Review for Heredity Unit

Review for Heredity Unit
Name ___________________
Match the following vocabulary terms to the correct definition.
A condition in which the two alleles of a gene are different. __ heterozygous
2. An organism’s gene type, or allele combination is known as its _ genotype.
3. An allele that seems to disappear (or is covered up ) when a dominant allele is
present is called __ recessive ______________
4. The passing of traits from parent to offspring. ___ heredity ______
5. An organism’s physical appearance, or what it looks like is called its ____ phenotype
6. A cross between two different alleled parents. ___ hybrid ________
A condition in which the two alleles of a gene are the same. ___ homozygous
7. _______
8. An allele whose trait always shows up when it is present ___
dominant ____
9. Factors that control traits are called ___genes or alleles___
10. A cross between two same alleled parents. __ purebred ________
11. Different forms of a characteristic like blue eyes are ___ traits __________
12. When more than one allele is dominant as in blood types. _ co-dominant ___
13. The area of science that studies heredity is ____ genetics _____
Mrs. Franklin wanted to plant some flowers in her garden. She really liked purple
flowers so she bought some and planted them in her garden. The next year she had
purple and white flowers in her garden. She knew she only planted purple flowers so,
where did the white ones come from? She learned by teaching her science students
about heredity that sometimes a recessive gene could show up if both parents were
heterozygous for the trait. She wondered if these white flowers were showing the
homozygous recessive gene.
14. Using a punnett square, cross two heterozygous (Pp) parent plants.
15. Circle the homozygous recessive white flowers shown in the punnett square.
16. What percent of the time would you get ( Pp ) in the offspring? __50%___
Remember the activity “Cross Pollinate” and give the phenotype for each of the flowers
listed below.
(hint: phenotype is what it physically looks like)
17. genotype (PP) = phenotype __purple________________
18. genotype (Pp) = phenotype __ purple ________________
19. genotype (pp) = phenotype __white________________
Draw a line to match the genotype with the correct term.
20. ww
21. Ww
22. WW
homozygous dominant
homozygous recessive
Write the main idea about each of the 5 Advances in Genetics.
23. DNA fingerprinting
24. cloning
_Used in law enforcement—DNA samples collected at the
crime scene are compared to DNA samples of a suspect
This takes place in a laboratory—An identical or exact
copy of an adult cell is duplicated and becomes a
separate organism.
25. transgenic animals
These have some genes inserted into their DNA from a
totally different organism/species.
26. Human Genome Project
The international project to map the DNA of a human.
27. gene therapy
Individuals with genetically controlled disorders or
diseases are given healthy genes rather than traditional
medical treatment.( Genetic engineering for medical
28. Who was Gregor Mendel and what did he study? What is his nickname?
He was a monk/scientist who studies heredity in the monestary garden –using pea plants.
His nickname is the “Father of Genetics”
29. How does his work affect us today? In other words what did we learn from him?
Mendel’s work is the foundation of what is known about how dominant and recessive
genes work to control traits.
30. There are 4 possible blood types; A, B, AB, O but, because A and B blood types
are both equally dominant we call them co-dominant.
31. Which blood type is the recessive trait? O_
Cell division has two main purposes. What are they?
32. _Growth _____________ and __Repair_______ = mitosis
33. _Reproduction__________ = meiosis
34. Draw the symbol used to show the carriers of the trait. ________
35. Are the carriers male or female? __female_________
How do you know?__ _They have the half-circle___________________
36. Draw the symbol used to show the people who had hemophilia. ______
37. Are the people who had hemophilia male or female? _male___
38. How many generations does this royal pedigree chart show? __4___
39. How many children did Alice have? ___6_____