Egypt Lost Civilizations Video Notes Egypt – Quest for Immortality Final ceremony – for 70 days since his death – been prepared for ever lasting life – keeper of the mysteries – body has been cleansed purified and dried. Sacred charms (honey and molten resin) will be with him to his journey of the next life. Immortality The people wanted to live forever. The pharaohs wanted immortality. To protect the king after death. Only one king’s mummy lay undisturbed – south of the pyramids – discovery of the tomb would stun the world. 1922: Archaeology has arrived like an invading army. An unopened tomb. Tomb of one minor pharaoh King Tut- Tutatonem Wall sealed with plaster – 3 millennia ago – Carter began to dig at the wall without permission from the authorities. He opens the wall – smells come out. A more traumatic moment in the history of archaeology – would have been one of the greatest moments in archaeology. The couches were still there KING TUT When King Tut – prepared for eternity – baskets, pots, food and weapons, clay models of servants to wait on him in death. Anything useful in this life would surely be needed in the next. He was 18-19 when he died. King Tut’s mummy was found. Solid gold was found in the tomb. It was not enough – the mummy was shattered – when Carter unwrapped it – searching for the king’s jewerelly – King Tut would be remembered (not as a pharaoh or a man but as a treasure). Finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In life – he ruled all of Egypt – in death he was a treasure The Nile The soul of Egypt – the land of the living and the land of the dead Eyptptains lived on the Eastern side – hoped to be buried on the Niles’ western shore. The River provided the basis from one life to the next (passage to eternity). Horus – the god of the skies. On temple walls – the power of the Nile is shown – the path of immortality. 4000 years ago and what lives were like. The farmer and the pharaoh were much different. (Except they both wanted immortality). Stone was the greatest weapon against time – secure the quarries – monuments to his reign. A flaw in the granite – 1200 tonnes – how would it have been moved Egypt Lost Civilizations Video Notes and raised into place. Stone was the medium of immortantliy. The name of the king would be remembered. Ramsey’s the great – one king – greatest builder – ruled into his 90th year. Included 3 daughters, father to more than 90 children. His greatest legacy was left in stone. Inspirational words were for his builders – valiant men of chosen skill – I am your constant provider. Time was his ultimate enemy. His head rests on the ground as the statue was fallen. The temple now stands empty. What became of Ramsey’s’ treasures? Where are his worldly goods? Where is his golden mask? Only this survives – a naked mummy of the once great Ramsey. His body bears witness to a fate no one could have foretold. The Romans come to Egypt 550 AD – golden age of ey. Civilization had past. With the Romans came Christianity. Ancient faith of immortality was banned. Secluded shrine- temple of feline. Inside these walls – priests – Isis – prayed to her (mother of Horus). Only these holy men could read the heirogyplys on the walls. Last remaining outpost came under attack. Priests were the last living link to pharaoh. Took their knowledge to their graves. They were killed. Egypt’s dreams had been destroyed. The silence lasted 1300 years. Another invader arrived. 1798 – Napoleon – with soldiers to Egypt. Study and record ancient Egypt. Troops were demolishing a wall – most significant finds of all times – the Rosetta stone. Accident archaeology (most are found this way – by accident). Decipher hieroglyphics. – Greek was known to scholars – thousands of years of Egyptians voices could be heard once again. Napoleon’s art work and the stones – World fell in love with Egypt Tourists The valley of the Nile. Everyone wanted to go Egypt. 1869 – Mark Twain – important quotes Wonders of Egypt – desert of the Gaza plateau – pyramids The glory that was ancient Egypt – built as tombs – then robbed and battered by the centuries – more than 2.3 each stone 2-15 tonnes – 481 feet tall – could hold 872 jets. The mystery – where did the technology come to? Without the invention of the wheel? External stone structures to last eternity (practically). Egypt Lost Civilizations Video Notes Answer – 9 miles south – Sakerwo Step pyramid – first stone building in the whole world The labraraotyr that proved the great pyramids possible. Remarkable feat of engineering. Mastabba – low tomb He wasn’t satisfied with that – wanted steps – as if steps to heaven Tunnelled deep into the earth – designed to keep the kings’ true tomb secret – away from tomb raiders. How were the pyramids built? Never left a description in stone to say how they did it. It takes a huge machine now to pick up a 7 tonne slab. Tomb drawing – clues – 160 workers to move a statue. How many Wood slabs – rolling logs, or canals built and then stones were floated in? How did they build on such a scale? With such precision. Tomb Raiders Pyramids were built to last eternity. Robbers were out for the pyramids. No stopping the looting to come. The lure of royal treasure was irrestible. (Like pirates) Greed in the hearts of men – intruders – members of the kings’ own priesthood might have been the robbers. Recorded in history – we took all his possessions of gold, silver and bronze and divided them b/w us. Looting of the 1800s noting was sacred. Head of Ramsey was build to the British Museum. Maze of catacombs. Each chamber weighed 80 tonnes. Lids pried open. Had to use explosives to get the last remaining tomb open. Marriotte was a product of the time – greedy for knowledge and wealth. Corna – the village of the robbers. Some robbers would try to blow up the pyramids – just to see if there was a hidden chamber somewhere there. Ancient treasure became a way of life. Kuna – built with lots of artefacts – hundreds of tombs – undiscovered. The villagers know what they are living above – so they are weary of people coming in. Located on an ancient burial ground – looter tunnels – minor nobles/commoners might have been buried here. Worst looting – plunder with a pedigree – plunder to fill national museums. Museum creators- acquire, exhibit and publish – this is what a creator’s job is. The creators – you are contributing to the criminal behaviour. This is our newest acquisition – New York, Berlin what ever spot. We aren’t just fighting crime, we are protecting our heritage. However, the plunder continues 1992 – gang of thief’s – temples relics – head of a huge statue – middle of the desert – statue of Ramsey the great. Cases like Egypt Lost Civilizations Video Notes this – pulls together to retrieve the stolen artifact. They eventually got the head back. The mummies of ancient Egypt would suffer most of all. Pharorah’s have not been left in peace. Mummy of King Tut – rudely man handled in the past. Objects in bizarre rituals – Mummy unwrapping parties. Collection of mummies became big business. 1000 years – humans have been treated as treasures. Chance discovery – would change the way Corna – above the village - coffins of 32 kings and queens including Ramsey – royal priests 3000 years ago – they were hid in this secret burial chamber. Egyptians for their own protection – collection of ancient rulers took them out of their tombs and offered them a funeral procession. Egyptians rulers- their final journey north to Cairo. A century later- lie in upper gallery of the Cairo museum in an upper gallery. Trying to preserve the ancient pharorahs. Scientists have taken the place of the ancient holy men to protect them from looters. Steel and glass – inert gas will go into the casing. 12th century BC – this mummy will now be protected by 20th century technology. Makes Egypt so mysterious – our vision is the exotic – treasures of the buildings. Resting places of kings and queens that survive. The mummies really ground us. The faces – perfect lives along the Nile were never really over. They are closer to eternity then they have ever been.