List of Changes for 8th edition

List of Changes for 8th edition
Chapter 58: The Biosphere
New to this edition:
Concept Outlines are now written as brief, concise statements of the major concepts of
each section. Section headings are now condensed from those of the 7th edition.
The summary statements for each section are now in shaded boxes for easier location by
Major Reorganizations:
Chapter 58, entitled ‘The Biosphere’, was Chapter 56 in the 7th edition textbook. The
previous four sections have been expanded to six sections. Freshwater and marine
habitats are each covered in a separate section in the new chapter. Global warming is also
now in a section by itself.
Section 58.1 describes the ecosystem effects of sun, wind, and water, from Section 56.1
of the previous edition. The discussion of how solar energy and the Earth’s rotation affect
atmospheric circulation is rewritten. A description of the Coriolis effect is new to this
section, as is a discussion of how global ocean currents are largely driven by winds. The
discussion of how regional and local differences affect terrestrial ecosystems is
condensed and updated.
Section 58.2 concerns the major terrestrial biomes, from former Section 56.2. The
introduction and discussion of how temperature and moisture determine biomes are
rewritten. The descriptions of the individual biomes are somewhat abbreviated.
Section 58.3 discusses the freshwater ecosystems of the world, from former Section 56.3.
This section is largely rewritten and now focuses on how life in freshwater habitats
depends on oxygen availability, and how lake and pond habitats change with water depth.
It also includes descriptions of oligotrophic and eutrophic lake habitats.
Section 58.4 explores marine habitats, from Section 56.3 of the 7th edition textbook. It is
greatly expanded and now discusses how open oceans have low primary productivity,
describes continental shelves and their special ecosystems, looks at upwelling regions,
and concludes with a description of deep sea communities.
Section 58.5 describes human impacts of the biosphere as a result of pollution and
resource pollution, derived from Section 56.4. The order of topics is similar to that of the
7th edition, but contains more detail and is updated. Topics discussed here include how
freshwater habitats are threatened by pollution and resource use, how terrestrial
ecosystems are threatened by deforestation, how marine habitats are depleted of fish, and
concludes with how the ozone hole formed.
Section 58.6, also from Section 56.4, describes global warming. The discussion has been
rewritten and updated.
New Figures and Concepts:
Figure 58.10 describes the major biomes of the world and is new to this edition.
Figure 58.11 shows the distribution of light within a lake.
Figure 58.13 contains photographs comparing oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes.
Figure 58.15 illustrates the major functional regions of the ocean.
Figure 58.23 is a graph showing the collapse of a fishery.
Figure 58.27 contains photographs comparing the disappearance of glaciers on Mount
Kilimanjaro between 1970 and 2000.
Figure Conversion Table:
Figure in 7th ed.
Figure 56.1
Figure 56.2
Figure 56.5
Figure 56.3
Figure 56.12
Figure 56.4
Figure 56.6
Figure 56.7
Figure 56.9
Figure 56.8
Figure in 8th ed.
Opening art
Fig. 58.1
Fig. 58.2
Fig. 58.3
Fig. 58.4
Fig. 58.5
Fig. 58.6
Fig. 58.7
Fig. 58.8
Fig. 58.9
Fig. 58.10
Figure 56.10
Figure 56.11
Figure 56.19
Figure 56.14
Figure 56.15
Figure 56.13
Figure 56.16
Figure 56.20
Fig. 59.11
Fig. 58.12
Fig. 58.13
Fig. 58.14
Fig. 58.15
Fig. 58.16
Fig. 58.17
Fig. 58.18
Fig. 58.19
Changes to Figure
Northern hemisphere is emphasized
Updated art
Updated art and title
Updated art
Updated and enhanced art
Updated art
Updated art and title
Updated art
Updated art
Updated art
New to this edition
Incorporated into Figure 58.10
Incorporated into Figure 58.10
New to this edition
Updated art and title
New to this edition
Updated art and title
New to this edition
Resized photograph; new title and caption
Updated art
Resized photographs
Updated art
Figure 56.21
Figure 56.23
Figure 56.22
Figure 56.24
Figure 56.26
Figure 56.25
Figure 56.27
Fig. 58.20
Fig. 58.21
Fig. 58.22
Fig. 58.23
Fig. 58.24
Fig. 58.25
Fig. 58.26
Fig. 58.27
Fig. 58.28
Updated art
No changes
Resized photograph; updated title
New to this edition
Updated art
Resized diagram
Updated format and more recent data
New to this edition
Updated art