Red Time Basic time facts 24hrs = 1 day 60 mins = 1 hour 30min = ½ hour 15 mins = ¼ hr Read clock face – simple times Know date facts Add on short number of days in calendar Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet 1 week = 7days 1 year = 365 days 1 month ≈ 4 weeks Days of months Addition & Subtraction Counting on and back (more/less than ) Know number bonds to 20 Addition of more than two digits Column addition & subtraction (no carry) Count up to 100 to solve subtractions Add up simple amounts of coins Calculate simple change John is twelve how old will he be in 5 years? Find the sum of 4 , 6 , 7 & 3 234 + 123 100 – 73 What is the cost of a pen at 23p and a pencil at 14p? This Monday is the 20th Feb what is the date next Wed? Read analogue & digital Convert am/pm & 24hr Add on short times Column addition (with carry) of 2 digit numbers It is 5 to six what time will it be Subtractions (by counting up to) 100% in 15 mins? £1.00 Add on longer times A film starts at 12.30 what time Column addition (with carry) more will it fish if it lasts 1 ¾ hrs? than 2 digit numbers Subtraction (with decomposition) Work out time between times School starts at 8:50 and finishes Addition & Subtraction with up to 3 at 3.15 how long are you in decimal places. Involving money or school? metric units. Use Speed = distance /time Addition & subtraction with different To find each of them. metric units 234 + 837 45 + 67 + 89 346 - 269 7.4 - 4.56 £3.45 + £6.74 6.47 + 25.5 + 9 2.4 km + 540 m How much shorter than 345 mm is 2.5 cm? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet UV Fractions Colour in fraction diagrams from words. Write simple fractions using notation. Write fractions using notation from diagrams – in more than one way. Start to recognise equivalent fractions. Multiplication & Division Counting groups of numbers and dividing into groups of numbers. Use tables in context Use tables to divide Develop formal methods for multiplication & division by 1 digit. Simple addition , subtraction of fractions with same denominator (ans. less than one ) Find equivalent fractions by multiplying Convert mixed numbers to vulgar fractions and vice versa. Addition of fractions & mixed numbers with same denominators (ans. greater than 1) Subtraction of fractions from whole numbers. Cancelling fractions Subtraction of fractions & mixed umbers requiring decomposition.(same denominators) Addition & subtraction of fractions & mixed numbers with different denominators Multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. Division of fractions & mixed numbers Multiplication of numbers by one digit. Division of numbers by one digit. Remainders and fractions. Multiplication of decimals by single digit numbers Division by single digits to terminating decimals – usually money. Find three lots of 6. How many fives in 20? What is the cost of four sweets at 7 pence each? Find one third of 30 – How many 5 aside teams can be made from 17 players? 235 x 7 Find 1/5 of 565 23.5 x 6 Share a £56.00 bill between four people. Long multiplication of integers and money Formal division by single digit answers moving into decimals Long multiplication of decimals Division by 2 digit numbers Division by decimals 234 x 45 What is the cost of 13 calculators at £5.45 each? 534 ÷ 7 2.34 x 1.6 7373 ÷ 17 4823 ÷ 0.5 Long division by decimals 234.56 ÷ 2.3 Proportion Red Orange Use tables in fractions “of” Yellow Find simple % “of” using equivalent What is 50% of 460? fractions. Find 25% of 80 What is 10% of £56 Green Find fractions of (numerator >1) Use unitary method to solve simple problems Find % of based on multiples of 10% Share an amount in a ratio Find % of based on 10% Add/subtract % onto/from amounts Use Speed = Dist / time More complex ratios – varying what amount is equivalent to. Simple interest Use Density = Mass / Volume Compound interest. Simple direct proportion Blue Indigo Violet UV Simple indirect proportion What is 1/5 of 35? Find 2/3 of 72 If three cost £15 what do seven cost? What is 30% of 70 Divide £80 in ratio 3:5 What is 15% of 70 Add VAT to £50 What is £40 with 5% discount? Other Write numbers in words and figures Simple sequences Missing numbers in equivalent sums BIDMAS More complex problems (2 steps +) using prior skills (incl mixed metric units) 50 x 70 450 ÷ 10 4.5 x 10 34 ÷ 10 2500/50 More complex problems 300 x 0.6 – using imperial measures 0.4 x 0.3 35/700 Mortar is made up of cement & sand in ratio 2:7 How much mortar can be made using 343 kg of sand? £400 is invested for 3 years at 4% - what is the final amount? 12 pkts of biscuits fill 2 teachers for three meetings. How many meetings will 24 pkts fill 3 teachers? 3 men take 4 days to dig a hole? How long would it take 2 men? Mental 3 x 10 350 / 0.7 Imperial / Metric conversion Using metric /imperial conversions Time Basic time facts Add/sub Red Counting on and back (more/less Read clock face than ) – simple times Know number bonds to 20 Know date facts Addition of more than two digits Column addition & Add on short subtraction (no number of days carry) Count up to 100 to in calendar solve subtractions Add up simple amounts of coins Calculate simple change Orange Read analogue & Column addition digital (with carry) of 2 Convert am/pm digit numbers & 24hr Subtractions (by Add on short counting up to) times 100% £1.00 Frac Colour in fraction diagrams from words. Write simple fractions using notation. Mult / Div Counting groups of numbers and dividing into groups of numbers. Propn Other Write numbers in words and figures Mental 3 x 10 Write fractions using notation from diagrams – in more than one way. Start to recognise equivalent fractions. Use tables in fractions “of” Simple sequences 50 x 70 450 ÷ 10 4.5 x 10 Yellow Simple addition , subtraction of fractions with same denominator (ans. less than one ) Use tables in context Use tables to divide Develop formal methods for multiplication & division by 1 digit. Multiplication of numbers by one digit. Division of numbers by Find simple % “of” using equivalent fractions. Missing numbers in equivalent sums BIDMAS 34 ÷ 10 Add on longer times Column addition (with carry) more than 2 digit numbers Subtraction (with decomposition) Green Work out time between times Addition & Subtraction with up to 3 decimal places. Involving money or metric units. Blue Use Speed = distance /time To find each of them. Addition & subtraction with different metric units Indigo Find equivalent fractions by multiplying Convert mixed numbers to vulgar fractions and vice versa. Addition of fractions & mixed numbers with same denominators (ans. greater than 1) Subtraction of fractions from whole numbers. Cancelling fractions Subtraction of fractions & mixed umbers requiring decomposition.(same denominators) one digit. Remainders and fractions. Multiplication of decimals by single digit numbers Division by single digits to terminating decimals – usually money. Addition & subtraction of fractions & mixed numbers with different denominators Long multiplication of decimals Division by 2 digit numbers Long multiplication of integers and money Formal division by single digit answers moving into decimals Find fractions of (numerator >1) Use unitary method to solve simple problems Find % of based on multiples of 10% More complex problems (2 steps +) using prior skills (incl mixed metric units) 2500/50 Share an amount in a ratio Find % of based on 10% Add/subtract % onto/from amounts Use Speed = Dist / time More complex ratios – varying what amount is equivalent to. Simple interest Use Density = More complex problems – using imperial measures 300 x 0.6 0.4 x 0.3 35/700 350 / 0.7 Violet UV Multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. Division of fractions & mixed numbers Division by decimals Mass / Volume Compound interest. Simple direct proportion Long division by Simple indirect decimals proportion Imperial / Metric conversion Using metric /imperial conversions