Maximising the Potential of the Consultant Contract All-Wales Job Planning Training Package INTRODUCTION Second draft Origins This training package was initially developed by a small group comprising the following, on behalf of Health Board/Trust Workforce & OD Directors in Wales:- Derek Jones, Welsh NHS Employers Unit; Kathryn Bourne, Aneurin Bevan Health Board; Hilary Sharp, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board; and, Sharon Vickery, ABMU Health Board. It has subsequently been shaped and modified by the all-Wales WAO Consultant Contract Report Task and Finish Group to reflect and be part of the series of measures to address the findings of the Wales Audit Office and the Welsh Public Accounts Committee as a result of the WAO Report. It reflects the current version of the Welsh Job Planning Guidance document. The membership of the Task & Finish Group was as follows:- Richard Tompkins, Director Welsh NHS Employers Unit; Mark Scriven, Medical Director Associate, BCU Health Board; Peter Durning, Associate Medical director, Cardiff & Vale Health Board; Pushpinder Mangat, Medical Director, ABMU Health Board; Kathryn Bourne, Aneurin Bevan Health Board; John Llewelyn, BMA; Robert Bleehan, BMA; Chris Jones, deputy Medical Director, Welsh Government; Donna Hill, Welsh Government; Derek Jones, Welsh NHS Employers Unit. Purpose The package is intended to provide a consistent set of source materials for local job planning training in Health Boards and Trusts to be adapted appropriately to reflect local training requirements, relevant audiences, and the nature of the programme in which it is to be used. It is also intended to be source material for other forms of learning and development, such as via e-learning, and separate advice is being taken with a view to developing the package so that it can be used in ‘multi-platform delivery’ format. In particular, this will be aimed at being usable by newly-appointed Consultants and SAS Doctors, as well as managers, in NHS Wales, and by clinicians, clinical, service and other managers, and those with an interest in job planning already working within the service who wish to understand or refresh their understanding of job planning. It is also intended to provide source material suitable for use in Health Board/Trust Independent and Executive Board Member training. Format The package comprises a number of distinct modules, which may be added to or amended over time to reflect feedback and emerging requirements, and which can be used as a whole, or as single individual modules, or in any combination as required. The package has been prepared as sets of Powerpoint slide presentations with accompanying Presenter Notes. It will be for those who wish to use the material to consider in what format or via what media they wish to use the material. In particular, separate advice has been sought via the WfIS Programme Manager on the development of an e-learning version of this package. However, copyright is reserved for NHS Wales and their associated users including the BMA, Universities in Wales, and Welsh Government or their agencies. Modules There are currently 5 modules to the package, one of which – Effective Conversations (interim title) – is still under development. The modules are as follows:- - Module 1: The Job Planning Process (common for both Consultant and SAS Doctor job planning); Module 2: An Approach to Job Planning (this reflects the approach being used at the time in one Health Board in Wales, and is meant to stimulate thought and debate rather than be a ‘model’ or required approach, as the needs of each Health Board and Trust will vary); Module 3: Relevant Consultant Contract Terms and Conditions (this picks up those aspects of the 2003 amended Consultant Contract in Wales that are most relevant to job planning); Module 4: Relevant SAS Doctor Contract Terms and Conditions (this picks up those aspects of the UK Specialty Doctor and new Associate Specialist contracts introduced across the UK, including in Wales, in 2008 that are most relevant to job planning); Module 5: Effective Conversations (this module is currently under development, and is only an interim title). Possible Model Training Programme An illustrative programme for running a ‘classroom-based’ job planning training session is also attached, complete with aims, programme, and session guide/objectives, which may be used or adapted if this is felt helpful locally. Second draft January 2014. Maximising the Potential of the Consultant Contract All-Wales Job Planning Training Package DRAFT ILLUSTRATIVE POSSIBLE TRAINING PROGRAMME Delivering Excellent Consultant Job Planning to Support High Quality Service Delivery Date: Time: Venue: Aim: The aim of this session is to harness existing Job Planning expertise and develop a standardised approach across the Health Board to deliver high quality Consultant Job Planning. This will meet the Health Boards commitment to achieving measurable benefits from the Consultant Contract Wales. Agenda Time Session Coffee and Registration Welcome and Introduction Presenter Session 1: Principles of Job Planning Session 2: Robust Job Plans Coffee Session 3: Outcome Setting Session 4: Negotiating Skills How Was It For You?/Evaluation and Reflection Session Guide/Objectives Objectives: By the end of the session participants will be able to: the principles of effective Consultant Job Planning Describe Describe the context in which the Consultant Job Planning process is undertaken and links to the Consultant Contract in Wales Provide examples of how the effective use of data improves the quality of Consultant Job Planning Develop SMART objectives Describe strategies for negotiating and influencing colleagues when undertaking the Consultant Job Planning Process Session Guide: Session 1: Principles of Job Planning – This session provides delegates with an understanding of the context in which the job planning process is undertaken and the links to Consultant Contract in Wales. Session 2: Robust Job Plans – This session reviews Organisational/Divisional/Directorate objectives. Effective use of data in job planning with measurable outcomes. Session 3: Objective Setting – This session sets out a framework for understanding how to develop objectives and how objectives fit in the job planning process for both DCC’s and SPA’s Session 4: Negotiating Skills – This session provides an overview of negotiating and influencing skills, and an introduction to managing difficult conversations examining the consequences of not having such conversations. How Was It For You?/Evaluation and Reflection – This session provides an opportunity to review the day and agree any action points arising. Draft - January 2014.