KidsCat - SC Indexing

Aaronson, Aaron, 152–154
Aaronson, Sarah, 154
Abraham, 9, 176, 180
acid rain, 94, 180
Adam, 8, 180
addax, 33
addresses, 143
afikoman, 62–63, 180
Africa, 171, 180
airplanes, collisions with birds, 165–167
air pollution, 94–95, 131, 169. see also
algae, 180
Amazon, 161, 168–169, 182
American Indians. see Native Americans
American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), 144
Angell, Bobbi, 101
Animal Care Club, 145
animals. see also cruelty to animals;
monsters; tzaar baalei chaim; wild
animals; specific animals
compassion and mercy towards, 57, 61,
108–109, 115–116, 140
domestic, 32–33
fighting, 23
Jewish attitudes towards, 20–25
pets, 23–25, 109–112
raised for food, 115–116
sacrifices of, 108
testing, 116
worship of, 108
animal sayings, 38
animal shelters, 111
anthropology, 162
ants, 171
Apis, 108
Aravah Valley, 181
archaeologists, 21, 171, 181
Assyria, 193
asteroids, 181
At Dawn (poem), 64
atmosphere, 181
avocados, 50–51
Baal Shem Tov, 58–60
Babylonia, 181
baby names, 48–49
bacteria, 171
badgers, 121
bald eagles, 113
bal tash'hit, 44, 176–177, 181
barley, 11, 42
barn owls, 98–100, 167
baths, 139
B.C.E., 181
beans, 42
bears, 27, 120
Bedouins, 32
beetles, 168
behemoth, 38–39
Ben Eliezer, Israel, 189
Benjamin (tribe), 30
Bereshit (Genesis), 186
Bible, 181. see also Torah; individual
books of the Bible
big horn sheep, 120
biodegradable items, 21, 104, 181–182
biodiversity, 112, 114, 117, 176, 182
biofuels, 182
biological controls, 101
biologists, 182
birds, 22–23. see also individual kinds of
in the Amazon, 168
collisions with airplanes, 165–167
compassion and mercy towards, 22–23
endangered species, 117
feeding, 39
migration, 34–35, 165–167, 188
radio transmitters, 166–167
bison. see buffalo
for bread, 67–68
before eating, 45
Bluestein, Rachel, 64
blue-tongued skinks, 145
boars, 27
Book of Ruth, 12
Booths, Festival of. see Sukkot
botany, 155
Brazil, 159–161, 169, 182
British, 154
Broad Old River (song), 157, 159
buffalo, 75, 108, 118, 122
bulls, 108
burial of pets, 111
Burstein, Chaya M., 62–64
butterflies, 168
caimans, 169
Cain, 8, 182
calf of gold, 108
camels, 27, 32–33
Cape Town (South Africa), 167
caracals, 30
carbon dioxide, 93, 95, 131, 169, 182
Carmel Forest (Israel), 164–166
carrier pigeons, 75, 154
cars, 134
Carson, Rachel, 77, 155–157, 158
cats, 38, 108, 111
cave paintings, 108
C.E., 182
Central Africa, 171
Central Park (in New York City), 178
challah, 65–68, 182
Challah (story), 65–68
charity. see tzedakah
Chernobyl (city in the Ukraine), 132
chickens, 22–23, 116, 117
chickpeas, 42
chimpanzees, 162–164
China, 171
chinook, 174
chipmunks, 123
chlorine, 138
chum (kind of salmon), 174
cities, 44, 176–178
city government, 141–143
Clayton, John, 65–68
Clean Water Act, 159, 191
Clearwater (boat), 157–159
Clearwater Festival, 159
climate change, 94
clothing recycling, 137
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish
Life (COEJL), 144
coho (kind of salmon), 174
Columbia spotted frog, 123
commissioners, 142–143
compassion for animals. see tzaar baalei
compost, 125–127, 136, 183
congressmen and women, 142–143
conservation, 134. see also recycling
coral, 114
covetousness, 178
cows, 116
coyotes, 123
crafts. see eco-activities
creation, 7–9, 84
cruelty to animals, 115–116
dams, 133
Daniel, 26
David, 26, 27, 183
David Graybeard (chimpanzee), 163
DDT, 113, 116, 183
de Angulo, Jamie, 69
death of pets, 111
deer, 29, 122, 168
deer mice, 123
deforestation, 44, 93–94, 160–161. see
also forests
desalinization, 138
desert canyon turtles, 120
desertification, 171
deserts, 94, 170–171, 183
developed countries, 183
dogs, 30, 38
domestic animals, 32–33
donkeys, 22, 32
doves, 35, 145
Dovrat, Ehud, 165–167
dragons, 38
drip irrigation, 139, 183
dual-flush toilets, 139
Dunn, Sharon, 65–68
Duwamish Indians, 70
eagles, 35, 113
Earth, 74, 183
model, 15–17
respect for, 13–14, 68–71
Earth First, 161
bird feeding, 39
composting, 125–127
garbage (biodegradability), 104
gardening, 146–149
growing things, 50–51
hiking, 71
paper earth, 15–17
tee-shirt slogan, 78–79
windowsill gardening, 149
eco-groups, 144, 183–184
eco-heroes, 152–174
ecology, 184
Eden. see Garden of Eden
eggs, 22–23, 117
Egypt, 9, 91, 108, 184
elephants, 114
Eliezer, 27
Eliezer, Israel Ben. see Baal Shem Tov
emmer wheat, 152–154
endangered species, 117. see also extinct
Endangered Species Act, 191
energy, 130–135, 184. see also specific
types of energy
energy conservation, 134
environment, 184
effect of garbage on, 115, 172–174
environmentalists, 152–174. see also ecogroups
Environmental Kids Club (of the EPA),
environmentally safe cleaning products,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
145, 184
Esau, 29, 42–43
etrog, 12
European Union (EU), 97, 184
euthanasia, 109, 110, 112
Eve, 8, 180
evolution, 112, 184–185
exhaust, 185
extinct species, 75–76, 91–92, 185. see
also endangered species
factory farms, 116
farmers, 160–161
farmers' markets, 124. see also
organically grown foods
farming, 42–43, 91, 115–116. see also
organically grown foods; overfarming
Feast of the Tabernacles. see Sukkot
Feast of Weeks. see Shavuot
federal government, 141–143
fertilizer, 114, 185
Festival of Booths. see Sukkot
figs, 42
First World War, 154
fish, 114, 158
Fish and Wildlife Service, 156
fishing. see overfishing
flax, 43
Flood, the, 9, 21, 112
food, 21, 42–43, 115–116
forests, 142, 176–177. see also
deforestation; rain forests; trees
forms of address, 143
forsythia, 50
fossil fuels, 94, 95, 124, 130–131, 185
foxes, 26, 38, 122
France, 167
free-range animals, 185
free trade, 184
Freud (chimpanzee), 163
Friends of the Earth, 144
frogs, 123
fry (baby fish), 173
fumigant, 185
fungus, 185
Gamla, 35
garbage, 135–137. see also compost;
biodegradability, 104
effect on the environment, 115, 172–
energy from, 133
organic, 125–127
garbage dumps, 135–136
gardening, 146–149
Garden of Eden, 7–8, 185
geese, 116
genes, 97, 185–186
Genesis, 186
genetic modification, 97, 186
geothermal power, 131, 186
Germantown Friends School (in
Philadelphia, PA), 145
glaciers, 186
glass recycling, 136
gliders, 166
global warming, 95–96, 117, 142, 169,
goats, 32–33, 38, 43, 108, 120, 140
golden calf, 108
Golden Gate Bridge (in San Francisco,
CA), 161
gomel (prayer), 186
Goodall, Jane, 100, 162–164, 178
gorillas, 75
Goshen, 9
government, 141–143
governors, 142–143
grapes, 42
Great Britain, 187
Great Rift Valley, 167
green algae, 114
green architecture, 186–187
greenhouse effect, 95–96, 187
Greenpeace International, 144
grizzly bears, 120
growing things, 50–51
habitat, 30
Hadrian, 61, 187
ha-gomel (prayer), 109, 187
Haifa, 187
halal, 117
Hananiah, 60
hares, 123
Harvest Festival. see Shavuot
harvest festivals. see Passover; Shavuot;
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 171, 190
Hasidism, 59–60, 187
herbs, 149
hiking, 71, 164
Hillel, 129, 187–188
honey (from dates), 42
hoopoes, 35, 37
Hoover Dam, 133
horse manure, 136
horses, 38, 60, 109
Hudson River (New York), 157–159
Hula Valley, 34
humans, 188
human development, 84–92
population, 90–92, 115, 196
Hungry Owl Project (HOP), 98–100, 167
hunting, 23
hybrid, 140
hybrid vehicles, 134, 141–142, 188
hydraulic power, 131–133, 133, 188
hyenas, 30
Hyrax, 32
ibexes, 27, 171
iguanas, 168
incinerator, 188
incinerators, 135–136
Indian Tales (book), 69
Indonesia, 161
industrial revolution, 75, 188
insecticides, 156–157. see also pesticides
insects, 168
insulation, 124
intergalactic vehicles, 188
International Center for the Study of Bird
Migration, 167, 188
international cooperation, 117, 142
Internet, 143, 144, 167
irrigation, 14, 139
Isaac, 29
Isaiah, 21–22, 188–189
Israel, 189. see also Palestine; Zionism
Israel Ben Eliezer. see Baal Shem Tov
Israeli Air Force, 165–167
Israeli Ministry of Science, 165–167
jackals, 27
Jackson Elementary School (in
Washington), 172–174
Jacob, 29, 42–43
jealousy, 178
Jeremiah, 189
Jericho, 153, 189
Jerusalem, 189–190
Jewish agricultural holidays, 190. see also
Omer; Passover; Shavuot; Sukkot
Jewish National Fund, 44, 190, 200
Job, 77, 190
Jonah, 56–57, 190
Jonah (stork), 167
Jordan, 171, 190
Jordan River, 9, 190
Jordan Valley, 165–167
Jubilee year, 13
Judah the Prince, 57
Judea, 189, 197
Judean desert, 170–171
Judezmo, 201
justice, 60. see also tzedakah
Kaddish, 111, 191
Kinneret, 14
knuckle-walking, 164
Kohanim, 191
kosher, 117, 191
Kuwait, 138
Kyoto Protocol, 117, 191
Jewish attitudes towards, 42–46, 176–
respect for, 61
land of milk and honey, 10
League of Nations, 202
Leakey, Louis, 162
legends, 37–39
legislation for the environment, 191
lentils, 42
leopards, 30
Leshem, Yossi, 101, 164–167, 196
leviathan, 38–39
Levites, 44, 191
Leviticus, 13, 191–192
life cycles, 47
linen, 43
Lion of Judah, 26
lions, 26, 38
loggers and logging industry, 118
loggers and lumber industry, 160–161,
169, 176
Lope National Park (Gabon), 118
lulav, 12
lumber industry. see loggers and lumber
Maimonides, Moses, 44, 77, 193
marmots, 121
mass transportation, 141, 192
mayors, 142–143
medicines from plants, 102, 169, 192
Mendes, Chico, 159–161
mercy. see tzaar baalei chaim
mercy killing. see euthanasia
Mesopotamia, 192. see also Assyria;
Messiah, 39, 45, 192
metal recycling, 136
methane gas, 133
mice, 101, 123, 145
Middle East, 154
midrash, 61
migrash (open land), 44, 176–178
Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries
(web page), 167
migration, 34–35, 165–167, 188, 192–193
mitzvah, 111
monkeys, 168
monsters, 37–39. see also animals
Moses, 9, 193
mountain goats, 120
mountain lions, 122
Mount Sinai, 193
Mukilteo (town in Washington), 124
mule deer, 122
Muslims, 117
Muynak (town), 92
Nabateans, 171
names, 48–49
national parks, 118, 177
National Wildlife Federation, 144
Native Americans, 68–70, 108, 193
natural gas, 133
natural gas vehicles, 142
naturalists, 117–118
nature. see also bal tash'hit
Jewish attitudes towards, 176–179
respect for, 58–101, 68–71, 176–179
Nature Conservancy, the, 144
Negev, 170–171, 193
network of protected lands, 193
Nineveh, 56–57, 193
Noah, 9, 21, 112, 194
nuclear energy, 132, 194
oceans, 75
old-growth forests, 177
olives, 42
Omer, 12, 194
onagers, 30
open spaces, 44, 176–178
organically grown foods, 97, 117, 140,
194. see also farmers' markets;
Osage Indians, 69
ostriches, 32
Ottoman Turks, 154
overfarming, 171
overfishing, 115, 194
overgrazing, 94, 171
owls, 98–100, 167
oxen, 22, 33, 38
oxygen, 195
ozone layer, 95, 117, 195
Palestine, 154, 195. see also Israel
paper mache, 15–17
paper recycling, 136–137
Passover, 11, 62, 195, 198
PCBs, 159
pelicans, 123
pesticides, 98, 101, 113, 116, 195. see
also insecticides
Petra (Jordan), 171
pets, 23–25, 109–112, 161
phoenix, 37–38
Pigeon Creek (Washington), 172–174
pikas, 120
pilgrimage holidays. see Passover;
pink (kind of salmon), 174
plant medicines, 102, 169, 192
plants, 102
plastic, 195–196
plastic bags, 115
plastic recycling, 136
poachers, 118
poems, 64
pollutant, 196
pollution, 75, 92–95, 142. see also air
pollution; water pollution
energy, 130–135
pomegranates, 42
poppies, 101
population explosion, 90–92, 115, 196
porcupines, 32, 171
Portland (city in Oregon), 141
ha-gomel, 109, 187
Kaddish, 111, 191
praying mantises, 121
president, 142–143
Princess (stork), 167
protected lands, 193
Psalms, 137
putting to sleep. see euthanasia
pythons, 145
quail, 34
Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge, 156
radar, 196
radioactive waste, 132, 196
radio transmitters, 166–167
rain forests, 159–161, 168–169, 196. see
also deforestation; forests
ranchers, 160–161
Rashi, 44, 196–197
rat poison, 98, 101
Rebecca, 27
recycling, 97, 124, 136–137, 141, 197
redwoods, 94
re-em (mythical animal), 38
renewable energy, 131, 141, 197. see
also hydraulic power; solar energy;
wind energy
Rivka Grows Up (book), 62–64
road building, 160, 169
Roman Empire, 54, 197
Roots and Shoots, 144, 162
Rosh Hashanah, 197
rubber trees, 160
Ruth, 12
Sabbath. see Shabbat
sacrifices of animals, 108
Safed, 45
salmon, 117, 172–174
Samson, 26, 27, 197
sapsuckers, 121
Sarah, 176
Sareks National Park (Sweden), 118
Saudi Arabia, 138
scapegoats, 108
Sea of Galilee, 14
Seattle, Chief, 70
Seattle (city in Washington), 141
sea turtles, 115
Seeger, Pete, 157–159
senators, 142–143
sequoia trees, 94
seven species, 42–43
sewage, 198. see also garbage
Shabbat, 8, 13, 22, 65, 177, 197
shamir (mythical animal), 37
Shavuot, 12, 198
sheep, 32–33, 43, 120
shellfish, 158
shemitah year, 13
shochet, 117
showers, 139
Sierra Club, 144
Silent Spring (book), 156–157, 158
skinks, 145
smolts, 173
Snoqualmie Indians, 69
snowshoe hare, 123
Society for the Protection of Nature in
Israel (SPNI), 144, 165
sockeye (kind of salmon), 174
solar energy, 131, 133, 135, 198
solar system, 198
Solomon, 26, 198, 200
Song of Songs, 11, 35, 198
Spain, 167
species, 198–199
spiders, 121
spying, 154
St. John (U.S. Virgin Islands), 118
state government, 141–143
state legislators, 142–143
sterilization, 110, 199
stories, 54–70
storks, 167
sukkah, 12
Sukkot, 12, 199
Suquamish Indians, 70
sustainable harvesting, 199
sustainable living, 199
Tabernacles, Feast of the. see Sukkot
Talmud, 199
about animals, 22, 116, 176–179
about land, 43, 176–179
about the earth, 8
on doing what you can, 179
instructions for man, 8
kosher laws, 117
talons, 199
Tanakh. see Torah
Tanzania, 162–163
taxation, 45
tectonic plates, 199–200
tee-shirt slogan, 78–79
Tel Aviv University, 165–167
Temple, 11–12, 37, 54, 108, 200
Ten Commandments, 177, 193, 198
termites, 171
tet-hadesh (greeting), 23
thermostats, 124
toilets, 139
tools, 164
Torah, 8, 200. see also individual books of
the Bible
toucans, 169
trash. see garbage
trees, 44–47, 93–94, 176–177. see also
bal tash'hit
Trenor, Eden, 124
Tu b'Shevat, 45–46, 200
Turkey, 153, 200. see also Ottoman Turks
turtles, 115, 120, 145, 168
tzaar baalei chaim, 22, 140, 176–179, 200
tzedakah, 142, 200–201
ultraviolet-B radiation, 117
unicorns, 38
United Nations, 160, 169
Vayikra (Leviticus), 191–192
vegans, 120. see also vegetarianism
vegetable gardening, 146–148
vegetarianism, 21, 201. see also vegans
Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii), 118
wars, 76
wastewater, 138–139, 141, 158
water, 92–93, 139
water buffalo, 33
watermelons, 14, 124
water pollution, 114, 138, 158–159, 172–
174. see also pollution
water power. see hydraulic power
water treatment plants, 138–139, 141
wells, 43
Western Wall, 200
whales, 56–57, 115
wheat, 42, 152–154
white pelicans, 123
wild animals, 26–32, 112–115, 120–123
wildflowers, 170
Wildlife Conservation Society, 144
wildlife preserves, 33, 118, 142, 156, 164,
Wilkie (chimpanzee), 163
wind energy, 97, 131
windmills, 97, 131, 201
windowsill gardening, 149
wolverines, 120
wolves, 30, 38, 118
World Bank, 169, 201
World War One, 154
worship of animals, 108
yellow-bellied marmots, 121
yellow-bellied sapsuckers, 121
Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming,
mostly), 118, 119–123
Yiddish, 65, 201
Zichron Yaacov (town in Israel), 152
Zion, 153
Zionism, 153, 202
ziz-shaddai (mythical bird), 37