Executive Council Meeting November 2, 2010, 9:15 am., UW2 327

Executive Council Meeting
November 2, 2010, 9:15 am., UW2 327
Present: Steve Holland, EC Chair, Constantin Behler, Chuck Jackels, Pam Joseph, Bruce Kochis, Heidi
Petry, Clark Olson, Marc Servetnick and Ron Tilden
Guests: Bruce Burgett and Jeanne Heuving
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda was adopted.
Review of EC Minutes of October 19, 2010
The EC minutes of October 19, 2010 were approved as amended.
Report of GFO Officers
A. Past Chair – Charles Jackels – no report
B. GFO Chair – Bruce Kochis – Attachment A
GFO Vice Chair – Steve Holland
Holland opened his report on the issue of ex-officio voting within the FCTCP. The Council
has decided administrators on that body serving as ex-officio members will not vote. The
Council also made a decision that delegates sent to represent the absentee member can
only attend a limited number of meetings, after which a new member must be appointed.
The UWB and UWT faculty chairs although serving ex-officio will be allowed to vote.
Report on Academic Council
Discussion items:
 Goals for the Chancellor’s staff:
o Enhanced facilities
o Efficient use of resources
o Becoming top choice of Washington students – start a discussion of what
that would mean, whether it would be desirable, etc.
 Summer quarter teaching and faculty compensation for teaching over the summer.
 Early tenure for faculty. The UW Handbook allows faculty to apply for tenure,
whether it is supported is the decision of the faculty’s program. Early tenure is
usually granted only in exceptional circumstances.
 Increased emphasis on undergraduate research and funding available. Promoting
an undergrad research symposium at UWB.
 Visiting scholars program. This new program was created to increase
interdisciplinary research capacity and facilitate collaborative research programs.
The program may also fund UWB faculty traveling to other institutions as visiting
scholars. The GFO Instructional and Research Support Committee will be
consulted for recommendations on this program.
A special AC meeting was held to discuss program level strategic goals and campus-level
learning goals. Holland distributed a packet of information on strategic plans and goals of
UWB academic programs plus Enrollment Management, TLC, UWB Library, and
Information Technologies. Agenda items also included the CUSP implementation and FTE
targets for next year. Enrollment Management submitted a preliminary projection for 201112 FTE targets for each undergraduate and graduate program, with an overall target of
3000 for the campus. Discussion on the establishment of schools at UWB is ongoing.
Old Business
A. MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics (2nd reading and eligible for action)
EC motion
Pam moved to pass the motion:
“The EC endorses forwarding the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Poetics to the UW Graduate
School and the HEC Board.”
The motion was seconded and discussion followed.
EC discussion points
 The EC reviewed the budget submitted with the proposal.
Professor Heuving provided information on the budget with an overview of expenditures for faculty and
administrative positions, visiting regional and national writer’s travel and honorariums, materials and
equipment based on a cohort of 18 – 20 students. The total budget of $621,582 for the program is more or
less on target for an annual tuition fee of 18,000 plus for 54 students over three years (note: cohort
information clarified by Professor Heuving following the EC meeting.)
Holland called the question on the motion. Hearing no objection, he called for a vote on it. By show of
hands, the motion carried unanimously.
Reports from Program Representatives
A. Business – Ron Tilden - no report
Computing and Software Systems – Clark Olson – no report
Education – Pam Joseph
Joseph reported that the program was over-enrolled.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences – Constantin Behler
Behler reported that IAS is launching the Law, Economics and Public Policy option and
has hired 2 lecturers. The program discussed an African Studies minor. The program also
held discussions on the CUSP implementation and the creation of schools at UWB.
Nursing – Heidi Petry - no report
Science & Technology – Marc Servetnick
Servetnick reported that S&T held a discussion on the CUSP implementation.
Reports of Standing Councils/Committees – no reports
A. College Council on Promotion, Tenure, and Faculty Affairs (CCPTFA) – no report
B. Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy (FCTCP) – EC Chair report.
C. Instruction and Research Support Committee
Kochis will send a charge letter to the IRSC; this EC committee is the faculty body for
research and teaching support at UWB. Some issues for the IRSC this year are the
educational technology change over, the Policy for Internal Research Support and the
Visiting Scholars program.
Good of the order
Kochis asked EC members to bring the subject of the creation of schools at UWB to program
meetings for vote. The vote will be a move to adopt schools at UWB on principle, not implementation. This
vote is considered a pre-proposal to adopt schools and not a vote on the draft proposal from Academic
Affairs. Implementation of promotion and tenure policies and procedures will be decided at a later date.
Other issues that EC representatives should discuss with their programs are the campus learning
outcomes, this is a faculty governance issue and EC involvement is critical. This issue also affects
accreditation at all three UW campuses. The EC will review the CUSP implementation report and EC
recommendations on CUSP to see if there is alignment.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am
Minutes submitted by Barbara Van Sant
Next EC meeting will be November 16, 2010
Attachment A
GFO Chair Report
Bruce Kochis
Nov. 2, 2010
1. Attended the Presidential Search Forum at UWB on October 25, making the case for
hiring from inside academe, rather than looking outside. The Committee hopes to finish
its work in early Winter Quarter with new President on board over the summer.
2. Attended the Faculty Senate on October 28. Brief orientation for new Senators, report
from Interim President Wise, no new reports from committees.
a. Senate Executive Committee is clarifying rules for voting on faculty councils.
The SEC will review the voting procedures of each Council and permit/not permit
voting by non-faculty ex officio members. In some cases, allowing non-faculty a
vote can improve communication, collegiality, and work flow. Counterarguments
include the “dilution” of faculty voice, the simple inertia of tradition, the changed
composition under the new Senate procedures.