Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited UWB interference to airborne receiver UK TG1/8 CP(03)05 ESTIMATES OF AGGREGATE UWB INTERFERENCE TO AN AIRBORNE RECEIVER – ISSUE 2 1 Introduction Concern has rightly been expressed about the possible effects on existing systems of the aggregate interference from a large number of UWB devices present in an urban area. Particular concern has been expressed about the effect on aircraft systems. This paper gives some simplified estimates of the interference that would be experienced by an aircraft radio receiver flying at different heights over a large city like London. A simple calculation is presented with (hopefully) realistic and fully visible assumptions. The value of simple calculations is that that they can be checked easily, and that there are no hidden assumptions buried in the depths of the modelling. Comments on the assumptions and method of calculation are welcome. 2 Assumptions The following assumptions are made: 1) There is a uniform density of D “active” UWB emitters per sq km over the urban area (i.e. D gives the density of UWB devices actually transmitting at one moment in time.) 2) The urban area has a radius of 25 km (approximately the radius of the M25) for the case of London. 3) The aircraft is flying over the centre of the urban area 4) The UWB devices and the aircraft receiver all have an antenna with polar diagram like that of a vertical half wave dipole, i.e. with constant azimuth gain and vertical gain as shown below Antenna vertical polar diagram Figure 1 Antenna vertical polar diagram (radial scale in volts) 5) Free space propagation applies out to the radio horizon (4/3 effective earth radius) 6) All active UWB emitters are transmitting at the FCC limits on EIRP (i.e. –41.3dBm/MHz in the band 3.1 to 10.6 GHz, 10/20 dB lower in 1.9 to 3.1 GHz, and 34 dB lower in 0.96 to 1.61 GHz). Note that this is a pessimistic assumption in that it is very unlikely that a UWB device would be at the FCC limit across the whole of each frequency band. 7) Building penetration loss is 12 dB (from ITU P1411-1) Page 1 of 8 UWB interference to airborne receiver Calculations The path loss between UWB emitter and aircraft receiver, including the effect of the antenna polar diagrams at the two ends, is shown below. (Here the antenna gain is in dBd, i.e. has a value of 1 in the horizontal direction). Path loss to elevated receiver 60 80 100 Path gain dB 3 Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited 120 140 160 180 200 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Horizontal range km 10m aircraft height 100m aircraft height 1000 m aircraft height 1000m aircraft height Figure 2 Path loss between UWB emitter and aircraft receiver including antennas The total UWB interference power experienced by the aircraft receiver can be expressed as: D p g 2r Gain(r ) dr (watts), where: D is the active emitter density per sq km p is the EIRP of each active UWB emitter in watts (in a horizontal direction) g is the power gain of the receiver antenna in a horizontal direction with respect to an isotropic antenna r is the horizontal range Gain(r) is the path gain as a power ratio (i.e. isotropic path loss times antenna gain at the two ends, the antenna gains being scaled to 1 in the horizontal direction). The dB equivalent is given in Figure 2. The integration upper limit used here is the radio horizon or city limit, as shown in the Figure below: Page 2 of 8 Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited UWB interference to airborne receiver Radio horizon or city limit 30 Upper limit of integral km 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 10 100 1 10 Aicraft height m 3 1 10 4 Figure 3 Upper limit of path gain-area integral The value of the integral above is given (in dB) below: Value of integral in dB Integral of path gain x area 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 10 3 1 10 100 1 10 4 Aircraft height m Figure 4 Values of path gain – area integral The maximum value of the integral is at 10m, i.e. this is the height at which maximum interference will be experienced by the aircraft receiver. The actual interference experienced is given below for different levels of UWB active emitter density. The interference will be noise like and is expressed as a noise figure (i.e. the level of the aggregate UWB interference above thermal noise.) If for example an aircraft receiver had a 5 dB noise figure, the effect of a UWB environmental “noise figure” of 5 dB would be to double the noise experienced, i.e. reduce the overall sensitivity by 3dB. Page 3 of 8 UWB interference to airborne receiver Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited Aggregate interference - 3.1 to 10.6 GHz Aggregate noise figure at receiver (dB) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 10 3 100 1 10 Active UWB emitter density (per sq km) 4 1 10 All UWB outdoor All UWB indoor 20% UWB outdoor Figure 5 Aggregate UWB interference to airborne receiver at 100m in 3.1 to 10.6 GHz band Aggregate noise figure at receiver (dB) Aggregate interference - 1.99 to 3.1 GHz 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 10 3 100 1 10 Active UWB emitter density (per sq km) 4 1 10 All UWB outdoor All UWB indoor Figure 6 Aggregate UWB interference to airborne receiver at 100m in 1.99 to 3.1 GHz band Page 4 of 8 Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited UWB interference to airborne receiver Aggregate noise figure at receiver (dB) Aggregate interference 0.96 - 1.61 GHz 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 10 3 100 1 10 Active UWB emitter density (per sq km) 4 1 10 All UWB outdoor All UWB indoor 20% UWB outdoor Figure 7 Aggregate UWB interference to airborne receiver at 100m in 0.96 to 1.61 GHz band 4 Discussion The crucial parameter in the above calculations is of course the UWB active emitter density, and this is the greatest unknown. The density will depend on the success of UWB technology. For example, we may assume that: The city has a population of 10,000,000 There is 1 UWB emitter per head of population The duty cycle of each UWB emitter is 10% 20% of UWB active emitters are outdoor For this case, D = 0.1 x 10,000,000/(π x 25 x 25) = 510, i.e. an average spacing between active UWB emitters of 44m. This would give the following UWB interference “noise figures”: In 3.1 – 10.6 GHz: 7 dB In 1.99 – 3.1 GHz: -8 dB In 0.96 to 1.61 GHz -27 dB Increasing D by a factor of 10 (i.e. an average spacing between active UWB emitters of 14m) would increase these figures by 10 dB, i.e. giving figures of 17, 2 and −17 dB respectively. 5 Comments on Assumptions 1) For convenience, a uniform density of UWB emitters has been assumed. In practise, the density will probably be greater in the middle of the city. However, from Figure 3, it can be seen that above 40m aircraft height, all the city is within the radio horizon and so the aircraft is receiving interference from all over the city (except from directly below where the antenna gain is zero). A non uniform distribution will still have some effect on the calculations, but results will vary according to where the aircraft is in relation to the high UWB density areas. For simplicity, the uniform assumption is maintained. Page 5 of 8 UWB interference to airborne receiver The use of free space propagation may be considered too pessimistic at low elevation angles where there will be significant building clutter between the UWB emitter and the aircraft. An alternative integration has been done using inverse fourth law path gain at elevation angles under about 50. The integration used the following formula for path gain (as a power ratio): Path gain = (Free space gain) for r < 10z Path gain = (Free space gain) x {11z/(r + z)}2 for r > 10z where r = horizontal range and z = aircraft height The path loss curves and path gain area integrals are now as given below: Path loss to elevated receiver 60 80 100 Path gain dB 2) Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited 120 140 160 180 200 0.01 1 0.1 10 100 Horizontal range km 10m aircraft height 100m aircraft height 1000 m aircraft height 1000m aircraft height Free space at 10m aircraft height for comparison Figure 8 Path loss using inverse 4th law for elevation angles below 50 Page 6 of 8 Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited UWB interference to airborne receiver Value of integral in dB Integral of path gain x area - in air 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 10 100 1 10 3 4 1 10 Aircraft height m Free space plus inverse 4th below 5 degrees Free space alone for comparison Figure 9 Path gain-area integral using inverse fourth law for elevation angles below 5 0 It can be seen that the worst case aircraft height is now below 600m, and the worst case value of the integral is only 5dB lower than in the free space case. The free space figures can be regarded as an upper bound on interference, and the results based on Figure 9 (i.e. 5 dB lower) as a lower bound. 6 Conclusions The aggregate UWB interference experienced by an airborne receiver flying over an area of dense UWB activity causes an effective rise in environmental noise at the receiver. The noise power is directly proportional to the active UWB emitter density. Some example values of UWB environmental “noise figure” are given below: Active UWB emitter density Noise figure in 3.1 to 10.6 GHz Noise figure in 1.99 to 3.1 GHz Noise figure in 0.96 to 1.61 GHz 500 / sq km 2 to 7 dB -13 to –8 dB -32 to -27 dB 5000 / sq km 12 to 17 dB -3 to +2 dB -22 to -17 dB Table 1 Example UWB environmental noise figures at worst case aircraft heights The impact on aircraft systems depends on which frequency bands are used. If any of the above figures are unacceptable, reductions in EIRP limits within the relevant parts of the frequency bands should be considered. However, EIRP limits should not be reduced across a whole band to deal with potential problems in just one part of a band. Various notching techniques exist within UWB to reduce EIRP at selected frequencies. Page 7 of 8 UWB interference to airborne receiver Thales Research & Technology (UK) Limited P.J.Munday Thales Research and Technology (UK) 5.2.03 Page 8 of 8