Worksheet 2 -


Worksheet 2: Mapping CC standard 2 to Exit Projects or a science lab report.

Looking at student work!

Project title: ____________________________________________________________


Standard 2 a: Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate...

UA’s perspective:

Sections related to Standard 2 a are Title, Question, Hypothesis,

Background info.

These 4 sections identify the Independent Variable (IV) and the Dependent Variable

(DV), predict how a change in the IV will affect the DV, and give reasons for the student’s prediction. The effect—from the start—is to outline the investigation that follows and preview the project for the reader.

Can you find…? and where was it?

What is the IV?

What is the DV? the Prediction? the Scientific Reasoning behind the prediction?


Standard 2 b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details…

UA’s perspective:

Sections related to Standard 2 b are Background Information .

Background Information first and foremost describes the student’s reasoning behind their


. (“What did I read that makes me predict this outcome?”) From an encyclopedic quantity of information available on their topic, the student carefully chooses those facts that specifically explain why they hypothesized as they did, and give more in-depth content about the IV and DV.

Can you find…? and where was it?

Examples of more in-depth content about the IV?

Examples of more in-depth content about the DV?

Examples of more scientific reasoning behind their prediction?

Other content-specific vocabulary?


Standard 2 c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts...

UA’s perspective:

Connections to Standard 2 c: The following Science Exit Project sections are grouped together because of their logical connections. Verbal transitions and connections should be used to make the links between them clear:

Background Information / Hypothesis (Beginning)

Investigation Design / Hypothesis / Question / Title (Beginning)

Can you find…? and where was it?

Describe linkages and relationships between…

Background Information / Hypothesis (Beginning)

Investigation Design / Hypothesis / Question / Title (Beginning)

Standard 2 e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone

UA’s perspective:

Standard 2 e is not directly addressed in the UA rubric

Should the UA Rubric be changed to support Standard 2 e? Explain?

Project title: ____________________________________________________________


Standard 3. …write precise enough descriptions of step-by-step procedures… that others can replicate them…

UA’s perspective: Related sections are Procedure .

The procedures are described precisely enough to make replication of the investigation possible by another investigator.

Can you find…? and where was it?

Describe the step-by-step procedures and detailed materials. Are they sufficient to make replication of the investigation possible?


Standard 2 d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to… explain the topic.

UA’s perspective:

Related sections are Data/Results , Investigation design, and sometimes Procedure .

Much of the vocabulary used in these sections is specific to science (domain-specific).

The following are examples of precise, domain-specific language:

Data / Results : units of measure including: mass, length, time, velocity, force, volume, density, temperature; terms describing trends or patterns including: average, range, correlation, direct/inverse relationship, probability, frequency

Investigation Design : Independent Variable (IV), Dependent Variable (DV), constants, trials, levels, hypothesis…


: place, release, insert, locate…

Can you find precise, domain-specific vocabulary in the following sections (incl. terms above)?

List examples in Data / Results :

List examples in Investigation Design :

List examples in Procedures :


Standard 2 c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts...

UA’s perspective:

Connections to Standard 2 c: The following Science Exit Project sections are grouped together because of their logical connections. Verbal transitions and connections should be used to make the links between them clear:

Data-Results / Procedure / Investigation Design (Middle)

Discussion-Conclusion / Data-Results / Hypothesis (Middle, End)

Can you find…? and where was it?

Describe linkages and relationships between…

Data-Results / Procedure / Investigation Design?

Discussion-Conclusion / Data-Results / Hypothesis ?


Standard 2 e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone

UA’s perspective:

Standard 2 e is not directly addressed in the UA rubric.

Should the UA Rubric be changed to support Standard 2 e? Explain?

Project title: ____________________________________________________________


Standard 2 f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or the explanation presented.

UA’s perspective: Related sections are Discussion / Conclusion

The main part of the Discussion / Conclusion

—the scientific explanation or

“argument”—is aligned with common core Std. 1. There are other parts of this section that “follows from and supports the… explanation presented,” including analyses of errors and next steps for future research.

Can you find…? and where was it?

Describe a concluding statement that follows from the explanation presented?

Describe student’s analysis of error?

Describe next steps for future research?


Standard 2 c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts...

UA’s perspective: Connections to Standard 2 c: The following Science Exit Project sections are grouped together because of their logical connections. Verbal transitions and connections should be used to make the links between them clear:

Discussion-Conclusion / Data-Results / Hypothesis (Middle, End)

Background Information / Hypothesis (Beginning)

Investigation Design / Hypothesis / Question / Title (Beginning)

Can you find…? and where was it?

Describe linkages and relationships between Discussion-Conclusion / Data-Results /

Hypothesis ?


Standard 2 e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone

UA’s perspective:

Standard 2 e is not directly addressed in the UA rubric

Should the UA Rubric be changed to support Standard 2 e? Explain?
