Leisure event request form

Please fill in this request form and give as much information as possible on your event.
Leisure Event Request Form
Application for consent
Please submit event requests at least 4 weeks before event
Enter Contact Details
Name of Organisation
Name of organiser
Correspondence Address
Post Code
Telephone number
Mobile Number
Email Address
Basic Event Details
Date of request
.Type of event - profit/non Profit
Title of Event
Start Date of Event
Start Time of Event
End Date
Finish Time of Event
Expected Crowds
Type of Event
/marshals/ Spectators
(Cycle ride, Walk, Sports event etc)
Tick if event is open to public
we will add to our public events calendar
What is your contact
number for public enquiries
Event Description (255 Characters only and for publicity in our public events calendar)
Location of Event
Please specify park
and exact location on
park e.g. Rutland
Water, Sykes Lane
e.g. Rutland Water, Sykes Lane or Alton Water, Visitor Centre
Please Turn Over
Please fill in this request form and give as much information as possible on your event.
Please Note: Before any event can be given confirmation a brief outline of the events
management needs to be submitted. Please fill in these details below.
Management of the Event
Preparation/Clearance Times
Arrive site
Depart Site
Expected Numbers and Staffing
How many spectators or
visitors are you Expecting
How Many Event Staff
(e.g. Marshals, assistants, security etc)
Short description of complete site / activity plan for all areas of the event
Outline the safety procedures planned for the Event (e.g. Marshalls, First aid)
Provide details of any special request to bring equipment needed for the event
(e.g. Marquee, Tent, Caravan etc.)
Provide Details of any marketing planned for the event.
Please Turn Over
Please fill in this request form and give as much information as possible on your event.
Management of the Event (Cont)
Do you plan to charge for this event? E.g. entrance charges etc
Essential Forms and Event Documentation
Please note:
Public Liability Insurance Cover must be in place to cover this event
Provide Copies of all risk assessments associated with the event
Tick if submitted
Risk Assessment
Tick if submitted
Liability Insurance
(min £5 Million)
Signing below indicates that you will abide by all the rules and bylaws of the Anglian Water Parks and will also follow
the procedures you have indicated above to run your event in a safe and legal manner. It also states that you will
provide adequate risk assessments and liability insurance to cover your event whilst on site but to also apply for
relevant licences from the local authority if and when required (e.g. premises licences, road closers etc)
I hereby undertake responsibility for the above event.
When the information has been initially submitted on this form a decision will be made.
Dependant on the scale of your event you may be given permission without an Anglian Water licence
Please note that if this event is deemed as large scale or more complex, a full event management plan may be asked
for to give greater detail of all aspects of the event you are planning.
Cost of hire
Charges for the use of our Water Parks for private / 3rd party events are assessed per individual event. Dependant on the
scale, purpose or type of event we assess (using this form) the pricing structure and arrange an agreed fee. Please note that
a financial bond may also have to be paid (to be released in full at the end of the event) due to the potential for ground
damage on our grassed areas.
For Anglian Water office use only:
Risk Assessment attached
Valid Public Liability insurance
Anglian Water Contact Name and telephone number ………………………………………….
…………………...................................................................................................................... .....
Authorised on behalf of Anglian Water Services Ltd. by:
Job title:
Please fill in this request form and give as much information as possible on your event.
Please send a completed copy of this form to: The Organiser, Duty Warden, Visitor services manager.