL3 and
SQL1999 [ANSI99] for object-relational systems.
In Fibonacci it is assumed that a role does not have its own behavior. The support for
contextual object behavior was introduced first time in the Clovers system [SZ89], in the
proposal presented in [WJ89], in Multiple View in the Smalltalk context [GSR96], in the
ORM model [SN88], and in Aspects [RS91]. In these approaches, however, the roles do not
possess their own classes and they do not support inheritance among roles. There is also no
possibility to move a role from an object to another one (what could be essential for some
applications, e.g. a project manager role can be moved to another person). The proposals do
not define operators, which support the programmer to switch dynamically from one object
role to another one.
The proposals can be essentially distinguished depending on their attitude to strong static
typing and depending on whether introduced classes have first-class or second-class
citizenship. In [Sciore89] classes are first-class citizens (so-called prototypes). ORM [SN88]
is a similar proposal, but classes have the second-class citizenship. On one hand, for
performance reasons, in commercial programming languages it is usually assumed that
classes have the second-class citizenship, which enables static binding of program entities. On
the other hand, the first-class citizenship of classes supports flexibility and robustness. For
this reason, in database systems many program entities have the first-class citizenship, in
particular, database procedures, views and triggers. Some systems, e.g. Oracle-8, assume also
classes and methods to be first-class citizens stored on the side of a database server rather than
on the side of a client application.
An essential aspect of roles concerns a method lookup strategy after receiving a message
by an object. In Fibonacci, DOOR [WCL96a, WCL96b] and ADOME [LL98] two strategies
are assumed. The first one, called upward lookup, consists in lookup within a direct role class
and then within its ancestors. The second one, called double lookup, consists in lookup within
the direct role class, then within classes of sub-roles, and finally within its ancestors. The
rationale for different strategies is however not clear, since the given examples do not show
explicitly the essence of the problem (considering that - eventually - everything is in the hands
of designers and programmers of applications). It seems that the research presented in the
papers [LCW97, LL94, LL98, LW99, WL94, WL95, WCL96a, WCL96b, WCL97, Wong99]
is currently most advanced.
Some papers (e.g. [WJ89]) pay attention to the fact that in case of dynamic roles a unique
object identifier becomes problematic. Indeed, for consistent referential semantics (e.g. for
implementing relationships among object and roles) each object role should possess its own
unique identifier. This means some distinction between object identity and object identifier:
having the unique identity an object can have many identifiers. This is an essential semantic
Multiple interfaces, which are a feature of Java and Microsoft’s COM/DCOM, have some
associations with dynamic object roles. Indeed, the programmer is able to define interfaces in
such a way that a single interface represents a single object role. However, multiple interfaces
do not support all dynamic roles’ features, in particular, do not deal with the inherent dynamic
roles’ property to be inserted to (and removed from) an object at run time.
Te following is list of features of dynamic object roles that occur in the literature on roles
(taken from [Steimann2000]). It is worth a notice that some features conflict with others.
1. A role comes with its own properties and behavior.
2. Roles depend on relationships [BO98, CZ97, EWH85, Guarino92, Sowa88].
3. An object may play different roles simultaneously [Kristensen95, MD93, Pernici90,
RS91, WJS95, WCL97].
4. An object may play the same roles several times, simultaneously [Kristensen95,
Pernici90, RS91, WJS95, WCL97]. (Not in [ABGO93, BD77, Reimer85].)
5. An object may acquire and abandon roles dynamically [ABGO93, GSR96,
Kristensen95, LL98, Papazoglou91, RS91]. (Object migration or dynamic classification
also in [MMW94, Su91]; dynamic classification vs. role playing in [WJS95].)
6. The sequence in which roles may be acquired and relinquished can be subject to
restrictions [Pernici90, Su91, WJS95].
7. Objects of unrelated types can play the same role [BD77].
8. Roles can play roles [CZ97, Kristensen95, RH95, WJS95, WCL97].
9. Roles can be transferred from one object to another [Kristensen95, WCL97].
10. The state of an object can be role-specific [Kristensen95, Pernici90, WJS95].
11. Features of an object can be role-specific [ABGO93, GSR96, LL98, Pernici90, RS91].
12. Roles restrict access [GSR96, Kristensen95, Pernici90, WCL97].
13. Different roles may share structure and behavior [CM99, GSR96, Kristensen95,
14. An object and its roles share identity [Booch94, GSR96, Kristensen95, RS91].
15. An object and its roles have different identities [WJS95].
4.1. The Concept of Roles by Bachman and Daya
A historically first approach to extend data model with roles has been proposed by Bachman
and Daya [BD77]. The authors introduce the concept of integrated database, assuming that
every single record should represent all aspects of a given real-world being. They introduce a
concept of role, which describes the prototype of a class of roles with similar properties. They
introduce also a concept of entity type that defines the prototype of a class of entities, which
are capable of playing the same roles. Some role types can be played by more than one entity
type; then they are declared as shareable (e.g., an employee role can be played by entities:
person, supplier, and customer). Some entity types should always be characterized by a given
role type. In such situations, one can specify essential role types, which obligatorily
characterize certain entity types (e.g., an employer role is essential for a company entity).
Although details of the proposed mechanism of roles are based on network data model,
the authors emphasize that an idea of roles is independent of applied data model and may
significantly enrich the semantics of other models (DIAM15, relational, and role models). The
role concept can increase level of cohesion of conceptual model and of logical model by the
use of higher level of abstraction. In the authors’ opinion, also data independency can be
reinforced in applications supporting this concept.
Data Independent Access Model
4.2. Aspects
Difficulties with representation of features of complex real-world objects, which are changing
over time and problems (especially typological), which are related to multiple inheritance,
have become the main motivation for extending object model with new static and dynamic
properties through object aspects. The proposal of aspects has been introduced by Richardson
and Schwartz [RS91]. A mechanism, proposed by these authors, is capable of modeling a
system, where objects can be dynamically changed in some range, but without change of their
identity, and with preservation of strong type checking.
The concept of an object interface16 has been introduced in object model as a set of
method signatures and of object implementations, specifying an object representation and
defining its method codes. Object model supports substitutability principle of types. A role
mechanism is defined by combination of type conformity (through substitutability) and by
extending objects with so-called aspects. Definition of the aspect of a given object consists in
adding a new implementation (for this object) whose abstract data type extends abstract data
type of a base (main) object. Objects with aspects are like clusters of soap bubbles with
smaller bubbles attached to the large ones (aspects).
In example [taken from RS91] below there are defined an interface and an implementation
for objects, representing Person, and Employee aspect, extending properties of persons with
information about their employment.
/* Person interface – a definition of Person abstract type */
type Person {
string name();
int age();
string phone();
/* Person implementation */
implementation personImpl {
The authors more frequently use “abstract data type” notion than object interface.
string myName;
int myAge;
string myPhone;
string name() { return myName; };
int age() { return myAge; };
string phone() { return myPhone; };
/* a constructor */
personImpl( string n, int a, string p ) {
myName = n; myAge = a; myPhone = p; };
implementation empImpl
with type Employee
/* a name of interface of aspect */
extends Person {
int myEid;
string myDept;
string myPhone;
int eid() { return myEid; };
string dept() { return myDept; };
string phone() {
if (myPhone != nil )
return myPhone;
return base.phone(); };
/* a constructor */
empImpl( int e; string d, string p ) {
myEid = e; myDept = d; myPhone = p; };
/* operations exported from Person */
Person::phone as homePhone;
An exemplary usage:
Person BrownP = personImpl( ”Brown”, 56, ”7872345” );
Employee BrownE = empImpl( 123, ”secretariat”, ”5652634” ) extends
bool b1 = ( BrownE @= BrownP); /*
bool b2 = ( BrownE == BrownP ); /* FALSE */
stdout.putstring( BrownP.name() ); /* Brown */
stdout.putstring( BrownE.name() ); /* Brown */
Person p = BrownE; /* wrong: Employee does not conform to Person */
An object implementation can be extended by aspects that define new object behaviors
through operations, and that can specify which elements of interface of a base object are
available within an aspect. Operations, defined in aspects, can directly access to a base object
by base reference. Many different aspects can be created for a given object. They are created
and dropped during system run time. Defining aspects is not limited to a base object only, but
one can specify new aspects, which are based on definitions of other aspects. The authors
have introduced a dropping rule for objects and aspects. According to this rule, when an
object (or an aspect) is deleted, then all aspects, which extend this object (or this aspect) are
recursively deleted too.
Since aspects do not have own identity, two different operators for comparing references
are introduced:
The == operator can check if two references are identical. When references of different
aspects (or objects) are compared, using this operator, then logical false is obtained.
The @= operator can check if two references are references to the same object. When
references of aspects of the same base object are compared, then logical true is obtained.
Comparing references of different objects (or aspects of different base objects) returns
In a simplification, an aspect mechanism extends type system by introducing a concept of
objects, which can be extended with new components. The authors consider that inheritance
concept is orthogonal to type conformity (substitutability) and they do not deal with
inheritance in their model [CHRSS90] to define aspects. They claim that in some cases object
hierarchy is not significantly flexible and it is not fully capable of modeling objects, which are
irregular or are dynamically changing. The authors point to problems of modeling complex
real-world beings. A formalization of such beings requires creating and manipulating many
objects with various properties, having e.g. different names and identifiers. A model with
aspects ensures one common identity for a given object, but it also supports many
independent views for this object.
4.3. Fibonacci Approach
Fibonacci is an object-oriented database programming language [ABGO93, AGO95]. It
supports strong type checking with additional reinforcements:
A distinction among object interface, type, and its implementation; possibility to change
an implementation with no influence on remaining system that is aware of its own
interface only;
Possibility to define different implementations for one object type;
Introducing type hierarchy with multiple inheritance.
A presented mechanism of roles refers to the proposition of aspects [RS91]. It consists in
the extending object with roles in such a manner that a given object can simultaneously
acquire many roles, and may be accessed within one of its roles only. The basic assumptions
for proposal of roles in Fibonacci are as follows:
It is assumed during modeling of a system that the real world consists of entities
characterized by many structural and behavioral properties, which change over time.
Entities can belong to different conceptual categories during their life. It means they can
play different roles, even more than one at the same time. However, some roles cannot
exist simultaneously. The behavior of entities depends on roles, which are played by
them; therefore, the behavioral specifications of entities vary along with a change of a
set of actual roles.
Objects are exemplification of a computer representation of entities. An object is made
up of a set of roles. A base object is a role too. Access to an object can be taken within
one of its roles only, because messages are delivered to roles. Roles are first-category
citizenship beings. An object identity does not vary, while roles of this object change.
A subtyping relation, which is analogous to inheritance relation, can be specified
between types of roles. Subroles and superroles are defined by this concept, as well as
multiple inheritance, overriding, and inclusion polymorphism.
The execution of a message depends on the role to which a message is addressed. A
proper method is searched among methods, defined within this role or its superroles in
accordance with a hierarchy of roles and with additionally specified strategy of passing;
There is a possibility to execute a query, which returns all actual roles of a given object
(role inspection), and a possibility to dynamically change a role, which determines in
what way an object is accessed (role casting).
Roles, occurring on the same hierarchy level, are independent of each other. An access
to roles is limited by visibility scope to one chosen role (and its superroles) only.
Deleting a given role entails removal of its all subroles; however, this process has no
influence on superroles of a given role.
4.4. The Concept of Roles by Kristensen
The necessity to introduce the concept of a role in conceptual design and discussion about role
features are presented in B.B. Kristensen’s papers [Kristensen95, K96]. The concept
extends objects with a possibility to glue beings without own identity, whose features are
similar to features of regular objects. As the most important features of roles are recognized:
A limitation of visibility scope and limited-access of methods, which are defined within
a given role as well as in proper main object; no permission to methods which are
defined within other roles of this object;
Role dependency on existence of a main object; a role cannot exist without proper main
object. Methods defined within a main object are accessible by methods, which are
defined within each of its roles. However, definitions of methods, characterized within
an object, cannot be relied on methods of its roles;
Since an object with roles possesses only one identity, it can be processed as a single
Roles of a given object can be dynamically added and deleted with no change of its
At the same time, an object can have more than one instance of the same role;
Roles can be classified and organized in the hierarchy by means of generalization and
aggregation mechanisms;
Introducing an extension of mechanism of association. Associations can connect not
only objects but also objects with its roles or roles with roles.
The features mentioned above have been discussed in the well-known terms of conceptual
modeling. A role simulation has been proposed, which uses generalization/specialization,
aggregation, and association concepts.
Possibility to specify roles is not limited to a main object only. Roles can be specified as
subroles of other existing roles. They can be defined by the use of one of abstraction
mechanism: generalization/specialization or aggregation with extended semantics for role
methods. Authors introduce also a notion of a local role, which is visible and can be
manipulated within the scope of its main object (or its superole). Graphical notation, proposed
for object-oriented analysis and design, is capable of representing static as well as dynamic
features of roles, including possibility to define the multiplicity for roles, and implicit
conditions of role occurrence (which determine or impose constraints on existence of certain
roles depending on existence of other roles).
4.5. Prototypes
In previous sections inheritance and membership relationships are discussed, which are
related to different kinds of availability or accessibility of properties, which can be accessed
in some beings but are defined in other beings. In this section, another mechanism of
accessibility among objects will be presented, called prototyping.
Ownership of a prototype for a given object means that prototype properties of this object
can be available for certain other objects. In object-oriented paradigm with prototypes, any
object can become a prototype. Under this notion, one can understand both that an object
represents a pattern for a collection of objects, and that information from a prototype is
available for some objects. Prototypes may be used in constructing new objects in the
principle of cloning, i.e., for creation (and further modification) of an object, filled with
default values. In other situations, values of attributes are not copied in new objects from their
prototypes, but they are rather imported (are available). In this way, since only objects and
special references (links) from objects to their prototypes are required, uniformity and
minimization of means are reached. Links between objects determine a transitive relation.
Objects can be related to each other by a hierarchy, which organizes availability of
information from higher levels of hierarchy (similarly as in class hierarchy). Generally, there
are not assumed any constraints related to links between objects, although prototypes can be
obviously such objects only, which are predetermined in advance by a designer or a
The concept of prototypes is universal and it allows modeling various situations, occurring
within an object-oriented data structure, in particular such as class, inheritance, multiple
inheritance, and roles. The proposition of viewers [SMRSW93] follows further in this
direction by the assumption that references, which are led to object prototypes, can be
additionally supplied with filters, establishing what should be imported. The concept of
viewers assumes also that imported properties are indistinguishable from own properties in
programming constructions (and in a query language). Therefore, many situations, occurring
in object data structures, can be simply modeled, e.g. views or object versions.
Name: Smith
Date_of_birth: 1966.02.03
Tel. No.: 966498237
Age(): ...
University: UW
Scholarship: 850
Salary: 2745
Fig. 4.1 An example of prototyping
On the other hand, lack of classes, which are specialized means, may lead to difficulties in
conceptual modeling and programming. There is no necessity to support by the model both
prototypes and classes, considering their conceptual differences. Prototypes will be further
mentioned by introducing new approach to dynamic roles.
4.6. Subtables in SQL99
A new standard of SQL17 language, called as SQL99 [ANSI99], introduces a concept of
subtables, revealed some convergence with the concept of dynamic roles. A mechanism of
subtables is orthogonal to ADTs, subtypes and inheritance concepts. A subtable possesses
(inherits) all columns of a given table and can define its own columns. A maximal table
(supertable) with all subtables denotes a subtable family. Each subtable row (record) must be
related to an exactly one supertable row, but each supertable row can be related to at most one
subtable row. Operators insert, delete, update are defined in the coherently way and they can
be performed on a whole subtable family. Exemplary declarations of a table and subtables are
as follows:
CREATE TABLE persons (name CHAR(30),birth_year DATE );
CREATE TABLE employees UNDER persons ( salary FLOAT );
Structured Query Language
CREATE TABLE students UNDER persons ( student_no INTEGER );
Fig. 4.2 A relation between a table (persons) and a subtable (employees)
The first sentence creates persons table with columns (attributes) name and birth_year.
The next one creates employees subtable, which possesses all attributes mentioned above, and
additionally salary column. The third sentence creates student subtable, having additionally
student_no column. Each subtable row shares certain part with one of table rows, but usually
a subtable has fewer rows than a table. An illustration of relationships between a table and its
subtable is presented in Fig. 4.2.
It is worthy a notice that every table row can be treated as an object, whereas subtable
values, sticking out of a table, can be treated as a role of this object. Similarly as in the
concept of roles, each such row is identified by a table name jointly with names of subtables,
which possess a given row. These names may be used in select sentences. For example in Fig.
13, each row can be identified by person name, and some of them can be identified by
employee and customer names too. Obviously, a person can be both an employee and a
customer at the same time, i.e. a representation of a given person can simultaneously
participate in two or more subtables. Analogously, a single table as well as its every subtable
can be independently used in SQL queries. This feature agrees largely with the concept
considering roles in object-oriented query languages, which will be presented in later sections
of this work.
4.7. Roles Realized by Design Patterns
At early nineties, high complexity of process of information system design, variety and
particularity of solutions, and also needs and benefits, followed from reuse, have led to origin
of design patterns. Design patterns [GHJV94, K96, BRSW97, Fowler97] systematize
design methods through i.a.:
Introduction of common term dictionary in design domain;
Reduction of system complexity, which is based on correct identification and
application of standard constructions, occurred during design process;
Accurate classification of methods and constructions, which are related to reuse.
Design patterns are defined in object-oriented terms at so abstract level, which ensures
independence of implementational details and which assures a wide range of their
applications. A design pattern mainly consists of context, i.e. a description of potential cases,
in which it can be applied, of problem discussion, and of application goal. A solution is
presented in a well-defined notation, and by using widely known principles of design
(occurred in the term dictionary from design domain).
An issue of roles is the subject of several design patterns, e.g. decorator [K96,
BRSW97, Fowler97] and extension [GHJV94], where objects with roles are represented by
certain complex data structures and operations. These structures are realized by patterned
fragments of program code, mostly written in C++ and Java languages. The possibility of use
of existing methodologies, notations and programming languages (e.g. as OMT, UML, C++)
is the main advantage of this approach to dealing with dynamic roles. On the contrary, it is
worthy to mention that a representation of roles by design patterns is neither a simple nor
universal solution. For instance, [Fowler97] discusses several design patterns in order to
represent roles as follows:
General characteristic
Application type
Properties of all roles are In cases, when roles are very similar
Role Type
defined within just one class
Each role is defined within a In cases, when roles have not many
Role Type
separated class
Common properties of roles are In cases, when roles have some common
defined within a superclass, properties, but they are essentially different
common properties or not at all.
while specific properties of from each other. Potential combinations
certain roles are defined within and
their proper subclasses
specified. Changes or new roles seldom
properties are connected with be often changed or in such cases, where is
common In cases, when many roles exist, which can
objects, a need to define new roles very often.
contained specific properties of
each role
A relationship between a given In cases, when a lot of the same roles can
object and other object is appear or there is a necessity to store the
considered as a role.
history of changes of roles for a given
object during certain period.
addRole( Spec )
hasRole( Spec )
removeRole( Spec )
operation = core -> operation()
hasRole = core -> hasRole()
Fig. 4.3 A class diagram for Object Role pattern (taken from [BRSW97])
An application of certain design pattern is dependent on the specificity of a given system
project. A choice is often ambiguous and depends on the designers’ experience and intuition.
Patterns with a simply architecture (Single Role Type, Separate Role Type) are characterized
by rather small flexibility. Capability for high flexibility can be assured by application of
design patterns, whose constructions are much more complicated (e.g. Role Object), and thus
they are more difficult in an implementation. Fig. 4.3 presents the class diagram for Role
Object18 pattern, discussed in [BRSW97]. Component class includes an interface specification
of common role properties ( operation() ), and also defines specifications of operations, which
are available for a given object with roles (addRole( Spec ), hasRole( Spec ), removeRole(
This pattern belongs to a (more general) design pattern category, named decorator.
Spec ), getRole( Spec ) ). The implementation of this interface is placed in ComponentCore
class, whose goal is creating of ConcreteRole instances and manipulating them.
ComponentRole class implements an interface of Component class by message passing to
ComponentCore class. Properties, which are specified for a given role, are implemented
within ConcreteRoleA, ConcreteRoleB classes.
An abstract pattern framework, briefly presented above, has to be significantly extended at
the stage of its implementation. It should be capable of hiding internal pattern structure and
providing users with mechanisms, which are semantically consistent with the role concept.
The essence of roles should be a simplification of conceptual modeling in many situations,
supported by some simple mechanisms in query and programming languages. But it is a week
point of this idea. Although data structures are described by design patterns precisely enough
to implement roles, manipulation tools are not defined by these structures and they do not
support programming with the use of design patterns. The behavioral specification can be
implemented through a set of methods, which are defined in classes within a design pattern,
but this set is usually rather large. A limitation of methods can be made for a concrete
application, but it causes that such pattern is not fully generic and universal. It induces to a
point of view that design patterns are no satisfied solution, because conceptual modeling is
simplified by them in indirectly way by constructing of proper data structures. In opinion of
many researchers (as well as in opinion of the author of this study) design patterns support
conceptual modeling only partially, especially at design and implementation stages, but not
during analysis. This can cause inconsistence in the project and cause difficulties in the
transitions of results, for instance from analysis to design stages.
5. Dynamic Object Roles in Stack-Based
The chapter is organized as follows. Chapter 5.1 presents the concept of dynamic object role.
Chapter 5.2 introduces an object model with roles. Chapters 5.3 and 5.4 discuss differences of
our model with traditional object models introduced in programming languages and database
management systems. Chapter 5.5 presents assumptions of a query language in the spirit of
ODMG OQL dealing with roles.
5.1. The Concept of Dynamic Object Role
The idea of dynamic object roles is simple and natural. It assumes that every real or abstract
entity during its life can acquire and lose many roles without changing its identity. The roles
appear during the life of a given object, they can exist simultaneously, and they can disappear
at every moment. For example, a certain person can be a student, a worker, a patient, a club
member at the same time; see Fig. 5.1. Similarly, a building can be an office, a house, a
magazine, etc.
Fig. 5.1 Roles played by a person
Present object models have a possibility to express static properties, e.g., the fact that a
student is a person. However, it is more precise to say that a person becomes a student for
some time and later he or she terminates the student role. Moreover, some person at the same
time can be a student two or more times. Similarly, a person may become an employee, a
patient, etc. only for some time.
The concept of dynamic object roles assumes that an object is associated with other
objects (subobjects), which are modeling its roles. Object-roles cannot exist without their
parent object (in Fig. 5.1, without the Person object). Deleting an object causes deleting all of
its roles. Roles can exist simultaneously and independently. A role can have its own
additional attributes and methods. It is normal that two roles can contain attributes and
methods with the same names, and this does not lead to any conflict. This is a fundamental
difference in comparison to the concept of multiple inheritance. Relationships (associations)
between objects can connect not only objects with objects, but also objects with roles and
roles with roles. For example, a relationship works_in connects an Employee role with a
Company object. This makes the referential semantics clean in comparison to the traditional
object models. Roles can be further specialized as subroles, sub-subroles, etc. For example,
the specialization of a role Club_Member can be a role Club_President.
The role concept requires introducing composite objects with a special structure and
semantics. The structure should be supported by proper generic operations. In this paper we
describe the structure formally and present assumptions of a query/programming language
supporting generic operations to process such structures. Our idea to deal with dynamic roles
in a query language is based on the stack-based approach (see e.g. [SBMS94, SKL95]),
probably the only current formalism, which can naturally adapt the concept. A version of
roles was implemented in the prototype system Loqis [SMSRW93].
5.2. Object Store Model with Dynamic Roles
In our approach, we assume that an object can conceptually contain many subobjects called
roles. These subobjects can be inserted and removed at run time, as in [RS91, ABGO93].
Roles cannot exist without their parent objects. Deletion of an object causes deletion of all its
roles. Roles can posses different types and can exist simultaneously and independently. A role
can possess its own attributes and behavior (i.e. methods, rules, events, etc.). Two roles stored
within the same object may have attributes or methods with the same name. Identical names
in two or more roles of different types do not imply any semantic dependency between
corresponding properties. For example, a person can play simultaneously the role of an
employee of a research institute with the attribute Salary, and the role of an employee of a
service company with the attribute Salary too. These two attributes exist at the same time, but
except for the name no other feature is shared, including types, semantics and business
ontologies. A role dynamically “imports” attributes (values) and behavior from its superroles,
in particular, from its parent object.
Name Doe
BirthYesr 1948
Name Brown
BirthYear 1975
Name Smith
BirthYear 1951
Salary 2500
Job analyst
Salary 1500
Job clerk
Semester 7
StudentNo 223344
Name Jones
BirthYear 1940
Name Bank
Name NYA
Semester 4
StudentNo 556677
Name MLI
Fig. 5.2 Objects with their roles and classes
In Fig. 5.2 we present an example showing basic features of the store model with dynamic
roles. The following features are presented:
An object (shown as a grey rectangle with round corners) has one main role (Person)
and any number of specializing roles (Employee and Student).
Each role has its own name, which can be used to bind the role from a program or a
query. The presented objects can be bound through name Person (each), through name
Employee (second and third) and through name Student (third and fourth) . Each binding
returns the identifier of a proper role (or the identifiers of proper roles in case of multivalued bindings).
Each role is encapsulated, i.e. its properties are not seen from other roles unless it is
explicitly stated by a special link (shown as a double-line with the black diamond end).
In particular, a role Employee imports all properties of its parent role Person. For
example, if the second object is bound by name Person, then the properties {Name
Brown, BirthYear 1975} are available; however if the same object is bound by name
Employee, then the properties {Salary 2500, Job analyst, Name Brown, BirthYear 1975}
are available.
Each role is connected to its own class. The connection is shown as a grey thick
continuous arrow. Classes contain invariant properties of corresponding roles, in
particular, names (first section), attributes and their types (second section; attribute types
are not shown) and methods (third section).
Links among Objects and Roles
Links can join not only objects with objects, but also objects with roles and roles with roles.
For example, a link works_in joins an object Company with a role Employee; see Fig. 5.2. A
similar link studies_at joins a role Student with an object School. If such a link leads to
Employee, it indirectly leads to Person, because the role Employee imports the properties of
its parent object Person. However, after accessing the object via such a link, the properties of
the role Student remain invisible. As follows, a role identifier must be different from the
identifier of the corresponding object. Fig. 5.2 shows also a link is_a_customer_of between
objects Person and Company. Accessing the object Person through this link implies that any
role of the object Person remains invisible.
The possibility to create links between roles is a new quality for analysis and design
methodologies and notations (such as UML). Links must lead to parts of objects, not to entire
objects. To model this situation the methodologies suggest using aggregation/composition.
Such an approach implicitly assumes that e.g. an Employee is a part of a Person on the similar
principle, as an Engine is a part of a Car. Although the approach achieves the goal (e.g. we
can connect the relationship works_in directly to the Employee sub-object of Person), it
obviously misuses the concept of aggregation, which normally is provided for modeling the
“whole-part” situations. Design patterns [KØ96, BRSW00, Fowler97, GHJV95, RG98],
which are proposed to deal with dynamic roles, offer a limited solution. Design patterns map
the conceptual structures with roles onto structures without roles, but the resulting data
structures must be processed by classical programming constructs, which usually need not
(and are not) structured in a way reflecting the initial design concept. Thus, this initial idea of
the designer is lost. Moreover, the reverse mapping, from the code into conceptual structures
with roles, is problematic in majority of cases. In our opinion, the only radical cure for these
drawbacks is dynamic roles explicitly introduced within design methodologies and within
implementation environments.
Dynamic Roles - a Formal Model of an Object Store
In the following, we present formal models of an object-oriented data store without and with
roles and then compare them. For the sake of simplicity and for making the semantics clean
we assume object relativism (i.e. each property of an object is an object too) and consider all
properties of the store (including classes) first-class citizens. The store models a
program/database state thus does not involve types, which we consider a checking utility
rather than a “materialized” property of the state.
Formally, an object is a triple <i, n, v>, where i is a unique internal object identifier, n is
an external object name, and v is an object value. The value can be atomic (e.g. “Doe”), can
be a reference to another object, or can be a set of objects. Classes and methods are objects
too. The classical object store model (i.e. being some formal approximation of object models
of popular object-oriented systems) is presented as a 5-tuple <O, C, R, CC, OC>, where:
O is a collection of (nested) objects,
C is a collection of classes,
R is a collection of root identifiers (of objects being entries of the store),
CC is a binary relation determining inheritance relationship,
OC is a binary relation determining membership of objects within classes.
In Fig. 5.3 we present a simple example of an object store built according to the given
Although the model seems to be natural and formally simple there are several features,
which make it inconvenient, especially for defining a query language. The model results in
anomalies with multiple, multiple-aspect and repeating inheritance. In case of name conflicts
it inevitably violates substitutability. Moreover, the model implies some problems with
binding. For instance, assume that a query contains a name Person, which has to be bound to
the stored objects. According to the substitutability, it should be bound not only to i1, but also
to i4 and i9. However, these objects have the names Employee and StudentEmployee, hence the
binding is not straightforward. The binding rules must take the information that PersonClass
defines member objects named Person, the PersonClass is specialized by EmployeeClass,
StudentClass and StudentEmployeeClass, and objects of these classes, independently of their
current name, should be bound to the name Person. This information is not present in the
given store model and must be introduced by some additional features. For instance, in the
ODMG standard it is implicitly assumed that the name of a class interface implicitly becomes
the name of the corresponding objects. Still, this issue in the standard is very unclear and
defined inconsistently [PK00]. The issue becomes even more problematic in case of weakly
typed systems and/or dynamic bindings. A similar problem concerns the semantics of
references (in general, properties specific for a given subclass). For instance, if one accesses
the objects Employee through the name Person, then references works_in should not be
accessible. Again, this may be a problem in case of weakly typed systems.
O - Objects:
< i1 , Person , { < i2, Name, ”Doe” >, < i3, BirthYear, 1948 > } >
< i4 , Employee , { < i5, Name, ”Brown” >, < i6, BirthYear, 1975 >,
< i7, Salary, 2500 >, < i8, works_in, i127 > } >
< i9 , StudentEmployee , { < i10, Name, ”Smith” >, < i11, BirthYear, 1951 >,
< i12, StudentNo, 223344 >, < i13, Faculty, ”Physics” >,
< i14, Salary, 1500 >, < i15, works_in, i128 > } >
C - Classes:
< i40 , PersonClass , { < i41, Age, (...code of the method Age...) >,
...other properties of the class PersonClass...}>
< i50 , EmployeeClass , { < i51, ChangeSalary, (...code of the method ChangeSalary...) >,
{< i52, NetSalary, (...code of the method NetSalary...) >,
...other properties of the class EmployeeClass... }>
< i60 , StudentClass , { < i61, AvgScore, (... code of the method AvgScore...) >,
...other properties of the class StudentClass ... }>
< i70 , StudentEmployeeClass , { }>
R - Root identifiers:
i1 , i4 , i9 , ...
CC - Inheritance relationships between classes:
< i50 , i40 >, < i60 , i40 >, < i70 , i50 >, < i70 , i60 > , ...
OC - Membership of objects in classes:
< i1 , i40 >, < i4 , i50 >, < i9 , i70 > , ...
Fig. 5.3 An example state of an object store in the classical object store model
To remove these disadvantages we propose another store model, with explicitly defined
roles. It is defined as a 6-tuple <O, C, R, CC, OC, OO>, where:
O, C, R, CC, OC are defined as before, but O is a set of roles rather than a set of
OO is a binary relation determining inheritance relationship between roles.
In our terminology, we must now distinguish objects and roles. Objects may consist of
many roles, and a role belongs to a single object. An object has exactly one main role. The
name of this main role should reflect semantics of the entire object. Deleting this role implies
deleting the entire object. Any role can inherit dynamically from another role within the same
object; inheritance among roles in different objects is forbidden. The inheritance is based on
the same rule as inheritance of class properties. This kind of inheritance is known from
prototype-based languages, for instance from Self. A role, which inherits, is sometimes called
a sub-role; an inherited role is sometimes called a super-role. The relation OO defines two
functional aspects. On the one hand, the relation determines which roles are inherited by other
roles. On the other hand, the relation OO fixes the semantics of manipulating objects with
roles. In particularly, copying an object implies “isomorphic” copying of all of its roles, and
deleting an object implies deleting all of its roles. Deleting a role implies recursive deleting all
of its sub-roles, but of course, not its super-role. The relation OO is a pure hierarchy (each
role has at most one super-role; no cycles). On pictures in the paper, OO is shown as doubleline with the black diamond end. In Fig. 5.4 we present an example of the object store from
Fig. 5.3, built according to the new definition. In Fig. 5.5 we present the same object store
graphically. The component CC - the relation determining inheritance between classes - is
empty in this case. Each role directly inherits from its class. A role inherits the properties of
its super-roles, hence indirectly inherits the properties of the classes that these super-roles
belong to.
The model does not imply problems with multiple inheritance. Because each role is an
independent encapsulated object, no name conflict is possible. The model also clearly shows
the reason for multiple inheritance anomalies in classical object models: they are caused by
the fact that properties of different classes (perhaps incompatible) are not encapsulated, but
mixed up in a single environment.
The model does not imply the mentioned above problems with bindings either. Note that
the identifier of each role belongs to root identifiers R, which present starting points for
binding objects. Hence name Person is bound to i1, i4, i7. The binding concerns exactly the
Person roles; other roles are invisible. Similarly, name Employee is bound to i13 and i16, but
after this binding the corresponding roles Person (i4 for i13 and i7 for i16) become visible,
according to the OO relation. Thus, for instance, Employee.Name and Employee.Age are
correct expressions; similarly, when name Student is bound.
O – Objects (roles):
< i1 , Person , { < i2, Name, ”Doe” >, < i3, BirthYear, 1948 > } >
< i4 , Person , { < i5, Name, ”Brown” >, < i6, BirthYear, 1975 >} >
< i7 , Person , { < i8, Name, ”Smith” >, < i9, BirthYear, 1951 >} >
< i13 , Employee , { < i14, Salary, 2500 >, < i15, works_in, i127 > } >
< i16 , Employee , { < i17, Salary, 1500 >, < i18, works_in, i128 > } >
< i19 , Student , { < i20, StudentNo, 223344 >, < i21, Faculty, ”Physics” >} >
C - Classes:
< i40 , PersonClass , { < i41, Age, (...code of the method Age...) >,
...other properties of the class PersonClass...}>
< i50 , EmployeeClass , {< i51, ChangeSalary, (...code of the method ChangeSalary...) >,
< i52, NetSalary, (...code of the method NetSalary...) >,
...other properties of the class EmployeeClass... }>
< i60 , StudentClass , { < i61, AvgScore, (... code of the method AvgScore...) >,
...other properties of the class StudentClass ... }>
R – Root identifiers:
i1 , i4 , i7 , i13 , i16 , i19 , ...
CC - Inheritance relationships between classes:
OC - Membership of roles in classes:
< i1 , i40 >, < i4 , i40 >, < i7 , i40 >, < i13 , i50 >, < i16 , i50 >, < i19 , i60 > , ...
OO – Inheritance between roles:
< i13 , i4 >, < i16 , i7 >, < i19 , i7 > , ...
Fig. 5.4 An example state of the object store in the object model with roles
The model is also consistent concerning references. For example, when name Person is
bound then references works_in are unavailable, because the roles Employee are invisible.
This property holds independently on whether the system is strongly typed or untyped.
i40 PersonClass
i41 Age (...code...)
i50 EmployeeClass
i60 StudentClass
i51 ChangeSalary (...code...)
i61 AvgScore (...code...)
i52 NetSalary (...code...)
i2 Name ”Doe”
i5 Name ”Brown”
i8 Name ”Smith”
i3 BirthYear 1948
i6 BirthYear 1975
i9 BirthYear 1951
i13 Employee
i16 Employee
i19 Student
i14 Salary 2500
i17 Salary 1500
i20 StudentNo 223344
i15 works_in
i18 works_in
i21 Faculty ”Physics”
Fig. 5.5 Graphical representation of the object store from Fig. 5.4
5.3. Dynamic Roles vs. Classical Object-Oriented
In this section we discuss several points, which make the concept of dynamic roles different
in comparison to the classical object-oriented models. Dynamic object roles have the potential
to create new powerful features, which are difficult or impossible to achieve in the classical
object model.
Multiple Inheritance
Due to roles are encapsulated there is no name conflict even if the super classes would have
different properties with the same name; see the third object in Fig. 5.2. Notice that there is no
class EmployeeStudentClass, which inherits both from EmployeeClass and StudentClass
classes. In our opinion (see Chapter 3.7), the introduced model with dynamic roles is able to
encompass most of situations in which multiple inheritance occurs.
Repeating Inheritance
It is normal that an object has two or more roles with the same name; for instance, Brown can
be an employee in two companies, with different Salary and Job. Such a feature cannot be
expressed by the traditional inheritance or multiple inheritance concepts.
Multiple-Aspect Inheritance
A class can be specialized according to many aspects. For example, a vehicle can be
specialized: (1) according to environment (ground, water, air) and (2) according to a drive
(horse, motor, jet, etc.). Modeling tools, such as UML, cover this feature, but it is rather
neglected in object-oriented programming and database models. One-aspect inheritance
makes problems with conceptual modeling and as a rule leads to multiple inheritance. Roles
are a viable concept to avoid problems with this feature. The intuitive approach to replace
multiple-aspect inheritance with dynamic roles is presented in Chapter 6.5.
Temporal and Historical Properties
As shown in Chapter 6.3, dynamic object roles are very useful for temporal databases since
roles can represent any past facts concerning objects, e.g., the employment history through
many Employee roles within one Person object (see Fig. 5.7). Without roles, historical objects
entail difficult design problems; for instance, if one wants to avoid redundancy, preserve reuse
of unchanged properties through standard inheritance, and avoid changing object identifiers.
Variants (Unions)
This feature, introduced, e.g., in C++, CORBA and ODMG object models, leads to a lot of
semantic and implementation problems. Some professionals argue that it is unnecessary, as it
could be substituted by specialized classes. However, if a given class can possess many
properties with variants, then modeling this situation by specialized classes leads to the
combinatorial explosion of classes (e.g. for 5 properties with binary variants - 32 specialized
classes). Dynamic object roles naturally avoid this problem. Each branch of a variant can be
considered a role of an object. Thus in an object model with dynamic roles the concept of
variants (unions) becomes indeed unnecessary.
Object Migration
Roles may appear and disappear at run time without changing identifiers of other roles. In
terms of classical object models it means that an object can change its classes without
changing its identity. This feature can hardly be available in classical object models,
especially in models where binding objects is static.
Referential Consistency
In the presented model relationships are connected to roles, not to the entire objects; thus, e.g.
it is impossible to refer to Salary and Job of Smith when one navigates to its object from the
object School. In classical object-oriented models, this consistency is enforced by strong
typing, but it may be problematic in untyped or weakly typed systems.
Properties of super-roles can be overridden by identically named properties of sub-roles. We
will show that the possibilities of overriding are extended in comparison to the classical object
models. The precise overriding rules will be explained in Chapter 5.5.6.
An object can be bound by the name of any of its roles, but the binding returns the identifier
of a role rather than the identifier of the object. By definition, the binding is dynamic, because
in a general case during compilation it is impossible to decide that a particular object has a
role with a given name.
A role must be associated with a name, because this is the only feature allowing the
programmer to distinguish a role from another one. Hence, the name of a role must be
determined by its type (unlike classical programming languages, where a type usually does
not determine the name of a corresponding object/variable). Because an object is seen through
the names of its roles, it has as many types as it has different names for roles. In this work, we
do not deal in details with typing issue; it requires further research.
It can be defined as usual; for instance, the Employee type is defined with the use of the
Person type. However, it makes little sense to introduce the StudentEmployee type (see the
third object in Fig. 5.2). Due to encapsulated roles, there is no possibility to mix up properties
of a Student object and properties of an Employee object within a single structure.
It becomes problematic. On the one hand, subtyping seems to be defined as in the traditional
model. On the other hand, since object names of roles are determined by types, it makes little
sense to say, e.g. that the Employee type can be used in all places, where the Person type can
be used. The Person type implies that an expected object has the name Person, not
Employee.19 Thus, the substitutability principle has to be reformatted, at least.
Dynamic Inheritance
The EmployeeClass do not inherit statically from the PersonClass. Instead, an Employee role
inherits dynamically all the properties of its Person super-role, thus indirectly inherits
properties of the PersonClass. Thus in Fig. 5.2 we have shown the inheritance between
EmployeeClass and PersonClass as a dashed arrow, because we consider it a comment rather
than a structural property.
At this stage, we do not attempt to discuss further consequences of this novelty for classical
issues that the strong typing community deals with, i.e. polymorphic typing, generic
programming, covariance/contravariance dilemma, etc.
Aspects of Objects and Heterogeneous Collections
A challenging problem with classical database object models such as ODMG [ODMG00] is
that an object belongs to one collection at most. This is contradictory to both multiple
inheritance and substitutability. For instance, we can include a StudentEmployee object into
the extent of Students, but we cannot include it at the same time into the extent of Employees
(and vice versa). This violates substitutability and leads to inconsistent processing. Dynamic
roles have a natural ability to model heterogeneous collections: an object is automatically
included into as many collections as roles it contains. In the classical object-oriented model
this would require to introduce a superclass over such classes, with all the necessary attributes
and methods.
Aspect-Oriented Programming and Separation of
AOP [KLMM+97] makes it possible to encapsulate cross-cutting concerns within separate
modules, namely: history of changes, security and privacy rules, visualization,
synchronization, and so on. Thus, dynamic object roles have conceptual similarities with AOP
or can be considered as a technical facility supporting AOP.
Meta-Data Support
Meta-data are a particular case of cross-cutting concerns. It is considered in Dublin Core
[DCMI] or W3C RDF [W3CRDF], e.g., authorship, validity, legal status, ownership, or
coding can be implemented as dynamic roles of information objects.
5.4. Specification of Dynamic Roles in Database
A standard for object-oriented databases has been proposed by ODMG [ODMG00]. It is a
very important contribution to the field, but (as in any pioneering development) not yet
sufficiently consistent, precise and complete (see e.g. [Alag97, Subieta97]). We consider it a
good starting point for further research. In this paper, we adopt the syntax of ODMG ODL
(based on IDL CORBA [OMG95]), however, we will be more precise concerning defined
concepts and semantics.
Concepts for Building Database Schemata
With respect to database schemata object-oriented models and corresponding object definition
languages deal with the following concepts: classes, types, interfaces, abstract data types, and
declarations of stored structures. However, there is a high degree of confusion what these
concepts actually mean. Below we briefly present our view on these concepts, which could be
the basis for developing concrete syntax and semantics of a data definition language for the
object model with roles.
Classes: They are implementation units storing invariant properties of their members
(objects). The invariant properties are usually reduced to names and types of member’s
attributes and methods, which can be executed on the member. Other kinds of invariant
properties include: a name assigned to a class member, specification of
events/exceptions, implementation of reactions to events/exceptions, implementation of
integrity constraints concerning the member, specification of exported properties of
objects (public properties), specification of imported properties (active and passive side
effects), etc. Classes, in contrast to types and interfaces, contain the entire
implementation of objects hence can be subjects of marketing activities (ownership,
copyrights, selling/buying, etc.).
Types: They are constraints on the structure of objects and specification of input/output
properties of procedures, functions and methods. The constraints restrict the context of
use of corresponding entities within queries, expressions or programs. Another function
of types is determining computer representation of values. A type should not be
confused with a class. Types do not determine implementation hence they have no
market value. A type could be an invariant of a class (can constraint member objects of
the class), but in general untyped or weakly typed classes are also possible. An
important role of type names is conceptual modeling: the name of a type frequently
bears informal data semantics.
Interfaces: In general, interfaces allow the programmer to treat classess/objects as black
boxes, thus should bear all the information, which is necessary to deal with objects, in
 Names of objects to identify them in queries or programs;
 Exported properties (names and types of public attributes and methods);
 Constraints on objects, on parameters of methods, on output of methods, etc.;
 Events/exceptions that can be raised during execution of methods;
 Events/exceptions that can be captured by objects (which trigger some actions on
 External properties which can be interrogated by methods (specification of
imported elements of program, database or computer environment);
 External properties that can be changed by methods (side effects of methods).
Interfaces defined in well-known languages and standards (CORBA, COM/DCOM,
ODMG and Java) have only some of these functions. Interfaces should not be confused
with types, although typing information is the main component of interfaces. If a
particular system defines the class concept, then multiple interfaces to a single object are
possible (COM/DCOM, Java). Otherwise, if the class concept is undefined, then the
model does not contain information if two interfaces concern the same or different
objects (CORBA). In the case of a model with roles, each role of an object presents its
particular interfaces; an object has as many interfaces as role names. Additionally, we
can assume there in no other interfaces: each defined interface determines a role of an
Abstract data types: There is no agreement what this concept actually means. In
popular explanation, it encapsulates a data structure by hiding its interior, which is
accessible through defined operations only. In various sources the concept varies
between ordinary types, interfaces and classes. We consider this concept as a synonym
of an interface to class members; hence in our terminology we will not use this term.
Declarations of stored data structures: This is the major goal of a database schema. In
programming languages, the declarations of stored data structures (e.g. variables) are
usually separated from the declarations of types, classes or interfaces. One can declare
many variables of the same type. Unlike, in SQL the declaration of a table (i.e. the SQL
“create table” statement) is joined with declaration of its type; there is no possibility to
declare the type of a table and then to declare any number of tables of this type. This
philosophy is adopted by the ODMG standard, which assumes declarations of extents
associated with declarations of interfaces. Just contrary, SQL3 and SQL1999 have
resigned from the previous SQL property, taking the approach in which declarations of
types and declarations of corresponding data structures can exist independently.
Modules: Traditionally (for instance, in Modula-2) a module is an encapsulated trading
unit (to be exchanged, replaced, bought, sold, etc.) and a unit of compilation. In a bit
different sense, modules are encapsulated containers storing objects, classes, procedures,
types, etc. Modules should possess a strongly defined interface, which (in Modula-2)
contain export and import lists. If one would assume dynamic linking and the possibility
to insert dynamically into modules new properties, then the trading function of modules
is the only essential ones. In this sense, modules are regular objects, only with an
additional flag that they are consistent encapsulated trading units. This flag has no
influence on the general semantic properties of such an object. For this reason in the
following, we do not use this concept.
The popular object models usually avoid an extensive number of concepts by sticking
several their roles in one concept. In particular, CORBA does not introduce classes and
declarations of stored data structures. In ODMG declarations of stored data structures are
determined within ODMG classes20 as “extent” clauses. Both CORBA and ODMG make no
difference between types and interfaces. In some proposals, classes are treated as synonyms of
types. In C++ classes have explicit qualification of privacy of attributes and methods, thus the
C++ class concept has some function of an interface. Similarly, in Eiffel, whose classes
explicitly introduce export lists.
Naming Issues
Some problem with the above notions concerns naming conventions. In programming
languages and in IDL CORBA it is usually assumed that classes, types or interfaces do not
The term “class” is specifically understood by ODMG; it does not correspond to the
definition presented above.
determine names of the corresponding objects. They are chosen by the programmer and have
the second-class citizenship. In SQL-based systems names of relations, names of attributes,
names of views, etc. are determined in a database schema and have the first-class citizenship.
ODMG assumes that the name of an interface becomes the name of the corresponding
objects; this implicitly follows from some examples. The standard explicitly introduces the
name of an extent (understood as a regular collection) within an interface. Unfortunately, this
is inconsistent [PK00], especially in the context of inheritance among interfaces and the
possibility to define collections having objects of different types. In general, naming of the
mentioned above entities and binding of names occurring in queries/programs are not treated
in existing proposals with attention. In particular, it is necessary to distinguish the name of a
class from the name of its member objects, the name of a type from the name of an object of
this type, and so on. The issue is important, in particular, for metadata management (discussed
in the following). The distinction can be accomplished by some naming rule (e.g. Class as a
suffix, for instance EmployeeClass) or by special statements or operators dealing with
particular kinds of entities (e.g. delete class Employee vs. delete object Employee).
A Sample Construction of an Object Schema with
Dynamic Roles
We assume the basic syntax of IDL CORBA and ODMG ODL. Other features of our
definitions are different. We will follow the top-down approach of the object-orientedness in
which classes are reusable units, which can be further specialized by subclasses. This is
sometimes called the open-closed principle: classes are open for specializations or extensions,
and closed for modifications. In terms of dynamic roles, a class after development can be
closed for modifications, but it can be further extended by new, ad hoc defined dynamic roles.
In the classical object-oriented terminology, roles correspond to subclasses of a given class.
A class is an implementation unit registered in the object store (on a server) by a system or
a database administrator. Each class has a unique name (AbstractPersonClass, PersonClass,
StudentClass, EmployeeClass and PersonCollectionClass). The registration of a class means
the following actions:
The full code of a class is introduced as a single object to the object store. Methods and
other properties of the class are introduced as subobjects of this object;
Meta-information concerning the class (class name, class location, ownership,
comments, date of input, last modification, status, etc.) is introduced to the
corresponding structure of the catalog;
The entire interface to a class is introduced to the catalogs. Name of the interface is
identical to the name of a class. The interface specifies all public properties of the class.
The interface is used in the following to build specialized interfaces (views) to the class
properties. The interface can be introduced manually by a person registering the class, or
automatically, by a special registration utility. In the second case, the utility can use
special keywords and language constructs in the class code, such as keyword “public”,
signatures of methods, and others.
interface AbstractPersonInterface to AbstractPersonClass {
attribute string Name;
attribute date BirthYear;
method unsigned integer Age( )
rises event BirthYearIsInvalid;
interface PersonInterface to PersonClass {
inherits from AbstractPersonInterface;
object name Person;
interface EmployeeInterface to EmployeeClass {
mandatory role of PersonInterface;
object name Employee;
attribute real Salary;
attribute set of string Job;
relationship CompanyInterface works_in
inverse employs;
method void ChangeSalary(in real NewSalary )
rises event NewSalaryIsInvalid;
method real NetSalary( );
interface StudentInterface to StudentClass {
multiple optional role of PersonInterface;
object name Student;
attribute integer Semester;
attribute string StudentNo;
method integer AvgScore( );
interface CompanyInterface to CompanyClass {
object name Company;
attribute string CompanyName;
relationship set of EmployeeInterface employs
inverse works_in;
relationship EmployeeInterface manager;
interface PersonCollectionInterface to PersonCollectionClass {
attribute set of PersonInterface;
method integer NbrOfElements( );
method void CreateNewPerson( in string Name, in date BirthYear );
method void DeletePerson( inout PersonInterface PersonToBeDeleted );
Fig. 5.6. Interfaces to database objects with roles
Interfaces are defined and identified independently of classes, but they refer to the names
of registered classes (or more precisely, to the names of their entire interfaces). The approach
makes it possible to define several interfaces to a single class. Classes store invariant
(imported) properties of their member objects. Any properties relevant to collections of
objects being members of a class (class methods and class attributes in the C++ terminology)
have to be stored in a separate class (so called a “power set of” class), whose members are
collections of objects (e.g. PersonCollectionClass)21. Classes are specified by interfaces,
which (as in IDL CORBA and ODL) present specification of public class properties.
Interfaces contain all typing information (in particular, types of attributes and signatures of
methods), but may contain also information irrelevant to types. Interfaces are the subject of
inheritance relationships, which can be one of two kinds. “Static” inheritance concerns
properties of a class (in Fig. 5.6 - an arrow with a white triangle end). “Dynamic” inheritance
concerns properties of a super-role (in Fig. 5.6 - a double-line with a black diamond end).
Usually the inheritance among interfaces corresponds to the inheritance among corresponding
classes. However, this is not mandatory and may depend on implementation of classes and the
conceptual view on corresponding interfaces.
The relationship between PersonCollectionInterface and PersonInterface (shown in Fig.
5.6 as a dashed double-line arrow) determines the dependency between a “power set of” class
and the class of its elements. “Power set of” classes do not constitute a special kind of classes
- they follow ordinary rules but their members are collections of objects. All the lines, arrows
and boxes in Fig. 5.6 are visual comments - the same information is explicitly present inside
interfaces. The syntax presented in Fig. 5.6 is an ad hoc extension of the ODL syntax. The
differences to the ODL semantics are the following:
Each interface is named and is associated with a class name. These names do not
determine the names of the corresponding objects.
Some interfaces (e.g. PersonInterface, EmployeeInterface) define names of the
corresponding objects. Interfaces need not to determine such a name (e.g.
An interface to a role is associated with another (parent) interface. A role can be
mandatory optional, and/or multiple. A mandatory role means that its super-role must
Some models introduce so-called “static” properties and methods within a class, which
concern class extents rather than class objects. Such an approach allows one to avoid the
“power set of” classes. However, on the other hand, it mixes different semantic and
conceptual entities, introduces some disorder in the model, and can be the reason of
possess it. Usually roles are optional. A multiple role may have many instances within
an object.
We follow the convention in which objects consist of roles and posses one main role.
Thus relationships, such as employs/works_in, connect roles rather than objects.
As in ODL (and unlike UML and the CORBA Relationships Service), relationships are
binary and have no attributes. In our opinion, relationships that are more powerful lead
to clumsy programming options. Relationships can be bidirectional (with the inverse
option, as for works_in/employs) or directed (no the inverse option, as for manager).
Independently of the inverse option, the system is responsible for keeping referential
integrity of relationships thus no dangling references can appear. Unlike ODL, defining
attributes with values being references to objects/roles, is not allowed.
The interface PersonCollectionInterface has an attribute being a set of objects Person.
The name for this attribute is undefined here, because the definition is present in the
PersonInterface. An interface like the PersonCollectionInterface can define more such
attributes, what makes it possible to define heterogeneous collections. Such a feature is
postulated in the ODMG standard.
Declarations of Data Structures
The schema presented in Fig. 5.6 maps interdependencies among interfaces, but it does not
determine which objects are currently stored in the database. However, just defining stored
objects is the main function of a database schema, as this information is necessary for the
application programmer. In ODMG, it is implicitly assumed that all interfaces, as shown in
Fig. 5.6, determine stored objects (this follows from some examples presented in the ODMG
standard). Besides the user can use an explicit definition of a stored data structure (so-called
extent) associated with an ODMG class. The CORBA standard has no clauses determining
stored data structures, but it is implicitly assumed that each IDL interface can be used to
access CORBA objects, which are created in a way dependent on particular object
implementation. An interface (or type) definition is coupled with the definition of stored data
structures in relational systems. This is materialized in the SQL “create table” statement.
The emerging SQL 1999 standard abandons these solutions and assumes that a table type
(i.e. an interface, in another terminology) can be defined independently from
declarations/creations of stored tables. This is a comeback to the tradition of programming
languages. Our view on this issue is the same: declarations of interfaces or types should be
separated from declarations/ creations of data structures. Lack of such separation makes
problems with the following cases:
One would like to define an abstract interface (to inherit from it), which has no direct
member objects;
One would like to define an interface to an attribute, to a sub-attribute, etc. i.e. to an
object which does not belong to the “root” objects;
One would like to define an interface to a single object (which does not participate in a
One would like to define an interface to a module (an entity encapsulating classes,
interfaces, types, objects, etc.) and - independently - interfaces to objects stored within
the module.
Thus, declarations of interfaces, as shown in Fig. 5.6, are not declarations of stored data
structures. Declarations of the structures present another meta-information, which have to be
stored in the database catalog. In Fig. 5.7 we have declared:
A single object named President (accessed by the AbstractPersonInterface - no roles).
Two objects named YoungPersons and OldPersons (being collections of objects Person
accessed by the PersonInterface; objects Person can be specialized by roles).
A set of objects Company, named Companies, without a corresponding power set of
class thus without an interface to the collection. Thus, it is implicitly assumed that such
a collection is accessible through a generic interface, which need not be defined
explicitly by the designer or programmer. Any declared structures can be served by a
query language, which presents such a generic interface.
AbstractPersonInterface President;
PersonCollectionInterface YoungPersons;
PersonCollectionInterface OldPersons;
set of CompanyInterface Companies;
Fig. 5.7 Declarations of data structures stored in the database
The presented idea concerns the conceptual view on objects, roles, their classes and types.
In this paper, we do not deal with physical implementations. Usually an entire object occupies
a continuous part of the disk store. Unlike this solution, roles can be stored on separate
storage parts, connected with their parent roles e.g. by pointers.
Metadata Management
The notions of classes, types, interfaces and declarations of stored structures are the subject of
metadata management. All the metadata are stored in the metadata repository (database
catalogs). The following situations are possible:
Non-updateable repository. Classes, types and interfaces originally exist as source
texts. After introducing them to the repository they can be interrogated only; no
updating is possible. Change a repository state is sometimes possible by deleting or
inserting whole such entities. This situation is typical for programming languages,
where such entities have the second-class citizenship. Another example is the CORBA
Interface Repository.
Updateable repository. Classes, types and interfaces exist as updateable structures
within the metabase. The system must support all the necessary operations, which make
it possible to input a new entity to the metabase, to modify it, to delete it and to print the
textual form of the database schema or its parts. This situation is more typical for
database management systems, which allow dynamic changing and interrogating the
introduced entities. For example, a user can insert/drop a table, a view, a procedure, a
trigger, etc. We also can imagine that it could be necessary to insert a new method to a
class/interface, a new event, etc. The approach is assumed in the ODMG standard,
which provides a metamodel having updating operations for the metadata repository.
The topic is known as schema evolution.
In the following, we skip discussion concerning which updating operations make sense on
the metadata repository, considering it a separate topic. In general, we assume that updating of
the metadata repository should be available through some generic and universal
query/programming interface (as in SQL-based relational systems).
The metamodel and its repository have to fulfill several functions:
Conceptual modeling, to understand interdependencies in the underlying data model and
in the schema language;
Object Store
* Stored Object
* Interface
* InterfaceName
Role Properties
Static Property
* has_superrole
EventName *
Attribute *
Class Spec
has *
Structural Type
Primitive Type
Fig. 5.8 A conceptual structure of the metadata repository (in UML)
Physical storage of every information that is introduced in the model and in the database
schema. The information is necessary for the database management system programmer
to implement properly its generic capabilities. In this role, the metadata repository
should be also prepared to store information on physical data properties, information
necessary for optimizations, privacy and security information, and so on;
Enabling the database application administrator to change the schema, for example, to
insert a new class or a new method. More advanced changes are qualified as schema
Enabling the database application programmer to retrieve every information that could
be necessary to generic programming through reflection (as, for instance, in dynamic
SQL or in CORBA IR).
These functions of the metamodel and its repository are to some extent contradictory. In
particular, the first function requires presenting detailed concepts in a form of a complex
diagram, while the last function requires that the metadata repository should be as simple as
possible (to avoid metadata management nightmare during preparing application programs).
In Fig. 5.8 we present a conceptual structure of the metadata repository, which follows the
first of the mentioned above functions. In practical implementation, other functions of the
repository can be supported by “flattenting” this model, i.e. storing structural information as
values of attributes rather than as specialized classes, inheritance links and relationship links.
Below we present some comments to the presented diagram.
Class MetaObject is a superclass of the classes Interface and Property. It stores
(optionally) the name of an object instance, as presented in Fig. 5.6.
Instances of the class Class Spec determine all public properties defined in the class.
When a new class is registered, all its public properties are determined within a
corresponding instance of the Class Spec. The class itself is stored as a regular instance
of the Stored Object class (possibly distinguished; this is not shown in the diagram).
Instances of the class Class Spec can be used to define any number of interfaces
(relationship is_implemented_by).
Role interfaces are regular interfaces, but for a role interface, the attribute InstanceName
is obligatory. The relationship is_role_of connects a role interface to its super-role
In Fig. 5.6 we have assumed that the definition of a role interface contains the clause
determining its super-role interface. Such a solution is more close to the classical objectoriented models, where each specialized class contains the reference(s) to its parent
class(es). In contrast, in Fig. 5.8 we have assumed that the relationship is_role_of has
the many-to-many cardinality and the attributes IsOptional and IsMultiple are assigned
to this relationship. The basic motivation for this extension is support for aspect-oriented
programming, where role interfaces may represent cross-cutting aspects of objects (such
as history of changes, ownership, security, privacy, visualization, synchronization,
transaction processing, etc.). An aspect can be implemented as a class, which is
represented by its interface. Such an interface can be then assigned as a role to many
other interfaces. Of course, on the level of the object store each role has still at most one
super-role. The feature requires special syntax (not determined yet) in our data
definition language.
An Interface has properties (Property class) which could be static (Static Property) or
behavioral (Method). Static properties are subdivided into attributes and relationships.
Static properties can be qualified as multiple and/or optional. In this way we model
collections (in the ODMG terminology). Possibly, another qualifier IsOrdered can be
introduced to model ordered collections. We avoid specialized parameterized interfaces
to collections, as in the ODMG standard (see the critique presented in [Alag97]).
Instead, we assume that a query language will contain several built-in operators to
process collections in addition to the classical for each ... do... operator; for example
union, intersection, insertion, deletion, etc. These built-in operators can be used to
implement specialized interfaces for particular collections. In general, in this model we
do not introduce templates or other parameterized definitions.
Attributes, parameters and output of methods have associated their types. A type can be
primitive (integer, string, etc.) or structural. Structural types are particular cases of
interfaces. In consequence, if one has to declare the structural type (struct, in the C++
terminology), he/she has to define an identical interface. In this way we avoid a (rather
subtle) difference between interfaces and structural types.
Fig. 5.8 presents also the organization of the object store. Usually, this part is not
considered a component of the metadata repository, but for connections of this part to
the rest of the repository, we present everything on a single diagram. An instance of the
class Stored Object can store any entity that is a database unit; in particular, objects,
attributes, instances of relationships (pointer links), methods (including database views,
procedures, rules, and reaction to events), classes and modules. More detailed
classification and interdependencies between these entities are not shown on this
The property of being root object is assigned directly to objects rather than to interfaces.
Root objects are starting points for querying the database.
The persistence property is assigned to objects rather than to interfaces or classes. This
is the consequence of the principle of orthogonal persistence. In consequence, transient
objects can be explicit components of persistent objects, which supports some
programming techniques (e.g. makes it possible to store temporarily various flags inside
objects, to enable concurrent processing).
Stored objects can be primitive or complex. Complex objects are determined by the
consists_of relationship. Complex objects include collections, which are modeled as
many objects having the same name (as illustrated in Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5).
Roles are a special case of complex objects. The relationship has_superrole is used to
determine the inheritance hierarchy of roles.
Several features of the data model and the schema language are not presented at this
diagram. In particular, we do not present subdivision of object/class properties into
public and private. Many other features, such as threads, triggers, rules, transactions,
etc., are outside the scope of this paper.
5.5. Query Language for the Object Model with
Dynamic Roles
In this chapter, we follow the stack-based approach (SBA) to query languages, see [SBMS94,
SKL95, PK00] and many other papers. In our opinion, SBA is probably the only adequate
theoretical paradigm for a query language defined for the object model with dynamic roles.
SBA can be summarized as follows:
It considers query languages a special kind of programming languages. Thus, it follows
the classical programming languages’ semantics rather than database theoretical
concepts such as the relational algebras, calculi or first-order logic. SBA is also a much
more powerful alternative to novel theoretical concepts devoted to object-oriented
databases, such as object algebras, object (domain) calculi, comprehensions, monoid
calculus, F-logic, and others.
Each run-time database or program entity (object, method, procedure, view, etc.) has an
internal (illegible) identifier and an external name, which can be used in
Each name occurring is a query/program is bound to a run-time entity (entities)
according to the current scope for this name. Scoping and binding rules follow the same
discipline for each name: no difference for names of objects, attributes, methods, etc., as
well as auxiliary names defined in a query. The binding returns some information about
the run-time state (in majority of cases, internal identifiers of objects).
Scopes for names are organized in the environment stack, which is a generalized version
of classical environment stacks implemented in majority of programming languages.
The stack accomplishes binding names according to the classical “search-from-the-top”
Query operators are subdivided into algebraic, which do not deal with the environment
stack, and non-algebraic, which (temporarily) change the environment stack. Typical
algebraic operators are: =, +, <, union, etc. Typical non-algebraic operators are the
following: where (selection), dot (projection or navigation), dependent join (known
from ODMG OQL), quantifiers, etc.
Queries are building blocks for database/program constructs and abstractions, such as
views, procedures, methods, imperative statements (creating, updating, deleting) and
control statements.
The stack-based approach is implemented in the prototype system Loqis [Subieta91]. In
[Płodzień00] there is shown that the approach is also adequate for implementing query
optimization methods, much more general and powerful than similar methods developed for
relational query languages. The methods can be easily extended for an object model with
dynamic roles. Currently we are developing a prototype object-oriented DBMS dealing with
roles (among several other new features). In this section, we present basic ideas related to the
semantics of such a query language.
The Environment Stack
The environment stack (ES) is responsible for scope control and binding names. In
programming languages, it is managed according to procedure calls and program blocks. A
new section of volatile objects (so-called activation record) is pushed onto the stack when a
procedure/block is started, and the section is popped when the procedure/block is terminated.
The activation record for a procedure invocation contains volatile variables (objects) that are
declared within this procedure, actual procedure’s parameters, a procedure return address, and
other data. Binding follows the “search from the top” rule. The last added section is the first
visited during the binding, and objects from some sections remain invisible for the binding
(for so-called static scoping).
The stack-based semantics of object query languages is explained in [SBMS94, SKL95,
PK00] and other sources. The idea is that some query operators (called non-algebraic) act on
the stack in a similar way as invocations of program blocks. For instance, in the query22
The order of search
during binding
name n
Binders to properties of the currently processed Employee object
Binders to EmployeeClass properties
Binders to PersonClass properties
... other visible stack sections ...
... invisible sections due to static scoping ...
Binders to global properties of the current user session
Binders to root database objects, views, database procedures, ...
Binders to global library procedures, environment variables, ...
Fig. 5.9 An example state of the environment stack for classical object store model
Employee where Salary < 2000 and Age > 40
the part
Salary < 2000 and Age > 40
is a block evaluated in a new environment, which is determined by the currently tested
Employee object. Thus, for the evaluation of this subquery, ES is augmented by a new section
containing references to all internal properties of the object. After the evaluation this section
is popped.
The stack consists of sections, which are sets of binders. Binder is a concept that allows us
to explain and formally describe various naming issues that occur in object models and
query/programming languages. Formally, a binder is a pair (n, x), where n is an external
name, and x is some entity, in particular, a reference to an object. Such a pair will be written
as n(x). Binders serve binding names occurring in queries. If binder n(x) is present on ES and
we want to bind the name n, then the result of the binding is x. The binding follows the
“search from the top” rule: when n is bound, we are looking for a binder n(x) that is closest to
the stack top. To cover bulk data structures of the store model we assume that the binding is
multi-valued: if the relevant section contains more binders whose names are n: n(x1), n(x2),
Using OQL syntax the query can be formulated as: select e from Employee as e where
e.Salary <2000 and e.Age() > 40. SBQL avoids the “select...from” sugar, because it makes
queries less orthogonal and sometimes unnatural.
n(x3),..., then all of them form the result of binding. In such a case binding n returns the
collection {x1, x2, x3,...}.
The order of search
during binding
name n
Binders to properties of the currently processed Employee role r
Binders to EmployeeClass properties
Binders to properties of the Person super-role of r
Binders to PersonClass properties
... other visible stack sections ...
... invisible sections due to static scoping ...
Binders to global properties of the current user session
Binders to root database objects, views, database procedures, ...
Binders to global library procedures, environment variables, ...
Fig. 5.10 An example state of the environment stack for the object store with roles
In Fig. 5.9 we present the state of ES during binding name n occurring within a query
Employee where ... n ...
for the classical object store model, as presented in Fig. 5.3. Notice that together with the
internal environment of the currently processed object (top of the stack) below there are
environments of its class (binders to EmployeeClass properties) and superclass (binders to
PersonClass properties). Thus, for instance, for the query
Employee where Age > 40
the binding of Age will be accomplished at the 3-rd section from the top, since this section
contains the binder Age( i41 ). The detailed description of the stack organization and its
behavior for particular query operators can be found in other sources. Thorough
understanding may require deeper knowledge on programming languages’ semantics and
compiler construction.
In Fig. 5.9 we present an example state of the stack for the same query
Employee where ... n ...
during binding name n for the store model presented in Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5. As we can
see, the difference concerns only the new section of the Person super-role (third from the top)
of the currently processed Employee role, which is inserted into the stack. Previously (in Fig.
5.9) binders to such properties were present at the top of the stack, among binders induced by
the processed Employee object.
An obvious difference concerns the database section (in Fig. 5.9 and Fig. 5.10 second
from the bottom). Previously it has contained binders to root objects, e.g. Person(i1),
Employee(i4), StudentEmployee(i9), ... for Fig. 5.3. Now this section contains binders to all
root roles, e.g., for Fig. 5.4, Person(i1), Person(i4), Person(i7), Employee(i13), Employee(i16),
Student(i19), ... .
Opening a New Scope on the Environment Stack
The rules for opening a new section on ES by a non-algebraic operator for the object model
with roles are the natural modification of the rules for the object model introduced in [SKL95,
PK00]. Consider query q1  q2 where  is a non-algebraic operator, q1 and q2 are sub-queries.
The object model without roles: Let q1 return the identifier of some object O. Let object O
be a member of C1O class, which inherits from C2O, which inherits from C3O, etc. Let O,
C1O, C2O, C3O, ... have identifiers iO, iC1O, iC2O, iC3O, ..., correspondingly. Then  pushes on
the top of ES the corresponding sections in the order shown in Fig. 5.11
top of ES
of the object O
Fig. 5.11 Sections pushed onto ES by a non-algebraic operator in the classical object store
where nested is a function returning binders to internal properties of the object, whose
identifier is the argument of the function. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 5.9, where three
top ES sections are just opened by the non-algebraic operator where.
The object model with roles: Let q1 return the identifier of a role R1. Let R1 inherits
dynamically from R2, which inherits dynamically from R3, etc. Let Ri (i = 1,2, ...) be a
member of C1Ri class, which inherits from C2Ri, which inherits from C3Ri, etc. The
corresponding identifiers are: iR1, iR2, iR3, ..., iC1R1, iC2R1, iC3R1, ..., iC1R2, etc. Then  pushes on
the top of ES the corresponding sections in the order shown in Fig. 5.12.
top of ES
of the role R1
of the role R2
of the role R3
Fig. 5.12 Sections pushed onto ES by a non-algebraic operator in the object model with roles
The situation is illustrated in Fig. 5.10, where four top ES sections are just opened by the
non-algebraic operator where. All opened sections are removed after processing the role R1.
Other rules concerning opening/closing ES sections by a non-algebraic operator remain
Thin and Thick Sections
In the previous chapter we described how the environment stack is modified by the nonalgebraic operator where. The several sections created after pushing nested(q1) onto the top
of ES can be treated as a one “thick” section, e.g., when these sections are closed (poped) at
the end of processing q1. Therefore, we introduce the concepts of thin and thick sections.
When a new scope is opened on the ES then a new thick section, which consists of thin
sections, is created. We will mark thick section with a thick line, but thin section with a thin
one (Fig. 5.13).
Note that the concepts are introduced for better comprehension of the environment stack
only. In particular, the division presented has no influence on the binding rules.
Private, Protected, and Public Properties
Fig. 5.11, Fig. 5.12, and Fig. 5.13 do not present situations on ES induced by encapsulation,
which subdivides properties into public, protected, and private. However, the rule for the
object model with roles remains the same as for the classical object store model. It is roughly
the following:
(Employee where Salary < 2000 and Age > 40
Local env. of Age
NetSalary(i52), ...
NetSalary(i52), ...
Age(i41), ...
Age(i41), ...
Fig. 5.13 States of ES during processing a query
Private properties of an object of a given class are available only to methods that are
stored within this class;
Protected properties of an object of a given class are available to methods that are stored
within this class or within parents of this class.
This rule can be easily implemented as a part of the environment stack mechanism. A
graphical solution (with passed over protected properties) is presented in Fig. B.5.
Binding rules for the store model with roles remain the same as for the classical object store
model. All role names are bound in the database section of the stack (in Fig. 5.9 and Fig. 5.10
- second from the bottom). If the model with roles is used for programming of applications 23,
then role names would also bound in the section of a current user session stack (in Fig. 5.9
and Fig. 5.10 - third from the bottom) and in sections containing local environments of
procedures and methods. The rules for auxiliary naming (operator as known from OQL) are
the same as for the classical object store model.
In some future query/programming language.
In Fig. 5.13 we present example states of the environment stack during evaluation of a
simple query in SBQL (the query language implemented in Loqis) for the object store
presented in Fig. 5.5. Sections, which are inessential for this example, are not shown. The first
ES state contains only the database section, where the name Employee is bound (returning
{i13, i16}). The second state presents the case when the operator “where” processes i16. The
name Salary is bound at the top (returning i17) and the name Age are bound in the
PersonClass section, 4th from the top (returning i41). The next state presents the case when
the method Age is executed: the method pushes at the top of ES its local environment. During
execution of the method, the section of the Employee role (2nd from the top) and the section
of EmployeeClass (3rd from the top) are invisible due to static scoping. The final state, after
executing the query, is the same as the beginning state.
Polymorphism and Overriding
The discussed above stack-based semantics supports polymorphism because each role and its
class are encapsulated. Thus, the designer can chose the same name for different methods
stored within different classes. Overriding is naturally supported by the scoping rules, as
presented in Fig. 5.9. In particular, it is possible to override a method defined for a role by a
method defined for its sub-role. The possibilities of overriding are extended. It is also possible
to override an attribute defined for a role by a method defined for its sub-role, and vice versa.
Such a feature can be useful, e.g., when in a specialized role one wants to substitute an
attribute by a virtual attribute.
Creating and Deleting Roles
Creating and deleting objects and roles require introducing some semantical changes for
create and delete operators. In this chapter, we briefly discuss that issue.
Create Operator
Due to various constraints can be imposed on object and roles the create operator should be
able to create not only single objects, but objects with their roles too. The simplified grammar
for creating objects and roles (in modified BNF24 notation) can be defined as follows25:
BNF - Backus Naur Form
<create_def> ::= <create_expr> {<create_expr>}
<create_expr> ::= create <create_spec> [as <auxname>] [(<attribute_list>)]
<create_spec> ::= <Class>| role <RoleClass> of <identifier>
<attribute_list> ::= <attribute> {, <attribute>}
<attribute> ::= <attribute_name> = <value>
<value> ::= <literal> | <collection_value>
<literal> ::= <integer_literal> | <float_literal> | <string_literal> | <name>| null
<collection_value> = { <value_list> }
<value_list> ::= <value> {,<value>}
(10) <with_role_list> ::= <with_role> {, <with_role>}
(11) <with_role> ::= with role <RoleClass> [as <auxname>] [(<attribute_list>)]
Apart from the keyword and symbols, the following terminals are used:
name – denotes any name;
Class – denotes a class identifier
RoleClass – denotes a role class identifier;
auxName – denotes an auxiliary name;
identifier – denotes an object identifier
integer, float, string – denote an integer, real number and string, respectively.
create Company as C (name=”IPI”);
create Person (birthYear=1948, name=”Doe”);
create Person (birthYear=1951, name=”Smith”) {
The following metasymbols are used:
{S} – S may be repeated; S must occur at least once;
[S] – S may occur at most once.
with role Student (semester=6, studentNo=”223344”, scholarship=1200),
with role Employee (salary=1500, job=”secretary”, works_in=C) };
create Person (birthYear=1975, name=”Brown”) {
with role Employee (salary=2500, job = “assistant”) };
Delete Operator
Removal of an object leads automatically to delete all its roles, but obviously, removal of a
role does not mean that its main object is deleted too. A role concept realizes cascade
semantics of removal, well-known for many database systems.
For example, the query
delete Person as p where p.name = ”Brown”
deletes all persons whose name is Brown with its all roles, while the instruction
delete Employee as e where e.salary > 3000
deletes those employees (Employee roles) who earn more than 3000.
Role-Specific Operators
For some kinds of queries, it can be useful to make an explicit conversion between different
roles of an object. Such a feature is necessary e.g. for the query “get all employees which are
at the same time students”. Thus, it is necessary to provide a cast operator, which will convert
the identifier of a role into the identifier of another role. Similarly we can be introduced a
boolean operator testing presence of a given role within an object. Another operator may
return identifiers of the roles that are currently present within an object. Such operators
increase the possibility of generic programming.
Casting Operator
In contrast to the typical cast operators (known e.g. from C++) our casting operator not only
convert types, but it is a regular run-time operator mapping collections of identifiers into
another collection of identifiers. Syntactically, the operator will be written as:
(name) query
where name is a role name, and query is a query returning identifiers of roles. Semantics of
this operator is the following: it takes an identifier of a role returned by the query, then returns
an identifier of a role within the same object, named name. If the object has no role named
name, then the result is empty (null). If the object has more than one role named name, then
identifiers of all these roles are returned. The casting operator is an algebraic operator. By the
operator, we can express the following queries, for example:
Example: Select students who are at the same time employees.
(Student) Employee
Evaluation of the query Employee returns the collection of identifiers of the roles Employee in
all objects. Then the operator (Student) converts each of them into an identifier of the role
Student or into null, if the given object has the Employee role and has no Student role. The
result is a collection of identifiers of the role Student; nulls are ignored; see Fig. 5.14.
The initial state
The QRES after The QRES after
eval(‘Employee’) eval(‘(Student)’)
The final result
Fig. 5.14 States of QRES during evaluation of the query: (Student) Employee
Casting operator is a powerful operator, which should act on an object with nested roles
also. For instance, if we assume that a person, who participates in a conference, has acquired
roles as depicted in Fig. 5.15, than we should able to perform the query:
Example: Select persons who are reviewer and who are authors of accepted papers:
(Person)( (Reviewer) Author )
The above query is almost equivalent to the following query:
(Person)( (Author) Reviewer ).
The queries will lead to the same results if duplicates will be finally removed.
Example: Assume students have the attribute Scholarship. For each Person return Name and
incomings being Salary for employees, Scholarship for students or sum of Salary and
Scholarship for working students. For a person, who is not an employee and not a student, the
incoming is 0.
(Person as p) . ( p . Name, sum( 0, ((Student) p) . Scholarship, ((Employee) p) . Salary ) )
Fig. 5.15 An example of an object with nested roles (Conference).
In the above example sum is an aggregate function similar to the corresponding SQL function.
Hasrole Operator
Hasrole operator tests presence of a given role within an object. Syntactically, the operator
will be written as:
query hasrole name,
where name is a role name, and query is a query returning identifiers of objects or roles.
Semantics of this operator is the following: it takes an identifier of an object (role) returned by
the query, then search whether a role exists within the same object (role), named name. If the
object (role) has no role named name, then the result is false. If the object has one or more
than one role named name, then true is returned. The hasrole operator is an algebraic
Example: Select persons who are working and are more than sixty years old.
((Person where age > 60) as p) where (p hasrole Employee)
Roles Operator
The roles operator returns identifiers of certain roles that are currently present within an
object. Syntactically, the operator will be written as:
roles [name] of query,
where name is a role name and query is a query returning identifiers of objects or roles.
Semantics of this operator is the following:
If name is given it takes an identifier of an object (role) returned by the query, then
search whether roles with a name name exist within the same object (role). If the object
(role) has no such roles, then the result is empty (null). If the object has one or more
than role with a name name, then their identifiers are retrieved.
If name is not specified it takes an identifier of an object (role) returned by the query,
then search whether roles exist within the same object (role). If the object (role) has no
roles, then the result is empty (null). If the object has one or more roles, then their
identifiers are retrieved.
The roles operator is an algebraic operator.
Example: Retrieve names of all roles acquired by Smith.
unique ( nameof (((roles (Person where name = “Smith”)) as r) close by ((roles r) as r)))
In the above example nameof is an operator that retrieves a name of an object (or role), unique
is an operator for removing duplicates, and close by is an operator, which performs the
transitive closure26.
Query Optimization
Because the model with dynamic roles is built on the standard stack-based approach, the
general idea of static query optimization through static analysis, as presented in [Płodzień00,
The transitive closure makes possible to process recursive data structures and to encapsulate
some non-trivial iterations [AU79, SMA90]. For instance, the concept of a transitive closure
may be required in order to perform the aggregate function weight for a data structure defined
as follows:
The total weight of parts is a sum:
sum(Part.mass, Part.is_made_from.Part.mass, …)
The sum above can be computed by using transitive closure operator closed by:
sum( (Part closed by (Part.is_made_from.Part)).mass ).
Other variants of the transitive closure, implemented in LOQIS, are discussed in [SMA90].
PK00, PS01a, PS01b, PS01c], remains the same. To cover the concept of roles the database
schema graph needs a new kind of nodes to store definitions of roles and a new kind of edges
for the is_role_of relationship between roles.
Some modifications are needed for the query optimization techniques. Among others, the
stack’s sizes calculated in the method of independent subqueries should concern the modified
environment stack storing sections for roles (see Chapter 5.5.2). In addition, methods, which
have not been considered so far, may prove usefulness in the new model. For example,
casting operators discussed in the previous section may lead to a situation when an auxiliary
name cannot be eliminated but the query can still be rewritten to a more efficient form. The
following illustrates the general idea. Consider the query in SBQL (adopted for the object
model with roles) “get persons born after 1950 along with their companies”:
((Person as p)  ((Employee) p) . works_in . Company) where p.BirthYear > 1950
In this query the dependent join operator  joins each object Person (named in this query
p) with the Company that the person works_in if the person has the Employee role, what is
determined by the casting operator (Employee). The resulting pairs < p(iPerson), iCompany>
(where iPerson, iCompany are references of Person and Company roles, correspondingly) are then
filtered by the where operator, which leaves only those pairs, where the person is born after
1950. According to optimization rules presented in the cited above papers, the selection
predicate can be pushed before the  operator:
(((Person as p) where p.BirthYear > 1950)  ((Employee) p) . works_in . Company)
but the auxiliary name p cannot be removed, because it is used after the join. Nevertheless, we
can perform the selection before introducing p:
(((Person where BirthYear > 1950) as p)  ((Employee) p) . works_in . Company)
Such a case could be especially common when the optimization concerns queries
involving views, that is, when such a selection is applied to a view invocation, which is then
macro-substituted. The example shows the possibility to apply the query rewriting methods,
e.g. a method known as “pushing a selection before a join”, to queries addressing the object
model with roles. Low-level optimization techniques, such as applying indices, are practically
unchanged for this model. Thus, although optimization techniques for the model need further
development, we do not expect that the model implies totally new query optimization
6. Extending UML with Dynamic Object
The Unified Modeling Language [UML01] is becoming a widely used tool for conceptual
modeling and systems design. In spite of its advantages, UML, as probably every tool, offers
opportunities for improvement. Such opportunities are subjective to some degree, because
what is “natural improvement” for someone, it does not have to be perceived in this way by
others. Nevertheless, discussions concerning the refinement of UML are necessary, because
they make it possible to create a critical mass of ideas and remedies, which is essential for the
success of the language.
The discussions on refining UML have existed since the advent of the standard and
resulted in a large number of publications. Some of them concern UML’s general aspects;
others concern its particular elements, including the class diagram. In this chapter, we focus
on the integration of promising concept of dynamic object roles in the UML [JPSS02].
The term “role” has several specific kinds of meaning in software engineering and
databases. “Dynamic object roles” that we deal with (see Chapter 5) has several interesting
properties and proves to be especially useful for expressing some complex problem domains.
Despite the concept’s advantages, some researchers consider its applications not
sufficiently wide to justify the extra complexity implied by it to conceptual modeling
frameworks. In particular, it has not been introduced into UML, because it is “a valuable
modeling concept that can be mapped into associations” ([UML99a], p. 54) and “the use of
multiple classification or dynamic classification affects the dynamic execution semantics of
the language, but is not usually apparent from a static model” ([UML01], pp. 3-87). Although
we understand the motivation of this decision, we disagree with the conclusion.
On the other hand, some researchers propose to represent dynamic object roles informally
through the already existing notions of the conceptual modeling by using design patterns
[GHJV95], which have been popularized in the context of object-orientation. The design
pattern decorator [GHJV95] is considered in [Fowler97] a good mapping of dynamic roles,
because it allows one to insert additional functionality to a class without subclassing (see
Chapter 4.7).
We argue in the chapter that this attitude to the concept of dynamic roles should be
revised and that the complexity of many real-life problems requires special tools supporting
the systems analyst.
Although UML does not support dynamic object roles, the standard includes some notions
related to them. One of them is dynamic classification defined as “a semantic variation of
generalization in which an object may change its classifier” ([UML01], p. B-8). The concept
of dynamic object roles emerges from dynamic classification, which per se is a powerful tool
for conceptual modeling. Moreover, to some degree dynamic classification can be regarded as
a conceptual framework for the idea of dynamic roles. However, the standard treats the
concept superficially; in particular, it does not specify how to apply it and when, and offers no
notation for expressing it on the class diagram.
Another relevant concept is a collaboration role that “defines a role to be played by an
Instance within a Collaboration” ([UML01], p. 3-125). It is similar to the concept of dynamic
roles presented in Chapter 5, because it can cover behavioral specification of objects, focusing
on dynamic aspects of an object’s life. In our opinion, dynamic roles should be incorporated
first into the static view diagram (i.e. the class diagram), and only then into those of the other
UML diagrams that are affected by this incorporation.
6.1. Dynamic Classification vs. Dynamic Object
Generally, a new element of UML model one can define through a stereotype. In our
discussion we will make use of the dynamic classification example diagram presented in
[FS97] (see Fig. 6.1) which uses the user-defined stereotype «dynamic». The model applies
dynamic classification for a person’s job in order to express that a person can change his/her
job. Note a serious disadvantage of this diagram: a person can have only one job at a time;
this is illustrated in Fig. 6.2 – a man (modeled by a Male owner-object) has exactly one
Salesman role, which means that now he is working as a salesman only.
Fig. 6.1 An example of dynamic classification in [FS97]
Fig. 6.2 A man has one role
A problem domain can frequently be more complex, because a person can have several
different jobs simultaneously. It is presented in Fig. 6.4 – a man is an engineer, a salesman,
and a manager at the same time. To model such a situation, we can modify the diagram
depicted in Fig. 6.1 by adding an overlapping-constraint to the specialization hierarchy with
the Job aspect; see Fig. 6.3.
The situation when we want to consider for an entity both its current and past roles is
similar to the situation when past roles are neglected. A role needs a special flag to indicate
whether it is current or past. With this in mind, without loss of generality we will consider
only current roles in our discussion. Unfortunately, also the introduction of an additional
mechanism of grouping is necessary which makes possible to recognize and act on all roles of
a given object (e.g., which can act on all jobs of a given person).
The idea of generalization/specialization assumes that children’s classes and their
properties are not known by their parent class(es). In our approach, roles of a given object can
be accessed from this object in a way, which is different from simple navigation. Another
important difference between classical inheritance and (dynamic) inheritance among roles is
related to class instantiation. Instantiation in the class hierarchy means that a single object,
which represents the most specific class, is created. An instance is not related to other ones by
inheritance, because inheritance relationships exist among generalizable model elements only
(such as classes and other classifiers, associations, use cases, states, events, and
collaborations). Thus the instantiation mechanism, which leads to creation of an object with
roles, in our opinion, should assume that an instance could be in a sense a generalizable
element too.
Fig. 6.4 A man has at most one role of a given kind
Fig. 6.3 A class diagram modeling the situation from Fig. 6.4
through an overlapping-constraint
6.2. Composition vs. Dynamic Object Roles
In many cases, situation can be more complicated (than depicted in Fig. 6.3), e.g., when a
person needs to have several jobs of the same kind simultaneously (the case of repeating
inheritance). For example, the man modeled in Fig. 6.5 works not only as an engineer, but has
also two positions as a salesman, and three positions as a manager. Note that this cannot be
expressed even with overlapping dynamic classification. Instead, some kind of association
(the best solution is composition) has to be used; see Fig. 6.6 where the specialization
hierarchy with the Job aspect has been replaced with composition, because:
An object with its own roles can be treated as a composite object.
Similarly to composition, a role cannot exist without its parent object.
The fact that a person can possess several roles of the same type is modeled through the
“many” multiplicity items on the constituent ends of the composition. One can specify
in a simple way whether a role should be mandatory or optional or define another its
multiplicity. (Usually roles are optional. A mandatory role means that its superrole must
possess it. A multiple role may have many instances within an object, e.g., a person can
work many times as a manager, but he/she can work almost one as an engineer role Fig. 6.6.).
The removal semantics of objects with roles is emphasized as very similar to removal
semantics of composition.
However, from the viewpoint of conceptual modeling this approach has a very serious
disadvantage: the specialization/generalization semantics between the Person class and its
subclasses (Manager, Engineer, and Salesman) has been lost. To express this semantics back
on the diagram, one has to define for instance constraints for the composition. It is evident
that this requires additional effort and may be error-prone. Moreover, it forbids applying the
useful concept of generalization, which is one of the most significant tools of the objectoriented data model.
Fig. 6.5 A man has several roles of the same kind
* Manager
* Salesman
Fig. 6.6 A class diagram modeling the situation from Fig. 6.5 through composition
6.3. RoleOf Relationship
In order to be able to express dynamic object roles on the UML class diagram, we propose to
introduce a new kind of relationship – the RoleOf relationship – along with a new graphical
element drawn as a path with a white-and-black diamond. The white top triangle (derived
from the generalization notation) expresses the existence of (dynamic) generalization, while
the black bottom triangle emphasizes the fact that a role cannot exist without its owner’s
object and cannot be shared (similarly as in composition). The white-and-black diamond is
placed on the end of a path attached to the class whose instances are owner-objects. Similarly
to generalization paths, names are not attached to RoleOf paths. A group of dynamic
generalization paths for a given parent may be shown as a tree with shared segment (including
the white-and-black diamond) to the child, branching into multiple paths to each child. An
example of shared target style is presented in Fig. 6.7, while an example of separated target
style is presented in.
For the RoleOf relationship, UML multiplicity items can be defined in the following
Because a role cannot be shared between different objects (in other words, a role has
exactly one owner), the multiplicity for the owner end is always one (it is default) and
does not have to be specified.
The multiplicity for the other (i.e. role) end specifies how many roles being the instances
of the same class a given owner-object can potentially possess.
Fig. 6.7 presents a class diagram for our example problem – the information about
possessing a position is modeled through the Manager, Engineer, and Salesman classes
whose instances are roles of Person objects. The multiplicity items specify that a person can
have an arbitrary number of positions of these kinds.
Note that the main difference between the model from Fig. 6.3 and the model from Fig.
6.6 is not the syntax (that is, the graphical representation; in fact, they are very similar
visually), but the semantics. Applying the role concept in Fig. 6.7 has important
consequences. Although in both of the models instances of the Manager, Engineer, and
Salesman classes cannot exist by themselves (without their whole parts or their owners), from
the model in Fig. 6.7 we know directly that they are roles, to which the entire paradigm of
dynamic object roles presented in Chapter 5 applies. In particular, for the model in Fig. 6.7
the properties of Person objects are dynamically inherited by their Manager, Engineer, and
Salesman roles; for the model in Fig. 6.6 it has to be simulated by the programmer through
additional code (see also design patterns in Chapter 4.7).
* Salesman
Fig. 6.7 A class diagram modeling the situation from Fig. 6.5 through dynamic object roles
* Salesman
Fig. 6.8 A class diagram from Fig. 6.7 in separated target style
We want to emphasize that this feature can be fully understood if one looks at dynamic
roles not only from the analyst’s viewpoint, but also from the programmer’s point of view.
Then one can see why the concept has potential to reduce significantly the gap between
conceptual modeling and coding. If dynamic roles are supported both in conceptual modeling
and in programming, the programmer can directly code a class diagram into a programming
language’s statements. Without any additional programming effort, he/she achieves the whole
functionality of roles that have been identified by analysts. However, if a programming
language does not support this concept, then programmers have to code this functionality by
themselves. It may not be straightforward, especially for complicated models, for example:
A class can be a subclass (the static specialization relationship) and simultaneously can
model roles (the RoleOf relationship). In Fig. 6.9 the Manager class, which models roles
of Person, is a subclass of Employee; in other words, a person can be a manager – a kind
of employee.
Classes of roles can be used to structure hierarchies of RoleOf relationship paths
similarly as in the classical object models (i.e. those not supporting dynamic roles)
classes of objects can be used to structure hierarchies of static specialization. This
approach is especially useful if in our example a person could also play roles other than
Manager, Engineer, and Salesman; for instance, if a person could be a student.
Conceptually, being a student is different from being a manager, an engineer, a salesman
etc. In order to include this information into the model, we put the Employee class on
the same level of abstraction as the Student class to group the classes of Salesman,
Engineer, Manager etc roles; see Fig. 6.10. There is no restriction on how deep a RoleOf
relationship hierarchy can be. In particular, instances of the classes Salesman, Engineer
etc can have their own roles.
For the RoleOf relationship, various constraints can be defined. The xor-constraint in
Fig. 6.10 specifies that a person as an employee can be either a salesman or an engineer,
but not both. More complex constraints can be described (as usually in UML) in a
natural language.
Fig. 6.9 A diagram in which a class of roles is involved both
in static specialization and the RoleOf relationship
6.4. Combining Class and Role Hierarchies
Let us consider one more example to extend our discussion and to illustrate the fact that the
static specialization relationship and the RoleOf relationship can be freely combined even in
the same hierarchy. The diagram in Fig. 6.11 presents a situation in which we have assumed
that a person is involved in a conference only: either as a conference attendee (someone who
pays a conference fee and attends the conference; modeled by the ConferenceAttendee class),
a member of the conference steering committee (the SteeringCommitteeMember class), or a
member of the conference program committee (the ProgramCommitteeMember class).
Because conceptually being a conference committee member is different from being a
conference attendee, a special class ConferenceCommitteeMember has been introduced to
group the roles concerning committee membership. Static specialization has been applied to
this class to express the fact that, according to our assumption, a conference committee
member belongs either to the steering committee or to the program committee. If someone
wants to take part in the process of reviewing the papers submitted to the conference (the
Referee class), according to our model he/she has to be a member of the program committee.
Fig. 6.10 An example of the RoleOf relationship between roles with an xor-constraint
Both a conference attendee and a conference committee member can present papers at the
conference; in other words, they can be speakers. This is represented through the Speaker
class, which models roles both for attendees and for committee members. In this case, we
apply the RoleOf relationship twice: from Speaker to ConferenceAttendee and from Speaker
to ConferenceCommitteeMember. Note that because by definition roles cannot be shared by
different objects, no xor-constraint (which is default here) is necessary for these two
It is interesting to learn why these two RoleOf relationships, albeit applied together, do not
imply the problems of multiple inheritance (e.g., name conflicts). To this end, let us analyze
how dynamic inheritance works in this case: a Speaker role is being attached to its
ConferenceAttendee owner or to its ConferenceCommitteeMember owner dynamically (that
is, at run time). Thus this role is dynamically inheriting the properties of the object, to which
it has been attached. For instance, if it has been attached to a ConferenceAttendee object, then
ConferenceCommitteeMember). In consequence, RoleOf does not mix the properties of the
two conceptually different entities.
Fig. 6.11 A class diagram involving static specialization and
the RoleOf relationship in one hierarchy
6.5. Multiple-Aspect Inheritance
In this chapter, we want to apply the concept of dynamic object roles for multiple-aspect
inheritance. Let us consider one more time the diagram from Fig. 6.1 and let us replace the
specialization for the Sex aspect with specialization for a Hobby aspect (i.e. a person can be a
soccer fan, a basketball fan etc). With dynamic roles, we can remove the static specialization
for both of the aspects. We have already discussed how to use dynamic roles instead of the
static specialization for the Job aspect; the other aspect (i.e. Hobby) can be transformed
similarly, as presented in Fig. 6.12. Note that in this case the type of the objects created for
this class diagram is Person – the information about a person’s hobby is stored as a role (see
Fig. 6.13).
Basketball 0..1
* Salesman
Fig. 6.12 A diagram with multiple RoleOf relationships
instead of multiple-aspect static inheritance
Fig. 6.13 A person with a SoccerFan role
6.6. Classical Inheritance vs. RoleOf Relationship
We should notice further differences between classical generalization and dynamic
generalization introduced by RoleOf relationship. The same dynamic role class can be defined
for two or more classes with different semantics, located differently in a class hierarchy. An
instance of such situation is presented in Fig. 6.14. Tax-Payer class can is defined as a role
class both for Person class as well for Company class. Instantiation of Tax-Payer class leads
to creation of a new role, which is only a role of a Company object or only a role of a Person
object (because a role cannot be a role of both objects at the same time). The semantics,
discussed above, differs from inheritance semantics in UML, because behavioral
specifications of Person and Company classes are different. More precisely, the inheritance of
structure without inheritance of behavioral specification is allowed in UML through the
private inheritance [UML01]. However, private inheritance does not follow substitutability
and overriding, which are important for mapping a conceptual model into implementation
Fig. 6.14 A class diagram in which the same role class is defined for two classes with
different natures
0..* pastSubs(date)
For employees
up to 80% of discount
Fig. 6.15 Subscriber example
We mentioned in Chapter 6.4 that static and dynamic generalizations can be combined in
the class hierarchy with dynamic roles. For example in Fig. 6.15, a Subscriber role can access
insurance_no or call seniority method in order to calculate some discount if it is a role of an
Employee object.
In general, roles can dynamically specify abstract or concrete classes with some features
whose domain is independent of domains of these classes. Therefore, roles may be helpful to
cover cross-cutting concerns (see Chapter 5.3.15). Cross-cutting concerns implemented as
roles can be important in RDF-based ontologies and metamodels [W3C02] to cover such
universal meta-information as security rules, ownership, copyrights, up-to-dateness, etc.
6.7. Notation for RoleOf Instances
Since instances of dynamic inheritance (RoleOf relationship) exist between roles27, we
propose changes to UML object diagram. Roles are linked with parent objects using similar
notation as for class diagrams by paths with white-and-black diamond end; see Fig. 6.16.
We consider every object has default main role, which includes all its properties. Therefore,
objects can be treated as roles too.
Fig. 6.16 An object diagram from Fig. 6.5
7. Implementation
The most important features of dynamic object roles introduced in Chapter 5 have been
implemented by a prototype. The prototype contains the following modules:
The object store;
The ODL parser;
The SBQL parser (the engine of static analysis);
The engine of query evaluator.
The object store consists of three levels:
The physical level; it is the Virtual Persistent Object Store [Subieta91a, Subieta91b];
The logical level that realizes the concept of SBA triples and performs basic
operations on them (create, retrieve, update, and delete);
(iii) The conceptual level that implements the main object-oriented concepts of SBA as
class, encapsulation, inheritance, objects, roles and allows acting on them. The
conceptual level realizes also concepts of SBA stacks (environment and result stacks).
The ODL parser checks a database schema defined by a user and memorizes it into the
store. The static analysis engine performs static analysis of SBQL queries and builds a syntax
tree for a given a query; the module is a version of the engine implemented in [Płodzien00]
and extended to deal with role-specific operators; see Chapter 5.5.7. The grammars
implemented in the ODL and SBQL parsers are presented in Appendix A. There are some
minor differences concerning the syntax of SBQL used in the dissertation. For instance, the
form of dynamic casting operator introduced in Chapter is defined in the prototype as
(role name) query.
The engine of query evaluator performs the evaluation of a query defined by a user. The
environment stack implemented in the module supports an idea of thin and thick stacks
introduced in Chapter 5.5.3. The result of query evaluation is presented in two forms:
In a pretty form which details values and type of result;
In a rough form which shows a physical representation of result.
For the following examples, we show the results presented by the prototype directly to the
user. For a query there are returned:
The class schema (the same for all examples; see Fig. 7.1);
The original form of a query;
The form of a query after static analysis;
The result of a query (in a pretty and in rough forms).
Fig. 7.1 An example of class schema
Example 1.
The query
((role Employee) Person).works_in.Company
was transformed to the syntax-tree form (see Fig. 7.2)
((((role Employee) Person).works_in).Company)
Fig. 7.2 The query from Example 1 after the syntax analysis.
and then evaluated (see Fig. 7.3).
Fig. 7.3 The result of query from Example 1.
Example 2.
The result of query
(Person as p).(p.name, ((role Student) p).scholarship + ((role Employee) p).salary)
Fig. 7.4 The result of query from Example 2.
is depicted in Fig. 7.4 (we omitted a rough part of result).
Example 3.
The result of query
roles of (Person where name = “Smith”)
is depicted in Fig. 7.5
Fig. 7.5 The result of query from Example 3.
We should notice the results of queries, presented in above examples, are the same as
expected. It shows that our concept of dynamic object roles is implementable28 in the Stack
Based Approach. We can also state that the object store with roles, the extended concept of
environment stack, and the role-specific operators introduced in the dissertation are proved
The prototype has been constructed in Borland C++ Builder 6. It runs as a console
application under Win32 environment.
8. Conclusions
The main goal of this dissertation was to incorporate the concept of dynamic object roles into
the stack based approach, which we consider an alternative to the classical database object
models (such as the ODMG object model), and into the UML class diagram, which is an
important tool of conceptual modeling.
The novelty of our approach is that:
It makes use of a universal object data model (i.e., SBA).
It incorporates role-specific operators into a query language (i.e., SBQL) in order to act
on collections of objects and roles.
It introduces a precise and simple proposal of extension of the UML class diagram to
deal with dynamic roles.
In Chapter 5 we have introduced a formal stack-based model with dynamic object roles
and discussed how the classical concepts of object-orientedness, such as object identity,
polymorphism, inheritance, and overriding can be smoothly incorporated into the model. The
model leads to some new concepts for meta-data management, a schema definition language
and a query language discussed latter in Chapter 5.
In Chapter 6 we have presented a proposal of introducing dynamic object roles into the
UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram and discussed advantages of that approach.
The main results of our thesis are as follows:
Dynamic object roles can reach conceptual models of many applications and not lead to
anomalies and limitations of multiple, repeating or multiple-aspect inheritance. The
concept bridges the gap between perception, analysis, design, and programming.
SBA is a universal data model that makes it possible to support dynamic object roles in
a precise and universal fashion.
Our extension to the UML class diagram, defining a new RoleOf relationship, has
potential to become a useful UML element. Its main advantage is the ability to model
complex real-life situations in a natural manner, which otherwise would have to be
expressed through some lower-level mechanisms as an intricate combination of
generalizations, associations and constraints.
The role-specific operators, dynamic casting particularly, are powerful mechanisms of a
query language when acted on objects and roles.
The concept of dynamic object roles is implementable in the stack-based approach both
in the ODL and in SBQL languages.
We can consider as extensions of our approach the following issues:
The extension of DDL language to support constraints among roles (see Chapter 6);
Constructing a system of types in the object model with dynamic object roles;
Introducing dynamic roles into the UML metamodel;
Developing cross-cutting concerns in the spirit of AOP that makes use of the concept of
dynamic object roles. Each aspect can be encapsulated as a separate role, which would
provide appropriate data, e.g., active rules, security, privacy and visualization.
These extensions require further research.
Appendix A. The Prototype - General
In our approach, the implementation of the object store consists of three levels: physical,
logical, and conceptual. The physical level defines the physical organization of persistent
memory storage and operations, which can be performed within the storage. The physical
level of object store specifies how data are physically represented in a computer persistent
memory. It may be based on the one of well-known database management systems (objectoriented as well as relational). However, in this work the physical level has been developed as
a memory package built separately. The logical level of object store defines the fundamental
concept of object store model strictly related to stack-based approach (SBA). At this level, all
beings are represented through collection of simple or complex objects without any further
specializing objects. Classes and relationships among classes as well as class instances and
links between objects can be defined at the highest level of object store. The conceptual level
allows also defining new concepts introduced in this work, i.e., role classes and role instances.
In next sections, details of all levels of object store will be presented.
A.1. The Physical Level
The physical level is responsible for storing, retrieving, and updating data within a given
database or a database management system. The database can support either object-oriented
data model, relational model, or any other model, which is capable of capturing SBA features.
In this work, the implementation of physical store is based on the Virtual Persistent
Object Store (VPOS) [Subieta91a, Subieta91b]. The VPOS is a package that includes the
collection of C procedures to organize a persistent memory and manipulate the data within
this memory called atoms. From the programmer’s point of view, an atom is an independent
unit storing some elementary information, e.g., an attribute value, number, or reference to
another atom. Atoms are identified by long (4 bytes) integers and can be referenced by their
identifiers29. They can be freely created, deleted, and updated30. Updating an atom never
changes identifiers of other atoms. However, an atom identifier may change while its size is
Every atom possesses its own name and type. Generally, a type determines whether atom
is atomic, structural or it serves another special purpose. Atoms called atomic may store an
atomic value, e.g. an integer, real number, or string. When atoms store cross-references
(representing links) to other atoms they are called logical pointers or reference atoms.
Structural atoms allow defining some structures, constituting different data levels. In the
VPOS, there are introduced two main types of structural atoms, called rings and spiders.
From the functional point of view, rings and spiders are equivalent, because all functions of
VPOS act on them in the same manner31. Structural atoms consist of members, i.e. other
atoms. Rings and spiders can be degenerated and have no members. The main ring is a special
ring that contains members only and has no owner. A member of a given ring/spider may be
either another ring/spider, atomic atom, or reference atom. VPOS supports full consistency of
links, i.e. when an atom is moved into another place then all cross-references to it are also
automatically updated, and when atom is deleted then all cross-references to it are
automatically removed too.
An atom name need not to be unique within the VPOS neither within a given ring or
spider. Names are represented by two-byte codes, and they are stored as strings within the
special name dictionary. Some names (codes) are reserved to special purposes.
Instead of long type, there is introduced an equivalently type: POINT.
Atoms may have different size from 16 to (16M – 1) bytes.
A ring is a collection of atoms where one atom is called owner and the others are called
members. An owner contains a reference to the first member; the first member contains a
reference to the second one, etc. A spider has similar organization, but its owner contains a
directory to all members (references, names and types of members) and each member
possesses a reference to the owner. Spiders allow achieving faster processing in cost of some
extra storage space.
A.2. The Logical Level
The logical level of object store defines objects according to the stack-based approach as
simple and complex (structural) objects. This layer is a gateway (wrapper) between the
conceptual and the physical levels. It is strictly bound to the physical layer implementation; so
for different physical layer implementations there should be constructed adequate logical
layer implementations. In this work, the physical layer is based on the VPOS, therefore the
logical level uses some exported VPOS operations and it often references to the VPOS
Due to some objects have reserved names that cannot be identified by string equivalents,
several functions, defined at the logical and conceptual level exist in two forms:
With using an object name as a string;
With using an object name as a short integer number (a code name). Names of such
functions usually possess an infix Code.
The Definition of an Object:
In stack-based approach, objects are defined as triples:
(identifier, name, value), for simple objects
(identifier, name, content), for complex objects,
where value either stores an atomic value, e.g., number, character, string or it contains a
reference to another object (logical pointer). In the first case, objects are called atomic, in the
second one – reference objects. Content constitutes a set of members, which can be simple as
well as complex objects. Naturally, simple objects are represented in the physical store by
simple atoms, and complex objects are represented by structural atoms. At the logical level in
the store, there are specified only basic operations on objects to allow creating, retrieving,
updating, and deleting objects (CRUD). Other object features, such as class membership,
encapsulation, and visibility are defined at higher store level and will be presented in next
sections. However, one ought to assume that they will be implemented through some special
components of complex objects whose behavior must be somewhat different from behavior of
ordinary objects.
A difference between simple and complex objects should be considered as a departure
from treating objects in a uniform way. For example, single objects cannot become complex
objects and vice versa. However, it is worth a notice that such necessity will occur very
occasionally. Naturally, an assumption can be taken that all objects have a complex structure,
even if they store only atomic value. For simplification, we adopt this point of view and thus
all beings of the real there will be represented as compound objects. Therefore, simple objects
will rather represent properties of beings (e.g. attributes) or some programming beings (e.g.
We noticed earlier that the implementation of store is based on VPOS (Virtual Persistent
Object Store) [Subieta91a, Subieta91b]. We should also mention several essential
assumptions related to object store:
Objects are partially ordered by first/next relation. This relation determines the order
during searching objects, which are placed at the same data level in the store, e.g. when
they are members (subobjects) of a given object or they are input objects in queries
called root objects. The relation, mentioned above, is consistent with the logical data
structure in the VPOS. At each data level, first returns an identifier which refers to
logically first subobject of a given object and next returns a reference to logically next
object that is placed at a given data level. We assume, as in the VPOS, that the relation
discussed is stable (i.e. first and next return the same reference as long as a given object
is not modified).
A database is physically stored by the VPOS within just one structural object identified
Root objects are subobjects of the main object (VPOS_ENTRY) and they may be
directly accessed, but all remaining objects are indirectly accessible through navigation
within root objects;
The Definition of Atomic Value
The notion of value is related to simple objects, which can store atomic values. Complex
objects have no values but they store contents, which reveal a complex structure. However, a
content of a complex object can be composed of one or more simple objects. In our store, two
kinds of simple objects are distinguished: atomic and reference objects. Since reference
objects contain references, which are special kind of values, we will consider them separately.
We assume several types of atomic values should exist in the store:
Float (8-byte float number);
Integer (4-byte integer);
In business database applications there usually occur many more base types, e.g., short,
long long, char, date, time. However, most of them can be treated as subtypes of these above
three types and supporting all of them does not bring any important quality to our concept of
dynamic object roles and to its implementation.
For retrieving, updating, and creating atomic objects, the VALUE structure is introduced:
typedef struct {
/* a value type: integer, float, string */
IntegerT intValue;
FloatT floatValue;
StringT stringValue;
Creating Objects
Due to existing three kinds of objects in the store, there are specified three different
operations for creating objects: for simple, reference, and complex objects.
POINT AtomicCreate( char* Name, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner, FLAGS Flags)
POINT AtomicCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner,
FLAGS Flags)
The functions create a new atomic object with a given name and value as a new member
(subobject) of Owner object. Additional features of created object are specified by flags, e.g.,
whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags parameter is not
POINT ReferenceCreate ( char *Name, POINT Ref, POINT Owner, FLAGS Flags)
POINT ReferenceCodeCreate (unsigned short int NameCode, POINT Ref, POINT Owner,
FLAGS Flags)
The functions create a new reference (pointer) object with a given name and Ref value as a
new member (subobject) of Owner object. Additional features of created object are specified
by flags, e.g., whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags
parameter is not implemented).
POINT IntCreate( char *Name, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT IntCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT ICreate( char *Name, IntegerT intValue, POINT Owner )
POINT ICodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, IntegerT intValue, POINT Owner )
The functions create a new atomic object with a given name and an integer value as a new
member (subobject) of Owner object. Additional features of created object are specified by
flags, e.g., whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags parameter
is not implemented).
POINT StringCreate( char *Name, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT StringCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT SCreate( char *Name, StringT stringValue, POINT Owner )
POINT SCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, StringT stringValue, POINT Owner )
The functions create a new atomic object with a given name and a string value as a new
member (subobject) of Owner object. Additional features of created object are specified by
flags, e.g., whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags parameter
is not implemented).
POINT FloatCreate( char *Name, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT FloatCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, VALUE* Value, POINT Owner )
POINT FCreate( char *Name, FloatT floatValue, POINT Owner )
POINT FCodeCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, FloatT floatValue, POINT Owner )
The functions create a new atomic object with a given name and a float value as a new
member (subobject) of Owner object. Additional features of created object are specified by
flags, e.g., whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags parameter
is not implemented).
POINT ComplexCreate ( char *Name, POINT Owner, TypeKind Type, FLAGS Flags)
POINT ComplexCodeCreate (unsigned short int NameCode, POINT Owner, TypeKind Type,
FLAGS Flags)
The functions create a new complex object with a given name and with empty content as a
new member (subobject) of Owner object. Type determines whether new object is ordinary
(i.e. it represents a real-world being) or special purpose (e.g., a class will be represented as an
object of a special type). Additional features of created object are specified by flags, e.g.,
whether the new object should be persistent (default) or transient (Flags parameter is not
Information Retrieval Functions
int getType( POINT Object )
The function returns a type of a given object.
char* getName( POINT Object, char *Name )
The function returns a name of a given object as a string.
unsigned short int getCodeName( POINT Object )
The function returns a name of a given object as a code.
int isReserved( POINT Object )
The function returns 1 when an object has a reserved name, and 0 - otherwise.
int isAtomic( POINT Object )
The function returns 1 if an object identified by Object is an atomic object, but 0 – if it is a
reference or complex object.
int isPointer( POINT Object )
The function returns 1 if an object identified by Object is a reference (pointer) object, but 0 –
if it is not.
int isComplex( POINT Object )
The function returns 1 if an object identified by Object is complex, but 0 – otherwise.
FLAGS getFlags( POINT Object )
The function returns the value of flags associated with the object, e.g., related to object’s
VALUE* getValue( POINT AtomicObject )
The function returns the value of atomic object identified by AtomObject. It returns
NULLPNTR if the operation is performed on a reference or complex object.
FloatT getFloat( POINT FloatObj)
The function returns a value of a float number stored within FloatObj.
IntegerT getInt( POINT IntObj)
The function returns a value of an integer number stored within IntObj.
StringT getString( POINT StringObj)
The function returns a value of a string number stored within StringObj.
POINT getRef( POINT RefObject )
The function returns a value of a reference stored within RefObject object. It returns
NULLPNTR if the operation is performed on an atomic or complex object.
POINT findSubord( POINT Owner, char *Name, TypeKind Type, FLAGS Flags )
POINT findCodeSubord( POINT Owner, unsigned short int NameCode, TypeKind Type,
FLAGS Flags )
The functions return the identifier of first Owner’s member (subobject) having a proper name,
type, and flags. If Name is set as empty (””) than the reference to the first subobject of Owner
is returned; if Flags == -1 than Flags parameter is ignored during searching. (Flags parameter
is not implemented.)
The functions assume that Owner refers to a complex object. When Owner is an identifier of
atomic or reference object than NULLPNTR is returned.
POINT findNext (POINT Entry, char *Name, TypeKind Type, FLAGS Flags )
POINT findCodeNext (POINT Entry, unsigned short int NameCode, TypeKind Type, FLAGS
Flags )
The functions perform searching next member (object) after Entry member (at the same data
level as Entry object), according to given Name, Type, and Flags criteria. If Name is empty
(“”) or Flags == -1 than these parameters are omitted during searching. (Flags parameter is
not implemented.)
POINT getSubord( POINT Object )
The function returns a reference to first subordinated object of a given object, or
POINT getNext( POINT Object )
The function returns a reference to next object to a given one in the same (ring or spider)
POINT getOwner( POINT Object)
The function finds the owner of a given object. When Object is the reference to a root object
than NULLPNTR is returned.
Updating Functions
POINT setValue( POINT Object, Value* NewValue)
The function assigns a new value to the atomic object referenced by Object. The type of
NewValue should be consistent with actual type of Object’s value. The function returns a
reference to a given object after modification of its value. When operation is incorrectly
performed (e.g. if Object is a reference to reference or complex object) it returns
POINT setRef( POINT Object, POINT NewRef)
The function assigns NewRef value to the reference object. It returns the value of new
reference or NULLPNTR if an error occurred.
void ObjCodeRename( POINT Object, unsigned short int NewName )
The function renames a given object.
ObjCpIns( POINT Object, POINT Owner )
The function copies a given object and inserts the copy as a last member of Owner.
POINT CopyObj(POINT Object, POINT NewOwner, POINT After, OPTION Option, FLAGS
The function copies the object identified by Object with whole its content as a new member
(subobject) of NewOwner object. Option determines a kind of copying: 0 – standard copying
(all references included before copying in the Object’s content are preserved), 1 – isomorphic
copying (if references included in the Object’s content refer to its inside than they are
exchanged for adequate references which refer to the inside of new object copied). If Flags is
set (<> -1 ) than the Object’s copy has assigned new Flags, otherwise old flags is preserved.
If After is not NULLPNTR and NewOwner is NULLPNTR than Object is copied as next
object to After (at the same data level as After object). (Option and Flags parameters are not
void ObjMoveLast( POINT Object, POINT Owner )
The function disconnects an object (Object) from old structure and inserts into the new
(Owner) as a last its member.
POINT ObjMoveAllMembers( POINT Old_Owner, POINT New_Owner )
The function moves all members of a given owner (Old_Owner) into a new owner
(New_Owner) and then deletes the old owner.
POINT MoveObj( POINT Object, POINT NewOwner, POINT After, OPTION Option_in,
OPTION Option_out, FLAGS Flags )
The function disconnects Object from its old data level and inserts it into the object referenced
by NewOwner (as new NewOwner’s member) with whole its content. If Option_in == 0 than
all copied references which lead to the Object’s inside are isomorphic exchanged; if
Option_in == 1 than these references are removed. If Option_out == 0 than all external
references which lead to Object are deleted; if Option_out == 1 than all external references to
Object are adequately updated. If After is not NULLPNTR and NewOwner is NULLPNTR
than Object is moved as next object to After, otherwise Object is placed as the last member
(subobject) of NewOwner. (Option_in, Option_out, and Flags parameters are not
void Delete( POINT Object )
The function removes an object referenced by Object identifier. If a given object is complex
than its all subobjects are recursively deleted too. All external references to deleted objects are
also deleted recursively, i.e. all references to deleted pointers are removed.
FLAGS setFlag( POINT Object, FLAGS NewFlags)
The function sets new flags for the object identified by Object. It returns the value of flags
associated with Object after modification. (The method is not implemented.)
A.3. The Conceptual Level
The conceptual level is an abstract level of object store. It defines an object-oriented data
model which consists of class and role class definitions, generalization relationships between
classes, binary association as well as class instances, role instances, and links between
A class is introduced at the conceptual level as a special type complex object which may
include several members (or subobjects) representing attributes, methods, and relationships.
An attribute definition is stored by a structural object with reserved ATTRDEF name.
Similarly, a method definition and a relationship definition are represented by complex
objects with reserved names METHDEF, RELDEF. If a given class has one or more parent
classes than an object, containing a class definition, includes one or more adequate reference
subobjects with reserved name CLTOSUPERCLDEF.
POINT ClassDef( char* Name, POINT Owner )
The function defines a new class with a given name. The new class is inserted as last member
of complex object identified by Owner. The operation returns a reference to the created class
or NULLPNTR if an error occurred.
POINT getSuperClass( POINT Class )
The function returns reference to a superclass of a given class.
int setSuperClass(POINT Class, POINT SuperClass)
The function specifies that Class is a direct subclass of SuperClass. It returns 1 if successful
and 0 otherwise.
int isSuperClass(POINT Class, POINT SuperClass)
The function determines whether Class is a direct subclass of SuperClass. It returns 1 if yes,
and 0 if not.
POINTSET getSubClass( POINT Class)
The function returns a set of classes that all its subclasses (The method is not implemented)
POINTSET getExtent( POINT Class )
The method returns an extent of a given class, i.e. the actual set of all instances of this class
(The method is not implemented).
An attribute object definition contains:
An atomic object with reserved name ATTRNAME that stores an attribute name;
An atomic object with reserved name ATTRATOMTYPE that stores an atomic type of
attribute value;
And an atomic object with reserved name ATTRCOLLTYPE that determines whether a
given attribute is multivalued (set or list type collection).
int AttributeDef( POINT Class, char *Name, ATOMIC_VALUE_TYPE AttrType,
COLL_TYPE CollType )
The function defines a new attribute of a given class referenced by Class with a given name
(Name). A type of attribute atomic value is specified by AttrType and can be integer, float, or
string. CollType determines whether a new attribute possesses just one value or it may have
more than one value organized by a list or set structure (NO_COLL, COLL_LIST,
int getAttributeDef( POINT Class, char* Name, ATOMIC_VALUE_TYPE* AttrType,
COLL_TYPE* CollType )
The function retrieves information about an attribute defined within a given class that is its
atomic type and whether this attribute constitutes a collection. The operation returns 1 if it is
successful, otherwise - 0.
unsigned short int getAttrCodeName( POINT ATTR )
The function returns a name (code) of an attribute. ATTR is a reference to an attribute
definition object.
A method object definition consists of two members that are atomic objects with reserved
names METHSIG, METHBODY, containing strings with respectively the signature and body
of a given method.
int MethodDef( POINT Class, char* Signature, char* Body)
The method defines a new method of a given class with a certain signature. A signature
specifies a method name as well as parameter and return value types. We assume a method
body is a text in OQL-style syntax.
Visibility can be similarly defined as for attributes. An instance-scope method means that it
may be applied to individual objects. A class-scope method denotes a method, which can be
applied to the class itself, but not to individual objects (e.g. a method that creates an instance
of a class); visibility is not implemented.
StringT getMethSig( POINT Method )
The function returns a signature of a given method (as a string).
A relationship object definition contains:
An atomic object with reserved name RELNAME that stores a relationship name;
A pointer object with reserved name RELTARGETCLNAME that stores a reference to
a target class;
An atomic object with reserved name RELCOLLTYPE that determines whether a
relationship is multiple or not;
And an atomic object with reserved name RELINVNAME that stores an inverse path
int RelationshipDef( POINT Class, char* Name, POINT RelTargetClass,
COLL_TYPE TargetCollType, char* InverseName)
The function defines a binary relationship (association) between Class and RelTargetClass
classes. However, n-ary32 relationships are introduced in many object-oriented methodologies
and notations (e.g. in UML), most of object-oriented standards or languages (e.g. ODMG) do
not support n-ary associations. A binary relationship is the semantic relationship between two
classes that involves connections among their instances called links. A binary relationship has
two ends and two names: Name, InverseName. Navigation from a Class instance to one or
more instances of RelTargetClass can be realized by relationship name (Name) when it is
possible to traverse a binary relationship from a given end. When InverseName is not omitted,
the binary relationship is bidirectional and InverseName specifies name for the navigation
from the other relationship end. When InverseName is omitted, the relationship is directed.
TargetCollType specifies the multiplicity of target end, i.e. whether number of
RelTargetClass instance that may be related to a Class instance is just one or can be more
than one. Each relationship end has its own multiplicity value.
int getRelationshipDef( POINT Class, char* Name, POINT* RelTargetClass,
COLL_TYPE* TargetCollType, char* InverseName)
The function gets information about a relationship with certain name, which is defined within
a given class, that is a target class identifier (RelTargetClass), whether the target end of a
relationship is multiple or not (TargetCollType), and an inverse relationship name
unsigned short int getRelCodeName( POINT REL )
The function returns a name (code) of a relationship. REL is a reference to a relationship
definition object.
A n-ary association is an association among three or more classes.
unsigned short int getRelTargetClassName( POINT REL )
The function returns a name (code) of a target class. REL is a reference to a relationship
definition object.
Role Class
A role class is represented by class definition objects, which include one or more complex
objects with reserved name ROLEDEF. Each ROLEDEF object contains:
A reference object with reserved name ROLEDEFTOCLNAME that stores reference to
a base class;
And an atomic object with reserved name ROLEMULTIPLICITY that stores
information whether a role is mandatory or optional, and whether it is multiple.
POINT RoleDef( POINT BaseClass, POINT RoleClass, MultiplicityRange Multiplicity )
The method specifies that RoleClass is a role class of BaseClass. Mutliplicity defines the
possible number of objects-roles that can simultaneously exist for a particular BaseClass
instance. Roles are specified as optional whether multiplicity includes “zero”; roles are
mandatory if multiplicity is at least one.
int getRoleDef( POINT BaseClass, POINT RoleClass, MultiplicityRange* Multiplicity)
The function determines whether class RoleClass is a role class of class BaseClass. If it is true
than multiplicity of a given role is gathered.
int isRoleClass( POINT Class )
The function returns 1 when Class is a role class.
Class Instance
We assume that classes determine structure and behavior of their instances. In our approach,
all instances are represented in the store as complex objects. An instance of a given class has
its own identity, name and content. The content consists of values that are consistent with the
proper specifications of invariants (e.g. attribute) within this class. There are two kinds of
values: attribute values and reference values derived from links33. If an attribute is not
multivalued then its atomic value is stored within an atomic object, but if a given attribute can
be multivalued (set or list of atomic values) than all its values are stored within a complex
object with the special structure. A binary link is represented in the store by two reference
objects placed within two (complex) objects, which are connected by this link. Within
instances there is no necessity to store fixed parts of class definitions (as e.g. methods,
attribute types), thus these elements are represented within class definition objects only.
Instances are created at run time as a result of primitive creation operations. Conceptually,
a new object is created completely in one step. However, from the programmer’s point of
view, this process consists of three steps. First, a new complex object is created with new
identity, the same as a class name; then its data structure is created in accordance with proper
class definitions. At last several role instances, whose parent object is the created object, may
be created. Creation of such objects is restricted by some constraints, which are involved by
certain role definitions, i.e. when new objects are instances of such classes for which there are
specified mandatory class roles.
When a given class is a root class than its new instance obtains values of attributes and
references derived from this class only. However, if a given class has one or more parent
classes than its new instance has both values of attributes and references, derived within this
class and within its parent classes.
VARIANT I (not implemented)
Due to encapsulation and in order to support substitutability the values of attributes and
references, which are derived from a given class, should not be mixed up with values of
attributes and references derived from its parent classes. This feature is achieved through
covering all attribute and reference values, which derive from a given parent, class in the
recursive manner as follows:
Values of attributes and references, derived from a class of which a given object is a
direct instance, are placed as members of the highest level of content.
A link between two objects is an instance of proper relationship between classes. In our
approach, we support only binary relationships.
Values of attributes and references, derived from a classes of which a given object is an
indirect instance, are recursively captured and placed within a set of special structures.
Each structure encapsulates all attribute and reference values derived from a given class.
An attribute value is represented in the store by an atomic or complex object with reserved
name ATTRVAL. When certain attribute can be multivalued then proper ATTRVAL object
can obtain more than one atomic object, which all store values of this attribute and whose
names are the same as certain attribute name. Otherwise, ATTRVAL is an atomic object with
the same name as certain attribute, which stores its value. Each relationship instance is
represented in the store by complex object with reserved name REF whose members are
pointer objects with names as proper relationship name. REF object has one or more members
in accordance with the multiplicity of relationship.
Within an instance there is also stored the information about its class membership. It is
represented by reference objects with reserved name OBJTOCLNAME, which store
references to a class, of which a given object is a direct instance. Information about that
whether a given object is an indirect instance of one or more classes is not placed in the store
within instances but within a class schema only defined through class definition objects.
VARIANT II (implemented)
Encapsulation is a concept that occurs at the class schema level, but it is rather not related to
class instances. Thus, a content of a given instance is a union of all attribute values and all
references derived from links, which are led to this object. This means, e.g., those values
derived from attributes, which are defined within a class whose membership is a given object,
coexist side by side with values derived from attributes inherited by certain class from its
parent classes. To allow identifying what a given value means, this value must be related to a
proper attribute.
Each attribute value is represented in the store by a complex object with reserved name
ATTRVAL whose members are atomic objects with reserved name ATOMICVAL. If certain
attribute can be multivalued then proper ATTRVAL object can obtain more than one
ATOMICVAL members which all store values of this attribute, otherwise ATTRVAL has
only one ATOMICVAL member, which stores an attribute value. ATTRVAL object obtains
also reference to proper attribute definition specified within a reference object with reserved
name ATTRDEFREF. Through this reference an attribute name, type and multiplicity of
certain value are known.
Each link is represented in the store by a complex object with reserved name REF whose
members are: a reference object with reserved name REFVAL that stores reference to another
object, and a reference object with reserved name REFDEFREF that stores reference to
proper relationship definition.
Within a given instance there is also stored the information about its class membership. It
is represented by reference objects with reserved name OBJTOCLNAME, which store
identifiers of class, of which a given object is a direct instance. Information about that
whether a given object is an indirect instance of one or more classes is not represented in the
store within instances but only within a class schema defined through class definition objects.
POINT InstanceCreate( POINT Class )
The function creates a new instance of class identified by Class. Class has to be ordinary
class, i.e. it cannot be a role class. After creation, the new instance obtains empty values,
which are derived from attributes of Class and inherited from its parent classes as well as
from proper relationships, derived in the similar manner, which are referenced to
NULLPNTR. If mandatory class roles are specified for Class, after creation of new instance
of this class, proper role must also be created. For assuring consistency, in a query language
supporting dynamic object roles there should be present a construction that performs creating
instances and it is capable of creating both single instances and instances with their roles. The
function returns identifier of created object, or NULLPNTR if an error occurred.
POINT setLinkValue(POINT Object, char *Name, POINT Ref)
The function sets a value of a given link that is stored within a reference object (Object).
POINT setAttrValue(POINT Object, char *Name, VALUE *NewValue)
POINT setAttrIntValue(POINT Object, char *Name, IntegerT intValue)
POINT setAttrStringValue(POINT Object, char *Name, StringT stringValue)
POINT setAttrFloatValue(POINT Object, char *Name, FloatT floatValue)
The functions set a value of a given attribute instance that is stored within Object.
Role Class Instance
Instances of role classes are similarly created as instances of ordinary classes. It was
mentioned in the previous section that every role instance cannot exist without its parent
object. Therefore, a new role is created for a given base object only. The information about
the relationship between certain role and its base object is represented within a given role
instance by a pointer object with reserved name ROLETOBASELINK that stores a reference
to proper base object. The remaining content of roles is analogously represented as a content
of ordinary objects.
POINT RoleCreate( POINT RoleClass, POINT BaseObject )
The function creates a new role instance of RoleClass whose parent object is BaseObject. An
identifier of new object is returned if successful, otherwise NULLPNTR is returned.
Other Functions
There should be defined some functions, expressing several operations, which can be
performed on instances, roles and their classes.
POINT getClass ( POINT Object )
The function returns an identifier of a class whose direct instance is Object.
POINT isInstanceOf( POINT Object, POINT Class )
The function determines whether Object is a direct instance of Class.
int getRoleInfo( POINT Role, POINT Base, MultiplicityRange* Multiplicity )
The function determines whether a given object (Role) is a role of another object (Base). If it
is true, than information about the role multiplicity is gathered (Multiplicity).
POINT getRoleBase( POINT Role )
The function returns an identifier of object which is a parent object of a given its role.
POINT getRole( POINT Object)
The function returns an identifier of first base-to-role reference object within a given object. A
reference stored by the reference object point to a role of Object.
POINT getRoleNext( POINT BaseToRoleLink )
The function returns an identifier of next base-to-role reference object. A reference stored by
the reference object point to another role.
A.4. Metabase, ODL, SBQL with Dynamic Roles
A metabase represents a static structural description of data. It concerns classes, types,
interfaces and declarations of other stored structures. In our implementation, we limit a
metabase only to represent classes and relationships between them. This approach does not
completely support a orthogonality of SBA model. For simplification, it is assumed that:
A class is a place for defining attributes of atomic types and method signatures (current
implementation does not embrace further method specification nor method execution);
A class determines a structure of all its instances in a exactly way;
A class and all its direct instances possess the same name;
Attributes cannot be complex (with arbitrary hierarchy of subordinated attributes),
neither they cannot be treated as objects (links lead to objects only but not to attributes);
however there is possible to define
All classes and their instances are public; analogously all invariants of classes and
properties of objects are specified as public;
Only one class schema can be defined at the same time;
A metabase is not modified at run time.
However, it is worth to mention that the limitations described above are not essential for a
concept of dynamic roles. Moreover, some of them could be easily overcome, e.g.:
Class invariants can be subdivided into public, static and private;
Metabase elements can be second-class citizens and can be modified at run time (class,
attribute or method definitions can be added, changed or removed);
More than one class schema can be stored at the same time (although only chosen one
will be considered to be the actual schema).
The Grammar of ODL
The ODL grammar is defined by means of modified BNF notation. The following
metasymbols are used:
{S} – S may be repeated; S must occur at least once;
[S] – S may occur at most once.
The grammar of ODL
<specification> ::= <class> | <class> <specification>
<class> ::= class <identifier> [extends <identifier>] [is <role_spec> roleof
<identifier>] {<interface_body>}
<role_spec> ::= <role_option> [multiple]
<role_option> ::= optional | mandatory
<interface_body> ::= <export>| <export> <interface_body>
<export> ::= <const_dcl>; | <attr_dcl>; | <rel_dcl> ; | <op_dcl>;
<const_dcl> ::= const <base_type_spec> <identifier> = <unary_expr>
<base_type_spec> ::= float | integer | string
<unary_expr> ::= <unary_operator> <literal> | <literal>
<unary_operator> ::= - | + | ~
<literal> ::= <floating_pt_literal> | <integer_literal> | <character_literal> |
<boolean_literal> | <string_literal>
<boolean_literal> ::= FALSE | TRUE
<attr_dcl> ::= attribute <simple_type_spec> <identifier>
<simple_type_spec> ::= <base_type_spec> | <coll_type>
<coll_type> ::= <coll_spec> <<simple_type_spec>>
<coll_spec> ::= set | list
<rel_dcl> ::= relationship <target_of_path> <identifier> inverse
<target_of_path> ::= <identifier> | <coll_spec> <<identifier>>
<op_dcl> ::= <op_type_spec> <identifier> <parameter_dcls>
<op_type_spec> ::= <simple_type_spec> | void
<parameter_dcls> ::= ([param_dcl_list])
<param_dcl_list> ::= <param_dcl> | <param_dcl>, <param_dcl_list>
<param_dcl> ::= <param_attribute> <simple_type_spec> <identifier>
<param_atribute> ::= in | out | inout
Apart from the keyword and symbols, the following terminals are used:
identifier – denotes any name;
integer, real, string – denote an integer, real number and string, respectively.
class Person {
attribute string name;
attribute integer birthYear;
method integer age();
class Employee is mandatory roleof Person{
attribute float salary;
attribute set < string >;
method void changeSalary( in float NewSalary );
method real netSalary();
relationship Company works_in inverse employs;
class Company{
attribute string Name;
relationship set < Employee > employs inverse works_in;
relationship Employee manager inverse is_manager;
class Student is multiple optional roleof Person{
attribute integer semester;
attribute string studentNo;
attribute float scholarship;
method integer avgScore;
relationship University studies_at inverse studying;
relationship set < Mark > has_marks inverse belongs_to;
class University extends Company{
attribute string address;
relationship set < Student > studying inverse studies_at;
class Mark{
attribute string course;
attribute integer mark;
relationship Student belongs_to inverse has_marks;
ODL Parser
The parser of the ODL grammar has been implemented by the ODLParser function:
int ODLParser( char *ODLText )
A given text is taken as a parameter by the function. If this text is recognized as a correct
schema definition then the schema is stored into a database. The function returns 1 if parsing
is successfully finished and the ODL schema saved, and 0 – otherwise. It uses functions
described in the previous section: ClassDef, setSuperClass, RoleDef, AttributeDef,
MethodDef, RelationshipDef in the way, which is descriptively presented by an example
// first define all classes
PersonC = ClassDef( "Person", VPOS_ENTRY );
EmployeeC = ClassDef( "Employee", VPOS_ENTRY );
CompanyC = ClassDef( "Company", VPOS_ENTRY );
StudentC = ClassDef( "Student", VPOS_ENTRY );
UniversityC = ClassDef( "University", VPOS_ENTRY );
MarkC = ClassDef( "Mark", VPOS_ENTRY );
// define all generalizations (class-superclass relationships)
setSuperClass( UniversityC, CompanyC);
// now define the remaining schema
//Person class
AttributeDef( PersonC, "name", STRING, NO_COLL );
AttributeDef( PersonC, "birthYear", INTEGER, NO_COLL );
MethodDef( PersonC, "void age( void )", "{};" );
//Employee role class
RoleDef( EmployeeC, PersonC, M_MANDATORY );
AttributeDef( EmployeeC, "salary", FLOAT, NO_COLL );
AttributeDef( EmployeeC, "job", STRING, COLL_LIST );
MethodDef( EmployeeC, "void changeSalary( in real NewSalary )",
"{};" );
MethodDef( EmployeeC, "real netSalary( void )", "{};" );
RelationshipDef(EmployeeC, "works_in", CompanyC, NO_COLL, "employs"
//Company class
AttributeDef( CompanyC, "name", STRING, NO_COLL );
RelationshipDef( CompanyC, "employs", EmployeeC, COLL_LIST,
"works_in" );
RelationshipDef( CompanyC, "manager", EmployeeC, NO_COLL, "manager"
//Student role class
RoleDef( StudentC, PersonC, M_OPTIONAL | M_MULTIPLE );
AttributeDef( StudentC, "semester", INTEGER, NO_COLL );
AttributeDef( StudentC, "studentNo", STRING, NO_COLL );
AttributeDef( StudentC, "scholarschip", STRING, NO_COLL );
MethodDef( StudentC, "integer avgScore( void )", "{};" );
RelationshipDef( StudentC, "studies", UniversityC, NO_COLL,
"studying" );
RelationshipDef( StudentC, "has_marks", MarkC, COLL_LIST,
"belogs_to" );
//University class
AttributeDef( UniversityC, "name", STRING, NO_COLL );
RelationshipDef( UniversityC, "studying", StudentC, COLL_LIST,
"studies_at" );
// Mark class
AttributeDef( MarkC, "course", STRING, NO_COLL );
AttributeDef( MarkC, "mark", INTEGER, NO_COLL );
RelationshipDef( MarkC, "belongs", StudentC, NO_COLL, "has_marks" );
Other functions
void DispClassSchema( POINT Owner )
The functions prints to the standard device (stdout) a class schema stored within Owner
structure (Owner is VPOS_ENTRY as default).
SBQL Parser
The required information from the database (without changing it) may be extracted by
queries. The grammar of query language implemented in our prototype is presented in the
next section. The simplified SBQL with dynamic roles covers expressions for retrieving
information only and some manipulation operators for creating and deleting objects and roles.
The rest of SBQL grammar, e.g. imperative statements, has not been implemented.
The SBQL parser builds a syntax tree for a given query. The parser used in the prototype
has been taken from [Płodzień00] and extended to deal with dynamic roles. For instance the
syntax tree that models the query
((Employee as e)  works_in.Company) where e.name = “Brown”
is shown in Fig. A.1.
the root of the syntax tree
Fig. A.1 The syntax tree for query
Functions of Parsers Module
QUERY AnalyzeQuerySyntax(FILE *file)
The function retrieves a query text from a file, analyzes the query, and builds an adequate
syntax tree. If parsing of a given query is successful then the root of the syntax tree is
returned, otherwise an error message is printed to the standard output device (stdout).
void PrintQuery(QUERY q, BOOLEAN withFathers)
The function prints the textual form of query for a given root of query syntax tree (stored in
operational memory).
POINT SaveQueryNode( POINT Where, QUERY query )
The function stores a query syntax tree within the store as a complex object with reserved
name QUERY_NODE. The root of query syntax tree is a member at the top level of store
(and then Where == VPOS_ENTRY).
void PrintQueryS(POINT P, BOOLEAN withFathers)
The function prints the textual form of query syntax tree which held within the store.
The Grammar of SBQL
The SBQL with dynamic roles is a subset of language34 implemented in the LOQIS System
[SMA90, Subieta90, Subieta91] with added new constructs corresponding to the concept of
dynamic roles:
Isrole operator that checks whether a given object is a role of another object – line (8);
Dynamic casting operator (role roleName) that for a given object returns identifiers of
all its roles with certain name (if they exist) which exist in a role hierarchy determined
by the object – line(16);
Roles operator that for a given object returns identifiers of roles with a given name (or
all its roles)– line(16).
The denotational semantics is described in [Subieta85, Subieta87].
The grammar of SBQL with dynamic roles is specified in modified BNF notation. The
following metasymbols are used:
{S} – S may be repeated; S must occur at least once;
[S] – S may occur at most once.
The grammar of SBQL
<Expr> ::= <ExprQuantifiers> [{<Oper> <ExprQuantifiers> | as <auxName> }]
<Oper> ::= , | where
<ExprQuantifiers> ::= for each <Expr> holds <ExprQuantifiers> |
exist <Expr> such that <ExprQuantifiers> |
<Pred> ::= <Pred1> [{ or <Pred1>}]
<Pred1> ::= <Pred2> [{ and <Pred2> }]
<Pred2> ::= [not] <Pred3>
<Pred3> ::= <SExpr> [<RelOper> <SExpr>]
<RelOper> ::= = | <> | < | <= | > | >= | in | contains | isrole
<SExpr> ::= <SExpr1> [{<AdditOper> <SExpr1>}]
(10) <AdditOper> ::= - | +
(11) <SExpr1> ::= <ExprDepJoin> [{<MultiOper> <ExprDepJoin>}]
(12) <MultiOper> ::= * | /
(13) <ExprDepJoin> ::= <ExprNavig> [{ with <ExprNavig> }]
(14) <ExprNavig> ::= [<Sign>] <SExpr2> [{ .SExpr2}]
(15) <Sign> ::= - | +
(16) <SExpr2> ::= FALSE | TRUE | integer | float | string | <FuncCall> | <name> |
(role <roleName>) <SExpr>| roles [<roleName>] of <SExpr> |
nameof <SExpr> | (<Expr>)
(17) <FuncCall> ::= <funcName> [( <ActParamList> )]
(18) <ActParamList> ::= <Expr> [{;<Expr>}]
Apart from the keyword and symbols, the following terminals are used:
name – denotes any name;
roleName – denotes a role name;
auxName – denotes an auxiliary name;
integer, float, string – denote an integer, real number and string, respectively;
funcName – denotes the name of a function.
A.5. Query Evaluation Module
The evaluation of queries has been developed by query evaluation module. The module
consists of functions for organizing and manipulating the environment and query result stacks
during evaluation of queries. In this section, we describe the structures of stacks and the main
functions of the module.
The Organization of Environment Stack
The environment stack (ES) is held in the store as a complex object with reserved name
ENV_STACK. Initially, the environment stack contains three sections ordered as follows:
The global section that stores binders to global procedures, variables, etc. (this section is
empty in the prototype). It is represented by a complex object with reserved name
The root section that stores binders to root database objects. It is represented by a
complex object with reserved name ROOT_SECTION;
The current session that stores binders to global properties of the current session (this
section is empty in the prototype). It is represented by a complex object with reserved
Higher sections, which occur during a query evaluation, are represented by complex objects
with reserved name ES_SECTION.
The physical organization of ES consists in the fact that each new (higher) ES section is
created as a subobject of the actual top section of ES. Thus, the top section of ES is this one,
which has no subobject with name ES_SECTION, and pop, push operations can be easily
implemented. New concepts, i.e., class, inheritance, substitutability, and role cause that the
classical organization of ES has to be extended with the new concept of a subsection. A
subsection is a part of an ES section, which contains binder(s) derived from a class or a role.
It is represented by a complex object with reserved name ES_SUBSECTION. Each section
can contain one or more subsections, and each subsection can contain one or more nested
subsection. Details, about how sections and subsections are organized, are described by nested
Sections and subsections consist of binders that are represented by reference objects.
void ESInit( void )
The function creates the environment stack as a complex object with reserved name
ES_STACK at the top level of store. Then it creates global, root and session sections. Finally,
the method RootInit is called.
int RootInit( POINT Root_Section )
The function finds root objects and inserts binders derived from them into the root section.
The Organization of Query Result Stack
The physical organization of QRES sections is similar to ES organization (except for
subsections, because in the prototype we do not introduce them). The environment stack (ES)
is held in the store as a complex object with reserved name QRES_STACK. When a new
(higher) QRES section is created, then a new object with reserved QRES_SECTION name is
created and it is inserted into the object, which represents the actual top section of QRES.
The query result stack (QRES) stores all temporary and final results of query or
subquery. A result is a table, understood as a bag of rows. A row can contain the following
Atomic values, i.e., integer and float numbers or strings which are represented by atomic
objects with reserved name QRES_VALUE;
Identifiers which are represented by reference object with reserved name
Binders n(x), where n is a name and x is a table; binders are represented by reference or
complex objects with a name n. When x is 1 x 1 table than the binder is stored as a
reference pointer, otherwise the binder is stored as complex object whose content
consists of table x.
void QRESInit( void )
The function creates the query result stack as a complex object with reserved name
QRES_STACK at the top level of store.
Query Evaluation
The execution of queries requires implementing the eval procedure. Differences with eval in
the prototype and in the classical SBA [SMA90, Subieta90, Subieta91] are related to:
Modified nested function for a model with classes and roles;
New role-specific SBQL operators, e.g., isrole and operator of dynamic casting.
void EvalQueryS(POINT P)
The function realizes eval procedure for a given query P placed in the store. The result of the
evaluation is pushed on the top of QRES in a new QRES section.
void PushESNested( POINT QRESValue )
The function opens a new scope of ES (creates new section at top of ES) and places onto it
binders that are results of nested(QRESValue) procedure. QRESValue is an element from a
QRES section.
void Nested( POINT SectES, POINT Ref )
The function inserts into a given ES section (SectES) binders to all properties, which are
available within the object identified by Ref that is, binders to attributes, methods, and
references placed within Ref and binders to properties derived from class hierarchy whose
member is Ref. When Ref is a role of another object OB1 then binders to properties, which are
placed within OB1 and derived from a class hierarchy of which OB1 is a member, are inserted
into a new subsection of SectES recursively35
int BindName( POINT Name )
When OB1 is a role of another OB2 object then binders to properties, which are placed
within OB2 and derived from a class hierarchy of which OB2 is a member are inserted into a
new subsection of SectES, etc.
The function binds a given name n (which is placed in a node Name of syntax tree). Binding
mechanism is looking for the ES section (closest to the top of the stack) containing a binder
n(x) (or binders n(x1), …, n(xm)). The results are inserted into a new QRES section as objects
(atomic, reference or complex w.r.t. to x) with reserved name QRES_VALUE containing x.
The function returns 0 if successful and 1 – otherwise.
POINT SearchES( unsigned short int NameCode )
The function performs searching ES for a given name. It starts from the top of ES. When a
name is not found then searching is realized into subsections (if they exist), and then into a
lower section. The function returns reference to a section or a subsection where a given name
is found or NULLPNTR if at bottom ES section a name was not found.
POINT getTopES( void )
The function returns the top section of ES.
POINT NewSectionES( void )
The function creates a new ES section at the top of ES.
POINT NewSubSectionES( void )
The function creates a new ES subsection at the top ES section. A new subsection is
represented by a complex object with reserved name ES_SUBSECTION placed as the last
member of the structure owned by the object represented actual top ES section.
POINT getTopQRES( void )
The function returns the top section of QRES.
POINT NewSectionQRES( void )
The function creates a new QRES section at the top of QRES. A new QRES section is
represented by a complex object with reserved name QRES_SECTION placed as a member of
the object represented actual top QRES section.
The function pushes a constant, i.e., a boolean value, an integer or a float number, or a string,
at the top of QRES (creates a new QRES section and inserts a constant onto it). A constant is
retrieved from a node Name within syntax tree. The function returns reference to a new
atomic object with reserved name QRES_VALUE.
POINT BinderRefCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, POINT RefValue, POINT Section )
The function creates in a given section a new reference binder which has NameCode name
and points to RefValue.
POINT BinderIntCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, IntegerT IntValue, POINT Section )
The function creates in a given section a new integer binder, which has NameCode name and
stores value IntValue.
POINT BinderFloatCreate(unsigned short int NameCode, FloatT FloatValue,POINT Section)
The function creates in a given section a new float binder, which has NameCode name and
stores value floatValue.
POINT BinderStringCreate( unsigned short int NameCode, StringT StringValue, POINT
The function creates in a given section a new string binder, which has NameCode name and
stores value StringValue.
void searchCodeNameRoleHierarchy( POINT Object, unsigned short int NameCode, POINT
Result, unsigned short int NewName )
The function is lookup within role hierarchy for objects with name NameCode and inserts
references found into Result as pointer objects with name NewName.
void PrintTopQRES( void )
void PrintTopES( void )
The function prints a content of top section of QRES (ES) to the standard output device
A.6. Types and Reserved Names
Types defined in the VPOS:
#define RING
#define VPOSLINK
#define VPOSINT
#define VPOSDATE
/* Integer denoting date in days */
#define VPOSTIME
/* Integer denoting time in seconds */
#define VPOSREAL
#define FREEDATA
#define SPIDER
Types additionally defined in the prototype:
/* class */
/* object*/
VPOSLINK /* object-to-class link*/
VPOSLINK /* class-to-superclass link*/
AGGREGATE /* role definition object */
VPOSLINK /* role class-to-base class link */
/* attribute definition object */
/* method definition object */
VPOSSTRING /* method signature */
VPOSSTRING /* method body */
VPOSLINK /* link to target class within relationship*/
VPOSLINK /* role -to-base link */
VPOSLINK /* base-to-role link */
/* attribute instance object */
/* relationship instance object */
#define LINKTYPE
VPOSLINK /* link */
/* relationship definition object */
The list of reserved names is as follows:
object-to-class link object
class-to-superclass link object
role definition object
role class to base class link
class role multiplicity
attribute definition object
attribute name
attribute atomic value type
attribute collection type
method definition object
method signature
method body
relationship definition object
relationship name
relationship target class name
relationship target's end multiplicity
relationship inverse name
environment stack
global section
root section
session section
query result stack
QRES section
QRES value
ES section
ES subsection
temporary result
instance of attribute
atomic value
attribute instance-attribute definition link
role-base link
base-role link
instance of relationship
link value
relationship instance-relationship definition link
query node
Appendix B. The Stack-Based Approach
In this chapter, we present in detail those SBA concepts that are important for our
optimization methods. We also present the semantics and the most relevant for our approach
features of SBQL. Other concepts of object models (e.g., encapsulation, null values, variants,
strong typing, etc.) occurring in SBA and SBQL and other concepts of query/programming
languages (e.g., imperative statements) are discussed in [Subieta91, SKL95].
B.1. Introduction
SBA assumes that query languages are a special case of programming languages; it is an
attempt to build a uniform semantic foundation for integrated query and programming
languages. The approach is abstract and universal, which makes it relevant to a very general
object model. SBA makes it possible to precisely determine the semantics of query languages,
their relationships with object-oriented concepts, with imperative programming constructs,
and with programming abstractions, including procedures, functional procedures, views,
modules, etc. Its main features are the following:
The naming-scoping-binding principle is assumed, which means that each name
occurring in a query is bound to the appropriate run-time entity (an object, attribute,
method parameter, etc.) according to the scope of this name.
One of its basic mechanisms is an environment stack (ES). The stack is responsible for
scope control and for binding names. In contrast to classical stacks it does not store
objects, but some structures built upon object identifiers, names, and values.
The principle of orthogonal persistence is assumed, which means that there are no
differences in defining queries accessing persistent and volatile data.
Results of functional procedures and methods belong to the same semantic category as
results of queries. As a consequence, functions and methods can be invoked in queries.
Those results can be additionally augmented with “virtual names”, like in SQL.
In contrast to relational languages and OQL, the relativity principle is assumed, that is,
the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics are identical at an arbitrary level of data hierarchy
(in particular, an attribute is an object).
Types are a mechanism to determine whether objects are built in a proper way (i.e., in
accordance with the database schema).
For objects the principle of internal identification is assumed (i.e., each run-time entity
has a unique internal identifier).
B.2. Objects, Classes and Abstract Object-Oriented
Store Model
In SBA each object has the following features:
Internal identifier (OID); identifiers cannot be directly written in queries and are not
External name (invented by the programmer or database designer) that is used to access
the object from a program;
Contents that can be a value, a link, or a set of objects.
Hence, the following three sets are used to define objects:
I – the set of unique internal identifiers,
N – the set of external data names,
V – the set of atomic values, for instance integers, strings, pointers, blobs, etc. Atomic
values are also procedures, functions, methods, views, and other procedural entities (to
be precise, their codes).
Formally, let i, i1, i2  I, n  N, v  V. Objects are modeled as the following triples:
Atomic objects as <i, n, v>. (Because the codes of procedural entities are atomic values,
subprograms are modeled as atomic objects.)
Link objects as <i1, n, i2>.
Complex objects as <i, n, S>, where S denotes a set of objects.
This definition is recursive and makes it possible to create complex objects with an
arbitrary number of hierarchy levels. Relationships (e.g., associations) are modeled through
link objects. In order to model collections SBA does not assume the uniqueness of external
names at any level of data hierarchy. The unification of records, tuples, arrays and all bulk
structures is assumed; SBA abstracts from their differences. In the model all names (of
objects, attributes, relationships, etc.) are shifted to the first-class citizenship.
In SBA classes are used as prototypes, which means that they are objects (i.e., they have
the features of objects introduced above), but their task is different. A class object stores
invariants (e.g., methods) of the objects that are instances of that class; a special relationship –
instantiation – between a class and its instances is introduced. Moreover, inheritance
relationship between objects is assumed; this relationship makes it possible to apply the
substitutability principle.
In SBA objects populate an object store, which is formed of:
The structure of objects, subobjects, etc., as defined in this section.
OIDs of root objects (they are accessible from the outside, that is, they are starting
points for querying); it is assumed that objects modeling classes cannot be accessed
directly by the programmer.
Constraints (e.g., the uniqueness of OIDs, referential integrities, etc.).
The term “object” is associated exclusively with elements of the object store. In the model
there are no other objects. Queries in this approach never return objects, but some structures
built upon object identifiers, values and names. In consequence, the closure property is
understood not as a closure over objects, but as a closure over such structures (for details see
B.3. Example Database
In this section we present the schema (i.e., the class diagram in a little modified UML) of an
example database (which will be used in examples in this thesis) and discuss how this
database is modeled in SBA. The schema is shown in Fig. B.1.
The schema defines five classes (i.e., five collections of objects): Lecture, Student,
Professor, Person, and Faculty. The classes Lecture, Student, Professor and Faculty model
lectures attended by students and given by professors working in faculties, respectively.
Person is the superclass of the classes Student and Professor. Professor objects can contain
multiple complex prev_job subobjects (previous jobs). The name of a class (attribute, etc.) is
followed by its cardinality, unless the cardinality is 1. Student has one class property: the
avgGrade method (it converts a student’s grades to points according to some formula and
returns the average of those points). All object attributes and class properties are public.
Person [0..*]
name: string;
age: integer;
Student [0..*]
year: integer;
grades [0..*]: string;
avgGrade: real;
1..30 attends
0..* given_by
Lecture [0..*]
Professor [0..*]
salary: real;
prev_job [0..*]
place: string;
years: string;
subject: string;
credits: integer;
Faculty [0..*]
fname: string;
loc [1..*]: string;
Fig. B.1. The class diagram of the example database
Fig. B.2 presents the object store of our tiny database built in accordance with SBA upon
the schema presented in Fig. B.1 (Fig. B.3 presents that store in a graphical form as a graph).
The relationships between the class diagram and the object store are the following:
For each class in the class diagram the object store contains one object modeling that
class (i.e., storing its invariants; its name is the name of the class from the diagram
augmented with the “Class” prefix) and (possibly) several objects modeling its instances
that store its attributes modeled as subobjects (the potential number of those instance
objects is determined by the cardinality of the class; their names are the name of the
class from the diagram). Moreover, the store contains the instances of the instantiation
relationship modeled as pairs <io, ic>, where ic is the identifier of the object modeling a
class and io is the identifier of its instance (in Fig. B.2 such relationships are designated
by the INST set, and in Fig. B.3 as the thick black arrows).
<i1, Professor, {<i2, name, „Smith”>, <i3, age, 52>, <i4, salary, 3500>,
<i5, works_in, i16>, <i6, gives, i21>}>
<i7, Professor, {<i8, name, „White”>, <i9, age, 44>, <i10, salary, 2900>,
<i11, works_in, i16>, <i12, gives, i26>,
<i13, prev_job, {<i14, place, „UCLA”>, <i15, years, „1985-1993”>}>}>
<i16, Faculty, {<i17, fname, „engineering”>, <i18, loc, „Elms St. 21”>, <i19, employs, i1>, <i20, employs, i7>}>
<i21, Lecture, {<i22, subject, „algebra”>, <i23, credits, 5>, <i24, given_by, i1>, <i25, attended_by, i40>}>
<i26, Lecture, {<i27, subject, „physics”>, <i28, credits, 3>, <i29, given_by, i7>, <i30, attended_by, i33>,
<i31, attended_by, i40>, <i32, attended_by, i47>}>
<i33, Student, {<i34, name, „Russell”>, <i35, age, 23>, <i36, year, 2>, <i37, grades, „A”>, <i38, grades, „B”>,
<i39, attends, i26>}>
<i40, Student, {<i41, name, „Jones”>, <i42, age, 45>, <i43, year, 1>, <i44, grades, „A”>, <i45, attends, i21>,
<i46, attends, i26>}>
<i47, Student, {<i48, name, „Black”>, <i49, age, 20>, <i50, year, 1>, <i51, attends, i26>}>
<i52, ClassPerson, {}>
<i53, ClassStudent, {<i54, avgGrade, (…the code of the method...)>}>
<i55, ClassProfessor, {}>
<i56, ClassLecture, {}>
<i57, ClassFaculty, {}>
INHER = {<i53, i52>, <i55, i52>}
INST = {<i33, i53>, <i47, i53>, <i40, i53>, <i1, i55>, <i7, i55>, <i16, i57>, <i21, i56>, <i26, i56>}
ROOT = {i1, i7, i16, i21, i26, i33, i40, i47}
Fig. B.2. The object store
For each inheritance relationship in the class diagram between classes Class1 and
Class2 (Class1 is a subclass of Class2) the object store contains one pair <ic, isc>, where
ic is the identifier of the object modeling the Class1 class, and isc is the identifier of the
object modeling the Class2 class (in Fig. B.2 such pairs are designated by the INHER
set, and in Fig. B.3 by the thick gray arrows).
Associations in the class diagram are unidirectional. For each association the object
store contains a set of link subobjects modeling it (the number of such subobjects is
determined by the cardinality of the relationship; in Fig. B.2 those subobjects are
contained in their owners, and in Fig. B.3 they are designated by the dotted black
The names of classes whose instances are root objects are in bold in the class diagram.
The object store contains a ROOT set, which is comprised of the identifiers of root
objects (we assume that objects Person, Student, Professor, Lecture and Faculty are root
ones). In Fig. B.2 and Fig. B.3 the identifiers of such objects are printed in bold.
Constraints are embedded in the system (for instance as active rules).
Fig. B.3. The object store as a graph
B.4. Stacks
An environment stack is one of the most basic auxiliary data structures in programming
languages. It accomplishes the abstraction principle, which allows the programmer to
consider the currently being written piece of code to be independent of the context of its
possible uses. The stack makes it possible to associate parameters and local variables to a
particular procedure (function, method, etc.) invocation. Thus safe nested calls of procedures
from other procedures are possible, including recursive calls. The stack is also used to
accomplish strong typing, encapsulation, inheritance, and overriding.
In SBA the stack has a new function: processing queries acting on the object store. It
makes it possible to control scopes of all names occurring in a query in a simple and uniform
way. It also makes it easier to understand the precise semantics of queries.
There are some changes of the construction of the SBA ES in comparison with
programming languages. While they usually assume that objects live on the stack (i.e., they
are allocated dynamically in proper stack sections), in SBA the object store and the stack are
separate data structures; the stack contains only references to objects. The main reason for this
assumption is the fact that the same object can be referred to from different stack sections.
The stack consists of sections that are sets of binders. A binder is an SBA concept used to
cope with various naming issues that occur in object models and their query languages.
Formally, a binder is a pair (n, x), where n is an external name (n  N), and x is a reference to
an object (x  I); such a pair will be written as n(x). We will refer to n as the name of that
binder, and to x as its value. The concept of a binder can be generalized; in particular, x can be
an atomic value, or a complex structure (a table; see Section B.6.2). Moreover, if a binder
models a procedural entity, then its value is the address of that subprogram.
B.5. Binding
The mechanism, which makes it possible to determine the meaning of each name is called
binding. Binding follows the “search from the top” rule: to bind a name n the binding
mechanism is looking for the ES section (closest to the top of the stack) containing a binder
n(x) storing some value x. The result of the binding is x. To cover bulk data structures of the
store model, SBA assumes that binding can be multi-valued, that is, if the relevant section
contains several binders whose names are n: n(x1), n(x2), n(x3),..., then all of them contribute
to the result of the binding. In such a case the binding of n returns the collection {x1, x2, x3,
Some modification of the binding rules is necessary to take into account inheritance and
the substitutability principle. The principle means that while binding the name of some class
the names of its subclasses are also bound. In particular, if c1 is the name of an object from the
extension of some c1 class, c1 has a subclass c2, and ES contains a binder c2(x) storing some
value x, then the binding of c1 is successful and returns x. For example, if we want to bind the
name Person, and ES contains the binder Professor(i7), then the result of the binding is i7.
This rule is generalized for multi-valued bindings too. (It is assumed that typing constraints
disallow the use of properties specific for Professor when binding concerns Person.)
In SBA at the beginning of a user session ES consists of a single section containing
binders for all root database objects. During query evaluation the stack is growing and
shrinking according to query nesting. Assuming no side effects in queries (that is, no calls of
updating methods) the final ES state is exactly the same as the initial state. In Fig. B.4 we
present the beginning state and the final state of the stack for the example database from Fig.
B.2 and an evaluation of some interactive query (the query language is presented in Section
Professor where p
The initial state of ES
The state of ES during
evaluation of p in query
“Professor where p”
in the second iteration loop
base section
The final state of ES
Fig. B.4. The beginning and final states of ES
In a general case object-oriented data structures and complex query/programs acting on
them may create much more complex states of ES. In particular, ES can store class properties
and subprograms’ local environments; see Fig. B.5.
The order of search
during binding name p
The query: Professor where ... p ...
occurs within method m1, which is called from m2
Binders to public attributes of current Professor object
Binders to private attributes of current Professor object
Binders to public properties of Professor class
Binders to private properties of Professor class
Binders to public properties of Person class
Binders to local properties of m1 (parameters, etc.)
...... stack sections induced within m2
Binders to local properties of m2 (parameters, etc.)
...... stack sections induced by the caller of m2
Binders to global properties of the current session
Binders to root database objects, views, ...
base sections
Binders to global procedures, variables, ...
The state of the environment stack
Fig. B.5. A more complex state of ES
The presented state concerns the binding of the name p occurring in the where clause of
the query which is now invoked in the body of some method m1 called by some method m2
(suppose that the m1 method is defined in the Professor class). The name p can be the name of
an Professor object attribute, the name of a method from the Professor class, the name of a
method from the Person class, the name of a root database object, the name of a view, etc.
The system is trying to bind p to the proper entity of the environment following the order
presented by the arrows. Lexical scoping is assumed; for instance, the environments of the m2
method and of its potential caller (and of its potential caller, and so on; those environments
are designated by the black sections) are invisible within the body of the m1 method.
In this case at the beginning of a user session ES has more than one section: it has sections
containing binders to the global properties of the current session, root database objects, views,
global procedures, variables, etc. These sections are called the base sections (or the base
B.6. Query Language
In this subchapter we present SBQL, in particular, its operational semantics. The denotational
semantics is described in [Subieta85, Subieta87]. The language is implemented in the Loqis
system ([SMA90, Subieta90, Subieta91]).)
SBQL Syntax
SBQL is based on an abstract syntax and the principle of compositionality: syntactic sugar is
avoided and query operators are syntactically separated as far as possible. The syntax of
SBQL is as follows:
A single name or a single literal is an (atomic) query. For instance, Student, name, year,
x, y, “Smith”, 2, 2500, etc., are queries.
If q is a query, and  is a unary operator (e.g., sum, count, distinct, sin, sqrt), then (q)
is a query. (The operator defining a new name is a unary operator too (parameterized by
the name); the traditional syntax is used: q as n (where n  N).)
If q1 and q2 are queries, and  is a binary operator (e.g.: where, dot, , +, =, <, and,
union, ), then q1  q2 is a query. (Quantifiers are considered binary operators too, but
the traditional prefix forms are applied to them: q1q2) and q1q2).)
With the exception of typing constraints (which are implicit in this dissertation) the
orthogonality of operators is assumed. For instance, Professor, name, age, and "White" are
atomic queries; they can be used to build complex queries, e.g., “retrieve the ages of
professors whose names are White” (when formulating queries in the natural language and
talking about objects, we will usually omit the phrase “… identifier(s) of …” if it does not
cause any misunderstanding):
(Professor where (name = "White")).age
The query above has the following equivalent in SQL:
select age
from Professor
where name = "White"
and in OQL:
select p.age
from Professors as p
where p.name = “White”
In contrast to SQL and OQL, SBQL queries have an interesting and very useful property:
they can be easily decomposed into subqueries, down to atomic ones, connected by unary or
binary operators. In particular, name and age are queries of their own rights. This is due to the
fact that all queries in SBQL are evaluated relatively to the current state of ES. Assuming the
stack presented in Fig. B.4 (or in Fig. B.5) these queries can be evaluated according to the
normal rules.
Results of SBQL Queries
Each SBQL (sub)query returns a table, understood as a bag of rows. Such a table can be
empty, can contain a single row, or can contain an arbitrary number of rows. A row is a
sequence of elements; all rows in a table have the same type. A row can contain the following
Atomic values v  V,
Identifiers i  I,
Binders n(x), where n  N and x is a table.
In Fig. B.6 we present tables, which can be returned as results of some queries. They
represent the results of the queries 2+2, Student, Professor as p, etc. (cf. Fig. B.2). The last
one represents the result of the query “Get the identifiers of professors’ names, their ages, and
the identifiers of lectures they give naming them with an auxiliary name lect”.
p(i7 )
52 lect(i21)
44 lect(i26)
Fig. B.6. Example result tables
If a table has one row and one column, it is a 11 table. No formal difference between
such a table and the element stored in it is made. For instance, the first table from Fig. B.6 is
equivalent to the value 4.
SBQL Semantics
To define the operational semantics of queries another concept is introduced: an auxiliary
stack QRES (Query RESults), which stores all temporary and final results of (sub)queries. Its
elements are tables, as defined in the previous subsection. At the beginning of evaluation the
stack is empty.
In SBA a special recursive procedure eval is used to define the semantics of SBQL. It
maps a syntactically correct query and a machine state to the result table of that query. The
machine state consists of:
the state of the object store,
the state of ES.
The eval procedure modifies ES; however, the state of the stack after evaluation is always the
same as before that evaluation (cf. Fig. B.4). The result of a (sub)query is pushed onto the top
of QRES. The procedure is defined by cases:
For the query l, where l is a literal denoting an atomic value v  V, eval(l) pushes a 11
table {<v>} onto the top of QRES. For instance, the query “2” pushes a 11 table
containing the value 2.
For the query n, where n  N, eval(n) inspects ES going from the top to bottom, and
pushes the result of binding n onto the top of QRES as a single-column table of the
values of all the binders named n occurring in the first section containing one or more
such binders. For instance (cf. Fig. B.4), the query Student pushes onto QRES the
second table shown in Fig. B.6. A slightly different case is when n is the name of a
subprogram. In such a case n is evaluated as follows:
1. First, n is bound on ES in the standard way as described above, and the procedure is
invoked. A new section storing its parameters, local environment, and return address
is pushed onto ES.
2. Next, its body is executed. If it is a function, then it returns its result table just like any
(sub)query by pushing it onto QRES.
3. Finally, it is terminated, and the ES section implied by the procedure is popped.
Queries (and their results) are combined by operators, which in SBA are subdivided into
algebraic and non-algebraic. The main difference between algebraic and non-algebraic
operators is whether they modify the state of ES during evaluation or not.
Algebraic Operators
An operator is algebraic if it does not modify the state of ES. The majority of operators in
SBQL are algebraic. They include numerical comparisons, numerical operators, string
comparisons, Boolean and, or, not, aggregate functions, set, bag and sequence operators and
comparisons, the Cartesian product (denoted by a comma), etc. The definition of an algebraic
operator is as follows. Let q1  q2 be a query formed of two subqueries connected by a binary
algebraic operator . The eval procedure evaluates q1 and pushes its result table onto the top
of QRES, then does the same with q2, and performs  with the two QRES top tables as its
arguments ( denotes the semantics of the  operator). Finally, it removes those two tables
from QRES and pushes onto it the final result. (Similarly for a unary operator.) The
corresponding part of the eval procedure is presented below:
procedure eval(query);
case query is q1  q2: (*is an algebraic operator*)
q1result, q2result: table;
eval(q1); (*evaluate q1 and push the result onto QRES*)
eval(q2); (*evaluate q2 and push the result onto QRES*)
q2result := top(QRES); (*read the result of q2*)
pop(QRES); (*pop the result of q2*)
q1result := top(QRES); (*read the result of q1*)
pop(QRES); (*pop the result of q1*)
push(QRES, q1result  q2result); (*apply  to the results of both the subqueries and
push the final result onto QRES*)
end; (*case*)
end; (*eval*)
One of the most useful algebraic operators is the definition of an auxiliary name n (for the
result of a query q). The semantics of this operator is the following: it assigns the name n to
each row of the result table returned by q. If, for example, the query
returns the table
{<i1>, <i7>}
then the query
Professor as p
returns the table
{<p(i1)>, <p(i7)>}
(cf. Fig. B.6). Similarly, if some query
returns the table
{<”Russell”>, <”Jones”>, <”Black”>}
q as N
{<N(“Russell”)>, <N(“Jones”)>, <N(“Black”)>}.
Another naming operator is
group as
which names the entire result of a query. The semantics of this operator is as follows: if q
returns a table t, then the query
q group as n
returns a single binder n(t). For instance, for the previous query the result of
q group as N
{N(<“Russell”>, <“Jones”>, <“Black”>)}
The dereferencing operator is algebraic as well; it is called implicitly by some operators
(only objects storing atomic values can be dereferenced). For example, in the subquery
age > 40
the subquery age returns a 11 table with an identifier, say i9. The comparison operator >
calls dereferencing, which replaces this identifier with the value 44.
Non-Algebraic Operators
The evaluation of non-algebraic operators (a selection, a dot, a dependent join, quantifiers,
etc.) is more complicated and requires further notions. Recall that if  is an algebraic
operator, then the subqueries q1 and q2 occurring in the query q1 q2 are evaluated
independently; then their results make up the final query result. This is not the case of nonalgebraic operators. If the query q1  q2 involves a non-algebraic operator , then q2 is
evaluated in the context determined by q1. This is the reason for which these operators are
referred to as “non-algebraic”: they do not follow the basic property of algebraic expressions.
The query q1 q2 is evaluated as follows. For each row r of the table returned by q1, the
subquery q2 is evaluated. Before each such evaluation ES is augmented with a new scope (that
can be formed of a section or of several sections, cf. Fig. B.4 and Fig. B.5) determined by r.
After evaluation the stack is popped to the previous state. A partial result of evaluation is a
combination of a row r and the table returned by q2 for that row; the kind of combination
depends on . Next, those partial results are merged to form the final result.
New stack section(s) (pushed onto ES as a new environment) are constructed and returned
by a special function nested for a row r in the following way:
If r consists of a single identifier of a link object, e.g., i6, then one section is built; the
section contains the binder of the object the link points to (for i6 it is Lecture(i21)).
If r contains a binder, then one section is built; the section contains that binder.
If r consists of a single identifier of a complex object, e.g. i7, then potentially several
sections are built; the sections contain binders to attributes of that object and binders to
the invariants of its class and superclass(es). For i7 the scope is the top five sections in
Fig. B.5. The top two sections contain binders to the internal properties of the object
whose OID is i7; since in our example database all attributes are public, the top section
contains the set of binders {name(i8), age(i9), salary(i10), works_in(i11), gives(i12),
prev_job(i13)}, and the other one is empty (since the classes Professor and Person have
no invariants, the other three sections are empty too).
For other kinds of elements of r the nested function does not build any section(s) (that is, its
result is empty). If as or group as have been applied to a table, then each of its rows or the
whole table is treated as a binder, respectively.
The result of nested for one element of a table row r is called a list of sections. If r
contains more than one element, then all the lists of sections built by nested form a new
scope: sections of different lists that are at the same level are merged. Fig. B.7 presents the
state of ES after a new scope was pushed by the where operator occurring in the following
interactive query:
(Professor gives.Lecture  (count(attended_by) as c)) where q
Binders to public attributes Binder for the result of subquery
Binders to public attributes
of current Professor object + of current Lecture object + (count(attended_by) as c)
Binders to public properties Binders to public properties
+ of Lecture class
of Professor class
sections pushed
by the where
Binders to public properties
of Person class
Binders to global properties of the current session
Binders to root database objects, views, ...
base sections
Binders to global procedures, variables, ...
Fig. B.7. ES with a new scope
The thick horizontal line separates different environments, and the thin horizontal lines
separate different sections.
The general pattern of evaluation of queries with non-algebraic operators is as follows:
procedure eval(query);
case query is q1  q2: (*is a non-algebraic operator*)
partial_results: array of table;
final_result: table;
i: integer;
i := 1;
eval(q1); (*evaluate q1 and push the result onto QRES*)
for each row r in top(QRES) do
push(ES, nested(r)); (*open a new scope on ES*)
eval(q2); (*evaluate q2 and push the result onto QRES*)
partial_results[i] := combine(r, top(QRES)); (*create a partial result*)
pop(ES); (*pop the current scope*)
pop(QRES); (*pop the result of q2*)
i := i + 1;
end; (*for each*)
final_result := merge(partial_results); (*create the final result*)
pop(QRES); (*remove the table created by q1*)
push(QRES, final_result); (*push the final result onto QRES*)
end; (*case*)
end; (*eval*)
The pattern is a little different for the operators of ordering and transitive closure (see
The SBA semantics is a uniform basis for the definition of several non-algebraic
operators of OQL-like languages:
Selection: q1 where q2, where q1 is any query, and q2 is a Boolean-valued query. If q2
returns TRUE for a particular row r returned by q1, then r is an element of the final
result table; otherwise it is skipped.
Navigation, projection, path expression: q1.q2. The final result table is the union of
tables returned by q2 for each row r returned by q1. This construct covers generalized
path expressions, e.g., q1.q2.q3.q4 is understood as ((q1.q2).q3).q4.
Dependent join, navigational join: q1 q2. A partial result for a particular r returned by
q1 is a table obtained by a concatenation of the row r with each row returned by q2 for
this r. The final result is the union of the partial results.
Quantifiers: q1(q2) and q1(q2), where q1 is any query, and q2 is a Boolean-valued
query. For the final result is FALSE, if q2 returns FALSE for at least one row r
returned by q1; otherwise the final result is TRUE. For  a dual definition is applied.
B.7. An Example of Query Evaluation
To summarize we present in Fig. B.8 all stages of an evaluation of a simple interactive query
in SBA (for simplicity we assume that there is only one base section and we do not show
sections opened for class properties):
Student where (age > 25)
The initial state of ES
name(i41) age(i42) year(i43)
grades(i44) attends(i45)
name(i34) age(i35) year(i36)
grades(i37) grades(i38)
name(i48) age(i49) year(i50)
States of ES during evaluation
of (age > 25) for particular
rows returned by Student
The final
Fig. B.8. Evaluation of the query Student where (age > 25)
Appendix C. List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 Roles played by a person .............................................................................................. 7
Fig. 3.1 An example of inheritance .......................................................................................... 16
Fig. 3.2 Inheritance and availability ......................................................................................... 16
Fig. 3.3 An example of class diagram with objects ................................................................. 17
Fig. 3.4 An example of class diagram with multiple inheritance (in UML) ............................ 18
Fig. 3.5 The inheritance in a tree and lattice hierarchy ............................................................ 19
Fig. 3.6 The ambiguity of reference copying (deep, shallow copying) ................................... 20
Fig. 3.7 An example of multiple-aspect inheritance in UML. ................................................. 21
Fig. 3.8 Different inheritance paths .......................................................................................... 33
Fig. 4.1 An example of prototyping ......................................................................................... 47
Fig. 4.2 A relation between a table (persons) and a subtable (employees) .............................. 48
Fig. 4.3 A class diagram for Object Role pattern (taken from [BRSW97]) ............................. 50
Fig. 5.1 Roles played by a person ............................................................................................ 52
Fig. 5.2 Objects with their roles and classes ............................................................................ 54
Fig. 5.3 An example state of an object store in the classical object store model ..................... 57
Fig. 5.4 An example state of the object store in the object model with roles .......................... 59
Fig. 5.5 Graphical representation of the object store from Fig. 5.4 ......................................... 60
Fig. 5.6. Interfaces to database objects with roles .................................................................... 69
Fig. 5.7 Declarations of data structures stored in the database ................................................ 72
Fig. 5.8 A conceptual structure of the metadata repository (in UML) ..................................... 74
Fig. 5.9 An example state of the environment stack for classical object store model ............. 79
Fig. 5.10 An example state of the environment stack for the object store with roles .............. 80
Fig. 5.11 Sections pushed onto ES by a non-algebraic operator in the classical object store
model ................................................................................................................................ 81
Fig. 5.12 Sections pushed onto ES by a non-algebraic operator in the object model with roles
.......................................................................................................................................... 82
Fig. 5.13 States of ES during processing a query..................................................................... 83
Fig. 5.14 States of QRES during evaluation of the query: (Student) Employee ...................... 87
Fig. 5.15 An example of an object with nested roles (Conference). ........................................ 88
Fig. 6.1 An example of dynamic classification in [FS97] ........................................................ 93
Fig. 6.2 A man has one role ..................................................................................................... 93
Fig. 6.4 A man has at most one role of a given kind ................................................................ 94
Fig. 6.5 A man has several roles of the same kind ................................................................... 95
Fig. 6.6 A class diagram modeling the situation from Fig. 6.5 through composition.............. 95
Fig. 6.7 A class diagram modeling the situation from Fig. 6.5 through dynamic object roles 97
Fig. 6.8 A class diagram from Fig. 6.7 in separated target style .............................................. 97
Fig. 6.9 A diagram in which a class of roles is involved both in static specialization and the
RoleOf relationship .......................................................................................................... 98
Fig. 6.10 An example of the RoleOf relationship between roles with an xor-constraint ......... 99
Fig. 6.11 A class diagram involving static specialization and the RoleOf relationship in one
hierarchy ......................................................................................................................... 100
Fig. 6.12 A diagram with multiple RoleOf relationships instead of multiple-aspect static
inheritance ...................................................................................................................... 100
Fig. 6.13 A person with a SoccerFan role .............................................................................. 101
Fig. 6.14 A class diagram in which the same role class is defined for two classes with
different natures.............................................................................................................. 101
Fig. 6.15 Subscriber example ................................................................................................. 102
Fig. 6.16 An object diagram from Fig. 6.5 ............................................................................. 103
Fig. 7.1 An example of class schema ..................................................................................... 105
Fig. 7.2 The query from Example 1 after the syntax analysis. ............................................... 106
Fig. 7.3 The result of query from Example 1. ........................................................................ 106
Fig. 7.4 The result of query from Example 2. ........................................................................ 107
Fig. 7.5 The result of query from Example 3. ........................................................................ 108
Fig. A.1 The syntax tree for query ......................................................................................... 135
Fig. B.1. The class diagram of the example database ............................................................ 149
Fig. B.2. The object store ....................................................................................................... 150
Fig. B.3. The object store as a graph ...................................................................................... 151
Fig. B.4. The beginning and final states of ES ....................................................................... 153
Fig. B.5. A more complex state of ES .................................................................................... 154
Fig. B.6. Example result tables .............................................................................................. 156
Fig. B.7. ES with a new scope................................................................................................ 161
Fig. B.8. Evaluation of the query Student where (age > 25) .................................................. 163
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