Endowed Scholarship Procedures and Records can found in SWE

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
March 2012
SWE-EFI Scholarship Account
(Predecessor SWE Scholarship Fund originally established 1956)
Managed by SWE-EFI Board of Trustees (elected by SWE membership)
Record of Endowed SWE Scholarships, Criteria and Stipends
(Originally created from review of SWE BOT files/records to 2/00, updated annually following the BOT stipend
decision meeting or when a new scholarship is endowed or criteria are changed)
The total approved stipends for 2012-13 school year: $144,000 from the endowment fund for nationally selected
scholarships and $19,000 for locally Section/Region endowed scholarships. The ~60 scholarships available to
applicants for the 2012-13 school year are listed in Attachment A. The criteria for each scholarship are also recorded
in this document.
The SWE-EFI Scholarship Account document states: “VII. The Board of Trustees of the Scholarship Fund shall
have the full discretion as to the number, type and amount of scholarships and awards conferred each year”. The
SWE BOT establishes the stipend for and number of SWE’s endowed scholarship in accordance with donor wishes
(when applicable). The endowing donor can establish the scholarship name and basic criteria for the specific
scholarship(s) they are endowing. The SWE Scholarship Committee must agree as to the feasibility of applying the
criteria during the selection process. Examples of criteria that do not pose undue restrictions on recipient selection
include: sophomore engineering student, U.S. citizen, or specific engineering curriculum (e.g., mechanical
engineering). Once established neither SWE nor the BOT should change the criteria without donor agreement if
Currently the BOT has specified that it requires an endowment of $25,000 to establish a $1000 initial scholarship. If
the donor is not specific as to type and size of scholarship or there is additional investment income for scholarships,
the BOT makes the final decision with input from SWE Scholarship Committee. Historically, the stipends were
funded from dividend and interest income. In June 2001 this was changed to the stipends to be funded from the
excess of income over expenses plus a portion of the realized capital gains. The criteria were established in June
2001 and are reviewed annually before implementation. The number and amount of stipend or number of
scholarship increases/decreases are at the sole discretion of the BOT, and will be based on donation history and
investment performance. The BOT pays the stipends to SWE for distribution as required by the fund document. The
Scholarship Account does have administrative and investment expenses including an annual audit fee. The BOT has
a long term goal to increase the value of the scholarship stipends. A donor may add to the endowment at any time
and in any amount.
The SWE Scholarship Committee is responsible for the selection of the recipients of the nationally selected
scholarships that meet the criteria. Currently SWE scholarships are open to engineering students enrolled in ABET
accredited engineering programs. For Computer Science, the scholarships are open to students enrolled in a CSAB
accredited program or attend a school with ABET accredited engineering programs. The addition of computer
science to current engineering scholarships should not be done without donor agreement, thus cannot be applied
generically to existing SWE Scholarship Account scholarships. Future donors can be requested to consider this
requirement. Engineering Technology degrees: In the 1990s The SWE Council of Section Representatives
approved the inclusion of Engineering Technology curricula as equivalent to engineering for scholarship purposes.
Note: the SWE Scholarship Committee conducts two separate selection processes; one for freshman and re-entry
applicants and a second for upper class students. They are done on a different time schedule making “all grade”
scholarships more difficult to administer. When possible the BOT will request donors to select between the two types
of awards rather than be all inclusive. Re-entry applicants can apply at either time. In October 2007, the BOT, with
concurrence ot eh SWE Scholarship Committee, adopted the following definition for the re-entry scholarships:
For a re-entry or non-traditional student, in any year of engineering school, including graduate school. The
student must have been out of school and the engineering or technology workforce for a minimum of two years
prior to beginning the current course of study. The student is not required to have prior engineering experience
or education.
The BOT has a Scholarship Pledge Form so that a donor who wishes to endow a scholarship but needs time to
make the full endowment payment can pledge to pay out the $25,000 endowment over a three year period. The form
is available on the SWE website or from HQ. The BOT will not accept scholarship donations for a named
scholarship unless it either: 1. already exists, 2. the full endowment payment is received, or 3. a pledge form is
In 2000 the BOD agreed with the BOT on establishing a process that enables a SWE Section (or Region) to endow a
scholarship through the Scholarship Account but retain the ability to set the criteria and handle the selection of
“local” recipients. The BOT forwards the stipend payments to SWE as part of its scholarship stipend payment and
SWE forwards the checks to the schools after they are notified of the recipient’s name and supporting information by
the Section. [Reference FY01 BOD2*]. A description of the process is available on the SWE website or available
from HQ.
The following is the best record we were able to reconstruct for the endowed scholarships managed by the Board of
Trustees. There are three scholarships on this list that specified as renewable for multi-grades (Barrow, Gilbreth, and
Pressman). Unless otherwise specified, a scholarship recipient can apply for the same scholarship the next year when
the scholarship is not specified renewable but is multi-graded. That student should be allowed to compete the same
as any other applicant in the scholarship pool. (Note: the dates in parentheses are the year the first scholarship
stipend was paid).
[General note: At start of 1988 the SWE Scholarship Fund was funding the Gilbreth, MASWE, and Parker
Scholarships. The Olive Salembier Fund was merged into the SWE Scholarship Fund in 1988; the other
scholarships were added later.]
A. Nationally Selected Scholarships
Baltimore-Washington Section Scholarship
Initial endowment $25,000 donated in 2004 from the Section. The scholarship was moved from local to
national selection in the 2011-12 school year. For sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate in any engineering
major, GPA 3.0/4.0, selected schools (DC, Maryland, or Virginia).
Initial stipend $1000 for 2005-6 school year
2012-13: $1500 for 1 scholarship
Anne Maureen Whitney Barrow Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1991 by $100,000 donation from Anne’s husband in her memory with the stipulation that all of
the income (minus administrative expenses) are for the selected recipient.
For undergraduate students embarking on or embarked on a course of study compatible with the goals of
SWE. If a previous grantee is found qualified and remains an undergraduate the award to that grantee will be
automatically renewed for an additional year up to and including an award for a fifth year. Note: the scholarship
does not need to begin in the Freshman year)
Initial stipend (1991-1992): $1261.57 [partial year investment], first full year 1992-93 $5461.91
2012-13: $7000 for 1 Scholarship
Boston Section Scholarship
Endowed with $25,000 in FY08. For sophomore or juniors in any engineering major, GPA 3.5/4.0, selected
schools (Massachusetts).
Initial stipend (2009-10): $1000 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 Scholarship
Brill Family Scholarship
Endowed in several payments in 2005-6 at $27,085. For upperclass majoring in Aeronautical, Aerospace, or
Biomedical Engineering.
Initial Stipend (2008-2009) $1000 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 Scholarship
Central Illinois Section Scholarship
Endowed with $25,000 in FY10. For sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate in any engineering major, GPA
3.0/4.0, college or home address within the boundaries of the Central Illinois Section.
Initial stipend (2011-12): $1000 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 Scholarship
Central New Mexico Section Pioneers Scholarship
Established in 2005 by the Central New Mexico Section of SWE. Student must attend NM college or ABET
accredited four year school and major on science, computer science or engineering field. Renewable, even for
5th year. US citizen. SWE Member (can be paid from the scholarship if selected student not a current member)
Initial Endowment for $50,000 in 2002-3 by the section. Note: An Initial stipend of $1200 was available for
the 2003-4 year but not used.
Initial (used) stipend(s) (2004-5) $2000
2012-13: $1250 for 1 Scholarship
Central New Mexico Section Re-entry Scholarship
Established in 2005 by the Central New Mexico Section of SWE. Student must attend NM college or ABET
accredited four year school and major on science, computer science or engineering field. Renewable, even for
5th year. US citizen. SWE Member (can be paid from the scholarship if selected student not a current member)
Must have been out of school for a minimum of two years, working in a technical or non-technical field or out of
workforce altogether. If no qualified candidate scholarship can be allocated to a second CNM Pioneers
Scholarship recipient.
2012-13: $1250 for 1 Scholarship
Ford Motor Company
The first scholarship was established in 2002 by an endowment donation of $25,000 from the Ford Motor
Company Fund, a second scholarship was endowed in 2004 and a third in 2005.
1. For sophomore engineering students in either EE, ME, IE AutoE or MfgrE. Student must have leadership
potential. Minimum GPA 3.5/4.0
Initial Stipend ( 2002-2003) $1000 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 Scholarship
2. For Junior engineering students in either Mechanical, Electrical or Automotive Engineering. Minimum
3.5/4.0 GPA. Student must have leadership potential.
Initial stipend (2004-5) $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1000 each for 2 Scholarships
Lillian Moeller Gilbreth Scholarship:
Established in 1958, by donations, in memory of Dr. Gilbreth (1878-1972), Honorary SWE member and ‘First
Lady of Engineering”. SWE’s first scholarship and meant to be its most prestigious. SWE had a campaign to
increase the Gilbreth in 1962 “Support a Scholar, Give a Dollar”. This endowment created by a mix of general
donations to the Scholarship Fund. [note: BOT should address financial need criteria per early write-up]. In the
1960’s this was the only nationally awarded scholarship exclusively for a woman engineering student.
Historical note: Gilbreth was the first SWE scholarship and was funded by member and friend donations and
unspecified donations to the Scholarship Fund
For junior or senior engineering students of outstanding potential. The scholarship is renewable for a junior
continuing into senior undergraduate engineering studies.
Initial stipend (1958-1959) $500 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $10,000 for 1 Scholarship
Mary Gunther Memorial Scholarship
SWE received approximately $202,000 from Mary Gunther’s estate in FY10
For freshmen and sophomores in engineering (preference for Architectural or Environmental Engineering).
Initial stipend (2011-12): $2000 each for 4 Scholarships
2012-13: $2000 each for 4 Scholarships (2 freshmen and 2 sophomores)
B.J. Harrod Scholarship
Established in 1999 by member donations to a member run campaign to fund a freshman scholarship in honor
of a former SWE Managing Director. Contributions started in 1995-96 with $285, which grew to $27,842 by
For freshmen in engineering
Initial stipend(1998-1999): $1000 each for 2 scholarships
2012-13: $1500 each for 2 Scholarships
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Scholarship
Established 1992 following a member run campaign with member and family donations in honor “Amazing
Grace”, a true pioneer who made history in the computer field and major technology strides for the US Navy.
For freshman engineering (preference to computer related engineering and BS degrees in Computer
Initial stipend (1992-1993) $1000 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 each for 3 Scholarships
Dorothy Lemke Howarth Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1991 by donations from Dorothy Lemke Howarth, long time SWE member and Charter member
(1956) Detroit Section. Donations were received over a number of years to increase the value and the number of
scholarships. The complete endowment contribution was $245,000.
For sophomores in engineering. US citizenship required.
Initial stipend (1992 -1993): $1000 each for 2 scholarships
2012-13: $2500 each for 6 Scholarships
B.K. Krenzer Memorial Re-entry Scholarship
Established in 1995 by donations raised by SWE Members-at-Large in honor of ‘BK’,
SWE’s 24th President , 1986-87, and long time support of re-entry of women into engineering. The initial
endowment was ~$25,000
Initial Stipend (1996-1997): $1000 each for 1 scholarship
Note: there have been a few years with no qualified candidate applied and the money was re-authorized by the BOT for
other scholarship use.
2012-13: $2000 for 1 Scholarship
MASWE Scholarships:
Established in 1971 by the Men’s Auxiliary of SWE as the Herbert A (Bud) White Scholarship. Bud was a
founding member (1967) of MASWE). MASWE disbanded in 1976 when SWE membership was opened to
qualified males. It is in honor of the men who supported SWE in the early years through their MASWE work –
tangible and intangible. The scholarship was renamed the MASWE Scholarship and funds turned over to the
BOT in 1983 (EC 6/25/83). The scholarship was significantly increased in the 1990’s by donations from a
family related charitable trust in honor of Winifred D White (Bud’s wife and first SWE Executive
Secretary).The initial endowment when transferred to the BOT was ~$
For sophomore, junior or senior engineering students. Financial need is a criteria.
Initial stipend (1971–1972): $1000 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 each for 4 Scholarships
Elizabeth McLean Memorial Scholarship
Established by her daughters and other family members in 2003 in her memory. Elizabeth was a long time city
planner, traffic engineer and the first woman deputy commissioner of public works for the City of Chicago,
When she left the city she started her own engineering firm EJM Engineering. The initial endowment was over
$25,000. Elizabeth had been a member of the SWE Chicago Section and Chair of the 1962 SWE National
For Sophomore, Junior or Senior engineering students, preference given to civil
Initial stipend (2004-5) $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Mid- Hudson Section Scholarship
Initial Endowment $25,000 in July 2007. For sophomore, junior, senior, graduate level, any engineering.
Should live or attend school in Section area.
Initial stipend (2008-09): $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 Scholarship
Susan Miszkowicz Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2003 by numerous donations from individuals and groups in memory of Susan, an engineer for
the NY-NJ Port Authority, who was one of the victims of the 9/11/2000 World Trade Center disaster. Susan was
President and Section Representative for the NY Section and a driver behind section activity.
For sophomore, junior or senior students in engineering or computer science
Initial stipend for 2003-2004 of $1000 paid directly from the donations, with concurrence from a major donor.
The initial endowment was over $26,500.
Initial stipend (2003-4) $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Dorothy P Morris Scholarship
Established by completion of a three year Scholarship Endowment Pledge in 2002 by Dorothy Morris, longtime
active SWE member and supporter, Board of Trustee member and former Chair. Dorothy is also the recipient of
a SWE Distinguished Service Award.
For sophomore, junior or senior engineering students. Financial need and US Citizenship are criteria. Initial
endowment $26,000
Note: In first year donor authorized a one time freshman recipient as requested by the SWE Scholarship Comm
because of timing of SWE process.
Initial stipend (2002-2003) $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Mary V Munger Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2005 by a $100,000 bequest from Mary Munger. Mary was a long time member of SWE and the
Hartford Section, She served SWE as Bylaws Chair and Trustee for many years. Mary expressed a preference
for a junior or senior student or a re-entry scholar. She did not specify any particular curriculum.
For sophomore, junior, or senior students or a re-entry scholar.
2006-7 (initial) stipend: $4000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $4000 for 1 Scholarship
Wanda Munn (Eastern Washington Section) Scholarship
Endowed with $29,600 in FY10. For a re-entry student in any engineering major, GPA 3.0/4.0, college or
home address in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington.
Initial stipend (2011-12): $1500 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
New Jersey Section Scholarship
Established in 1995 by the New Jersey Section of SWE to support students residing in that state.
Initial endowment of $25,000 from the Section. The first section endowed scholarship.
For freshman in engineering who resides in the state at time of application –
Initial stipend (1996 –1997) $1000 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $2000 for 1 Scholarship
Dr Ivy M Parker Memorial Scholarship:
Established 1986 by donations from family, friends and members in memory of Dr Ivy Parker, a SWE Fellow,
long time SWE member and Chair, SWE Board of Trustees for many years. Ivy was an expert in oil and gas
pipeline operations. Initial endowment 0f ~$14,050.
For juniors or seniors in engineering, financial need is a criterion. A junior recipient may renew the
scholarship for a senior year if she continues to meet the criteria. This is in line with wishes of her family.
Initial Stipend (1987-1988) $1000
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Past Presidents Scholarship
Established in 1997-98 by an anonymous donor in honor of SWE Past Presidents.
Note: the initial was for all grades but at the request of the SWE Scholarship Committee the donor agreed to
delete freshman grade level. Initial endowment was $50,000. Citizenship and ABET requirement set by donor.
For sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate level engineering student. US citizenship required and it is to be
used at an ABET accredited engineering curricula.
Initial stipend (1999-2000): $1000 each for 2 scholarships
2012-13: $1500 each for 2 Scholarships
Phoenix Section Scholarship
Endowed with $50,000 in FY10. For upperclass in any engineering major, GPA 3.0/4.0, selected schools
Initial stipend (2011-12): $2000 for 1 Scholarship
2012-13: $2000 for 1 Scholarship
Lydia I Pickup Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2000 by a bequest from the estate of Lydia Pickup, long time SWE supporter, active member and
SWE’s 11th President, 1968–70. Lydia did not put any stipulation on the type of scholarship. BOT clarified the
engineering criteria in June 2002. The initial endowment was $25,000 followed by $42,930 two years later for
total of $67,930.
For a student in engineering, preferably at the graduate level.
Initial stipend (2000-2001) $2000 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $3000 for 1 Scholarship
Ada I Pressman Memorial Scholarship
SWE Scholarship Fund was one beneficiary of Ada Pressman’s IRA account. Ada was a SWE Past President,
Achievement Award recipient, SWE Distinguished Service Award recipient and long time Treasurer of the
Board of Trustees. The 2004 bequest was for $370,000. The donor did not set any specific restrictions, US
citizenship set by BOT based on prior comment by the donor, renewable based on value of the donation and
Scholarship Committee input. There was a second bequest for a total value of $700,000.
For any grade above freshman (including a fifth year) and graduate school.
This scholarship is renewable. US citizenship is required.
Initial stipend (2004-5) $5000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $5000 each for 7 Scholarships
Region F – Betty Lou Bailey Scholarship
Initial Endowment of $ 25,000 received June 2009. Awarded to sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate
attending school or living in the Region F boundaries. U.S. citizenship, SWE membership, and financial need
Initial stipend (2010-11): $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Region F – Carol Stephens Scholarship
Initial Endowment of $ 25,000 received FY11. Awarded to sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate attending
school or living in the Region F boundaries. U.S. citizenship, SWE membership, and financial need required.
Initial stipend (2012-13): $1000 for 1 scholarship
Region H Scholarship
Initial Endowment of $ 25,000 received July 2007. Additional $25,000 endowment received 2009. Awarded
to sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate attending school in the Region H boundaries.
Initial stipend (2008-09): $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship, $1000 for 1 Scholarship
Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship
Established 1988 by the BOD from by donations by family and others in memory of Judith, astronaut and SWE
member lost in the Challenger shuttle disaster. The first year contribution (1988-89) was $9315. It was fully
endowed in April 1995 with $25,000 and grew to $46,702 by 2002. The BOD established the original
scholarship criteria.
For sophomores, juniors or seniors in space-related engineering fields (i.e.,aerospace, aeronautical or
astronautics). Must be a SWE collegiate member.
Note: original criteria of seniors expanded to include sophomores and juniors by BOD 8/98.
Initial Stipend (1990-1991): $2000 each for 1 scholarship, reduced to $1000 the following year.
2012-13: $3000 for 1 Scholarship
Olive Lynn Salembier Memorial Re-entry Scholarship
Established 10/22/78 by resolution of the Executive Committee and funded by donations in honor of SWE’s 12 th
President, 1970-72. Olive was a long time supporter of women returning to engineering careers. The initial
contribution was $4720 which grew to a total contribution of $24,811 by 2002-3.
Initial stipend (1980-1981): $ 500 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Meredith Thoms Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2000 by a bequest from the estate of Meredith Thoms, longtime Pacific Northwest SWE
Member. Meredith was the first woman to receive a degree from the University of Nebraska (1929). She spent
most of her career with the Corps of Engineers. She joined SWE in 1957. The bequest was for undergraduate
engineering students with no further stipulations. [BOT clarified the criteria in 2002 at request of Scholarship
Committee]. The endowment bequest was $291,789.
For undergraduate students in engineering from the sophomore through senior grades.
Initial stipend (2000-2001) $1000 each for 2 scholarship.
2012-13: $2000 each for 5 Scholarships
Jill S Tietjen, PE Scholarship
Established by annual payments over a five year period by SWE Past President and active member Jill Tietjen.
The initial endowment of $25,000 was completed in April 2004.
For sophomore and above engineering students. US citizenship required.
Initial stipend (2004-5) $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
B. Section/Region Endowed Scholarships (SWE-EFI) – local selection process
Central Indiana Section Scholarship
Initial endowment $25,508 in 2006-7 by the section.
2007-8 initial stipend: $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 scholarship
Chicago Regional Section Scholarship
Initial endowment $37,500 Nov 2006 (too late for full $1500 stipend)
2007-8 (initial) stipend: $1000 for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1500 for 1 scholarship
Minnesota Section Scholarship
Initial endowment of $25,000 by the section.
Initial stipend of $1000 will be for the 2005-2006 school year
2012-13: $1500 for 1 Scholarship
Rocky Mountain Section Lottye Miner Scholarship
Initial Endowment of $ 50,000 received
Initial stipend was 2008-9 school year: 2 @ $1000 each
Additional endowment added in 2009: 109,464.70
Rocky Mountain Section - Lottye Miner Scholarship (1@$1000)
Rocky Mountain Section - Pioneer Scholarship (1@$1000)
Rocky Mountain Section – Dorolyn Lines Scholarship (1@$1000)
Rocky Mountain Section - General Scholarship (2@$1000)
The BOT and Rocky Mountain Section agreed in 2009 that the BOT would provide one total stipend that
the Section could then distribute as they saw fit.
2012-13: $8000 total
Santa Clara Valley Section Mary G. Ross and other Scholarships
Established in 2006 by the Section to support students in their area.
Initial endowment $50,430. Additional endowment of $50,000 in FY11.
2007-8 initial stipend: $1000 each for 2 scholarships
2012-13: $1500 for Mary G. Ross Memorial
$3000 chosen by Section
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Collegiate Section Scholarship
Initial endowment of $25,000 donated in 2006.
2007-8 initial stipend: $1000 each for 1 scholarship
2012-13: $1000 for 1 scholarship