2009 Clarification of 4-H/FFA Purebred Market Swine Category Again this year, there will be a separate category under the Market Individuals for purebred market barrow/gilt. 1. Purebred market barrow/gilts will NOT be identified as either Home Farrowed or Purchased and will not be included in the restrictions of exhibiting Home Farrowed or Purchased. 2. PUREBRED MARKET BARROW/GILT MUST BE IDENTIFIED ON A SEPARATE IDENTIFICATION REPORT FORM and MUST NOT be included with Derby Swine or Market Swine (Home Farrowed or Purchased). 3. The original pedigrees or registration form for the Purebred Market Barrows/Gilts MUST presented at the Fair check-in site. The “Supreme Champion Market Pig” will be selected from the winners of the Derby (live), Home Farrowed, Purchased, and Purebred classes.