executive committee working session

Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
Executive Committee Meeting
December 8, 2004
Board Members Present:
Sandy Hermann, Chair
Monica Smyth
Sudan Ra
Lisbet Ward
Norma Draper
Monique Tinsley
Jason Harvey
Mark Russell
Board Member Absent:
Marilyn Riddle
Guest Member:
Kelley Hickok
VBPD Staff Present:
Heidi Lawyer
Barbara Ettner
Katherine Lawson
Teri Morgan
Nan Pemberton
Sandra Smalls
CALL TO ORDER: Sandy Hermann Chair called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.
OPENING REMARKS: The Chair greeted the committee members followed by reporting
the passing of Barbara Gilley on December 1, 2004. She also reported that a Memorial
Service was held in Northern Virginia last Saturday, December 4, 2004. She remarked how
the Board would miss Barbara’s leadership and her being a part of this Board.
REVIEW OF THE AGENDA: Ms. Herman asked everyone to review agenda.
Jason Harvey, Secretary of Board asked if there were any changes or corrections to the
minutes, if not he moves that the September 22, 2004 Executive Committee Minutes be
approved. Norma Draper seconded the MOTION. The MOTION was unanimously
BOARD MEMBER ATTENDANCE: Mr. Harvey reported on the Board Member
attendance (Attachment EC3) that reflects attendance through the September 22, 2004
Board meeting. It was noted that there were no current attendance problems.
DIRECTOR’S UPDATE: Ms. Heidi Lawyer mentioned that the staff has been quite busy
the last (3) months with their taking on extra responsibilities due to the Grants
Administrative Manager’s vacancy. She thanked everyone for the great job they have been
doing. She then summarized key activities from the Director’s Report that includes
information on work conducted by staff since the previous Board meeting (Attachment
EC4). Highlights include:
 The Governor is implementing a new budgeting and strategic planning process in which
Board staff will be engaged. A new strategic plan will be due from all agencies in June
05. The new budget structure will be based on services so that is a more transparent
budget for the citizens.
 MTARS was held in June of 2004, but the final report still has not been received. It is
expected this week.
 The new website was launched per new state requirements for consistency and
accessibility and feedback was positive. Members were encouraged to let staff know if
they found any glitches in the site.
 Grants Administrative Manager’s position was recruited for twice, which has caused
some delay in filling that vacancy. As a result of the last recruit there are (4) candidates
that look strong. It is hoped that someone will be on Board after the holidays.
 The new position was filled but after accepting the individual determined he was unable
to relocate. Interviews will be scheduled for the new recruitment pool, probably after
the holidays.
 The Board’s policy recommendation letter on nursing homes was discussed with the
Secretary and it was indicated that it was still under review with the Governor’s office.
After the budget is released, the Director will follow up with that office.
 The Housing Registry is online and it was presented at NACDD conference and
unveiled in Virginia at the housing Conference...
 The Partner’s Documentary: The Fight for Inclusion of People with Disabilities is
scheduled to be aired prime time January 4th on PBS in Richmond and Charlottesville,
and again on the 11th of January in Norfolk. Teri Morgan reported that state agencies are
calling and requesting copies of the tape. Ms. Morgan stated that there are efforts to get
this documentary aired state wide as well as trying to get the National affiliate of PBS to
air the tape.
BIENNIAL REPORT UPDATE: Dr. Barbara Ettner reported that the staff is continuing
to work on the Biennial Report. She stated they are still awaiting input/comments from
several service agencies. Dr. Ettner reported that the committee is trying to ensure that
everyone in the report has buy-in into the content of the report before it is released.
Because of delays in receiving information and feedback, the revised goal is to have a draft
complete by mid-January. The complexity and enormity of the project were discussed and
it was agreed that having accurate information was critical to the credibility to the report and
thus the delays are warranted by the overarching need for accuracy and completeness. Mr.
Mark Russell expressed concern regarding the possible capping of Medicaid if there are
surplus monies and asked if that would be something the report would address. Ms. Lawyer
noted that the surplus money referred to by the media really did not exist but most will fill
existing obligations. The Committee agreed to discuss the Medicaid issue further during the
working session.
AGENCY BUDGET REPORT: Ms. Nan Pemberton presented the Agency Budget report
that reflects expenditures through October 31, 2004, they are expenditures made for the first
four months of the new state fiscal year (July 1, 2004). Ms. Pemberton stated that the
Administration Fiscal Report (Attachment EC5-2) shows that the Board has 57% of its
budget remaining with 65% of the state fiscal year remaining. She remarked that
(Attachment EC5-3) reflects overall picture of agency health. Ms. Pemberton stated that we
have (3) concurrent award years from which we obligate funds. She stated that ’03 funds
have been fully obligated which is excellent news. The question was asked, is there any
flexibility in moving of funds due to the personnel vacancies so that the Board doesn’t have
to return money. It was noted that this money is not returned but goes back to the general
pot which funds our grant and other program activities. The Board has (2) years to obligate
and (36) months to liquidate funds. The question was asked, what is the Account/Category
for Board Development? Ms. Pemberton replied that fund is for Board member training,
expenses for representing at community and task force meetings, etc. Ms. Lawyer thanked
Nan for stepping in and handling the Grants’ Fiscal processes in the absence of a Grants
Manager. The Chair again thanked all of the staff for their hard work.
COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: Ms. Katherine Lawson gave copies of her report to
the committee members. The Community Integration Committee handles the planning for
the Community Service Award. Ms. Lawson noted that the State Plan that guides the Board
Grant activities and Board Sponsored programs was amended in 2004. One area that was
amended was the “James Wheat Award” language to open the awards program to allow for a
new program development. The State Plan now states: Goal III.3: Initiate strategies to
promote public awareness regarding the contributions of people with disabilities in their
communities. The staff recently examined other DD Council activities in this arena and
found that there is a range of award processes. Ms. Lawson noted that recruitment for
volunteers to participate on the Awards Committee from each committee is recommended.
Ms. Lawson mentioned that several planning meetings would be held between January and
February during the first quarter of the year.
RETREAT PROGRESS REPORT: Ms. Lawyer gave highlights from the report
(Attachment EC7). It was noted that progress had been made in a number of areas since the
Board Retreat in October 2003. The purpose of this report is to keep the Board updated on
follow through by Board and staff on a variety of recommendations and suggestions
emanating from the retreat. Ms. Lawyer noted that the Board would possibly have another
retreat in the fall of next year to do intensive work on the State Plan due August ’06.
Progress is being made with the Board being seen as a Policy Leader. The Board is in a good
position to continue with that process, in terms of being more visible today.
OTHER BUSINESS: The Chair reported that Barbara Gilley served as an At Large
Executive Committee member and due to her death a vacancy has been created. Therefore
the Executive Committee needs to form a Nominating committee to fill that vacancy. The
Chair delayed moving forward with this discussion until the policy could be made available.
Ms. Lawyer reported that the NACDD would not have its usual annual conference next year
due to the forming of a new group the Alliance for Full Participation (various
councils/groups coming together) that forms this alliance. The conference will be held in
Washington, D. C. in September 2005. She mentioned that every state would have a state
team and team leader. Dr. Fred Orelove is the team leader for Virginia and Colleen Miller
and Heidi Lawyer have been asked to assist him on the Steering Committee and other
organizations will also be involved. She noted that the three DD Network agencies have
agreed to chip in funds to cover the costs of consumers attending Steering Committee
meetings since there is no funding allotted to this activity. This money will come from the
Director’s discretionary fund.
since funding decisions will be made at the Board meeting, the Committee chairs briefly
review the RFPS being considered, the dollar amounts, and the systemic change that would
result from the grant. She noted that it was important that the Board be strategic about its
funding and ensure that we are funding projects that result in long term change. She noted
Board Member Monique Tinsley’s comment on sustainability and reiterated that
sustainability meant sustaining the change not necessarily just obtaining funds to continue
the activity. Ms. Hermann proposed that continued discussions of this nature would assist
the Board as a whole in being more strategic and becoming a policy leader. Ms. Lawyer
noted that the proposals were still subject to change by their committees, including the dollar
 Ms. Monique Tinsley, Chair of Community Living/Transportation stated that the
committee is requesting a Solicited Grant proposal for New Choices that is asking
for an extension and budget revision. She also summarized the solicited proposal for
the New Voices program for the coming year and the conference that will take place.
The final RFP discussed by Ms. Tinsley was the Transportation & Housing Alliance
with the primary goal of the project to develop a Transportation and Housing
Alliance that will serve as a conduit of information, resources, technical assistance
and education. This alliance will work toward accessible housing and transportation.
It will develop an assessment tool for Planning Districts and Localities to use.
 Ms. Monica Smyth, acting Chair for the Employment Committee in Marilyn Riddle’s
absence, discussed the three proposals being considered by that committee. One is
for Business Awareness: Chamber and Small Business Outreach is a competitive 18
month grant with a statewide focus. The goal is to create a systems change initiative
that will increase opportunities for employment of persons with disabilities through
increased education and awareness on the local level. The second grant being
considered is an 18 month proposal on Community Employment Transition and
Training which will introduce employment opportunities to students early in their
education so they can appropriately adjust their educational goals. Targeting at least
15 middle school and/or high school students with disabilities to engage in career
awareness activities and participate in “real life” work experiences in non-traditional
low and high tech areas to which they would not be exposed. The final competitive
RFP being considered by the Committee is a replication of the Employment Benefits
Outreach. The project will provide 10 intensive 1-2 day training in eight regions of
the state for benefits specialists, state and local agencies, consumers and families.
 Ms. Norma Draper, Chair of Education Committee noted that the Education
Committee had 1 RFP to consider: Facilitating Transition to College grant for
Middle and High School Students with disabilities. This is a replication grant focused
on a rural or high poverty area that will increase the awareness and knowledge of
middle and high school staff, students and family members about post secondary
education opportunities and the resources available to assist students with disabilities
who enter higher education. Ms. Draper noted that she was not sure about the
systemic impact of this grant because only 25 students were being served and she
asked why it was targeted to a rural area. Ms. Lawyer noted that under the DD Act,
outreach to rural areas was important and that while transition services are lacking
throughout the state, rural areas have even less resources to access. Dr. Ettner noted
that in Nottoway County the number of students attending college after the grant
sharply increased. She noted that often there are unanticipated systemic impacts
which filter down. Ms. Hermann noted that it was important to determine up front
what the systemic impacts will be and even if unanticipated impacts occur, the Board
should be planning for the outcomes and ensuring that projects have the capacity to
create long term change. Ms. Lawyer noted the importance of reviewing every
project individually for its potential impact.
Ms. Lisbet Ward Chair of Community Integration Committee reported on the
Consumer Choice in Community Living: Nursing Home Outreach and Transition
Planning grant which will be for 2 year period. It is a multifaceted project that will
seek to assist to ensure that persons in all federally and state funded nursing homes
have access to information they need regarding community living options and
receive assistance in transitioning if appropriate to do so. Ms. Ward noted that the
second competitive RFP on Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services
Recruitment and Outreach will be carefully reviewed and may not go forward. The
problem with enhancing recruitment which was the idea for the grant is that it has
been determined that there is no standard registry for personal care attendants and
this issue may need to be resolved first. Finally, Ms. Ward noted that the Committee
is considering a solicited grant to VOPA on the alternatives to guardianship study.
Other avenues have not been successful and it is felt that VOPA’s legal expertise
would be of great value in this effort.
WORKING SESSION ADJOURNMENT: The Chair called for a motion to adjourn
the working session and go back to the Executive Committee Meeting. Ms. Norma
Draper moved for adjournment. Mr. Mark Russell seconded the MOTION. The
MOTION was unanimously carried.
OTHER BUSINESS: The Chair discussed the bylaws requirements for establishing the
Nominating Committee. However, after discussion, it was noted by Ms. Pemberton that
the new at large member would only serve for one meeting (June 05) before a new
Executive Committee would be chosen in July. As a result the Committee determined it
would leave this position vacant but that the Executive Committee would establish a
Nominating Committee comprised of 3 persons per the Bylaws, none of whom can be
on the Executive committee to begin working on nominations for next year. It was
asked whether a new Board member would be appointed for the now vacant position.
Ms. Lawyer noted that the Governor would make an appointment after the New Year.
ADJOURNMENT: The Chair called for a motion for adjournment. Ms. Monique
Tinsley made a MOTION for adjournment. Ms. Monica Smyth seconded the
MOTION. The MOTION was unanimously carried.