Women`s Law and Human Rights, Outline of 11 December 2003

|Women's Law and Human Rights, Outline of 11 December
Course Leader Professor Anne Hellum
Tuesday and Thursday 14.15 – 16.00 (exept 1 April 10-1512.00)
Duration 24 hours including mock exam and 2 guest lectures.
Guest lectures:
- 23 March 16.15- 18.00 Møterommet 3. etg. Institutt for offentlig rett,
Bibiloteksbygningen. Karl Johansgt. 47
Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali, University of Warwick:
“The Fundamental rights of Muslim Women in Europe and the quest for
recognition of Islamic law and Islamic Councils”
- 2nd April 14.15-16.00 00 Møterommet 3. etg. Institutt for offentlig rett,
Bibiloteksbygningen. Karl Johansgt. 47
Dr. Fareda Banda, School of Oriental and African Studies, London:
“Minorities, Gender and Rights in Europe”
Where to find the curriculum:
The assigned articles/book chapters of main literature are compiled in Compendium.
Women's Law and Human Rights. Selected Articles. Part I and II 2004 will provide a
thorough understanding of the above listed topics so as to meet the requirements of the
examination. (For sale in Acadmica Bookshop end of January 2004)
The assigned introductory/background literature is compiled in Compendium III
Women’s Law and Human Rights. Introductory/Background Literature (Made available
at the Institute of Women’s Law in January 2004)
4. March
Course Introduction.
Professor Anne Hellum
9. March
Justice, Equality and Dignity: Introduction to the UN Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and
related international instruments, Professor Anne Hellum.
Esperanza Hernandez-Tryol, Bertha, “Human Rights Through a Gendered Lens:
Emergence, Evolution, Revolution”, in Women and International Human Rights Law,
Vol 1 Kelly D. Askin and Dorean M. Koenig (eds) pp.3-41.
Byrnes, Andrew, “The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women”, in Human Rights of Women, International Instruments and African
Experiences. Wolfgang Bendek et.al. ZED Books, pp. 119-173.
Dahl, Tove Stang "Taking Women as Starting Point" Working Papers in Women's Law
No. 4. Department of Public and International Law, UiO. pp. 1-14.
11. March
Women’s Right to Non-Discrimination and Equality in the Labour
Market. Research Fellow Helga Aune, Chair of the Gender Equality
Complaint Board
Oosterveld, Valerie, “Women in Employment”, in Women and International Human
Rights Law, Vol 1 Kelly D. Askin and Dorean M. Koenig (eds) pp.367-403.
Hodges-Aeberhard, J. "Affirmative Action in Employment: Recent Court Approaches to
a difficult Concept", in International Labour Review No. 138 No 3 pp. 247- 250 and 256260.
Ketscher, Kirsten “From Marriage Contract to Labour Contract: Effect on Care Duties
and Care Rights” in Kevat Nousiainen et al (eds) Responsible Selves. Women in the
Nordic Legal Culture” Darmouth: Ashgate 2001 pp. 155-173
16. March
Non-Discrimination and the Right to Health. Professor Anne Hellum
Cook, Rebecca, "Human Rights in Relation to Women’s Health”, World Health
Organization. pp.1-5.
Staib, Anne Lene, “Adolescent Girls’ Right to Contraception and Means of Protection
from STD, in Women’s Human Right and Reproductive Autonomy: The Argument of
Development Illustrated Through Adolescents Girls’ Right to Choose Protection From
Procreation and Sexually Transmitted Diseases” Studies in Women’s Law no 46 2001
18 March
Equality and Protection against Violence in the Family: Article 16 of the
Women’s Convention. Professor Anne Hellum
Byrnes, Andrew,“The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women”, in Human Rights of Women, International Instruments and African
Experiences. Wolfgang Bendek et.al. ZED Books pp. 123-129.
Radhika, Coomaraswamy and Lisa M. Kois , “Violence Against Women”, in Women
and International Human Rights Law, Vol 1 Kelly D. Askin and Dorean M. Koenig (eds)
Kisaakye, Ester M. “Women, Culture and Human Rights: Female Genital Mutilation,
Polygamy and Bride Price, in Human Rights of Women, International Instruments and
African Experiences. Wolfgang Bendek et.al. ZED Books, pp. 268-286.
23. March
Gender and Human Rights in Islam, the Case of Pakistan’s Ratification
of CEDAW and Women’s Rights in Marriage. By Professor Shaheen
Sardar Ali
Ali, Shaheen Sardar, “The Conceptual Foundations of Human Rights: A Comparative
Perspective”, in European Public Law Vol.3, Issue 2. pp 261-282.
Arif, Kamran and Shaheen Sardar Ali, "Parallell Judicial Systems in Pakistan and
Consequences for Human Rights", in Shaping Women's Lives (ed Shaheed et al) , Shirkat
Gah 1998. pp. 29-59.
Shaheen Sardar Ali, “Is and Adult Muslim Woman Sui Juris? Some Reflections on the
Concept of Consent in Marriage Without a Wali (With Reference to the Saima Waheed
Case”, in Yearbook of Islamic Law pp. 156-173.
25 March
The Women’s Convention and Related Instruments, Separation and
Integration through Mainstreaming, professor Anne Hellum
Nowak, Manfred, “The prohibition of Gender-specific Discrimination under the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, in Human Rights of Women,
International Instruments and African Experiences. Wolfgang Bendek et.al. ZED Books,
pp. 105-119
Gruskin, Sofia and Karen Plafker. ”Application of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child: Are the Rights of the Child Relevant to Women’s Rights”, in Women and
International Human Rights Law, Vol 1 Kelly D. Askin and Dorean M. Koenig (eds) pp.
Gallagher, Anne, "Ending the Marginalization: Strategies for Incorporating Women into
the United Nations Human Rights System", in Human Rights Quarterly 19: 283-309.
30 March
From International to National Law: Norways Implementation of the
Women’s Convention. Professor Anne Hellum
Norway's 6th Periodic Report to CEDAW
CEDAW's Consideration of Norway's 6th Report
1 April
Regional Approaches to the Human Rights of Women: An African
Perspective on the Development of the Human Rights of Women. Dr
Fareda Banda, SOAS
Ankumah, Evelyn A., "The Status of Women under the African Charter", in Ankumah
The African Commission on Human and People's Rights. Practice and Procedures.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1996. pp 151- 158.
Banda, Fareda, “Meaningless Gestures? African Nations and the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women”, in ", in Eekelaar and
14 April
Women's Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Cross-cultural
Perspectives. Professor Anne Hellum
Nussbaum, Martha, "Women and Equality: The Capabilities Approach", in International
Labour Review, Vol. 138, No 3, 1999. pp. 227 - 245.
Okin, Susan Moller, “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?” in Is Multiculturalism Bad
for Women?, Cohen, Howard and Nussbaum eds.1999, Princeton University Press pp. 727.
Engle Merry, Sally, “Women, Violence and the Human Rights System”, in Women,
Gender and Human Rights. A Global Perspective. Majorie Agosin (ed), Rutgers
University Press. pp. 83-98.
Bentzon, Hellum, Stewart et al, “Legal Pluralism”, in Pursuing Grounded Theory in Law.
South-North Experiences in Developing Women's Law. TANO/MOND 1998. pp. 30-63.
|Hellum, Anne, "Women's Human Rights and African Customary Laws: Between
Universalism and Relativism - Individualism and Communitarianism", in European
Journal of Development Studies No. 3 1998. pp. 88-104.
15. April,
University, Diversity and the Interpretation of the Human Rights of
Women. Professor Anne Hellum
Cook, Rebecca "State Accountability Under the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination Against Women ", in Cook, Rebecca (ed.) The Human Rights of
Women. University of Pennsylvania Press 1994 pp. 228- 257.
Nowak, Manfred, “The prohibition of Gender-specific Discrimination under the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, in Human Rights of Women,
International Instruments and African Experiences. Wolfgang Bendek et.al. ZED Books,
pp. 105-119
Ankumah, Evelyn A., "The Status of Women under the African Charter", in Ankumah
The African Commission on Human and People's Rights. Practice and Procedures.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1996. pp 151- 158.
20 April. Mock Exam