Stem Enhance Stories and Case Studies Regenerating Cartilage – Mrs. W., London "I was having knee pain for more than 10 years. I had regular check-ups every 6 months. After taking Stem Enhance for about 4 months, the damaged cartilage in my knee reformed. My doctor could not believe what he was seeing as it was the first time he had witnessed something like it. I'm just happy to have my health back!" Parkinsons - Mr H., Singapore "Over a year ago I developed Parkinson's disease. This condition meant that I could not control my movements, and was shaking constantly. I started taking Stem Enhance and today I can confidently say that I am at least 90% recovered. I'm truly impressed by the product and will continue to use it." Eczema - STEMTECH AFA Extract helps different people in different ways. I started taking the capsules in January, specifically because I have eczema, which means that my arms, legs and forehead would itch and develop hives. This had been going on for years and whenever it started, I would just give myself over to it as nothing made a difference. After two weeks of taking both Stem Flo and Stem Enhance: no more itch. I have subsequently learnt that AFA is also considered to contain the best non-animal source of natural Vitamin B12; therefore, a diet high in vitamin B12 is valuable in the treatment of eczema and other skin diseases. It certainly worked for me! What is also brilliant is that you don't have to have an ailment to benefit from the product. I have had many testimonials where people enthuse about an increase in energy levels, heightened mental clarity and a general feeling of well-being. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Failure - Mr. T. aged 55 "I was suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure. I was on dialysis three times a week. After 3 months of taking both Stem Enhance and Stem Flo, my creatinine dropped. My blood reports showed many different movements during the time, and my doctors believed that the product was working by aiding with the detoxification process in my body. It is a little less than a year later, and I now only have one dialysis weekly. According to my doctor, kidney failure cannot be reversed; the illness either gets worse or is contained. Stem Enhance has helped to contain the illness and I am enjoying much better health than before." Competitive Sports Recovery – “Both Frank and Jan Condon are Professional Running Competitors and are sold on Stem Enhance as an indispensable part of any athletic regimen. Frank says, “since Stem Enhance, my recovery time during training has been cut in half…and I hear the same thing from all of the competitors on the Senior circuit who are taking Stem Enhance. They wouldn’t train without it!” Paralysis - Juanita Pienaar (11 yrs) On 28 April 2008 Juanita was involved in a very serious motorbike accident in which her father died. She moved through the air and fell 50 metres from the scene, very badly injuring her basilar ganglia. Doctors predicted that she had serious brain injuries with little chance on recovery. She was paralysed on her left side, could not swallow, talk, eat or recognise her relatives. A month after the accident she was discharged from Intensive Care. They immediately started a dosage of 3 Stem Enhance capsules per day directly into her stomach by means of a tube. Approximately 3 months later she could recognise her relatives, talk, swallow and started walking with aid. In October 2008 she started attending a special school and a month later she could walk in the house without aid. She can already lift her left arm shoulder high and open and close her left hand. Prostate Infection - George Beetge (55 yrs) I have been battling with prostate infections for 20 years and had to use chronic medication regularly. Since taking 2 Stem Enhance capsules daily I have never again had any infection and I could discontinue the chronic medication. I have more energy; I sleep better and experience a better quality of life. Inactive Thyroid - Karin Beetge (51 yrs) I had an inactive thyroid gland for the past 20 years. Just before starting to take Stem Enhance (SE) I had my thyroid tested and results were that it then functioned slower than before. The doctor, however, decided not to increase the Eltroxin dosage. After using SE for six months, the functioning of my thyroid improved so well that the doctor reduced the Eltroxin dosage. Since taking 2 capsules per day, I now have more energy and my eyesight has improved. Lung Collapse, Bald - Albert Wentzel (60+ yrs) In 1984 during a very serious operation his gall bladder was removed and subsequently his left lung collapsed leaving him with only the right lung functioning. As a result of this, he always had a severe post nasal drip and was prone to bronchitis annually and sometimes even more often. He also lost most of his hair at a very young age leaving him bald headed. As a young boy he was kicked by a horse and the spot where its hoof hit his leg, turned blue and the blood made a hard clotted area. He was introduced to Stem Enhance by Johan Pienaar in December 2007 and immediately started a dosage of 2 capsules a day and experienced many wonderful healing effects. After using Stem Enhance for 6 months, he one day woke up and his left lung was functioning! It was a miracle that he could inhale deeply and feel how the fresh air filled both his lungs. The post nasal drip is something of the past and he has not had a cold, flu or bronchitis since December 2007! Although his gall bladder cannot be replaced, he is not having so many occurrences of headaches and nausea after eating too richly. The clotting of blood on his leg has also started to dissolve and is almost gone. Very amazing – his shiny bald head is shiny no more! Hair is starting to grow where he previously had to polish his head. Osteoporosis, Parkinsons, Broken Ribs, Macular Degeneration - Ditty Koorn (79 yrs) Ditty suffers from Osteoporosis and Parkinson’s disease and started taking Stem Enhance on 15 September 2008. On 17 September 2008 she fell and broke FIVE ribs!! According to her specialist physician it would have taken her 3 – 6 months to recover completely and that he could do nothing to make her more comfortable. She started taking two Stem Enhance capsules every six hours and two weeks later she had no pain. Three weeks after falling, Ditty could walk, roll over in bed, stoop and bend in the house and garden without experiencing any pain from her ribs. Her specialist physician was amazed at her recovery and said that he does not observe any symptoms of Parkinson’s! Her husband, Berto Koorn (80 yrs) suffers from macular degeneration (deterioration of eyesight) also started taking four Stem Enhance capsules per day and he reports that he is sure he is not imagining things, but that he can now see better. On 23 October 2008 they went on leave to Umhlanga and Berto drove from Johannesburg to Umhlanga. Last year his children had to drive them there. He is full of energy and sleeps excellently since taking Stem Enhance. Bleeding Piles - André van der Merwe After using Stem Enhance for only one week, André reported very excitedly that his bleeding piles had not only disappeared but that they had “emigrated”. The blood circulation in his leg had improved considerably and he has LOTS of energy – he chatters endlessly on the effectiveness of Stem Enhance. His daughter who is on chemotherapy says that she does not tire so easily and is not affected as much by the after effects of the therapy as before. Leg Pain - Leonette Broodryk Since 2005 Leonette suffered from a severe recurring pain in her right leg. During January 2008 she experienced the piercing pain again and went to the doctor. He sent her for X-Rays because he suspected that she had a problem in her hip-cavity. The X-Rays confirmed that a big part of her leg in the cavity had worn off. She experienced excruciating pain when she exercised or walked, so much that she would be unable to walk the next day. She went to a bio-kineticist but had to discontinue the exercises after the third set because the pain was too severe. She was referred to a neuro-surgeon and thereafter to an orthopaedic surgeon. The scan revealed that there was a tumour in the cavity too. During March 2008 a biopsy was done which was non-malignant. She had to receive a hip replacement operation in May 2008 but the medical fund refused it. During June 2008 she fell and thereafter started to take Stem Enhance on 1 July 2008. On 3 July 2008 she already had no more pain and discomfort. Apart from prayers, this was the biggest miracle that totally changed her life. Since July 2008 the excruciating pain which she experienced before, was gone. If she has pain, she takes painkillers and experienced that the working of the painkillers last much longer. The is still some discomfort in her hip due to the tumour, but she trusts that this will also become better as soon as the tumour is removed. In the meanwhile she realized that a few other things in her life have also changed: 1) Her blood pressure has normalized 2) Her skin has less wrinkles and it is radiant 3) The condition of her nails has improved 4) She has a new zest for life because Stem Enhance is her daily “booster’ too. 5) Her energy levels are much better since July 2008 Stem Enhance is a hit and has changed her whole life!!! Shoulder and Leg Pain - Phetole Letswalo (65 yrs) Phetole complained of pains in his legs and shoulders and could not sleep due to this. His employer sponsored him and he started taking two Stem Enhance capsules daily in the beginning of July 2008. On Friday 1 August 2008 he reported back to his employer wishing to buy the latter a big present because he felt so good that he could run the 8 km to town. Some of the neighbours witnessed him jog-trotting to town! Landmine Injury - Pikkie Lombard (50+ yrs) A landmine damaged his leg 30-35 years ago and some of the shrapnel remained inside. He had severe problems with his leg over the years and doctors all wanted to amputate it. The leg is swollen and black due to bad blood circulation while the shrapnel always festers out and causes sores. Pikkie started taking Stem Enhance in the beginning of July 2008 and had eight sores on the festering leg. After approximately twenty days, five of the sores had healed. He says that it may be too soon to say that his leg feels well but he will continue taking Stem Enhance and he will give feedback again. Gout - Diekie Botes (50 yrs) Due to severe pain in his feet and legs (like gout), Diekie started taking Stem Enhance on 11 June 2008. He had to take medication for gout three times a day to ease the pain because his occupation requires of him to stand the whole day. After less than a month his one leg and foot felt much better. On 1 August 2008 he said that the pain in his feet and legs is so much better that he takes gout medication only once a day while he takes 2 Stem Enhance capsules daily. Back Injury - Hannes Herbs (60+) Hannes started to take Stem Enhance on 11 June 2008. He suffers from an old back injury which he has for the past six years. Getting up in the morning would take him one hour to just sit up straight and get out of bed. Heat packs on his back would help him to start moving. His feet had absolutely no sensation and he sometimes had to stand for a while because he did not know whether or not he would be able to move his feet. Within one month after taking two Stem Enhance capsules per day, his back was 90% better. He says that his feet are starting to get better and that he feels very well. At the end of July 2008 he visited the doctor for some ailment and the doctor asked him why his back was so much better – doctor could not believe that it is the same person. He can now crouch and get up without holding onto something, get out of his flat sports car and that without pain. To him Stem Enhance is wonderful Back Pain - Willem Roux After a bad fall a few years ago, the doctor told Willem that he would have to live with his back problem. After using Stem Enhance for approximately two months, he realized that his back problem was solved. He can now bend backwards without pain and he now has stacks of energy. Varicose Veins, Bad Blood Circulation - Lizzie Theron I started to take Stem Enhance on 25 May 2008 for varicose veins and legs that ached and cramped – my legs were almost black due to bad blood circulation. I had a severe pain in my knee which would move to my hip. I could not let my slacks touch my legs, they were so sensitive. After taking Stem Enhance for two weeks, my legs started feeling much better, the colour improved and the pain had vanished – no swelling and no more cramps. I can now be on my feet for the whole day without having to take pain killers and sleep well. Previously I had to take up to 4 very strong pain killers to ease the pain. I now take only 2 Stem Enhance capsules and that is all. I take no other medication. Today is 1 August 2008, my legs are 100% better and my knee and hip were healed after the first week. I will continue taking Stem Enhance until the colour of my legs is completely normal – it is already slightly pink. The main reason why I am so thankful is that I no longer suffer any pain. Stem Enhance makes me feel completely well. Diabetes - Deirdré Visser I have been a diabetic for 31 years and although I care well for myself, there is deterioration of my organs and nerve ends. With the use of Stem Enhance I regained sensation in my toes and my kidneys no longer ache. My hands no longer go numb and the cramps in my feet and legs have disappeared completely. I sleep better and have more energy, my memory and thoughts are also much better. Diabetes - Carel van der Merwe My sugar count is now between 7 – 11 in the mornings, 11 – 13 in the evening where it used to be 24 – 28 on average. My big toe was black with puss draining from it. My toe is pink again and it is healing slowly but surely without antibiotics. Heart Attack - Johan Pienaar (50+ yrs) Six years ago I had my first heart attack, due to a restriction in one of the arteries of my heart. A “stent” was inserted to widen the artery, and I started taking prescription medication daily. My health improved considerably, until April 2007, when I had 6 heart attacks within 3 days. The angiogram showed that the network of arteries on the right side of my heart were practically 100% dysfunctional, while those on the left side were 40% dysfunctional. I couldn’t walk more than 2 paces without cardiac pain; even breathing a sigh caused pain. The cardiologist told me that he couldn’t perform a bypass operation on me, because the arteries were “dead”. I had no hope on recovery. During my 5 weeks’ stay in the hospital ICU, a friend came to see me, and told me about Stem Enhance. Desperately, I decided to try it, taking 2 capsules 3 times per day. Three weeks after leaving hospital I started to notice a change. I could walk short distances again. I was still on my normal heart medication, and was still eating my normal healthy diet, as I have always tried to do. My only lifestyle change was that I had started taking Stem Enhance. It is now almost a year later. My health has steadily improved, and today I am able to lead a completely normal and active life. I mow my own lawn, I have already walked as much as 3 kilometers without pain, I sleep well, and I find that I have greater clarity of thinking than before. I also perceive my flesh to be firmer than it used to be. I ask myself: If nothing in my lifestyle has changed, except taking Stem Enhance, what could have caused my recovery? Johan felt a change after three weeks and after two months doctors could observe a change. When Johan wanted to have some teeth extracted, pathologists returned twice to enquire about the medication he is taking because of his red blood cell count being three times higher than normal. His EF count in the tissues was 75, while 50 is normal and the count in someone who is ill can be as low as 12. Massive Pain and Potential Loss of Both Knees – Colin Anthony Thanbu Xavier “In 1985, I had a very bad accident and very nearly had my right leg amputated below the knee. I was in a coma for about a week and I had multiple fractures on my tibia (shin), knee and femur (thigh). Luckily, the orthopaedic surgeons at UniHosp, managed to save my leg. I was a very good runner, martial artist and played the drums professionally at that time. I was on crutches for a year and used a walking stick for about 2 yrs after that. I also found out later that I had two stress fractures on the L4 and L5 of my spine and if I was not careful, I would be bedridden for a week or so (which has happened to me over the years). My doctor says it’s compressed nerves of my lower spine. Even with all the physio and exercise, I have a terrible limp. As I got older (I am 50 yrs old now), osteoarthritis set in and the pain got worse, and I have been on pain-killers since then. In 2009, terrible pain in the knee of my good leg (left). On seeing my surgeon, he said that I had to undergo surgery. After 25 yrs of using my left leg to compensate for the accident right leg, my doctor said that the knee just couldn’t take the pressure anymore and my meniscus and tendons tore and there was a lot of tissue damage. His diagnosis is too, as soon as possible, get a double knee replacement. He was afraid that the bones in my knee (with no more cartilage) will wear down. He even showed me pics (scope) of how bad my knee was and I also had Stage 4 arthritis which is very bad. These past few months have been especially hard for me as the pain was becoming unbearable and I’m just worn out by evening. I can’t focus on anything else but just to get thru the day. Over the years, I have learned how to hide the pain and put on a smiling face. Now, I have two bad knees and my life was just a living hell of daily pain. I was just deteriorating day by day. As I have an international biz (engineering & chemicals), I found it so painful to fly, drive or just even walk. The worst part was not being able to carry my son when he asks to be carried. So many times I thought of giving up but I have always been a fighter. In fact, my doctor simply couldn’t understand how I was still walking and working when I should be in a wheel chair. My left leg knee replacement was scheduled for this August (2010). Somehow, I bumped into an schoolmate of mine at my school reunion dinner who is a practising orthopaedic surgeon and he suggested that I try stem cell injections (which will be extracted from my bone marrow) first before thinking of knee replacement. But it would cost me about RM 70,000.00 –RM80,000.00 a year and with no guarantee. Although I am covered by insurance that is still a lot of money compared to the RM 50,000.00 for 2 knee replacements. About a month ago, a dear friend, Dr. CP Lee (Sports Science), emailed me regarding STEMENHANCE. I went thru his website and got in touch with his distributor, Joshua who is the GM of Clark Hatch Fitness, Malaysia. I was very sceptical while talking to him as I had tried so, so, so many things over the years to alleviate my pain but nothing ever worked. But somehow (I trusted Dr. Lee's advice) I decided to sign for the FastTrack (6 bottles) on 15 April 2010, to get the bottles at a discount. Immediately after that I had to go to Indonesia to audit some cargo ships. After just 2 weeks of taking 3 tablets a day, the pain had reduced tremendously in my left knee, and all my friends and my wife were so shocked that I wasn’t limping anymore. Even I was stunned beyond believe that I hardly felt any pain. IN JUST 2 WEEKS. It’s been about 3 weeks now and I can even run up the staircase and my energy levels are so high. AND GUESS WHAT, I CAN CARRY MY MARCUS FOR AS LONG AS HE WANTS. After 25 years of constant pain, I don’t feel any pain (reduced to a dull ache). SIMPLY INCREDIBLE and AMAZING. I will be meeting my surgeon to get my case notes so I can share my story & pics of a “BEFORE” and “AFTER” with STEMENHANCE. Even my surgeon is stunned at the flexibility of my left knee and he said that it feels like it is 90% back to normal. I am now dreaming of all the things I can start again like hiking, scuba diving, squash and even shopping with my wife. But most imprtantly, playing football with my son. I now know I can keep my knees for a while longer. Some of my friends say that I’m a walking advertisement for STEMENHANCE simply because, after 25 years, not only do I have no more pain, I don’t limp anymore and my energy levels are so high. In the course of the past 3 weeks, because of my amazing recovery, many of my friends with various health problems have started taking STEMENHANCE and the results for them have been amazing also. From Diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, kidney and age related problems, they are showing incredible results and their doctors are quite simply shocked. TIME magazine has reported that STEMCELL technology is going to revolutionize the Health Care industry as STEMENHANCE is the only product in the world that enhances STEMCELL production in adults. For me, it's a simply a MIRACLE! There are so many people out there like me with not many options for a good and pain free life. As a businessman, I see this as a wonderful opportunity to help some fellow humans and become financially free at the same time. My friends, give STEMENHANCE a try. It has changed my life and if you feel there is nothing wrong with you, I’m sure you know somebody, especially baby-boomers like me, who have health problems. Peace & Love, Colin Thambu Vision, Blisters, Dogs, Digestion, Hair Darkening - Jane Elise Ferro “After using Stem Enhance for a short while, I noticed some wonderful results. My vision, which had become increasingly blurred over the previous months to the extent that I almost always required my glasses for reading, cleared. I no longer reach for my reading glasses unless the light is too dim to see easily. Also, some fluid-filled blisters I had on my foot for months suddenly healed along with my sore fingers from carrying countless buckets of water for the plants during last summer’s extremely hot weather. I haven’t been the only one to manifest rapid changes. Thalia, my 10 year old Rottweiler whom I rescued from the Pound 3 ½ years ago, nearly passed over the end of July last year. I came to realize she was holding a lot of grief in her bones from the way she had been treated by her previous owners. Her entire skeleton was deteriorating to the extent she needed new bone cells if she was to be truly well again. Thalia’s condition gradually improved over a period of several months, through various alternative treatments and lots of TLC, yet she was obviously weak and still fragile. The soft-tissue damage in the middle of her back – apparently sustained from an accident as a puppy – continued to bother her. She was often rolling on the ground and chewing on herself to relieve whatever she was feeling. Her coat was dirty and had bald spots. Whenever I ran my hand down her back, she would flinch and the muscles there would spasm. Well, after only 1 week on StemEnhance, Thalia no longer did any of that and I can even rub my hands all over her back without any response but pleasure! Her coat quickly grew back, full and lustrous, and her personality has become much more outgoing and obviously happy. Now she even pushes her head under the arms of visitors, asking for cuddles from them; whereas previously, she stayed out of sight most of the time, just resting. Over the months, Thalia’s entire body rapidly grew stronger, with her hind legs straightening so she can play and run again with my Great Dane, Bliss! Speaking of Bliss, also 10 years old, he has had wonderful results on the stem cell nutrition as well, more noticeable over time because of his better level of health. I’ve had him since he was 5 months old so he has been well-cared for most of his life. However, he has had a dark discharge from his ears that no treatment has corrected. This is now almost gone. More interesting – Bliss’s face, originally black with border collie markings – ie, white around the muzzle and a white blaze up the middle of his face – had been gradually turning white. At the start of this year, the white reached above his eyes. Now, he has black hairs growing back into all the areas where he used to be black! As the months have passed – we started the stem cell nutrition products at the beginning of January 2010 - I’ve noticed I can digest all foods easily, particularly when I am working under time constraints. Previously, I would typically experience a lot of bloating and cramping. There has also been a deep cleanse of deposits from diverticulitis caused by crazy diets when I was a teenager. It’s exciting to watch the body heal itself once it is able to access its own master repair cells, our adult stem cells! Like Bliss, my hair is darkening back to its original colour. I can only wonder what we’ll look and feel like a year from now, 2 years from now, 3 years from now…. Lung Cancer and Diabetes - Sharmila StemEnhance and StemFlow has Improved Our Well Being Daya and Jasmath Family of Lenasia, South Africa – September 2012 We were introduced to StemTech South Africa due to the shocking news that my dad was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 lung cancer in April 2012. Doctors explained to us that there wasn’t much they could do; he could try chemotherapy to reduce the tumour slightly. Given no other choice my dad opted for the chemotherapy. After the second chemo, my dad became severely ill. He was hospitalised for 2 weeks which seemed like eight weeks to him. After this, he refused to go for chemotherapy. As soon as he came out of the hospital, my dad started taking StemEnhance and StemFlo, religiously. When my dad was discharged from the hospital, we as a family had to ensure that the oxygen machine would be at home, as the doctors suggested that he keep the machine on for 18-24 hours a day. Within 2 weeks of taking the Stem Cell Nutritional Supplements which acts as a natural Adult Stem Cell Booster, my dad began gaining his strength and started using the oxygen machine less. It is now August 2012, my dad only uses the oxygen machine in the evenings or if he over exerts himself. He is doing well in all aspects and I was even shocked to find him washing his car the other day! His quality of life with the cancer has definitely improved with Stem Cell Nutrition. We know that the cancer is still there but glad that it’s under control or at least not spreading to my dad’s detriment. Besides the lung cancer; my dad is also diabetic, hypertensive and has high cholesterol. My mum is diabetic, hypertensive, has high cholesterol, is a cancer survivor and also has osteoarthritis. Both my mum and dad are taking StemEnhance and StemFlo daily. In the third month of taking Stem Cell Nutrition, my dad has actually stopped taking his diabetic medication (insulin) and my mum has reduced her insulin intake by at least half. My dad’s pancreas has restored itself quicker since he has been taking at least 6 StemEnhance a day. My brother, husband and I are also taking StemEnhance and StemFlo; to prevent us from inheriting these illnesses and for general wellbeing. I myself have been more energetic and can do so much more in a day than I used to. Both my kids are also taking StemEnhance to help them concentrate at school and I’ve noticed that they have become a lot calmer. Stem Cell Nutrition is definitely the way forward for a healthier and better quality life! Glaucoma, Pain, Endurance and Calm - Bernice Hibbs In January 2009 we were introduced to Stem Enhance by a trusted friend. It was timely as my husband had been diagnosed in 2008 with a serious case of glaucoma in both of his eyes. We had been to the specialist and he was given two types of drops which seemed to stave off the pressure in the eye that can cause blindness. Unfortunately the eyes continue to deteriorate and the talk was that surgery could be the only thing left. For the next six months my husband took both the Stem Enhance and Stem Flo to see what would happen. When he had his checkup in July 2009 he was told that everything was excellent with even an improvement in one of his eyes. He was told just to continue the drops and there was no need for any further visits. At his point my husband informed him of the products and found himself in a 25 year study be conducted by the specialist on people taking alternative products. As for myself, I have only had 20 years of good health having been ill most of my younger years. Maintaining my state of health has become prime. I have a family history of arthritis and cancer having lost two members of my family in their early fifties. The benefits I have had from taking this is multiple from more energy, clarity, skin improvements, flexibility, less arthritic pain, endurance and calmness amongst the few of the benefits that I've enjoyed this past year. This has become a great stepping stone year to 2010 as I turn 60. I look forward to just getting better the opposite of what I've been told getting older would be like. Multiple Sclerosis - Elmarie Marais “In January 2007 I developed an extreme headache. The pain came from my neck and ended in the back of my right eye. I suspected migraine, muscle spasms etc.. I went to a physiotherapist, had massages but nothing helped. My eye started acting up and I got blurred vision in my right eye and this ended me up at an eye specialist. I told the doctor that my right hand and foot also experienced tingling sensations from time to time. He looked me straight in the eye and turned his head slightly – it dawned on me that he suspected that I had Multiple Sclerosis. As my husband is an MD and I have a lively interest in medicine, you sometimes know more than you think you know. My next step was the neurologist and the tunnel for a brain scan. I saw the neurologist picking up the results of my MRI scan and got scared as he waited nearly fifteen minutes before he invited me into his consulting room. His usually friendly appearance was grave and I knew it was not good news! My MRI showed multiple scars on different parts of my brain – it showed up as white spots on the scan. We counted sixteen. I was stunned. MS is a debilitating disease. It can be aggressive or it can be slow and paralyze you over many years by eating away at your nerves and destroying the myelin sheaths around it. My husband immediately took action and got me the best treatment medicine could offer – injecting interferon medicines once a week. He also immediately started looking for alternatives to help me combat the disease. On the web-site of an American woman called Mary-Anne, we discovered Stemenhance. After getting more information on the product, my husband was excited and immediately ordered some Stemenhance for me on Mary-Anne’s web-site. It was expensive but I could not wait to start the product that promised to help my body heal itself! I think I was the first person in South Africa that had the privilege to take this amazing supplement. I only took two capsules in the morning as that was the suggested dosage. Within a week I started experiencing relief of my symptoms. At that stage I already experienced numbness of my nose, scalp and right ear and my right hand and foot was always cold and white as a result of bad circulation. The nerves of my right eye were badly damaged and I lost 50% of my ability to distinguish between colors in my right eye. I had to get glasses to work on my computer and to read. Within a few months most of my symptoms has disappeared meaning that Stemenhance has helped my body to recover and to heal my nerves. My eye is still not as strong as it was because I had an infection of the nerve in my eye when I first got sick. My color distinction has returned to normal and I only wear my glasses when I’m extremely tired. My hands and feet are warm and the numbness has disappeared. I have normal feeling in my nose, scalp en right ear as before. I have not experienced another MS attack and I have not taken cortisone since my first attack. Even the arthritis is my hands have disappeared as a result of the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of Stemenhance. Since Stemtech launched Stemenhance in South Africa and I could get Stemenhance at a reduced price, I upped my dosage and I’m taking 6-12 capsules per day – depending on how I feel. I have not missed one day in the last year. I am very healthy and my immune system is very strong. At my husband’s cosmetic surgery clinic, we use Stemenhance to promote healing of wounds and help people with impaired immune systems. We have seen wonderful things happen and have heard many testimonies of friends and family. My stepson and his wife got pregnant after five years of trying for a second child, a month after he started taking Stemenhance. Well maybe it was the Stemenhance?! Or maybe he just got it right this time. I’m the first Executive Director in Stemtech Africa and I wish I had more time to promote this wonderful supplement that has changed my life forever by helping me in my fight against this disease called Multiple Sclerosis! Testimonials Compiled by Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: MACULAR DEGENERATION - Let us begin with my own case. In 1988 I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration – the 8th person in my family to have it. Many products and treatments were tried but to no avail. By 2005 I was progressing toward blindness, not being able to read without strong magnification and special lighting. After a double dose of Stem Enhance - AFA (4 capsules per day) for 3 months, I had a miracle of sight. I can read even fine print if the lighting is adequate. My faith in healing also played a significant role! ANOTHER MACULAR DEGENERATION - My trusted friend told me of a 90 year old man totally blind for 5 years who took a triple dose of Stem Enhance - AFA (6 capsules /day) for 3 months and had his sight return. He can read normal print without glasses with proper lighting. PARKINSON'S – My friend of many years was quite debilitated by Parkinson's disease. He had stooped posture, body rigidity, tremors, a voice that did not project, and expressionless face – though taking an expensive protocol of medicines from a highly respected M.D. After three months of double the dose of AFA he said to his wife, "For the first time in years, I can honestly say that I forget that I have Parkinson's." Although I still have some tremor, I do not have the anxiety all over my body and my face that has characterized every waking moment." He has also stopped walking in his sleep! DIABETES - A former secretary told me this story. Her daughter's father-in-law was so ill with diabetes he was told both feet must be amputated in a few weeks if his condition did not improve. He started taking daily 4 capsules of AFA and in three months the doctors withdrew their prediction. BLADDER HEALING - "I am thrilled with the way my night time bladder/wakefulness issues are being resolved, with the number of bathroom trips having been reduced by 90%." She took 2 capsules of AFA in the morning and two at night for about 3 months to achieve this reduction. ALZHEIMER'S IMPROVES - A friend near 90 years old gradually developed the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Intake of 4 capsules per day of Stem Enhance - AFA within four months "Helped tremendously. His short term memory loss has greatly abated. He smiles, laughs, participates in family conversations, even telling humorous stories as was his normal style." STROKE VICTIMS RECOVERY OF SPEECH - My son-in-law suffered a stroke in July 2004. He recovered unusually quickly, using a hyperbaric chamber for oxygen therapy. Nonetheless, his normal speech did not return, making it necessary for him to sell his practice of 40 years. This brought on deep depression. In addition he had suffered for many years from polycythemia, a condition of too many red blood cells. After ingesting 6 capsules daily of AFA, his normal speech returned in 3 months, his polycythemia was corrected and his depression left after the first 8 capsules! In three additional months his eyes improved, enabling him to renew his driver's license after being turned down a few months previously. MORE ABOUT EYE IMPROVEMENTS - A 78 year old woman who loves to quilt had to quit quilting because of retinal degeneration. The skin on the retina was loose or wrinkled, blocking sight. After 5 weeks of 4 capsules of AFA per day, she is back to quilting and reading without magnification.A 70 year old man could not pass the eye test for drivers license renewal. For other health issues he started taking AFA. In two months of 4 capsules per day the limitation on his drivers' license was removed by another test. Another lady said that she went to have her eyes examined and the doctor looked and looked in her eye. Then said, "I can't believe what's going on in the back of your eyes. The damage that was there has all cleared up. It seems that your eyes have not aged but instead are being renewed." Her doctor asked what she had been doing and when she told him about Stem Enhance - AFA she wanted to know more about the product since she already knew all about stem cells. HEART ATTACK VICTIM - Also, it was wonderful to hear Max's heart attack testimony on the Monday night call. He had a massive heart attack on Jan. 04. He had open-heart surgery, 4 by passes, reconstructed 2 valves, pacemaker. He was put on 11 medications. In April he found out about the Stem Enhance and started taking it. Soon he could get up and down better. He was color blind, but now sees colors. He no longer has a heart murmur. He said that he has a better quality of life now. He takes 6 SE's a day and has been doing that for the last 2 months. He said it has made such a difference in the way he feels and his energy level. The more stem cells we have in circulation, the more healing can take place inside our bodies. HAIR LOSS STOPPED - Margaret gave a hair loss testimony about ALOPECIA. She was losing her hair in patches and had to wear a wig. The back of her head has been totally bare. She started mid-April taking 2 SE's three times a day. She told us that her hair is growing back in. She told us, "It is growing and maybe I soon won't need to wear a wig." Dr. David explained to us that stem cells form hair follicle cells. It is amazing what the SE seems to do for people. It is always thrilling to hear the testimonies. We so appreciate Dr. David hosting these calls for us. Betty C. PARKINSON'S TESTIMONY – Dick Cover There are some degenerative diseases associated with aging that strike fear in our hearts because we have seen the progression of symptoms in people we know. Scientists have found that one of them of them is the result of a deficiency of dopamine in certain brain cells. This chemical carries messages from one nerve cell to another. If you have ever watched someone rub thumb and forefinger together, begin to experience muscle rigidity, a stooped, shuffling gait, a fixed facial expression, or develop impaired speech or a very soft gravelly voice, you grieve for that person. as their bodies gradually become rigid and their limbs stiffen. The best medical science in the most esteemed medical institutions--and we have the BEST in Minnesota--can only offer combinations of drugs that relieve some of the symptoms. We believe in supplementation, healthy food choices, and have also experimented with using every food suggested in books on natural healing for many years. We know there are no quick fixes and always make a commitment to try a particular idea that is recommended to us for at least six months. As a result we have spent thousands of dollars going to wellness clinics, following the advice of holistic physicians, and using particular supplement programs that have been recommended to us. We wish we could say that some improvement occurred. Perhaps some did. In February we were introduced to StemEnhance™ from someone we have known and trusted for many years. Dick made a six-month commitment as he has with previous products that have been suggested to us. We began educating ourselves so that we would know what could reasonably be expected. We watched the video streaming on the website, and Dick has watched the DVDs repeatedly. I asked him recently if he has the blue one memorized. He said, "Just about." He finds that science in Dr. Christian Drapeau's presentations makes a great deal of sense. I like the part about the joy molecule because that was the first thing that I observed as I watch him from day to day. Long before he felt any difference I saw a brighter face, a more joyous demeanour, a happier mood. Then our friends began noticing a difference: our snowbird neighbours returning from the SW, people in the grocery store who hadn't seen him for years, a woman at the Lions banquet who hadn't seen him since fall when he dropped out of Lions to care for me after I broke my hip. All of them would say things like "What are you doing? You look so different. You look great!" The man who has cut Dick's hair for thirty years told me: "For many years I have had to get down on my knees to trim under his beard. Last Tuesday I asked him to lift his chin. He threw his head back and his whole body responded. You have a new husband!" At two week before three months Dick said, "You know, I almost feel like I don't have Parkinson's anymore. Instead of feeling I am getting worse every day, I feel like I am getting better every day." This is what he says to people who comment on how well he looks. I see him standing erect with his shoulders back more often than not. I have watched him talk for twenty minutes with bright eyes, a confident demeanour, a strong voice, and an animated face at various meetings we have hosted. This would be unheard of several months ago. One day when it was raining, he ran through the parking lot to the grocery store. When he got inside he thought to himself: "I ran!" That is something he never could have done previously. He would have been afraid of falling. I talked to a friend last night who saw him running in the rain. She said she couldn't believe it. A few days later she and her husband came over and watched the DVD with us and signed up a couple of days later. Previously Dick felt his symptoms all over his body including his face, not just in his right hand. The anxiety and restlessness was always there, and sometimes it was much worse so that he could not sit still and would have to pace. When he forgot to take his medication, which is announced by a timer every three hours, he would be beside himself in a few minutes. In mid-May, the night we went out to dinner with our daughter, he forgot his pills at home. When we returned he realized it was six hours since his previous Sinemet. We had had a pleasant relaxed evening. He was mildly aware of missing his meds but not anxious and miserable. The improvement in our quality of life has been remarkable. We have no doubt that there is such a thing as a joy molecule. We both experience it all day long. We feel like the woman in the Bible story who found her lost coin: "Rejoice with me for I have found what I had lost." Muscle aches, Elevated Blood Sugar, and Bad Vision A 46 years old, self-made businessman had severe muscle discomfort for 26 years. The doctor told him that it was just a matter of time before he was in a wheel chair because there was no medical cure for this condition. He also had a severe case of elevated blood sugar, and because of complications related to this he was losing his vision very fast. It took him literally two to three hours every morning just to get out of bed so he could get ready to go to work. When I told him about Stem Enhance he became very excited. He bought a number of bottles and started taking six or eight capsules a day. After six weeks his muscle aches were all gone, after two months his elevated blood sugar normalized, and also in this period his vision improved back to 20/20. In fact, he gave a speech to a group of people after that about what Stem Enhance had done for him, and his eye doctor went with him with his eye medical records and gave a testimony of what had happened to his vision as a result of taking Stem Enhance. A couple months after he started taking Stem Enhance, this man’s mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung masses and was expected to live for only a month or two. After starting Stem Enhance two capsules 3x daily, she improved to the point that the hospice workers questioned her diagnosis. She survived for nine months in a much improved state and died of unrelated causes. R. N. Muscle aches, Elevated Blood Sugar, and Bad Vision A 46 years old, self-made businessman had severe muscle discomfort for 26 years. The doctor told him that it was just a matter of time before he was in a wheel chair because there was no medical cure for this condition. He also had a severe case of elevated blood sugar, and because of complications related to this he was losing his vision very fast. It took him literally two to three hours every morning just to get out of bed so he could get ready to go to work. When I told him about Stem Enhance he became very excited. He bought a number of bottles and started taking six or eight capsules a day. After six weeks his muscle aches were all gone, after two months his elevated blood sugar normalized, and also in this period his vision improved back to 20/20. In fact, he gave a speech to a group of people after that about what Stem Enhance had done for him, and his eye doctor went with him with his eye medical records and gave a testimony of what had happened to his vision as a result of taking Stem Enhance. A couple months after he started taking Stem Enhance, this man’s mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung masses and was expected to live for only a month or two. After starting Stem Enhance two capsules 3x daily, she improved to the point that the hospice workers questioned her diagnosis. She survived for nine months in a much improved state and died of unrelated causes. R. N. Muscle Aches A married lady from Colorado in her mid-50s had a bad case of muscle aching. She was in so much discomfort that she could not even physically get out of bed in the morning. Her husband had to pull her out of bed. She would just stand there on the side of the bed and shake almost uncontrollably for about 15 minutes. The shaking would eventually subside and she could slowly start walking around and get ready to go to work. She bought Stem Enhance and started taking it every day. After only a month her muscle discomfort was completely gone, and now she lives a brand new life without that tormenting affliction. J. H. Healthy Heart & “Sunshine” I have a couple of clients in Alaska. They are both in their mid – 50s. The wife has had heart problems and has been experiencing great difficulty walking for any distance even on the level. She would get out of breath and feel very weak. Her husband was a commercial plumber and was relatively healthy. But being a plumber and being outside in the elements he was very concerned about his health, particularly about his immune system. When I told the wife about Stem Enhance and that it could strengthen her heart she became very excited and bought several bottles. She took about six or eight capsules a day in order to hasten the repair of her heart. In just a few short weeks she was walking long distances without even breathing hard. She then decided to try to climb a small mountain that was near to where they lived. Twenty years ago she was able to climb it but not recently. With her new found strength she decided to try. She climbed to the top of that mountain and was not even breathing hard by the time she got there. When she bought Stem Enhance her husband ridiculed her, and called it “quack medicine.” As she started feeling the results of the product she wanted him to take it also, so she made up a story that it was primarily for the immune system, not knowing that Stem Enhance does very much boost the immune system. Her husband decided to take it on that basis. When I called back and talked to her after about two months she told me a shocking but funny story. She said that her husband had been transformed into a new person. I didn’t know this before, but she told me that her husband was the most pessimistic, negative, critical, nasty person you could ever meet. She said that she couldn’t wait until he had a job away from home so she wouldn’t have to be around him and his nastiness. She also told me that after he started taking Stem Enhance his whole personality changed. Now he is never negative or pessimistic or nasty. He is so cheerful, optimistic and positive now. She is absolutely astounded at the dramatic change. He went from nasty surly to complete “Sunshine” in about two months. What she didn’t know about Stem Enhance, though, is that the blue-green algae contains a natural chemical, phenylethylamine or PEA, called the “Oil of Joy,” and it makes people calm, serene, relaxed, and happy. Smile and pass the Stem Enhance. T. M. Eyes, Shingles, Getting Respiratory Infections, Bad Knees One of my clients is a legal secretary. She started out taking just two Stem Enhance capsules a day, one in the morning and one at night. Over the years her eyesight has become bad and she had to start wearing bifocals for close up work, like looking at the computer screen. After just a few days of taking Stem Enhance she noticed that the computer at work was becoming blurry. She thought that very strange. Maybe her eyes were going bad. To her shock, when she took off her bifocals she could read the computer screen clearly. Now she doesn’t need to wear glasses any more. Many people with bad vision have almost immediate eye testimonies. Where can you go to buy good natural vision? Years ago this lady had a bad case of shingles, and there were some places on her face that were still numb from the infection. Within a week all the numbness in those places was gone. Being in an office with attorneys and other office staff, she usually was the first to pick up colds and sniffles or coughs or flu. She noticed the other day that almost everyone in the office had some kind of cold or malady, but she was feeling just fine and healthy. Lastly, she had bad knees, and they would really hurt when she walked up stairs. After two weeks of taking Stem Enhance her knees didn’t hurt in the least anymore. B. A. Shoulder, Eyes, Breathing, Bad Back A man in his mid 50s had lost most of the range of motion in his shoulders, and had a lot of discomfort there. He started taking Stem Enhance and Stem Flo, about eight capsules of each daily. In less than a week he experienced much greater range of motion in his shoulders. His eyesight was also bad, and in just about a week he was able to drive downtown without his glasses on. He had trouble breathing and went to the doctor to get an MRI. He thought there might be something wrong with his heart, but the tests didn’t show that. He had sinus trouble also and was not able to breathe out of his nose. After about two weeks his breathing had improved dramatically and he could breathe out of his nose for the first time in years. He was also constantly in severe back discomfort, and no medication could touch it. After just four days of taking Stem Enhance his backache was completely gone. R. W. Memory, Knee, Energy, Granny A young man in his late 20s wanted to improve his memory. He found that when he was studying hard concepts that it would take him quite a while to grasp them. He started taking Stem Enhance and Stem Flo, six capsules a day. He was amazed at the dramatic difference it made and how he could now grasp complicated concepts and remember them. He also had a bad knee from playing soccer when he was younger. He had to quit playing because of his knee. After two weeks of taking the products his knee was 100% fine – no discomfort at all. He also experienced a tremendous boost of energy and strength. He gave a bottle of Stem Enhance to his 75 year old grandmother just to try. Years ago she was very active, but age has taken its toll. Recently she just sat around with no energy or drive to do anything. After taking Stem Enhance for the first time, she got up, went to the gym and walked around the gym for two hours. Y. A. Retinal floaters and vision problems A friend of mine in her middle 60s had a retinal problem causing decreased vision. She went to the doctor and had laser treatment. In a couple weeks the retina detached itself again and she couldn’t see properly. She took her first two Stem Enhance capsules. Two hours later her vision improved and has steadily improved ever since. M. K. Can’t Sleep A single lady in her mid 50s has been a very fitful sleeper all her life. She could only sleep an hour and a half at a time, and then she would get up at night and walk around or read a book until she was tired again and then try to go back to sleep. After taking Stem Enhance for the first time she was able to sleep for six or seven hours uninterrupted. Her whole life has changed for the better because she is able to rest now at night. D. B. Inflammatory Bowel Disorder An acquaintance of mine in his early 30s contracted an inflammatory bowel disorder. He couldn’t eat much at all and couldn’t keep anything down. He was losing weight very fast and was wasting away to nothing right before my eyes. He started taking large amounts of Stem Enhance, and in about two months he literally came back from the grave. The colon condition is now completely gone, and he is back to perfect health. M. R. Car Accident and a Bad Elbow When my 23 year old son was 15 years old he was involved in a high speed rollover. The car rolled over and hit a telephone pole at over 60 mph. He was a passenger in the back seat when it happened. On impact he was almost thrown through the right back passenger window. The broken glass from the window shaved off a large amount of flesh under his right elbow, and his right elbow was in pieces. He had several surgeries and skin grafts over the next year. He has quite a bit of metal and plates in his elbow, and he can’t straighten out his right arm. He is a big strong boy, and he sometimes works construction. When he lifts something heavy he stains his right elbow and the discomfort is great. He had been taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents for the pain. Those pain killers gave him some relief, but not much. After I had been taking Stem Enhance for a few months and my left shoulder was completely fixed from a torn rotator cuff, I suggested that he take Stem Enhance for the discomfort. He took four capsules, and a half an hour later the discomfort was all gone. It doesn’t come back until he strains his arm again. Then he takes four pills and the discomfort is gone in a half hour. He doesn’t take Stem Enhance on a regular basis but keeps a bottle of it for when he needs it. I. G. Bad Knees and Improved Memory A friend of mine in his early 60s has had bad knees, bone on bone – no cartilage left. It was hereditary. His father almost couldn’t walk when he was in his 50s because of the problem. This friend is an engineer and works in a manufacturing plant. His office is on the second floor in the shop. His knees were getting worse and worse as he got older, and he was having great difficulty climbing the stairs to get to his second floor office. He was at the point of asking his manager for an office on the first floor because he couldn’t take the discomfort of climbing those stairs any longer. He found out about Stem Enhance and started taking the product. Within three to four weeks his knees were 100% fine. Now, just for fun, he takes two steps at a time and tries to see just how fast he can get to his second floor office. He also told me that his memory has improved tremendously since he started taking the product. R. S. Bad Shoulder and Bad Back An 86 year old man and his 84 year old wife had some problems. He had fallen about a year ago and injured his right shoulder. Since then he had lost most of the range of motion in his arm and couldn’t raise his right arm above shoulder level. His wife had severe lower back discomfort and was on heavy pain killers. They didn’t help much at all. They both started taking Stem Enhance at the same time. Within three weeks his shoulder was full restored, and he had full range of motion in his arm. After a week of taking Stem Enhance his wife’s backache was all gone. O. L. Bad Heart, Hair Growth An 86 year old client of mine had a weak heart and was on heart medication. She doesn’t believe in pharmaceuticals but she had no choice. She stated taking Stem Enhance and within two months she was able to get off her medication. Her hair also stopped falling out, and her friends noticed how healthy she looked. She also has experienced a great increase in overall vitality and strength since she stated taking the product. M. C. Sciatic Nerve Repair A friend of my families in her mid 60s had a severe sciatic nerve problem in her left hip. Conventional heavy medication couldn’t really touch it. One hour after taking her first two Stem Enhance capsules the discomfort was almost half gone. In another four hours she took two more capsules, and the discomfort was all gone. She keeps taking them now, and the sciatic nerve problem has not come back. S. F. Bad Shoulders and Back An acquaintance of mine in his mid 60s was building his first house in the woods in a remote area of Tennessee. He told me that both his shoulders were very sore, and that prevented him from working the long hours it would take to finish the house in time before the winter arrived. Along with the shoulder problem he had a bad back. Those two problems are not too good when you have to do heavy construction. He started taking Stem Enhance and Stem Flo. In about three weeks his shoulders were all fixed and his back problem was gone. Talk about happy. I. J. Bad Shoulders and Splitting Wood A 58 year old client of mine burns wood to heat his house, and he splits all his own wood. Over the years he had torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders. He refused to go to the doctors for help. Because of his shoulder problem he could only split wood for about an hour. The discomfort made him quit. He had to wait several hours before he would tackle the maul and wedge again. His shoulders would also swell up and would hurt. He started taking Stem Enhance, and within a month he was able to go for four to six hours straight splitting wood without any discomfort. The only reason he had to stop was to rest his body. His shoulders did not any more hurt. He also told me that he had a lot more lasting strength and endurance after taking the product. M. E. A Torn Knee A man in his mid 40s fell down and tore his knee to shreds. They took him to the emergency room, and the doctor took an X-ray of his knee. He had broken a bone in his knee, and all his tendons and ligaments were torn, and his cartilage was completely destroyed. The doctor told him that all he could do for him was to replace the knee with an artificial knee. The man said no, that he had a better way. The man was already taking Stem Enhance on a regular basis each day. He went home and started taking two pills every four hours around the clock. He would even set his alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night to take the pills. The reason for taking Stem Enhance every four hours is that when you take two pills, three to four million stem cells released from the bone marrow circulate in your blood stream two to three hours, fixing whatever is wrong. So, if you have a severe problem and you want to fix it quicker, then take the pills more frequently. As he took two Stem Enhance capsules every four hours around the clock his knee kept getting better and better. After six months of this he walked to his car and drove down to the hospital. The doctor took another X-ray of his knee. The doctor was stunned. The X-ray showed that all his tendons were completely re-grown, his ligaments were completely re-grown, and all his cartilage was completely re-grown. He had a brand new knee. The doctor asked him what he had done, and that in all his years as a doctor he had never seen anything like this. I. M. Bad Back Several years ago, in my early 20s, I was in a car accident and injured my back. A few months ago I noticed my back starting to give me problems. Increasing in intensity with time, I now found myself with severe back discomfort. It got to the point that it was so bad that it totally restricted my life to the point of depression. Even though I am only 27 years old, it was all I could do to get through work each day, let alone do anything else. I was on pain pills and muscle relaxers. I would also have to take huge amounts of Advil just to get through the day. Visits to the chiropractor did very little to ease the terrible discomfort. I would cry sometimes and pray often. By the time my mom had ordered the Stem Enhance, I was hopeful at best and doubtful at worst. After I took the first three Stem Enhance capsules a miracle happened. Within a half hour my terrible back discomfort was completely gone! I couldn’t believe it! After months of terrible discomfort and no hope, it was gone! Not only was the discomfort gone, but I was now able to do everything, like rake the yard and ride my horse. It is incredible. I even have a lot of energy, something I haven’t had in a long time. I know all this sounds dramatic, but the fact is, it is dramatic and TRUE. Even my dad, who is the ultimate skeptic and pessimist, stated taking Stem Enhance after he saw what it had done for me. This is a remarkable product. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t take it. With Stem Enhance and my faith in our wonderful God, I am most blessed to be whole again. E. S. Knee and Hip Problems I am a woman in my 70s, and my body did not react well to medicine for treating low bone density. Perhaps it was fortunate that my joints complained. After using that medicine for three months my right knee hurt so badly that navigating stairs was a challenge, and carrying a grandchild was out of the question. I had to quit taking that drug because things were getting worse not better. It took months for the affects of the drug to wear off and the discomfort to go away. I went back to the doctor and had a bone density test done. The doctor convinced me to try another osteo drug, but this one affected my hip joint and caused so much discomfort that sitting or rising from a chair was torment. I quit taking that medication also. I didn’t know what to do at that point. Then I heard about Stem Enhance and started taking it. In just a few days all the discomfort was gone, and the problems in my knee and hip have never returned. G. M. Quality of Life, Sexual Stamina Dramatically Up Hello, everyone I have a testimony to give. Here my results: (A) I got a clear mind for the first time ever in life. I see things more clear and can think peacefully so I am more aware of the present. (B) I used to have dreams but never too clear and not often. Now, somehow this is stimulating my brain and I am having dreams one after other when sleeping (of course) and I remember when I wake-up. (C) Before I used to get mad easily for almost no reason and grind my teeth. Lately, I am not feeling nervous and everything seems to be more understandable. (D) The most important thing ever happened to me. I am having sexual stamina, which is for the first time in my life helping me with making love. I am lasting all night and can keep up more and more, my desire for sex is greater and I am having feelings that I have never noticed before in my body. To better describe the feelings, when I am making love I kind of feel my partner better and want to enjoy more and more. Conclusion: I am very satisfied with my self now, and the quality of life has improved 100%. Now, you don’t have to take my word. I just want to share it with everyone. Good luck, AS Improved Digestion, More Muscle Strength In February 2003, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Being a holistic veterinarian, practicing acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal, nutraceutical, and nutritional medicine, I have chosen to work extensively with these modalities for myself. I am not taking any medications. And of all the supplements and healing work that I have done, I have never come across a product which has made as clear a difference for me as Stem Enhance has. Stem Enhance has greatly improved chronic digestive issues for me. It has significantly reduced levels of nerve related numbness and increased muscle strength so that I have been able to increase my weights by 5% at the gym for the first time in over a year. And it has really helped me with the chronic low level of depression that I experience daily. I noticed many of these changes within a week of starting Stem Enhance at 2 pills once daily. I am now on 2 pills twice daily on my way to optimum health. Wishing you all abundant health. BE, DVM CARDIOVASCULAR HELP: Calmer and Happier I have a condition that occasionally hinders my life with difficulty breathing, chest pains, irregular heartbeat and exhaustion. I usually don’t have much trouble but this had been going on for weeks and I started to worry. With the first 2 capsules all my symptoms regulated within 30 minutes. My energy became normal and I have been feeling great ever since. I’ve been taking 2 capsules a day now for a month and am feeling calmer and happier than I have for years. Thanks Stem Tech! MS DISCLAIMER: AFA is not in intended to treat, cure, mitigate or to influence disease of any sort. Its purpose is simply to facilitate the release of Adult Stem Cells from the bone marrow that wellness may be enhanced by natural processes.