Tues. 7:00AM Fr. Ken Walker

Monday, February 23, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Mon. 5:15PM
Tues. 7:00AM
Wed. 12:05PM
Thurs. 7:00AM
Sun. 8:00AM
Mary Lou Torgerson
Fr. Ken Walker
Robert Clark
Don Daniels
Special Intentions
James DeRosa
Joan Pano
Special Intentions
People of the Parish
Income needed 7/2014-6/2015)
Offertory received YTD
Offertory needed each week
Roof Fund
Building Fund
Cemetery Fund
(Includes “Online Giving”)
Second of Sunday of Lent
1st Reading: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18.
2nd Reading: Romans 8:31b-34.
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10.
March 4
Calendar of Upcoming Events
2PM Pray the Rosary
9:1510:15am Elementary Rel. Ed Classes
8:15-9:15 Book Group
7:00pm RCIA
7:00pm Choir Practice
6:00-7:30pm First Communion Classes
Pray the Divine Mercy
3PM Chaplet
Before Mass Pray the Rosary
February 22, 2015
First Sunday of Lent
Entrance: Lift High the Cross Hymn #645
Prep. Of Gifts: Hosea - Hymn #675
Recessional: On Eagle's Wings - Hymn #641
Sign up Today for Lenten Shadows of the Cross
This weekend you can still register for Shadows of
the Cross Day of Reflection. A table is set up in the
narthex to take your registration at all the Masses.
Registrations will not be accepted on the day of the
event. So plan now to join us Saturday, February
28, for this day of reflection and journey with Jesus
on His Way of the Cross!
The combined Rite of Election and Rite of Calling to
Continuing Conversion will be celebrated this
weekend at the 10:30 A.M. Mass. The Rite of
Election is for those expressing the intention to enter
new life in Christ through Catholic Baptism and the
sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Candidates who are already baptized in the Catholic
Church or other Christian faiths will participate in
the Rite of Calling to Continuing Conversion. They
will express their desire to enter into full
communion with the Catholic Church. Taking part
in the Rites are: Travis Coffman, Brittany Harris,
Maureen Mayheu and Akio Yoshimura.
Please join them in thanksgiving and pray for them
throughout Lent as they enter their final and most
intense phase of spiritual preparation for the
Sacraments of Christ.
To spend time with Jesus. There will be Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday during Lent
from 10:00 a.m. to just before 5:15 p.m. Mass.
Mother Teresa said, "Seek Him in the tabernacle.
Fix your eyes on Him who is the Light. Bring your
hearts close to His Divine Heart and ask Him to
grant you the grace of knowing Him." Come. Spend
some time with Jesus. He is waiting for you.
"Your St. Paul Story"
We would like to hear from you! These past 3
weeks parishioners and non/parishioners have been
telling their story about how St. Paul School and/or
Church has affected their lives. How has this parish
and/or school impacted your lives or the lives of
your children? Tell us your story. You can read it
at one of the Masses or choose to have it posted on
the school website. Help us celebrate our Catholic
Faith and Education. Submit your story
to bshrode@stpaulmacomb.com.
The Knights of Columbus, Pierre
Gibault Council 682 of Macomb,
fully endorses the building of the
new parish center and additions to St. Paul Church
and School. The new edition will improve both the
educational and spiritual offerings of St. Paul
Catholic church through the expansion of school
facilities and general parish space for religious and
recreational activities.
Ryan Severs
Grand Knight of council 682.
What exactly is the Knights of Columbus?
Father Michael J. McGinney, the assistant pastor of
St Mary’s church in New Haven Connecticut,
started the Knights on Feb. 6th 1882. He proposed
establishing a lay organization; the goal of which
would be to prevent Catholic men from entering
secret societies whose membership was antithetical
to church teaching, to unite men of Catholic faith
and to provide for the families of deceased
members. All the good works we do are represented
by our four core principles:
Charity- Our Catholic faith teaches us to “love
the neighbor as thyself.” This is shown by food
drives for Loaves and Fishes, supporting Special
Olympics and by supporting , both spiritually and
materially, mothers who choose life for the babies.
Unity- None of us is as good as all of us.
Knights all know that together- we can accomplish
far more the any of us could individually. We stick
together and we support one another. You can count
on the support and encouragement of the knights to
make life better in our parish and community.
Fraternity- The Knights of Columbus was
founded in large part to provide assistance to the
widows and children left behind when the family
breadwinner died- often prematurely. The orders
top–rated insurance program continues to do this
today as do individual Knights. Last year over 10
million hours of their time was donated to assist sick
and/or disabled members and their families.
Patriotism- Members of the Knights of
Columbus, be the Americans, Canadians, Mexicans,
Cubans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our
devotion to God and country, and believe in
standing up for both. The Knights remind the world
that Catholics support our nations.
You see the Knights doing honor guard at
Masses and funerals. You enjoy the terrific Lenten
Fish Fries along with seeing them during their
Tootsie roll drive for handicapped children. There
are numerous other things they are doing that you
don’t necessarily notice. As Grand Knight Severs
stated they are behind the building expansion and
encourage all parishioners to participate in this
undertaking. The current and future parishioners
need our support so let’s all get involved please!
God Bless you all!
John C. Schreiber
HyVee gift cards will be sold next
weekend February 28 and March
1, after the all the Masses. Gift cards
will still be available in the school office
weekdays or by calling Joy McQuillan at 833-4689.
Thank you for your support!
Lenten Confessions- March 18, 6-8pm at St.
Bernard Church, Bushnell, IL
Called and Gifted Workshop in Nauvoo
The Hancock County (Illinois) Catholic Churches are
proud to host a Called and Gifted Workshop put on
by the Catherine of Siena Institute. This workshop
seeks to assist Christians with discerning the spiritual
gifts that God has given to them. It will take place
on March 18th (7-9pm) and March 9th (9am-4pm) at
Sts. Peter and Paul School (1115 Young St.,
Nauvoo). Lunch will be provided on March 19th.
There is no cost to attend, though a free will offering
will be taken up, and there is a $6 fee for materials.
All are welcome to attend. To register or for more
information, go to HancockCountyCatholic.org or
call the rectory office at 217-453-2428.